A quiet chuckle escaped Celeste as the memory faded off, it had been so many centuries already yet somehow, Celeste still remembered each of those memories all too clearly.
Memories of when she had first touched the darkness, of the intoxicating power that came with it and the great cause she had believed herself to be a part of.
A cause that Celeste had willing to go to any lengths and make any sacrifices for, even tainting her ownself with dark magic.
Just like that, the darkness had seeped in, overtaking all the light Celeste had once known till she could no longer set herself apart from it.
But in all that had passed, it was not the darkness Celeste loathed but her own gullible trust and blind loyalty.
Celeste's greatest regret was nothing else but the fairy on the tapestry, portrayed in all the glory that Celeste had once believed and trusted in... until she realized just how wrong she was.
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