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98.92% Transmigrated into Severus Snape with Golden Trio back in Time / Chapter 92: 92) The Yule Ball - 2

Chapitre 92: 92) The Yule Ball - 2

"Are you ready?" Severus asked, inclining his head towards his partner. This was it, the time to finally start the dance.

"Bet on it." Francesca replied as they took their first step out from the entrance door. Her eyes were twinkling with anticipation as she looked at the narrowing tunnel like entrance.

They were the last in line as they were offered the final entry. Apparently, it was a guest thing to introduce the champions of other school first. The host school went last.

The entrance was a large archway, covered with green and silver ribbons and banners. Severus recognized the Slytherin colors, and he realized that they were meant to honor him as the Hogwarts champion. He felt a surge of pride and gratitude. They had really did it for him. It would be a nice opportunity to represent his house afterall.

The three pairs of couples stopped for a second, until they finally moved following the announcement. They had to move as per the announcement, according to Professor Mcgonagall. She had taken the names of their dates for that particular event.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, witches and wizards, please welcome the champions of the Triwizard Tournament!" The announcer said, in his booming voice. Severus didn't recognise the announcer, but he could care less about it.

"From Durmstrang, the brave and strong, Mr Alexander Schmidt and his lovely date Miss Anna Van der Berg!" The Durmstrang couple emerged out from the entrance with happy smiles as they entered first. The remaining four of them could hear a loud round of applause for the two of them. From the applause, it was evident, that there were a lot of guests.

There was some pause before the announcement rang again. From the back posture of the couple before them, it was evident that they were collecting their nerves.

"From Beauxbatons, the charming and handsome, Mr Gabriel Bernard and his beautiful date Miss Sophie Lefevre!" Gabriel and Sophie immediately stepped out with smiles on their faces as the applause rang out again. There was a large number of applause at the entry. Severus could understand it. Afterall Gabriel was probably the most handsome champion between three of them.

While he looked better than before, he wasn't fool enough to compare himself with the French champion. The boy was practically blessed with good looks and features.

"And from Hogwarts..."

"C'mon lover boy." Francesca encouraged as they both stepped out with smiles on their faces. They were finally visible to the rest of the crowd and vice versa.

"The dashing and most brilliant Mr Severus Prince and his elegant date Miss Francesca Zabini!"

He heard a loud cheer from the crowd around him. He immediately spotted familiar faces of the students amidst the crowd. The place was packed.

The crowd was applauding and cheering for him. It was apparent that the cheers for him were the loudest. But then again, as the host school, it was bound to happen for the Hogwarts champion.

Severus felt a rush of adrenaline and nervousness, as he heard his name and his date's name being announced.

He looked around and saw the Slytherin students looking wide eyed at him and his date. They weren't the only ones. The other three house members were gawking at him too. Afterall, they all remembered Francesca as their senior.

He slowly moved towards the podium of Champions. It was the logical thing considering the two champions were there with their dates. The three head of the schools were present there with the two Minister of Magics, one of France while the other was of Wizarding Britain.

He heard the announcer's voice again, a loud and cheerful voice that echoed through the field.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, witches and wizards, please give a big round of applause to the champions of the Triwizard Tournament!" The announcer said, in a booming voice. "They have shown us courage, skill, and intelligence in the first task, and they will show us more in the second and third tasks. They are the pride and glory of their schools, and they deserve our respect and admiration. Let's hear it for them, one more time!"

"It's time for the dance. Are you all ready?" McGonagall asked as she whispered quietly to them.

Severus nodded. Besides him Gabriel and the others nodded their heads in unison. They all wanted to get the grandiose affair started.

McGonagall nodded to the announcer. Severus didn't recognise the announcer, but then again, he could hardly claim to knew the identities of every witch and wizard personally.

"The wait's over. The champions are ready, the music's ready. It's time for this ball to start. Give a big round of applause for our champions." The man announced heartily with a smile.

The three boys looked at each other for a moment. Who was going to start the drill? It was the only question in their minds. A simple boyish question.

Severus stepped forward. Better, he do it. It will do enough justice for everyone. He took Francesca's arm and slowly led her towards the dance floor. The other two champions followed him.

As Severus and Francesca approached the dance floor, the soft strains of music filled the air, mingling with the excited chatter of the guests. Francesca glanced up at him sideways, a nervous smile playing at her lips. "I hope I won't embarrass myself out there."

"You'll be fine," he assured her calmly, his voice surprisingly gentle. "Just follow my lead."

They slowly stepped onto the dance floor, the guests backing up to create space for the champions. Severus could see various camera men on the front, they all were here for photos and news, he realised.

The music slowly deepened and Severus took the position alongside him.

"C'mon Prince." He heard a yell from the students which suddenly started to grew.

Severus rolled his eyes as he slowly started to dance with her in unison. They danced and the outside world slowly started to sound less and less to each of their ears. Francesca found herself getting lost in the rhythm, her body moving instinctively to the music.

