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89.36% Destiny Harem Remastered / Chapter 42: New Crest Obtained

Chapitre 42: New Crest Obtained

Day: Saturday

Location: Golden Paradise Casino

Time: Morning

I stopped at the casino and noticed Alisha already sitting outside the casino with her headphones on. I walked over to her and she looked up at me.

"You owe me one for this." Alisha said then stood up.

"I haven't even told you who's here." I said.

"We both know who's here and I'm the only other person who can actually sense them, so you owe me more than just a thank you." Alisha said then leaned against the wall and looked away.

"What do you want?" I crossed my arms.

Alisha stayed silent for a bit. She smiled and looked at me. "A solo date with you. There's this rave party happening this afternoon and I want you to come with me there. The best Techno music is being played there and I can't miss it."

"Alright. I'll take you on a date there." I said then walked to the doors and opened the doors and walked inside.

Alisha followed me inside and placed her hands in her jacket pockets. "The presense is weak in the front. Let's go further back."

I walked ahead and looked at everyone gambling their hearts away. I noticed Akira and Krystal together and highlighted them for later. Alisha looked around as well and felt a powerful energy nearby. She turned around and noticed a man looking at her. She grabbed my shirt and I looked at her then noticed a familiar face.

"Kismet.." I glared.

"I had a feeling you were here, strange I don't sense your Love Demon around. You've managed to track mine, and I think I know how you did." Kismet said then looked at Alisha.

Alisha gulped and had a tight grip on my shirt. She felt me hold her hand then pull her to me. "Shiro.."

"A woman of that level is impossible and poses a threat to me and my brethren...especially Lane. It's amazing because I can't even sense her energy, so that means she has Mastered Tracking Evasion." Kismet said.

I noticed Luckie float down next to Kismet. Luckie was a woman with hair the color of gold and it sparkled in the light. She has red eyes and a beautiful smile. She has a thin lithe body with medium sized breasts. She wore a white button up shirt, yellow tie, with a black skirt. She also had on thigh high boots. Her accessories consist of a gold coin clip on her hair, gold rings as bracelets and a gold pendant.

"It's so boring winning all the time...I want to lose at least once so I can know the feeling." Luckie sighed. She looked at me and gasped. "Shiro!~ Hiii~ Have you come to gamble with me?~"

Kismet and I looked at Luckie confused. Luckie was supposed to be my enemy, but she was really friendly. She even gave me a giggle as well.

"He is our enemy...you can't be nice to him." Kismet scolded.

"Oh right! Grrrr...I hate you Shiro!" Luckie pouted as she floated next to Kismet.

"Anyway, we can't fight here like I want to." Kismet said then pointed at the TV screen. "There is a tournament being hosted at the Swordplay Arena. Be there. If I win, I get your Love Demon, Crest of Lust, and your Eye of Lust."

"Pfft. Yeah okay. And if I win, I want you and Luckie out of here. Out of Erotica Paradise because frankly I don't wanna deal with you two right now." I said.

"Awww! Why me?" Luckie asked and tilted her head.

"Because you're fuckin' up my System. You cause errors and I can't have those random errors when I've got a momentum going on. It means me and Alisha have to stop what we are doing to persue you and frankly that's kinda annoying." I sighed.

"Oh...okay." Luckie looked a bit sad. "I just wanted to have some fun gambling.."

I looked at Luckie and sighed then scratched the back of my head. "I've got a better idea. If I win, I get your Crest of Luck."

[Good call..by registering a Trait Crest, it'll Register that specific Love Demon and we won't have anymore errors when she's around.]

"Ha! You believe you can beat me? Alright then, we will see how far you last. If you lose any match before you get to me or lose to me, you lose." Kismet said then walked away.

Luckie watched Kismet walk away. She looked back at me and blew a kiss at me then giggle and floated after Kismet.

"Shiro...are you actually gonna do this? You can't lose if you don't play." Alisha said.

"And if I don't play, we will keep getting errors at the casino since this is where Luckie will always be." I said.

"Then don't go to the casino?" Alisha suggested.

