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97.87% Destiny Harem Remastered / Chapter 46: Preventing A Theft

Chapitre 46: Preventing A Theft

Day: Wednesday

Location: Sports Area

Time: Morning

I made it to the sports area and looked around. Alisha wasn't here, so it could mean she couldn't sense Talenta. I sensed powerful energy and turned around to see a woman behind me.

"I've been waiting for your arrival...Shiro." The woman said.

The woman has long blonde hair styled in a single braid. She wore a short battle dress with a golden chest plate and a golden belt, black thigh high stockings, and silver boots with a golden outlined design. Her eyes shined a bright blue and her beauty was immeasurable, not more beautiful than Lustie who was beyond the standards of beauty, but more beautiful than the women I was allowed to date. She summoned a sword with a golden handle and hilt with a bright and pure silver blade in her left hand and a white and gold shield in her right hand.

"Whoa whoa whoa! You can't just come at me like that! Especially not while other people are around!" I said as held my hands out.

"Why not? Are you scared to be beaten by me in battle?" The woman said.

[This is definitely Talenta. She loves to fight more than the other love demons.]

"Listen, uh...Talenta. I really-" I started then dodged her attack. "Okay! Okay, I see you're a little bit on the swing happy side but...maybe we can work something out?"

Talenta looked at me. She got back into her original position. "Mmm...no. Now fight me! Draw your weapons and fight!" She bellowed and slashed at me.

I flipped backwards, dodging her attack. "Ugh...you Love Demons are really not gonna make it easy for a brotha are y'all?" I sighed.

"Why would we..? You and Lustie are our enemies! Now put on your pride and battle me!" Talenta bellowed and kept going for attacks on me.

I dodged her attacks and grunted then palmed her chest, to make her slide back away from me. "God you're insufferable! Why do you want to fight me so badly?!"

"Because! Caden never wants to train with me. He's so focused on getting poor little Whitney back and how he only wants Whitney and never spends time with me! He completed Boyhood and just fucking tossed me to the side! So I'm going to the next best person! You!" Talenta pointed her sword at me.

"Wait wait. Timeout. He's wanting Whitney?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, he's trying to do that little Harem Steal tactic that some guys like to do. I don't know the term but it's what they do. I don't know why I didn't stop him." Talenta said then stuck her blade into the ground. "Hm...yeah maybe I should've stopped him. But you shouldn't worry, Whitney is pretty loyal to you."

"Oh that bastard's trying to NTR me." I said then chuckled, covering my right eye. "Yeah like I'd let that shit happen."

[Damn I haven't heard of that technique in ages. You'd have to induce that girl with the Treachery Sin to complete that action. Does he really have Sin Inducement?]

"Yeah I don't care about what he has...all I know is I won't allow him to steal anyone from me. Especially not Whitney. We are putting this vacation on pause for right now. Talenta take me to Destiny Island right now. Lust-E...tell Red and Ms. Fortune we will be right back." I said.

[On it.]

"Hm...I am actually curious on how this will play out. Alright..~ I'll take you to his location." Talenta smiled and placed her hand on my shoulder then teleported me back to Destiny Island.

A few people just stood there in shock. They couldn't believe their eyes but decided to play it off as it's early in the morning and they are just really tired or high.

Meanwhile, Whitney sat in the courtyard with a few of her friends. They were chatting it up and laughing until Caden walked up to the table and greeted them. They all greeted back with smiles. Whitney's friends all blushed in his presence, but Whitney was immune to his charms.

"Hey, Whit. Can I talk to you in private?" Caden asked.

"Uhm...yeah sure." Whitney said then stood up and waved goodbye to her friends. She walked with Caden to a more private location.

I appeared in front of Matsugaya College and Talenta stood beside me. She turned invisible to avoid attracting attention to herself. I placed my hands in my pockets and walked onto the campus. Some of the students looked at me and were surprised to see me.

"Isn't that...Shiro? I didn't think to see him back here..!" A woman said.

"I know...I'm gonna go say hey to him." Another woman giggled and hurried over to me. She tapped my shoulder and I awakened my Eye of Lust to induce her with lust and immobilize her. She grunted and panted then fell to her knees. "What the heck..?! M-My hormones..! Haah!~"

"Shiro is that hot to where she's that horny just by his presence..?!" Another woman said in shock.

"Sorry Sarah...but I have somewhere to be." I said then tracked down Whitney and Caden. I ran ahead and looked around for them.

