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91.17% Head-Patting in Marvel / Chapter 217: Chapter 215: World Summit Starts. (Part 2)

Chapitre 217: Chapter 215: World Summit Starts. (Part 2)

-Ryan's house. 1 hour before the summit-

"How do I look?" Ryan asked Gwen.

"You look very handsome." Gwen replied with a sly smile.

"Keep it in your pants Stacy." Ryan teased, earning him a pinch from Gwen.

With a black suit and a black tie, Ryan had Gwen insert his cufflink on his sleeves.

"Ryan, are you sure to broadcast the summit discussion to the world?" Reed Richard asked. The other Fantastic Four members were on Mars now, leaving only Reed on Earth to help Ryan.

"I'm sure. You just get ready to stand witness as an observer from another universe." Ryan said.

"We're really telling people that?" Tony Stark interjected. "Won't that like break the mind of the simple masses?"

"It would." Ryan replied. "But it'll be necessary."

"(Sigh) Hulk said he's going to sleep for the entire Political Arc… I wonder where did he learn that word from?" Banner shook his head in annoyance.

"Who else?" Gwen pointed at Ryan.

"Now-now. Don't seduce me here. I need to get my mind into the game." Ryan teased. Gwen rolled her eyes while the others laughed.

Hank Pym walked in the room with Scott Lang and his daughter Hope.

"Ryan, something happened..." Hank said with a solemn look on his face.

"What's up?" Ryan replied with a raised eyebrow.

Tony and the others immediately turned their attention to the conversation as they knew Hank wouldn't come to Ryan with a simple matter, especially not at this crucial moment.

"There's some fluctuation in the quantum realm… We also managed to find traces of quantum energy near Jupiter." Scott explained and took out a photograph. "Our deep space cameras managed to capture this picture."

It was a picture of a spaceship designed to look like a sword. "That's…Damocles…" Ryan widened his eyes as he saw the picture.

"Ryan, do you know them?" Tony asked anxiously.

"Yes. A time-traveling conqueror who likes to… y'know, conquer people." Ryan replied, trying to calm himself.

"I guess he will be here soon. The Avengers need to be ready for him. Tony, I will let you handle the matter."

"When you say… time-travel… What year is he from? And also, someone cracked time traveling?" Tony asked. Ryan stared at him, causing him to be more confused.

"Year 3000 something. He is descended from someone in this room, but I won't tell you who." Ryan teased.

"What the?!" Bruce turned to look at Reed, Tony, and Hank. The top-tier brains in the world were all inside Ryan's room right now.

Hope raised her brows and asked, "How do you know all of this?"

"I know a lot of things." Ryan replied ambiguously. "If Kang is here, you're going to need all the help you can get. He wasn't called the conqueror for nothing."

Before Ryan could gave the order, Tony stopped him. "Didn't you say I will handle this matter? Leave it all to me. You just focus on the world summit. Anything happens, we will never let Kang disrupt the event."

Tony and Reed stood side by side. Hank Pym smirked at Hope and Scott Lang. Banner was having an internal discussion with himself.

"Hulk has woken up. He said this will be fun." Banner grinned, his eyes flashing a green glow.

"True...I guess, it's time for Ant-Man's debut!" Scott Lang said excitedly.

"I'm sorry. Who?" Bruce asked. Scott's enthusiasm died instantly.

"A-Ant man. The tiny super hero? I stopped Darren Cross from taking over the world with his yellow jacket army before this?"

"I see. You'd did well… I suppose." Bruce said dismissively, causing Scott to have tears in his eyes.

"Bruce... Is Jen free right now?" Tony asked.

"I don't know. If Johnny isn't here, then I guess… she'll be free?" Bruce replied.

"Should I call Ben and Johnny back to Earth?" Reed asked.

"No need. Someone needed to protect the kids." Ryan interjected. He finally finished getting ready for the world summit.

Reed turned to look at his watch. "You still have time."

*Tick… Tock… Tick… Tock* The clock hand was moving. Ryan suddenly shuddered and felt immense coldness.

'I guess my nerves are too high-strung right now.'

-Hell's Kitchen. Foggy and Murdock Law Firm.-

"Guys. It started!" Karen said excitedly as all the public channels started to broadcast the matter of the world summit.

"It's the 'World' Summit, but honestly our president will be the one talking right?" Foggy teased, but inside, he was filled with excitement. Especially after he saw the Daily Bugle news about the school trip to space.

"I wonder what's going to be announced today." Matt said coolly. Matt was excited for the prospect of a new world order. Especially after Ryan personally found him in Hell's Kitchen.

They had a talk about Matt becoming the backup member of the Avengers while Ryan hinted at him about the possibilities of him regaining his sight again, without abandoning his super-senses right now.

"Let's pray for our president's success." Matt said and started to pray. Karen rolled her eyes at both of the men inside the firm. "You guys know he is the Vice-President, right?"

""We know."" Matt and Foggy said at the same time.

-In Mars-

"There is A HOTEL. ON. MAAARS!!!" Ned shook Peter's collar excitedly as they arrived on Mars.