She glanced up at Severus, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "You're a good dancer," she complimented him, her voice filled with genuine admiration.

"Practice," he confessed. He hadn't danced much in his life. It was the second life and even then he was just starting to enjoy it. Afterall, dancing in balls was usually a fancy stuff.

They danced in comfortable silence for a while, the only sound the soft swish of their footsteps against the polished floor. But then, as they twirled gracefully across the floor, Severus spoke again, his voice barely above a whisper. "You look beautiful tonight," he murmured, his gaze never leaving hers.

Francesca felt her heart skip a beat at his words, a warm flush spreading across her cheeks. "Thank you," she replied softly, her voice barely more than a breath. It was quite confusing the way, the boy infront of her complimented her. He usually said such things at the most unusual of times in such a sincere manner, that it floored her.

By this time, many people have joined the dance floor. They all were just waiting for them to start, before joining and letting the others in.


As Severus and Francesca approached the group, Francesca couldn't help but feel a flutter of nerves at the prospect of meeting Severus's mother. It was strangely odd considering she had had teas with the lady after everything. Yet, she felt nervous, all the same. She straightened her posture, trying to appear poised as they joined the group.

As they arrived closer, Eileen Prince turned to greet them, her eyes lighting up with warmth as she caught sight of her son. "Severus, dear," she said, her voice tinged with pride. "You look quite dashing tonight."

Severus inclined his head in acknowledgment, a small smile gracing his lips. "Thank you, Mother."

Francesca offered a polite nod in Eileen's direction. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Prince," she said, mustering a smile despite her nerves.

Eileen returned the gesture, her gaze sweeping over Francesca appreciatively. Eileen chuckled softly. "Of course, dear," she assured her, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"How's the party going for you, Ted, Andromeda?" Severus asked to the rest of the two adults there.

Ted chuckled, nodding in agreement. "I know what you mean," he replied, a wistful smile tugging at his lips. "It's certainly a different experience from our school days. We didn't have balls like this."

Andromeda nodded. It was only due to the Triwizard tournament that there was a ball finally happening. Otherwise, the closest they got anything similar was the graduation ceremony.

"Severus!" They all heard a call. Severus turned to see Petunia waving her hand towards him. Besides her was a boy around 22 holding her hand and coming closer towards them. With them were six more figures. A raven haired man in his fifties, and another lady in her fifties. She seemed to be younger than the man by some years. The other man was an old man who seemed to be in his seventies, though it was hard to tell by wizarding standards. His clothes were cut nicely and his posture was alert. Besides him was another lady in her seventies, she seemed to be rather quick with the strides she took. Her hair was darkest of black, while her eyes were completely violet. With them was another man in his forties alongside a blonde woman.

Andromeda was surprised to see the man and the boy with Petunia. Her eyes to the other people and their faces made her stomach flip and drop for some reason. Something about them seemed to be familiar to her.

"Severus?" Andromeda uttered in confusion, but held her mouth when the group came closer. It would be inappropriate.

"Mother, Andromeda, Theodore. You know Petunia. Well, it's time for me to introduce you to some of my other guests and business partners." Severus spoke up with a smile to his group.

"Is she?" The oldest man asked curiously. His dark grey eyes pinned Andromeda with a curious stare.

"Yes. Everyone, this is Mr Phineas Black, son of late Headmaster Phineas Nigellus Black. With him is his wife Mrs. Jessica Black. His son, Mr Aurelius Black. Lady Gretta Black, Mr Aurelius' wife." Severus introduced to the four people of the group.

Andromeda inwardly gulped her saliva. She hadn't heard the name of Phineas Black ever since her mother told her about the fates of her disowned family members.

"And I am Marius. You may know me as the Black who was too good to be kept in the family tree. This is my son, Scorpius Black. Though we go by the name 'White' officially."

Everyone in the group was surprised to hear the introductions of the fellow Blacks. Each one of them not in the recent family tree of Blacks.

"It was so nice of you to accept my invitation, Mr Phineas, Marius. This is Andromeda, her husband Theodore Tonks. My mother, Eileen Prince, my fiance Francesca Zabini. And this is the loveliest girl of my life, my goddaughter Nymphadora." Severus introduced as he picked the shy girl from her mother's behind. She was trying to hide seeing the new people. Nymphadora had never seen so many people in one place before. The place was a rush for the child.

Nymphadora's hair colour changed to brown immediately as she came in Severus' grip. Her hair taking her natural shade.

"Wow. Is she a metamorphmagus?" Jessica asked curiously, looking at Andromeda.

"She is." Andromeda nodded uneasily. She was feeling so odd today. She had never seen or even heard of them before. What was she supposed to do?

Jessica poked a little at the girl child in Severus' arms. Nymphadora looked fearfully at the old woman. Suddenly Jessica's hair changed to meet Nymphadora's hair colour. Her face turning a little younger.