"Easier said than done. I have a couple friends who love gambling and this is a perfect date to them. Also I risk putting others in danger if I don't go." I said then looked at Alisha. She looked up at me. I held her shoulders and smiled. "We won't be late to the rave party either. I'll make sure of that.."

[Alisha's Bond Percentage rose to 25%]

Alisha smiled then nodded. "Let's go defeat that man."

Day: Saturday

Location: Swordplay Arena

Time: Noon

I signed up for the tournament and the man who handled the sign ups told me that this was the most famous sport on the resort other than Basketball, Golf, Bowling, Archery, and Cycling. I nodded then looked at Alisha.

"Good luck." She smiled and walked off to go into the stands.

[Let's win this shit so we can focus on our mission. Stupid fucking side quests.]

I chuckled and walked to the practice area to warm up before my time came.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen! The Swordplay Tournament is now underway! Here are our contestants who will fight to reach the top and claim the title as Blade Master!" The announcer said excitedly.

"So, Mom...why did you add this sport?" Valentine asked.

"Because fencing is one of my favorite sports, but why only add fencing when I could add Kendo, Medieval, Theatrical, etcetera etcetera to make the sport more fascinating. When I introduced this sport, it quickly made it to the top five best sports on the resort!~ Plus it generates the most money from the guys who like to get physical~ I'm a genius I know!~" Blanche giggled and crossed one leg over the other.

"The rules of this sport are simple, you will fight in a ring that sits 6 feet above the floor. It takes two points to win, there are different ways to gain a point! You gain an automatic two points from a knock out and one point for ring outs or disarming the opponent! The ring is pretty wide and long so you'll have more than enough room to extend combat! With that said let us introduce the first match!" The announcer said.

The crowd cheered and chanted.

I sighed and ruffled my hair. "I can't believe he's actually here. I guess he couldn't wait to try his new powers against me.."

[I should say this, depending on the Crest you have, that specific trait gains special abilities. The Crest of Lust allows you to have Meta Lust Abilities, meaning when using your lust abilities you can potentially feed off men as well even if it's a miniscule amount. Granted it isn't as effective as feeding off women, but it's something.]

"So what does the Crest of Luck do?" I asked.

[Well...it literally makes him the Luckiest Man in the World. In other words...he can't lose.]

"What? So not only am I about to go against the luckiest man in the world, but I'm guaranteed to lose against him on top of that? So I'll lose everything...huh?" I asked.

[Basically, but as far as we know...you and Felola are the only ones known with a System. Just this once...I will give you these abilities.]

[Abilities Unlocked: Perfect Precognition, Path to Victory]

[Perfect Precognition allows you to see into the future with no mistakes and at will, but does have a five minute cooldown. The reasoning behind the cooldown is so you won't have a Mental Overload that happens when you use any abilities pertaining to your mind.]

"And Path to Victory?" I asked.

[That is a passive, uncontrollable skill...but once activated it can't be stopped or deactivated. Kismet has the same ability, but his is slightly better since he has the Crest of Luck. This is where Perfect Precognition comes in. I looked into his skills and he doesn't even have Enhanced Precognition because he simply has so much luck he thinks he doesn't even need it.]

A woman walked into the practice area. "Shiro Moji, you're up in two."

I nodded and stood up. "Let's do this and make sure we win this quickly so we won't be late for the date Alisha wanted to go on."

[The party starts in 3 hours. We have time as long as you don't waste time on the normal humans.]

I nodded and put on my gear then walked ahead with the woman.

"Next up we have a man from Destiny Island, the women love him, the men, including me, are jealous of him! It's Shiro Moji!" The announcer said.

I walked forward and headed up the stairs in the ring. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath then exhaled clearing my mind.

"His opponent is a man from Minnesota! Daniel Sawyer!" The announcer said.

Daniel ran on the stage, very confident and put on a show for the crowd. He looked at me and hopped up and down. "You're the famous Shiro the ladies talk about. I can't wait to take you down and show the ladies you ain't all that."

Some of the women gave Daniel boos after what he said. He rolled his eyes and prepared his weapon.

"Ready...Fight!" The ref said then stood back.