"I was more shocked when I saw the city on the moon." MJ exclaimed in exhaustion.

"Oh yeah. Mr. Knight told me about them before. He said that Queen Medusa is really pretty-" Peter stopped talking as he remembered that Ryan told him to keep that a secret before. "Wait- Don't tell anyone that!"

"Hmm…Tell people what?" Ned and MJ said at the same time. They were too focused on the hotel that they missed what Peter said.

"No-Nothing." Peter said with a stutter.

"Is there a connection? I want to see the summit." MJ said. Two men in tight blue suits with the number 4 on them walked towards the kids.

"Hi kids! My name is Johnny Storm. I will be your guide on this planet. This grouch here is Ben Grimm. Say hi to him."

"Hiiii Mr. Griimmm." The kids repeated cutely.

"Hello kids." Ben Grimm said gruffly, his complexion already returned to his stony look. He had already come to terms about his appearance in his previous world before. He received a few days of gift—to return to his previous human appearance when his power was sucked dry by the Skrulls.

Now that he returned to his stone looks again, he felt a bit melancholic about it.

"We're gonna watch the world summit opening in the theater for a while before we start. I know that it'll be boring, but-" Before Johnny could finish his words, he saw that the kids were running towards the theater, leaving him behind.

"QUICK! QUICK!" Flash Thompson called out his other friends. "The conference has started!"

Ned rushed toward the screen and widened his eyes. "Is that…an alien?"

Not only the kids, but the whole world was shocked by the appearance of an intergalactic ambassador to the world summit conference.

"HOLYY SHIIIT!" Domingo yelled as he grabbed his tv screen. "A BEAUTIFUL ALIEN!"

The screen showed the image of Centurion Gia from Xandar with another emissary from the planet there. Gia's white hair, white eyebrows and blue eyes really give a contrasting look from the Skrull's emissary and the horse-head emissary.

The Inhuman faction were also seated near the podium where Ryan would talk. Black Bolt wore his battle suit along with Medusa while Gia was in her centurion uniform with a short skirt.

"Earth… is loud." Gia muttered to herself. The constant chatter of the so-called 'World Leaders' there was very annoying for her. If this was Xandar, she wouldn't hesitate to throw them all into prison after learning about Earth's management before this.

"I know." King of the Skrull, Dezan chimed in as an agreement to Gia. Next to him was the priestess, R'Kill who had accepted Dezan's offer to attend Earth's Summit with him.


"Soo, why's this summit being held for again?" Ned asked as they watched the live broadcast.

"Shhh!" MJ shushed him.

"Mr. Knight said the purpose of the Summit are 3 major things." Peter whispered, "To launch a new united currency for interstellar age, solving the issues of limited resources for the planet, and to push for a United Earth."

Inside the summit, the starting speaker wasn't Ryan, but President Ellis.

"Today is a historical day." President Ellis started, "Among the one hundred and ninety-five countries on Earth, 187 of them had unanimously agreed to enter the One Earth Unification Project!"

Foggy Nelson who was watching the tv spits out his drinks while Matt skilfully avoids being spitted on as he sat nearby.

"What the hell!? I thought they were just starting to discuss it!" Foggy exclaimed in excitement. Even Karen Page and Matt Murdock couldn't help but break into a wide smile after hearing the statement.

"This summit… I think the world… will forever be changed after this." Matt muttered, earning a nod from Foggy and Karen.

Inside of J. Jonah Jameson's office.

"BOSS! THIS IS A FRONT-PAGE NEWS!" His editor slammed the door to Jameson's office to beg him to release the news before anyone else.

"Are you an idiot?! We are barely 5 minutes in and a major 'bomb' had exploded. What do you think will happen when our President comes to the stage?" Jameson asked.

His editor looked at him weirdly. "Boss…That is… the President…"

"SHUT UP AND WAIT!" Jameson replied decisively.

The news didn't only shake Jameson's office, but every single one of the media companies in the world. Not only no one could sniff out the news before it would happen, everyone was also impressed by Ryan for now letting anyone know about the matter.

Right now, almost the same question was swirling in everyone's mind. 'Who didn't join the Unification Project?'

While President Ellis was giving out long and meaningless rants, Ryan contacted Kai and Dawn telepathically.

Ryan: Can you guys come back by yourself?

Dawn: I can't teleport myself back. Omnipotence city didn't allow teleportation to enter the structure. I can teleport someone else back but I couldn't do it for myself.

Ryan: That's curious. Find out more on how that happens.

Dawn: Also, Harry Styles is here.

Ryan: ….?

Dawn: Eros. Thanos's brother.

Inside the Omnipotence City, Hercules led Dawn and Hela towards the Olympus pantheon after they arrived there. Dawn saw two small Celestials guarding the Omnipotence city, and a lot of unique gods and goddesses here.

The structure inside the pantheon was an amalgamation of many pantheons in the universe. The Omnipotence City seemed endless and infinite once Dawn entered inside of it.

"Is this him?" A sultry voice that carried an alluring charm asked Hercules. Aphrodite, who applied for a holiday from her reporter job on Earth, crossed paths with Dawn and Hela as she arrived at the pantheon. "The new God who wreaks havoc on the universe?"