"Come on Whitney...he isn't around anymore and I guarantee you that he won't be around anymore. He's on some new island resort probably having sex with like 17 different women as we speak one of them being your mom! You told me your sadness when you found that out. He isn't to be trusted. You can actually trust me.." Caden said.

"I wasn't mad that he had sex with my mom. I already knew they did...I was upset with my mom because she won't stop smoking knowing her condition. That's what I was mad about." Whitney scoffed and looked away from Caden.

Caden's truth manipulation wasn't working on Whitney. He began to notice that she has undying loyalty to me. He went to drastic measures to get her to like him again. "Whitney...All Shiro wanted from you was the sex. When was the last time you hung out with him after the last time you had sex?"

"I dunno and I don't care. He loves me and I know he does.." Whitney said then began to walk away. "I'm gonna be late for class. I'll text you later today or something.."

"Come back here." Caden said, using his Perfect Silver Tongue.

Whitney's eyes shined and she looked back at Caden then resisted him and grunted. She broke out of his spell then looked at Caden then took a step back from him. "I...won't let you take control of me!" She said then ran off, bumping into me.

I caught her and looked at her. She looked a bit different from the last time I saw her. Her hair was more brown and her chest size was obviously bigger and her thighs were a bit more thicc. She looked at me surprised then hugged me tightly.

"Shiro..!~ I'm so happy you're here! Caden has been acting so strange!" Whitney said as she hugged me.

[Whitney's data updated]

Name: Whitney Dawn

Age: 21

Birthday: May 7th

Sex: Female

Species: Human

Race: Caucasian

Height: 5 Feet 3 Inch

Weight: 114 lbs

Bond Percentage: 100%

Status: Highschool Lovers

Education: College

Occupation: College Student, Singer, Dancer

Most Desirable Trait(s): Flirtation, Empathy, Charisma, Passion, Talent

Least Desirable Trait(s): None

Libido: Normal

Favorite Food: Desserts, Fast Foods

Favorite Drink: Sodas

Favorite Gifts: Books, Jewelry, Party Items, Music Items, Dance Items

I held Whitney and looked at Caden then glared. "So it's true...you are trying to steal Whitney from me huh..?"

"Who told you this? Why are you here, Shiro? Weren't you supposed to be in some paradise resort?" Caden asked.

"Yeah I was...until a little birdie told me you're trying to NTR me." I said then looked at Whitney. "It's alright babe, I won't let him get to you...because I'm gonna make sure he stops breathing."

"W-Wait, I don't want you to fight him!" Whitney looked up at me and held my arms.

"I have to. He's dangerous and he's gonna try to steal you away from me again if I don't stop him." I said then looked at Caden. "I don't have Lustie with me so I can't have her teleport you home so I'll take you home."

"Not if I have something to say about it!" Caden said then snapped his fingers. "Talenta! Take Whitney!"

Whitney squeaked and cried out when Talenta picked her up. "Shiro!"

"Talenta what are you doing?!" I yelled.

"At the end of day...I am Caden's because he wields the Crest of Talent. I am sorry, Shiro." Talenta said.

"You want her back..? Meet me at our abandoned high school...where our beef started." Caden said then warped away with Talenta.

The last thing I heard was Whitney's cry before she was warped away with them. I balled my fists and walked off. "Oh yeah...he's dying now.." I said then ran off.

[Shiro...There's something I should tell you about the Crest of Talent. Yes it makes Caden become the embodiment of Talent but all of his talents are flawed because he is only able to perform what is HUMANLY possible. He doesn't own a system so he can't have Enhanced Potential like you can so even though he can have whatever talent he wants, it has to be in bounds of what is humanly possible.]

"I don't care. I'm gonna kill him...and take Whitney and Chelsey with me. It is too dangerous for them here." I said. "If Naomi and Faith are still here they will come with me as well.."

[Using my Lover Finder Map, Faith is already taking a vacation to the resort so you don't have to worry about her. Naomi however is a target...We have to save her as well, bring her with us to Erotica Paradise.]

"Alright..." I said then ran at subsonic speeds to the old highschool.

Whitney grunted and slammed her fists on Talenta repeatedly and yelled.

"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow my ears. Hey can I put her down now? She's starting to get fucking annoying." Talenta said.

"Yeah and make sure she's knocked out as well. She can't witnessed what's about to go down." Caden smirked and crossed his arms.