Daniel ran to me and yelled. He swung his weapon at me. I dodged him then walked away from him then kicked him out the ring. He groaned as he fell on the floor.

"Shiro gets one point!" The ref said.

Daniel stood up and looked at me. He glared then hopped back in the ring then fixed his gear.

"Round 2...Ready...Fight!"

Daniel ran to me and swung his weapon at me once again. I parried him then grabbed his arm and flipped him over my shoulder then onto his back. He groaned and I disarmed him.

"Match over! Score 2-0! Shiro wins!" The referee announced.

"Yes!~" Luckie said happily.

Kismet glared at her.

"I mean- Boooo!!! You suck Shiro! Booo!!" Luckie said then looked at Kismet.

Kismet scoffed and stood up then walked off. Luckie followed behind.

The matches went by and as expected, I won all of my matches and Kismet won his. We sped through the semi finals and up came the finals...Me against Kismet. We made our way in the ring and Kismet smirked at me.

"I'm not surprised you made it this far. You made it look incredibly easy, but you didn't go for a single knockout like I did. I admit, I could've held back a bit...but that's no fun." Kismet chuckled coldly, unremorseful.

I didn't respond. I just merely prepared my weapon.

"Shiro's a lot more serious around him. He wasn't even trying these last few matches." A man said.

"Yeah, but then again this Kismet guy is pretty good." A woman said. "Shiro needs to be serious about this one."

Alisha watched and munched down on popcorn out of nervousness. She felt uneasy on the inside. I didn't blame her, if I were in her shoes...I'd feel the same.

"It takes four points to win now. Knockout is an automatic win, ring outs are two points, disarming is one point. Ready?" He asked.

We nodded.

"Fight!" He said.

We both dashed to each other and I dodged his attack, but he only expected that. He went for a kick at me, but I caught his leg. He smirked then jumped up and flipped, sending me flying. I landed on the ring and slid backwards and stopped myself from falling out the ring.

The crowd cheered. Some even yelled my name and cheered for me. Others cheered for Kismet. Alisha was growing even more nervous. She knew of Kismet's abilities. Kismet's ability to never lose.

I sensed her distress and stood up straight then spun my weapon then dashed towards Kismet. Kismet looked surprised at my speed and barely blocked my attack.

"So you're not holding back anymore huh? Only going fast enough to escape my eye..?! Heh...it takes more than that to beat someone like me!" Kismet bellowed and pushed me back then dashed to me, going even faster than me.

We clashed and I used my Precognition to avoid his attacks then palmed his stomach. He coughed and looked surprised then flew out of the ring, crashing into the walls that protcted the audience. Alisha's eyes began to show signs of hope. She stood up and looked surprised.

"How...it doesn't make any sense..! How did he beat Kismet's luck..?" Alisha asked herself.

"Look at that people! Kismet has never known the feeling of his butt on the floor before but now he knows!" The announcer said in shock.

"Ring Out! Shiro! Two points!" The ref said.

Kismet looked at me and glared. He ran ahead and jumped back in the ring. "I don't know how you got lucky enough to hit me, but...you won't be getting another point on me."

"Luck wasn't a factor in that. That was all skill and hard work." I said then readied my weapon.

The referee gave us the call to begin the second round. Kismet dashed to me and bellowed and began to attack quickly. I blocked his attacks then rolled out of the way of one of his attacks. Kismet stomped on the ring and dashed to me and kicked my stomach, sending me crashing into the wall. I groaned and fell to my knees.

Kismet laughed and looked at me. "It would appear you can't use your abilities anymore. A shame because you would definitely have had a shot at beating me. That reward is as good as mine.."

"Ring out! Kismet! Two points!" The referee announced.

[Shiro...Are you okay?]

I stood up and walked to the ring and jumped back on the ring. I moved my hair away from my face and readied my weapon. Once the referee said begin, Kismet didn't waste any time rushing me with attacks. I blocked each attack and kicked him backwards. I dashed and ahead and left behind afterimages then began to strike Kismet quickly around his body. He grunted and groaned then I kicked him away once again. He slid back and stopped himself.

