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76.82% Summoned (Hotd) highschool of the dead / Chapter 63: A happy, reunion

Chapitre 63: A happy, reunion

"Are you sure you know where you're going Shizuka?" I ask as I keep following an excessively happy school nurse.

"Of course~ The group is by the big ship with all the planes!~" She answers gingerly as she turns to glance at me with a wide smile…

Following her answer, I turned to look towards the aircraft carrier that was near the main airport field. Said carrier slowly moving across the sea …

"You know the 'big ship' has been slowly moving towards the right side of the airport for some time now, right?" I asked as I pointed behind us with my hand, then traced a line towards the carrier that was now adjacent to us. Shizuka glanced at the ship, then at me.

"It, has?..." She asks as she turns to look at the ship again.

"Yes." I respond flatly.

"O, ooohh! Then that explains why I didn't find anybody when I returned the first time!" She exclaims in surprise.

"I was so worried that they might have left me behind…" She adds as she drops her shoulders.

(...Knowing her, I bet she didn't even realize what sort of jab that was at me, seeing as they 'did' leave me behind…)

"Umm, Is something wrong?" Shizuka asks with an innocent, questioning look as she tilts her head.

"I'm just wondering how you didn't get lost in your own house…" I responded.

"Ahh? Well, uhh, heheh…" Shizuka fidgets about before scratching her cheek…

(Wait, she has? Uhh, I shouldn't be surprised should I?…)

"So, this way then?" I point behind me, and Shizuka nods.

-10 minutes later-

You know, I never realized how big this airport really is. Up until now that I had to walk it that is…

"Ah! There they are!" And Shizuka speaks up as she points ahead, towards a group of people in the distance.

She then started running towards said group as she waved her arm in the air.

"Hey~ Heeeeyyy!" She shouted as she kept running, causing the group to turn to her.

A group that consisted of Souichiro, his wife, and his daughter. And…

"Naier!" A chubby guy with a rifle, who shouted right after as he spotted me. I raised my arm in response as I kept walking.

The chubby guy, aka Khota breaks off from the group and trots up to me.

"You're alive!" He exclaims as he stops right next to me, Asami following behind him.

"Yea, partly thanks to the fact we found more info on more extraction points posted on the elementary school." I responded as I patted his shoulder.

"Man I knew you'd survive! But it's good to actually see you again!" He adds with a wide smile.

With that, we turn to head towards the rest of the group. And as we closed in...

" Mister overlo!…"

"Bark!" Yet before Alice could finish her sentence, Zeke jumped off her hands, and latched on to my sleeve. Waving his tail so fast to the point that he was almost swaying around as he hanged…

"...Uhh, breaking disguise again minion?" I sigh as I lift my arm, turning it to look at the small pup. Which just growled as it shifted its eye to look at me.

And then felt a sudden impact right under my chest. Turning to look down, I found Alice with her face essentially plastered on my shirt…

(Uhh, that's new…)

"My, are you going to turn evil now?" I ask as I pat Alice on the head.

" N,no! But, but...!" Alice answered with a muffled voice as she still had her face shoved against my shirt.

"Relax, after all, everything so far was all actually part of my plan." I respond as I glance towards Takashi, who just kept silent. I then lean slightly towards Alice, and put my hand next to my mouth, as to whisper a secret...

"Because in truth I had my minion here to keep an eye on you." I whisper as I shake the arm that had Zeke on. Said dog letting a disapproving growl because of the shaking. Alice lifts her head to look at me with almost puffy eyes.

(Jeez sports, don't start crying on me now.)

"Now, do take the minion before he ruins my cover." I chuckle as I tap Alice's head. She nods and turns at Zeke, who she effortlessly detached from my sleeve…

And then, I turn to Takashi again...

"Hey…" Was all he said to me as he motioned with his head.

"Hey…" Was all I responded with…

(...Uhh, ok me, be civil. At least as long as Saya's parents are here…)

The ones left were Rei, and her mother. Both of whom didn't even turn towards me. The reason?

"Thank you Souichiro. I mean it…" Her mother was speaking with Saya's Dad. And Rei was focused on the man himself as well, with a rather grim expression.

