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83.33% Naruto: A Change From Memories / Chapter 15: Kakashi's thoughts! A Revelation!

Chapitre 15: Kakashi's thoughts! A Revelation!

Kakashi sat on a nearby roof, absentmindedly guarding Tazuna who was strictly overseeing the volunteer workers, thinking about his take with Naruto and Hayate.

A few hours ago

'Maybe using the Shunshin wasn't the best idea….' Kakashi thought as he felt his injury once more become inflamed. However, it did its job, and he had already arrived near the bridge.

Kakashi quickly saw Hayate, who was sitting on top of a nearby roof, periodically scanning the area vigilantly. The two locked eyes before Kakashi made his way toward him.

"What are you doing here, Kakashi? Weren't you supposed to be training the kids?" Hayate asked curiously but offered the silver-haired Jonin a seat next to him nonetheless.

"Well, they should be fine on their own for a bit. They are only doing Tree Walking, after all." Kakashi grunted, getting into a more comfortable position and taking some painkillers. "But don't worry, Naruto has already mastered the exercise, so I left him to help if they get stuck."

"They are only learning Tree Walking now? What the hell have you been teaching him, Kakashi?"

"Y'know… teamwork and stuff." Kakashi began explaining, causing Hayate to furrow his brows. Noticing this, he tried to placate the swordsman. "We are in peacetime. There's no need to train them like we are going through a war, Hayate."

Kakashi's lame explanation didn't fool Hayate, who knew the man better than most. "And the real reason? If it were any other Jonin, then I would believe it… But you? Not a chance in hell."

Hearing this, the silver-haired Jonin deflated a little and exposed why he hadn't been training his Genin as well as he was expected to do. "Well, I don't really know what to teach them… How can I help them through problems that I have never experienced myself? I am not cut out to be a teacher."

'Ah, I see what is going on….' Hayate thought. He knew quite a lot about Kakashi, especially his track record, which would amaze anyone. Genin at 5, Chunin at 6, Jonin at 12 and ANBU at age 13.

Of course, Kakashi most likely worked extremely hard to obtain such a record. But at the same time, his talent was also a significant factor. Whenever Kakashi was taught a technique, whether it was basic or advanced, he would pick up on it quickly.

Although such speed was shocking, it also meant that Kakashi missed a lot of the struggles of what an average person would go through. It didn't help that while Kakashi had been a captain of an ANBU team, it was his first time teaching. The man probably believed that he wouldn't be able to aid his students well enough.

"Maybe you should just give it an attempt. It could go better than you expect since you don't seem to have actively tried teaching them anything." Hayate figured that since Team 7 was only on Tree Walking now, he hadn't trained them in anything else.

Kakashi nodded his head but made no action to leave his spot, confusing Hayate. He thought that Kakashi had come over looking for some training advice, but seeing that the man wasn't planning on heading back to his team today, he could see that another trouble plagued him.

Hayate silently waited for Kakashi to talk. He knew the man struggled to ask the opinions of others as it was something that he rarely did. Hence making any indication to force Kakashi to say something would only result in him closing back into his shell.

Although Kakashi was still unsure if he wanted to share his problems, but gritted his teeth before opening his mouth. "I had a talk with Naruto because he had managed to close the tenketsu to my Sharingan so my chakra reserves could fill up quickly."

Hearing this, Hayate was shocked. A Genin that wasn't a Hyuuga had managed to close someone else's tenketsu? He had thought he had heard all of Naruto's skills with the elemental Ninjutsu alongside Shadow Clones, but apparently not.

"Word were said, but generally, Naruto pointed out that I am willingly weakening myself for a self-punishment because I am not using the seal that I had made." Kakashi finished somberly.

'So that is the problem….' Hayate thought to himself. "…And? What's your opinion on this?"

"I… I don't know." Kakashi replied. He wanted to say that Naruto was wrong and that he wasn't weakening himself. Naruto had been the first person to point it out, none of his previous teammates had mentioned it, or maybe they didn't know?

"Well, if you are here to ask for my opinion, I can tell you that I agree with Naruto.

"I understand that it was something you had never considered before since you haven't had to complete S-ranked missions in years, and almost every one of your missions was completed flawlessly. Even if you did suffer any problems from chakra exhaustion, it would hardly put your team or the mission at risk since your team were also in ANBU.