Nymphadora immediately buried her face in Severus chest seeing it. She was suddenly more afraid of the lady who could change her face.

"Mother, you scared her." Aurelius commented amusingly.

"There's no need to find amusement in it." Jessica replied curtly to her son who snickered alongside his wife.

Suddenly, Severus spotted the Black family members standing forming a group of them at the distance. They were trying to peek discreetly, but failing hardly. He could feel the curious and disgusted eyes of some of them. The disgust was on Andromeda.

"You all talk. I need to adress something." Severus said turning to his mother and everyone. He tried to put down Nymphadora, but the girl was clutching him tightly, which left him with no choice but to carry her.

"I believe that I should come with you." Marius stated calmly.

"Marius and I will go too." Phineas commented gruffly as his eyes discreetly spotted the group of his family members.

"Father..." Scorpius spoke up, but was immediately silenced by his mother's hand on his arm.

Severus nodded as he made his way towards the elephant in the room, waiting to be addressed.


"Do you know them, father?" Cygnus asked to his father.

"It couldn't be him." Arcturus Black whispered in shock at the old man and the man in his fifties coming towards them.

Besides their grandfather's Narcissa and Bellatrix couldn't help but be confused. The same was happening with the ladies and the middle generation of the family. Regulus was looking unsurely at his father, who in turn was looking confused.

"Good evening everyone." Severus greeted happily to the family gathered together.

"Arcturus, Pollux." The man in his fifties greeted calmly to the two seniormost of the Blacks.

"Marius?" Pollux's voice croaked as he looked at the man before him. It was his brother. He could feel it in his bones. It was Marius. IT WAS MARIUS. Marius, his little brother.

Pollux didn't hesitate anymore and grabbed the other boy in a bone crashing hug. Let the manners and etiquettes go down the drain. He didn't care about it. He had finally found his brother back after so long.

The two seperated and Marius grabbed Arcturus in a crushing hug which immediately the other returned happily.

Bellatrix instantly remembered the name. She looked at the two embracing man who seemed to be with teary eyes. Her eyes went to Severus who caught her gaze and winked mischievously at her.

"How long it has been?" Pollux asked with teary eyes.

"Fifty years, give or take." Marius replied with a smile. His heart warmed meeting his brothers after so long. He knew Pollux would remember him. Same with Arcturus.

"Arcturus, Pollux. This is uncle Phineas, Phineas Black." Marius introduced the older man to his brothers.

"Uncle Phineas."


Arcturus and Pollux calmly greeted to the oldest of the Black now.

"You must be Arcturus, Sirius' son. And you must be Pollux, Cygnus' son." Phineas said calmly. His voice carrying a tinge of happiness.

Orion, Cygnus and the others were looking calmly at the strange family reunion. However, none of them had the guts to say anything. Walburga tried to speak on it when Orion silenced her with a glare.

"Lord Black, Lady Black. Mr Black, Mrs Black. Mr Black." Severus greeted to the other Black's in line. Orion, Walburga, Cygnus, Druella, Alphard, each of them nodded back calmly.

"Who is this girl, Lord Prince?" Walburga asked calmly. Who was the little girl whom he was carrying with him.

Orion had the urge to facepalm himself. His wife had to ask the most uncomfortable of things at first.

"Oh. She's my goddaughter Nymphadora Tonks." Severus replied, watching her pale with silent anger. Whatever she was going to say was stopped by Orion grabbing her hands harshly in a warning.

"Nymphadora, say hello." Severus urged to the little girl in his arms.

The girl peeked slowly at the group of people. She was confused by the faces who looked alike her mother. Their facial features matched very much. Only the girl with white hair looked different. She immediately immitated the lady's hair and face as she looked curiously at him before looking back to Severus.

Her act certainly drew gasps from certain people there.

"Pardon me, Narcissa. She's a metamorphmagus. She doesn't understand what she do." Severus apologised to Narcissa with a smile. He and the girl both knew that it was an act. He had already told her long ago about Nymphadora and her unique ability.

"Amazing. It's been so long that we had a metamorphmagus in our family." Arcturus whispered amazed. He inched closer to the girl to get a better look.

"My great grandfather was the last one." Phineas commented looking at the girl. He hadn't understood what the boy had been planning by calling them back in England. He could get the gist of it now.

"Hello girl. I am Arcturus, your great Uncle." Arcturus mumbled softly to the girl who hid her face instantly in Severus' suit.

"Would you like to hold her?" Severus asked looking at the old man.

Arcturus nodded instantly. Severus silently transferred Nymphadora to Arcturus' hold as the older man gripped the child softly.

"Don't worry Nymphadora." Arcturus tried to soothe her. The girl seemed to be tense and unwilling in his grasp.

"Oh shut up Arcturus. You could never calm down a child." Melania Black hushed with a sigh. There was a soft smile on her lips now as she took the girl child from Arcturus' arms into her own.

The girl tensed for a moment but calmed down when Melania slowly started to rub circles on her back.

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