~The Isle Of Kezrar Dún: Headquarters of the Black Network~
Celeste walked down a long, winding hallway, her heels clicked against the marble floors and her expression was furrowed into a deep frown.
She was not usually one to let her mood reflect on her face, but this time, Celeste was greatly displeased and there was no possible way she could conceal it.
Rage burned within her veins and she could barely contain it.
Celeste quickened her pace till she arrived at a large double door made from wood, pushing it open, she stepped in, slamming the door shut with such great force that it rattled.
And then Celeste turned around slowly, her gaze immediately settling on the only other occupant of the hall.
Her hands clenched into tight fists and Celeste sucked in a deep breath to calm herself, but it was all to no avail.
There within the hall, the man in black sat, laid across a dais.
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