Talenta chopped Whitney's neck and caused her to pass out then gently placed Whitney on the ground. Part of her felt bad for even doing this to Whitney, but she had to follow orders.

I made it to the high school and looked at Talenta and Caden. I noticed Whitney knocked out on the ground and looked surprised. I ran to Whitney and crouched down in front of her. I held her up and couldn't sense her emotions. She was out cold, just like Chelsey on that Christmas Eve.

"Worried about your little girlfriend on the ground..? You should be worried about yourself. In this case it is life or death, Whitney doesn't matter right now. Do you know why I'm doing this..? It's because you don't deserve Whitney! You don't deserve her perfection! Her loyalty! Her beauty is going to waste as you're out here fucking other women! I can do much more for her than you ever could! I was her first boyfriend and should've been her only boyfriend...then you...you took her from me. Now I'll kill you and take her back! She will be mine!" Caden yelled and summoned his sword then pointed it at me. "While you were on vacation, relaxing...I was honing my skills. My Talents and now you have no shot at beating me. Just stay still so we can make this quick for each other!"

My hair slowly turned red and I laid Whitney down gently then stood up and turned around. I looked at Caden then glared. I summoned my katana then unsheathed the blade and walked ahead.

Talenta watched and picked Whitney up then flew in the sky away from the battleground. "This power Shiro has...his right eye.."

I dashed towards Caden and slashed at him. Caden blocked the attack and smirked. I glared and pushed Caden back then dodged his attack and watched him vanish. I turned around and dodged his attack then went for an attack but he dodged it then blasted me away with energy blast. I groaned as I hit my back against the building. He appeared in front of me then kicked me through the building and I rolled backwards then rebounded off the floor and landed on my feet.

Caden landed in front of me and smirked. "This is the difference between us Shiro! The difference between our power! The difference between our Crests! Your Crest is ineffective against people like me while my Crest...Works in every situation! You should've just given up!"

I prepared myself then dashed to Caden. He dodged my attack then palmed my stomach and purple psychic energy surrounded my body. He flung me down the hall and appeared in front of me and kicked me to the floor. He gripped my face and dragged my head across the tiles and threw me, sending me crashing through a wall and ending up in the gym. I groaned and sat up then stood up slowly. I panted and held my arm.

[Shiro...Tch...I can't have you dying on me. Take this and do the best you can. I can't really do much as I am not high enough level.]

[New Ability Unlocked: Hypercompetence]

"Hypercompetence..?" I asked and noticed Caden walk in the gym.

[This ability allows you to possess incredible skill in almost every field possible. You can possibly learn any and every skill and intuition known to man. There are limitations to this such as the need for Intuitive Aptitude in which you do have so you bypass that limitation. This ability holds the same weight as the Crest of Talent except you have to physically learn that skill, but...you should be good, learn his movements and use that against Caden.]

"What's the matter Shiro..? Why are you mumbling to yourself? Saying your final prayers before I inevitably kill you?!" Caden chuckled and stopped walking. He looked at me and held his hand out. "God won't help you. It's time you learn that he will never help you. Pray all you want, but in the end it will end the same. You dead at my feet!"

I took a deep breath and exhaled, clearing my mind. I closed my eyes and got into my battle stance then opened my eyes and looked at Caden.

"Heh...Trying a little breathing exercise huh? Well that won't work! You still lose either way!" Caden dashed to me and created a small crater in the ground then slashed.

I blocked his attack and golden aura emitted from my right eye. Caden noticed I was adapting to his strength and smirked. He jumped backwards and got in his stance. I looked at him and watched.

"Okay...so you're learning huh? Watching my every move. Do you honestly believe that's gonna help you?!" Caden yelled.

I stayed quiet and stared at him.

"What..? Is your silence supposed to scare me?! It only makes me wanna kick your ass more! That's okay though, stay silent...because making you beg for mercy will feel far greater than having you die in silence!" Caden laughed and dashed towards me.

I blocked his attacks then grabbed him and spun around him then elbowed his back, causing him to stumble forward.

Caden looked surprised and turned around. He looked at me and glared then dashed towards me and bellowed. I prepared myself and dodged his attacks just by simply reading his body language. I punched his stomach and he groaned. He slid backwards and coughed a bit. I looked at my fist and groaned softly.