"But you have to remember that your current team isn't ANBU but some fresh graduates with minimal combat experience and strength. You were lucky that it was 'only Zabuza' and that your team weren't ambushed by his accomplice or another ninja that Gato had potentially hired."

Kakashi nodded his head in agreement hearing this. Initially, he was confident in his abilities, so when Guy had pleaded with the Hokage for him to take a team, he only thought he would be going on D, C and possibly B-ranked missions before he was reassigned.

Even if the Sharingan was constantly draining his chakra, with his skill set and experience in ANBU, Kakashi felt that there was no way that he would be incapacitated. This is the same reason why he agreed to continue with his team when Tazuna had pleaded his case. He was sure that he could protect them.

However, reality slapped him in the face when Zabuza appeared. The rust from lack of training outside the spars that Guy had forced him in rendered him much slower and stiffer compared to his ANBU days. As a result, he had barely knocked the man out before losing consciousness himself.

"Also, I and some of the other Jonin have felt that you were punishing yourself too much, but it was hard to breach the topic outright. While I don't know the details, I can understand some of your feelings as I have too lost many that I care about. Parents, relatives and friends.

"However, I have friends and Yuugao-chan who filled the gaping void they left, and I know you do too, like your eternal rival."

Kakashi shivered when Hayate mentioned Guy but did admit that the man who claims to be the embodiment of 'Youth' was undoubtedly his closest friend and confidant. He had no idea what he would be doing if the man didn't pull him out of the darkness.

"Even your team, I can see that only being with them for a little over two months, you have grown attached to them. Otherwise, you wouldn't seek their opinion when deciding to continue the mission, nor would you tell some of your past to Naruto."

Kakashi looked thoughtful. Deep down inside, he knew that Hayate was right. There were still people that he cared about, maybe they have and will never reach the same level of importance as Obito, Rin, Minato-sensei and Kushina-sama in his heart, but he knew that he would gladly die for them so they could live another day.

"How about I take over your training since you clearly aren't in the state to teach them today." Hayate suggested, knowing that Kakashi needed time to think. He truly hoped that the man would be able to overcome his inner darkness and truly start living for himself instead of for the past.

"Yeah, I'm counting on you." Kakashi gave a small wave as Hayate vanished in a Shunshin, leaving the silver-haired Jonin alone.

End of Flashback

"They are just Genin, huh?" Kakashi muttered to himself before looking at the specially made Hyuuga seal on his wrist. Well, calling it a Hyuuga seal wasn't entirely correct.

In fact, this seal was developed by his teacher, Minato Namikaze. The moment the man had heard that Obito had fallen during the war and had transferred his Sharingan to Kakashi, he began the development of the seal.

This is because his chakra reserves were nowhere near as high as they are now and didn't regenerate as quickly. This meant that Minato had to find some way to temporarily seal the Sharingan away, otherwise he would slowly be drained of his chakra and die from chakra exhaustion.

Despite being an accomplished Fuinjutsu and Jutsu-Shiki master, alongside Kushina-sama, Minato had spent days and nights finally creating a finished seal.

However, Minato was fearful that it would be applied wrong. Of course, the main seal on the wrist would be easy to apply. However, the second seal would need to be attached directly to the Tenketsu that leads to Kakashi's eye.

The only clan that was known to easily be able to see tenketsu, allowing for a 100% success rate, was the Hyuuga clan. However, they had conditions. The seal's copyright and development process had to be transferred to them. Despite these harsh conditions, Minato agreed without missing a beat, and the procedure was completed.

Time passed as Kakashi continued to stare at the seal on his hand. He understood the logic, but the idea that Obito would be able to see a world without Rin and know that he had failed had squashed his reason.

Several hours later, Kakashi sat with Tazuna, waiting for Team 7 and Hayate to return from their training. He also had the… delight… of meeting Tazuna's grandson, Inari. It was hard to like the boy considering he was staring daggers into him the whole time he was there.

"We're back, Kakashi-sensei!" "Hn". Hearing familiar voices as the door opened, Kakashi looked up to see Hayate, Sasuke and Sakura. The two Genin practically seemed dead on their feet, but both seemed content with their current state.