"Don't thank me yet Kiriko. We'll see if we can send a chopper over the location where he was last seen and hope for the best. You know he was also a friend of mine." Shouchiro continued.

(Huh, first name basis? Then again, some official images 'did' show Rei and Saya together, while wearing makeup, or dressing up, or something. Guess this verifies that the image was before the outbreak. And that their parents were at least acquaintances.)

"I'll do anything I can. Just please, the soonest we can send something, anything…" Rei adds as she lowers her head slightly.

"You don't have to tell me that Miyamoto. I will do what I can. Now, Kiriko, if you please come with me." Souichiro responds as he looks at Rei's mother. Then turns towards me.

"We have arranged rooms next to the ones you're already staying in. Would you show them to their rooms if you please." He adds. I just nod at him.

And with that, the grown-ups turn to leave. Leaving the rest of us to silently look at each other, for a few awkward minutes…

"Well no point staring at each other." I motion with my head as I turn to leave.

And after a few seconds of walking.

"Uhh, can we walk a bit, slower?" I hear a meek voice ask. I stop, and turn around...

"...why are you limping?" I ask as I look at Takashi and point at his leg.

"Ahh, well…" Takashi then glanced at Saya…

"I showed him exactly what I thought about his choice of leaving me behind." Saya huffed as she folded her arms.

(Wait, Saya's kicks can make people limp? I never found them to be that strong whenever she kicked me. Or she was actually holding herself back?...)

"Huh, I wonder what Saeko'll think of your choice…" I shrug slightly as I turn to look back at the road ahead.

"Actually, speaking of her. Where is she?" Takashi asks.

(Not losing a moment are you huh?...)

"Speaking with her father." I responded as I turned to glance behind Takashi to go wide-eyed. Rei also whispered something to herself, her expression seeming rather, spiteful…

"Her dad, is here?" Takashi asks right after.

(...Really dude?)

"No, he's in Canada, she flew over there for a small chat and hot tea." I answer with a sarcastic tone…

And after a few seconds of silence...

"Yes he's here Takashi." I add.

"I was just asking. You don't need to act so hostile…" Takashi responds.

"Hostile? Oh, I apologize, I mistook you for the guy that left me, Saya, and Saeko for dead. Personal opinion here, but I think you should be glad that ain't waving a flag that it was you that nearly got the daughters of two rather influential people here killed. So consider this to be my 'friendly' attitude." I respond as I turn to look at him, obvious sarcasm in my voice.

"P, please don't fight…" Shizuka then added with an almost whimpering tone…

(...And now Shizuka is going to guilt-trip me because I'm pissed at the guy that left me to rot? Uhhhhh, fun times ahead...)

"Look Nai.."

"How long will you keep acting like you were the only one that had to deal with hardships?" And Rei silently opens her mouth.

"Rei." Takashi quickly turns to look at her with a hushed tone.

"No. You're acting as we owe you for what happened. We don't owe you a thing, you're responsible for your own damn decisions." Rei retorts as she throws a glare at Takashi, then at me.

"Rei!" Takashi finally raises his voice as he then pulls Rei's arm.

(...Really? I was going to try to 'not' fly off the handle. But it seems you just want to turn this to a hundred anyway. So fine, let's turn this to a hundred.)

I stop walking, causing the group to also come to an abrupt stop...

"Look Naier she's jus…"

"Actually, now that I think about it. Takashi did 'not' nearly get me killed, your bitching did. Is that all you got to say to me? Rei?" I ask without turning around.

"You think you're the only one that had it bad?!" Rei shouts back.

"Rei that's enough!" Takashi shouts right after.

"Enough?! My father's gone Takashi! He's gone and if he's not dead, he's stranded somewhere in that hellhole!" She points towards the city as she screams.

"So why do I have to listen to his whining while at the same time I also have to deal with the fact that my father might be dead?!" She shouts.

I take a deep breath, and turn around. Quickly closing up to Rei.

"What? Are you going to hit m…"

"Listen up you stupid orange twat!" I loudly cut her off as I pointed my finger at her nose.

"You want to compare who has done fucking what here?! Fine! Take out a fucking notebook then!