"How...am I losing..? I shouldn't be losing! I am the Embodiment of Talent! I shouldn't be losing! I am the most talented man alive and I'm losing to this fuckwad?! No no!" Caden yelled then looked at me and noticed my golden eyes. "I refuse to accept this! I'll kill you Shiro!"

He dashed to me and went for a barrage of attacks at me. I dodged his attacks and flipped backwards then used my Precognition to dodged his very swift attacks and punched his stomach. He coughed blood and groaned. I rushed him with attacks then kicked him away then dashed to him and struck through him with lightning around my arm. He groaned and fell to his knees. The lightning on my arms disappeared and I turned around to look at him. He grunted and slowly stood up. He turned around and looked at me.

"I think I understand my abilities now.." I said then smirked at Caden. "Oh yeah...now you're done for.."

Caden sensed my energy rising and stared at me in awe. He glared and dashed towards me. "There's no way you outclass me, I'll show you for making a mockery of me!"

I sheathed my katana then dodged his slash then struck his stomach. He coughed then I grabbed his face and threw him towards the bleachers. "This power is more than using your Crests to abuse an OP trait to get whatever you want...They give me power beyond imagination. These Crests are my key to victory.."

Caden bellowed and unleashed a massive energy beam at me. He noticed his beam crash into the wall and an explosion happening.

"That's not all...I think I understand why people want my Crest. The ability...to boost your own power because you simply have lust in your body is incredible." I said as I was behind him.

Caden looked surprised and turned around quickly then slashed, striking an afterimage. "Where are you?! Fight me like a fucking man, coward!"

"I don't think you'd want that...now that I know how to effectively use my power..." I said.

Caden turned around and noticed me charging an energy attack then dashed towards me. "You bastard! I'll kill you and take everything from you!"

"I know why you hate me...it's because.."

Caden yelled and slashed at my neck.

I dodged his slash and used a quick burst of speed to appear behind him. "You know deep down..."

"Stop running!" Caden yelled and turned around then shot a massive energy beam at me.

I appeared in the air and he looked up. "You'll never be better than me at anything anymore...and you'll never get Whitney back.."

Caden's eyes widened as he heard my words. I bellowed and blasted him with a lightning beam, hitting him and causing a massive explosion.

Talenta noticed the second explosion and watched. "Shiro's winning..."

The smoke cleared and I looked at Caden. He coughed and spit out blood then slowly stood up. He picked up his sword and slashed at me. I dodged his attack and grabbed his wrist.

"Two years ago...I told you...I let go of what you did to Whitney and I truly did, but every time I see your face...it always reminds me of that day. Reminds me of the day you hurt her!" I said then punched his face, making him fall on the ground. I mounted on top of him then began to punch his face multiple times. "Ditching her for another woman while you were in a serious relationship with her! She loved you and you made her cry and hate herself even more! You hated me for taking her back when you originally took her away from me!"

Caden grabbed my shirt and hit me with a headbutt and grunted when I tanked it. He yelled and shoved his sword through my chest. He felt my movements stop and smirked. I gripped his face and he looked surprised then slammed his head into the ground and took his sword out of my chest then my wounds began to heal. I panted and closed my eyes.

[Infinite Lives grants you Immortality, Shiro, but...even Immortality has its limitations, but you don't have to worry about that. Caden's done. I don't know if he's alive or not, but you won. There's nothing more to do from here. Claim your prize.]

I stood up and held my hand out then watched the Crest of Talent emerge from Caden's body and enter into mine, fitting perfectly within my tribal tattoo. I lowered my hand and reverted back to normal. I walked away and left the gym, walking outside. Talenta looked at me and sensed I had the Crest of Talent. She floated down towards me with Whitney in her arms.

"You beat him...I don't understand how you managed that, but I'm impressed.." Talenta said then handed Whitney to me.

I took Whitney from her arms and looked at her. I held Whitney close then smiled, noticing her move and made tiny sounds and showing signs of life.

"Talenta...take Whitney and Chelsey to Erotica Paradise. I'll meet you there, but I have to do something first." I said then handed Whitney back to Talenta.

"What exactly?" Talenta asked as she watched me walk away.

"I have to save one of my other girlfriends..." I said then ran off.

Talenta watched and looked at Whitney. "Please don't wake up and start hitting me.." she said then flew off.

[Shiro...strong energy ahead. Be careful.]

"I will. Don't worry.." I said as I headed to Destiny Hotel.

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