After noticing that even Hayate looked satisfied, Kakashi couldn't help but wonder how well their training went. Hayate was known to be a pretty strict teacher, especially in the art of Kenjutsu, with only Yuugao Uzuki staying under his tutelage for longer than a day.

Sasuke and Sakura left the room without making a noise, either heading upstairs to sleep or clean themselves. Kakashi didn't blame them for not wanting to stay and talk since they were covered in mud and sweat as they were most likely put through the wringer.

In direct contrast to the exhausted Genin, Hayate languidly sat across from him, not showing much tiredness. "I say Kakashi, those kids of yours are really talented and hard-working."

"Really?" He knew that Sasuke and Naruto would've most likely impressed Hayate. But during their D-rank missions, he had to deal with a lot of Sakura's complaints about being tired or dirty. Kakashi didn't doubt Hayate, but it was unbelievable that she changed so quickly.

'Then again, maybe Naruto's changes brought a bigger impact to Sakura than I thought', Kakashi thought. Naruto's changes in both personality and skills most likely brought a lot of pressure to both Sasuke and Sakura.

The boy who was supposed to be so far behind them had unknowingly surpassed them, which probably left a bitter taste in their mouths. However, Kakashi wouldn't do anything to dissuade this notion to either Genin. It would drive them to try harder in training and ultimately help them in the future.

"Yeah, Sakura has an extremely high talent in chakra control and would undoubtedly be a future expert in either Genjutsu or Medical Ninjutsu. Also, the amount of theoretical knowledge that she has mastered tops most Jonin. As long as she grows out of the mindset of wanting to always look good for Sasuke, she could easily be a fearsome Kunoichi.

"On the other hand, Sasuke lives up to his reputation as rookie of the year. Even though his talent in chakra control talent isn't as high as Sakura's, he has mastered the Tree Walking exercise just as quickly by virtue of his larger chakra reserve."

"And what about Naruto?" Kakashi was surprised at his Genin's progress when Hayate reported everything that had happened, but it irked him that the man said nothing about his blonde student.

"Naruto…?" Hayate seemed to sink into his thoughts, worrying Kakashi. That worry soon turned into anger as Hayate continued his sentence, "He's a monster."

"Wha..!?" Kakashi looked like he was about to murder Hayate. He never thought that one of his fellow Jonin would be so ignorant. Even if his training provided satisfying results for Sasuke and Sakura, he regretted letting the man anywhere near his Genin.

Hayate seemed to realise he said the wrong thing and held up both hands in defence and continued talking. "Sorry, bad choice of words. However, Naruto is undoubtedly one of the most talented students I have ever seen. He could even be compared to Itachi Uchiha.

"His foundations in Kenjutsu and other ninja arts such as chakra control, nature transformation, or Shurikenjutsu far surpass any graduate student or even most Chunin."

Hearing this, Kakashi was more than shocked. Naruto was so talented?

"However, there is something I am concerned about. While I don't want to doubt Naruto's loyalty to Konoha, it is strange that he has shown a surprising amount of skill after graduation from Genin.

"During the Jonin meeting, he had left a distinct impression on me because he had the worst grades that I had ever seen be able to graduate from the academy. For example, the basics I had just praised for being solid were barely passable in the first Genin test. Therefore I can only really come to two conclusions.

"The first one is something I am worried about, that Naruto deliberately hid his skill for unknown reasons. If this is the case, he would have to be considered a flight risk. Especially since he had gained access to the forbidden techniques in the Scroll of Sealing and had learnt about his burden the same night.

"However, there is always the chance that something motivated Naruto since the graduation exam, whether it was the knowledge about that or something else. Hence with the resources gained from the shinobi library and his innate talent, his skill in the ninja arts bloomed, and he managed to surpass his peers quickly."

After saying his part, Hayate decided to leave Kakashi alone once more. He knew that the man had taken everything he had spoken to heart and hoped it would cause Kakashi to spend more time training and bonding with his team.

Kakashi listened carefully to Hayate's speech, and although he didn't want to admit it, he inwardly agreed. However, he was more inclined to think it was the second option.

Naruto wasn't stupid, far from it. In fact, the amount of intellect that he had shown over the past few weeks, whether it was through his methodical planning on D-rank missions, or his actions during the escort mission, he had been heavily impressed by the boy's drive. He had been observing Naruto's behaviour and attitude ever since his sudden change in their 3rd meeting.