Because I was the reason we managed to meet up again after your stupid ass jumped off the bus! I was the reason Takagi's house didn't burn to the ground! I was the reason Shido didn't manage to fuck us all sideways! I was the reason our Humvee was filled with supplies so you could much on strawberrychikennuggets! And you can bet your sorry fucking ass! That I am the reason you're getting special treatment right now! Had I not cleared this fucking airport with another bunch of weirdos and taken a whole frigging cinema by myself! YOU'D BE SITTING INSIDE A FUCKING TENT ! So don't go telling me about responsibilities when all you did was shake your tits at Takashi and throw me off a fucking cliff! Your father's stranded in the city?! Well I'm sorry to hear that! But you wanna know something?! So was I! Thanks to you!" …After some point, I just stopped caring for the fact that half the camp had stopped whatever they were going and were just looking at me. As for the rest of the group, Saya, Kohta and Asami just stared at me wide-eyed, Takashi also kept staring at me while still holding Rei's hand. Rei herself was just glaring at me. And uhh, Alice and Shizuka looked like they were about to cry, Zeke was probably startled by the shouting as he was also frozen stiff…

"...Ohh boy, this must be the very first time I've heard you shout this much. But, I must digress. I'm not a weirdo thank you very much." And as if you just deflate the whole situation. A certain purple-haired sniper walked up to us.

Shizuka, who looked like a toddler who just got scolded for the very first time, turned towards the woman...

"R, Rikaaa!" She cried out as she quickly run-up to her and essentially solved her face into Rika's chest. I don't know if it was because she was surprised to see her, or because she got scared, or a mix of the two...

I took a deep breath as I kept looking at Rei, who was essentially glared back at me with her mouth zipped shut.

"So if you want to know. You do owe me. You owe me way more than you can ever repay. And, here's a free tip. If you want people to give a shit about your problems. Leave to give a damn about somebody who's not yourself. Rei." I hiss her name as I finish my sentence, and turn around to walk away. Only to stop and turn around again a few steps later.

"Your rooms are on the third floor before the top floor. Your keys have numbers, the doors have numbers. Do the math." I add before turning around again, this time actually walking away...

"Can I ask what happened here?…" I hear Rika ask...

(...Ugh, my neck hurts now, I barely shout, much less yell like this…)

I walked for about twenty seconds or so...

"Naier wait!" Until a female voice shouted from behind me.

(Now what..)

I stop and turn around to find Saya running after me.

"Yes?" I ask with a calm tone.

"Are, are you alright?" She asks as she looks at me with a worried expression.

"Uhhh, what sort of question is that?" I respond as I fold my arms.

"I, have never seen you react like that before. And I'm, I'm just…" Saya glances around as she fiddles with her fingers.

"I'm fine. Rei just managed to use the wrong type of words at the wrong moment." I respond as I shrug.

"Now do stay with them, because I give them a sixty-present chance that they 'will' get lost…" I added as I motioned my head towards the group.

Who, other than Shizuka, who was still with her face stuffed in Rika's chest. Was looking toward us.

"O, ok.." Saya responded with a slight nod.

And with that, I turned to leave again, as Saya returned to 'our' group…

After that, I crossed the bridge and went back to the main building, then started going up the stairs.

(Uhh, I knew Rei was self-centered. But holy shit. I understand that she's distraught because her dad's gone. But she crossed one too many lines. Besides, if she can't bring herself to give a single fuck about others, why should others give a fuck about her? Because I really can't bring myself to feel sorry for her right now. I'm more worried about Hitomi rather than her.)

After reaching the floor with my room, I head straight to it and enter it...

"Ughh. Well me, this went as smoothly as a half-filled sack of potatoes rolling down a gravel road…" I groan as I let out a deep sigh and close my door. Then head towards the window.

"And I'm pretty sure I heard Souichiro say 'my group'. Which means he'll expect me to work with them…" I stop talking as I close my eyes.

"Much fun…" I groan as I lean against the window's stool.

"Well ok, to be fair. I got nothing against most of the group, plus Khota could be actually helpful here, especially if you consider that most if not all operations have armed personnel sent. So he'll fit right in. Until he has to run that is…" I take a deep breath as I open my eyes.