"Did you see how fast Shiro was going?" A man asked.

Valentine rubbed her eyes and blinked then looked at the ring. "Did you catch any of that?"

"Nope." Blanche answered.

"There he is...the Hero everyone knows and loves. Exposing yourself here in Erotica Paradise in hopes of saving the world. You live in a fantasy, allow me to wake you up to reality!" Kismet said then dashed to me and struck my stomach with the weapon. I grunted and tried to dodge his next attack but he struck my side then slapped me. I groaned softly then he grabbed my arm and threw me in the air. He prepared a final attack as I began falling.

"You're finished!" Kismet laughed.

[Shiro! You absolutely can't lose this! Open your eyes!]

I opened my eyes then dodged his attack. He looked surprised and the crowd went berserk.

"Shiro is still in this!" The announcer yelled.

My hair flashed red and I stood up straight. I roared and began to empower myself through my own lust.

[What? Empowering yourself through your own lust? That's right...Lust Empowerment can even work on your own lust.]

I awakened my Eye of Lust and dodged Kismet's next attack then struck his neck then he groaned. I struck his stomach and he coughed a bit of blood. I dealt the finishing blow by palming his stomach and sent him crashing through the wall and a few audience members quickly moved out of the way. I panted and dropped my weapon then fell to one knee. I looked up and noticed the Crest of Luck floating to me and the Crest managed to fit along my tribal tattoo.

"Ring out! Shiro! Two points! The match is over and the score is 4-2! Shiro wins!" The referee announced.

The crowd cheered loudly and Alisha sat down and her hands were shaking. She was actually scared that I'd lose the battle. She noticed Kismet stand up. I stood up and looked at Kismet.

"This...isn't over.." Kismet said then took out a smoke bomb then disappeared within the smoke.

"Our Champion!" The referee raised my arm in the air.

I looked at the referee and looked at the crowd. I was actually making a name for myself around then island, and it...felt great. It might not have brought me closer to my end goal, but it brought me closer to Alisha and allowed me to gain respect from everyone who watched.

The tournament ended and I was awarded a trophy. Alisha and I walked away from the building and encountered Luckie.

"I guess...this is goodbye. Sayonara. Adios. Ciao. Hasta la Vista. Later alligator. Au revoir. Auf-" Luckie started.

"We get it." Alisha and I said at the same time. We looked at each other then smiled.

I looked back at Luckie and Lust-E teleported the trophy back to my hotel room. "Look. You don't have to go back to Kismet since I now have your Crest. You can stay on the island just as long as you promised to not fuck up my mojo alright?"

Luckie looked extremely happy then hugged me and giggled. "You're a way better Master than Kismet! I promise to not interfere!~"

I smiled at her. "Good..now get outta here will ya?"

"Mhm!~" Luckie let go of me then immediately contacted Lustie. "Me, you, Casino. Now!"

I watched Luckie fly off and chuckled.

"Are you sure about having her around? It seems pretty dangerous." Alisha said.

"She's fine. Plus Lustie now has someone to hang out with when she's not working. Luckie will literally live in the casino. We have nothing to worry about." I said.

"Alright..~ Hey let's head to the party now! We can make it early!" Alisha smiled.

"You read my mind..~" I chuckled.

Day: Saturday

Location: Erotica Night Club

Time: Afternoon

Alisha and I walked into the club and heard the music playing. Alisha was excited and looked at the crowd dancing with their drinks in the air.

"Everybody put your drinks in the air! Let's get this party started!" The DJ called out.

The crowd cheered and Lust-E began beeping and highlighted someone. I noticed it was Monika and watched her dancing to the music. I looked around for Alisha and noticed she was already on the dance floor shuffling. I chuckled and decided to join her on the dance floor.

Alisha and I danced together and she showed me the industrial dance. She laughed as I tried to industrial dance like her. After a bit more dancing, Monika and Alisha bumped into each other. They looked at each other and smiled then Monika looked at me. She waved at me.

"I feel a strong connection to this woman. Hello, what is your name?" Alisha asked.