She had returned to her Goddess appearance with a Greek-style white dress that showed a deep cleavage and accentuated her body—without any undergarments. Her long and wavy blonde hair that permanently looked like she was at the beach getting her hair gently blown up by the wind has returned.

"Depends on who you're asking." Dawn interjected before Hercules could say anything. 'So, Aphrodite is Alexandra Daddario. It suits her.'

Hela raised her brows and turned to look at Dawn's face, but she saw that his face was devoid of lust, instead, he was wary of the inhabitants of the city. He was staring at a particular male God with an imp walking next to it.

'Newbie.' Hela rolled her eyes inwardly while still maintaining a poker face outside.

Dawn suddenly turned to look at another god, causing Aphrodite to be in shock.

'Am I not pretty enough for him?' Alexandra Daddar—Aphrodite thought, feeling a bit irked by Dawn's lack of interest in her– the woman who started a war just because of her beauty. Not even Zeus could take his eyes away from Her. Not even Odin.

Dawn: I don't know why Eros is here, but I think something bad will go on in the city.

Ryan: Okay. You do that. Also, take a pic of Aphrodite. I lost a bet with a Vampire Kid and need to get that.

Dawn: ...Are you serious?

At the same time Ryan was talking with Dawn, he was having a conversation with Kai simultaneously.

On a deserted, but habitable lava planet, Skye was soaring in the sky with Doreen on the back of a Hippogriff.

A Leviathan was sleeping on the hot ground, dozens of Stone Statue Soldier were marching in formation, a corpse vine greedily devouring a few primitive looking corpses, a golden hawk flying next to the hippogriff, a minotaur was building a wooden shack with his mallet, and a Ghost Bride was holding a parasol for Kai—not that he needed it, but because she wanted to do so.

Right now, Kai has a total of 88 companion beasts. He didn't summon the Weapon-Type companion or the Water-Type companion beasts as it was a hot planet. The only reason Doreen and Skye could survive here was because of an enchantment Ryan gave them.

"Skye. Doreen. Come back." Kai called his daughters who were playing around on the hot planet. Skye pursed her lips and Doreen puffed her cheeks when they were call back.

"I'm not done flying!" Doreen said as they landed on the ground.

"We need to get back to Earth." Kai said. Skye flinched after hearing that. 7 planets have been destroyed by her in her progress to control her powers. She had been afraid to get back to Earth ever since lest she would destroy the Earth while she's there.

Suddenly, a 30 meters tall, giant humanoid crocodile that stood using its two legs ran toward the group of people there with his mouth open.

"Skye. Do it." Kai said. Skye nodded and her gaze changed. She hopped from the back of the hippogriff and flew using vibrational waves coming from her hand.

"DIE!" Skye said menacingly as she concentrated the quake energy in her left fist and punched the air in front of the crocodile. Kai quickly covered Doreen's eyes to make sure she didn't see the result.


The crocodile fell to the ground, its head splattered into million species. The corpse vine drools greedily and slithers toward the crocodile corpse.

"You can control your powers now. Don't worry. You're awesome." Kai said and comforted his daughter with a smile and a thumbs up before he took them toward his RV-looking spaceship. Unlike Ryan and Dawn, Kai couldn't teleport using magic so he used the most common ways to travel.

"We'll go to Mars first. Ana will be waiting there to take Doreen." Kai said. Doreen hugged his legs tightly and protested. "NO! I wanna go! I will bring the 'Mons' with me! They're strong!" Doreen said cutely.

"Doreen. We're just guarding there. Not fighting. You wouldn't like to stay put in one place for 10 hours without moving, right?" Kai asked questioningly, skilfully coaxing Doreen to calm down.

"Hmmm… But call me if there's a fight. Even Hulk and Thor couldn't stop the 'Mons'!" Doreen said with stars in her eyes. After she became the boss of the Pokémon, the Mafia Don in training kept wanting to go out and fight, causing Kai to have a headache sometimes.

Skye laughed at Kai's difficulties and controlled the RV spaceship to pass a hexagonal wormhole. The little family finally were going to return to Earth after a month of vacation/training in the universe.

Back to the summit, after President Ellis finished speaking, he then introduced Ryan to take the center stage.

"Hello Everyone. For those who didn't know me, my name is Ryan Knight." Ryan introduces himself casually at the very formal event.

"I know that the visitors may not know me, so I introduced myself. But if there are any earthlings who didn't know me, what cave have you been living in for the past few years?"

Ryan's joke caused Matt Murdock and Peter Parker to snicker. Most of the viewers did the same thing as the change of atmosphere from formal to a casual presentation was too abrupt for them.

Tim Knight was watching the summit from the Knight's Mansion with Hiddle.

"He has grown up very well." Tim said with a proud expression on his face. "His mother will be proud."

Hiddle smiled softly and poured some tea for Tim Knight as they watched the broadcast together.

Ryan continued, "As I quote one of my nation's great fathers, "If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher.""

—Abraham Lincoln.

The summit will continue in the next chapter

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