Darius put on a pair of shoes he found in the room and wore a jacket. He looked down from the window. As per his calculation, he was on the second floor of the house and if he climbed out of the window and followed the narrow path, he would soon jump into the backyard.
He drew in a deep breath, locked the room from the inside, and then climbed out of the window. It was difficult for him to keep his balance and his body was still unwell but he didn't give up.
Soon he jumped into the backyard and from there he climbed the wall and was now out of the house. Before moving further, he gave one last glance at the mansion and thought, ''Lu Qiao Yan, just wait and watch how I am going to ruin you and your family. Now, this is a war''.
Hui Jian Yu came out of the club after streaming. He put on his safety helmet when someone from behind approached him.
''Nice bike!'' It was Lin Ji Han.
''It's cool!'' He complimented.
Jian Yu is being taken by Lu Qiao Yan. What are your thought's about this?