"How long are we supposed to wait here? This place is creepy as fuck and it stinks. Makes me wonder how Yanna had managed to live here throughout the years.
"She must have really been a piece of work surviving here," Dalrae complained as they sat in Yanna's shelter.
This place looked like shit, it was uncomfortable as fuck and everything about this room was creeping them all out. It was still a wonder how the fuck a beautiful and sensible woman like Yanna had managed to stay here and be like this.
For all they knew, Yanna Petrova had been crazy, but this kind of crazy really called for major intervention. It just wasn't alright, but what if this was Yanna's comfort?
Dalrae had suggested earlier that they change the setup and even try to clean the house but Rania had refused her suggestion.
Well what the heelllll... WHo suspected this from the beginning lol