"Still, Rei's dad's gone? In the manga they never really managed to meet him, as the story came to a halt probably one or two chapters before that. But he 'was' at the evacuation center…" I scratch my chin as I sigh.

"Welp, not my problem. As I said, I'm not going to go out of my way to help her when she's acting like a tool." I sigh as I backstep towards my bed, sit on it, and then let myself fall back…

I then stayed like that, for, I don't know how long. But I must have drifted in and out of sleep a couple of times…



Until, the door knocked...

(...Uhhh? Did somebody just knock on my door?…)

And another knock…

(Yep, not hearing things.)

"It's open." I respond as I get to a sitting position, and end up looking towards the window once again.

"Hey Naier? Uhh, can we, talk?" A male voice asks. And from looking through the glass's reflection, I found the voice belonged to Takashi.

"I don't think we got a lot to say, but sure. Let's talk." I respond as I shrug, not bothering to turn around...

"Look I understand that you're mad both for what happened at the river and for what Rei just said. But remember that I offered to go down with the car first. And, Rei has been struggling to deal with the fact that her father might be shuffling in the city as one of them..." Takashi responds as he takes a few steps into my room, closing the door behind him.

(Nice set of excuses Takashi. So if I end up ripping her arm off and Pepsi'ing you with it. I'll just say that I warned you about it, and that I was distraught because my guinea pig died.)

"I just don't want our group to be at odds. We have to be able to work together without…."

Before Takashi could finish his sentence, I chuckled, and then, I started laughing as I lowered my head…

"Naier?..." Takashi asks as he tilts his head questionably. I took a deep breath and finally turned to look at him.

"I'm sorry to hear about Rei's dad, I really am. But 'we'? What makes you think I intend to follow you around again?" I respond as I stop laughing.

"Naier you said it yourself back then, there was no other choice, and Rei is just…"

"You missed the point Takashi. What I'm talking about right now has nothing to do with Rei. It has to do with you. And how you caved in under her. Let me put it plainly. What if we end up in a similar situation? How can I know that you won't cave in again and get somebody killed for real this time? Being a leader means you need to make decisions without letting your personal feelings get the better of you. And if you think that sounds fucked up. Well it is, being a group leader is 'not' a fun position." I cut Takashi off. Who just stayed quiet.

"We might work together, we might live next door, we might even share the same damn table, but I'm no longer part of your group. Don't take it personally, but I don't like the idea of having my life be dependent on a girl's mood swings." I add.

"Of course, I'm only speaking for myself here. If Saya and Saeko do want to return, I'm not going to stop them." I shrug as I finish speaking.

"You know very well that they will follow you, not me. Saeko and Saya already proved that by following you into that car. They won't return if you won't return as well..." Takashi answers.

(...Really? Hmm, I wonder now…)

"Is that why you want me back in the group so badly? Because Saya, and Saeko won't come along otherwise?" I ask as I fold my arms.

"W, what?! No! I!..." Takashi's eyes go wide as he stares at me, yet, does not finish his sentence. He just turned to look away…

(Hahhh, figured as much. The more you can't 'have' her, the more you want her huh?…)

"Look. I don't intend to burn down a bridge because of what happened. And I will come along if need be. But I won't be taking orders from you. Think of it as an independent mercenary tagging along. That's all I can offer you. If you want me to follow your orders, then prove that I trust your decisions." I say with a slight sigh.

Takashi keeps looking at me, before finally nodding.

"Fair enough." He answers.

"Or, you could just go straight to Saeko and talk to her. She's free to decide who she wants to follow around, I ain't her pimp." I add as I shrug.

"Uhhh. Now you're just messing with me..." Takashi responds with a slight sigh.

"Maybe I am" I shrug yet once more.

"Well, maybe I'll go." He shrugs back as he turns to leave.

(Have fun dealing with Silver Fang then. Though I don't think he will be very happy to find out that you nearly got his daughter killed. Or he'll count that as training too?...)

And with that, Takashi left my room…

I groan and let myself fall back on the bed again…

(...Do the problems ever fucking stop?...)

Naier_Serpfire Naier_Serpfire

Damn, sorta forgot I had this story here. And since I didn't expect so many people to bitch and moan about how it insults their fruit salad. I decided to upload more xD

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