"The name's Monika~ And you are?" She asked.

"Alisha. It is a pleasure meeting you." Alisha said.

"The pleasure is all mine~ Care do dance more with me?" Monika smiled. She seemed to be a tad bit drunk, but this was when the party animal came out.

"Sure." Alisha smiled then the two began to head further onto the dance floor and danced their hearts away.

[Compatibility Detected - Monika x Alisha: 50% Compatibility]

I sat down and noticed a waitress setting down a drink in front of me and I smiled at her. She walked off to give more drinks to people. I watched Alisha and Monika have fun dancing then noticed someone sit next to me. I looked at them and noticed it was Mark.

"Yo Mark." I smiled and watched him sit down.

"What's good man, been two years since we last saw each other. How've you been?" Mark asked.

"Hey man, living on the high road. New island is up, decided to come here for the luxury." I chuckled. "How about you?"

"Been coolin'. Me and Caroline decided to give this island a try and so far we've been having a shit load of fun. She's over there dancing with Melissa." Mark pointed.

I looked at where he pointed and Lust-E began beeping, highlighting Melissa.

[Melissa's data updated]

Name: Melissa Angels

Age: 21

Birthday: January 12th

Sex: Female

Species: Human

Race: Scottish

Height: 5 Feet 4 Inches

Weight: 119 lbs

Bond Percentage: 57%

Status: Friends With Benefits

Education: Highschool [Graduated]

Occupation: Supermodel, Fashion Designer, Actress

Most Desirable Trait(s): Passion, Charisma, Empathy, Talent, Flirtation, Lust

Least Desirable Trait(s): None

Libido: Normal

Favorite Food: Fast Food, Fruits

Favorite Drink: Fruit Punch

Favorite Gifts: Expensive Clothing, Handbags, Shoes, Jewelry

"Melissa's told me a lot about you and her. Glad you're treating my sister with care." Mark smiled.

"You know I wouldn't dare hurt your sister.." I chuckled softly.

"I know." Mark said as he watched the crowd.

Mark and I talked about what's been happening for the last two years and caught up on things. He told me about how he deleted all of those terrible posts of me and the other women, and how his life has started to change for the better. People respect him again, him and Caroline are two years strong, and he's even planning to propose to her in the future and move to Texas for a better career pathway. He really had his head on straight now.

A few hours went by and Mark, Caroline, and Melissa had left the club. Monika and Alisha were natural night owls which I didn't mind. We sat together and talked for a while longer. Monika and Alisha had a great amount of things in common from their taste in music, to their favorite parts of their body, which was their face, and their favorite sex position, which was Doggy Style. They both also loved boxing, and did the same thing on a Friday and Saturday Nights, Dancing and Drinking. This seemed like a match made from Heaven.

"I can not believe we have so much in common!~ I here I thought I was the only one who liked such things..~ Krystal loves Oral Sex and Akira loves Missionary. I haven't met many women who actually love Doggy Style~" Monika smiled.

"I heard Doggy Style is the best for absolute pleasure. I don't get why my ex boyfriends hated Doggy." Alisha said.

"My ex boyfriend and I never had sex. He was too busy slangin' dope and getting into rival gang fights to even properly care for our relationship. This is why I dated Shiro~ He actually cared." Monika smiled.

"Did you two break up?" Alisha asked.

"We were more on casual terms, we'd go on romantic dates some nights, other nights we'd meet up just to have sex, and other nights we'd cuddle as we slept together." Monika smiled.

"I hear he can date up to 20 women at once and keep them all happy." Alisha said. "I want to see if that's actually true."

"You won't be disappointed with him..~ Trust me~" Monika smiled.

Alisha looked at me and smiled. "We shall see. Well I'm just about ready to go. I'm all partied out."

"Yeah same here." Monika smiled. "I had a great time with you though. You've definitely got an interesting dance style~"

"Thank you, I found my time with you quite enjoyable as well." Alisha smiled.

[Date Successful]

[Monika x Alisha Compatibility rose to 60%]

All three of us headed back to the hotel and called it a night.

Load failed, please RETRY

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Stone -- Power stone

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