Therefore, that begs the question. Suppose Naruto was intentionally hiding his skill from his superiors for whatever reason. Why would he suddenly show the high levels of skill now?

Therefore, Kakashi pondered what Hayate had said. Naruto's personality had suddenly changed ever since the actual Genin exam. While some could be attributed to learning about his Jinchuuriki status, Kakashi couldn't believe that it would motivate him to become a much better ninja.

Was it his lack of skill shown during the bell test? The fact that both Sasuke and Sakura were much further ahead compared to him, so he felt the need to catch up?

While Kakashi thought about all the potential reasons for Naruto's sudden change, he remembered something. He reached into his ninja pouch, pulling out a scroll that contained the materials of all of the information about his students.

Searching through the stack of papers, Kakashi pulled out Naruto's file, which contained his detailed grades during the graduation exam and scanned through them.

Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Age: 12

Ninjutsu: F

Taijutsu: B

Genjutsu: F

Cooperation: F

Positivity: A

Classroom attitude: F

Notes: Naruto Uzumaki stands out for his poor grades and poor behaviour. His chakra control is substandard, rendering him unable to use any of the basic Ninjutsu, including: Clone Technique, Kawarimi and the Rope Escape Technique.

Additional notes: Although initially failing the graduation exam, Naruto Uzumaki learnt the Shadow Clone Technique and captured the traitor Mizuki Toji with assistance from Chunin Iruka Umino. In merit of these deeds, he was awarded a Genin headband by order of the Third Hokage.

It had been a while since he had read it, and it had completely slipped his mind. Looking back, Naruto's grades were pretty abysmal, although one thing caught his eye. 'His chakra control is substandard, rendering him unable to use any of the basic Ninjutsu, including…. Rope Escape Technique'.

Reading this, a red flag went off in Kakashi's head. His experience from years of infiltration and intel gathering missions during his time in ANBU practically screamed, 'this is where the problem lies!'.

By some sort of miracle, the last piece of the puzzle that was stuck in the back of his head finally fell into place. He had always wondered why Naruto had changed so much after the Genin exam. The unexpected change in attitude as Naruto started showing resentment and distrust towards him. A lack of attempting team bonding after only a few tries. A sudden increase in skill.

Kakashi's mind wandered back to the end of the Genin exam. Where he and Team 7 had left the boy tied to the post as they returned to their respective homes. It wasn't out of any malicious intent, but he was just too lazy to take it down. In his mind, every single Genin was able to proficiently use the basic techniques such as the Rope Escape Technique to escape. So it was supposed to be a little harmless prank.

However, what if Naruto couldn't get himself out as easily as he had presumed? If that was the case, the boy had to have been left there for an hour at the very least. And that was assuming that someone had spotted Naruto and had kindly untied him.

'Oh, good god.' As soon as this idea came to mind, Kakashi couldn't remove it from his mind. The more he thought about it, the more everything clicked. Of course, Naruto would hate his team for having left him there without anyone to check on him. Of course, Naruto would show a sudden interest in the ninja basics since being in a situation where you are helpless to do anything stays in mind forever.

He had to confirm it.

Kakashi abruptly stood up and left through the door, and moved towards the movement he heard in the distance.

It didn't take long before Kakashi stood from a nearby tree, watching Naruto as he continued to swing his sword. Kakashi also noticed several clones nearby, each holding a leaf or a lightbulb, alongside some others who seemed like they were meditating.

'So that's the reason for his huge jump in skill. Ingenious.' Kakashi thought to himself. The Shadow Clone Technique allowed the clones' experiences to be transferred to the original after their 'lifetime' ends.

While the Second Hokage created it intending to be used for intel gathering, those with vast chakra reserves could potentially use it for training. He didn't doubt that only Naruto, with his massive Uzumaki reserves alongside being the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki, could use this technique to its full potential.

As if sensing Kakashi watching him from a distance, Naruto stopped what he was doing and looked up. A single black eye and two blue eyes met. As Kakashi studied Naruto closer, he could see that although Naruto dropped his guard after seeing him, the boy was still displaying some signs of wariness.

"Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto tilted his head curiously, wondering why his Jonin instructor was watching him. He was a little irked by the man's lack of self-preservation. He was continuously moving around even though he should have been resting to recover from his injury.

Kakashi dropped down in front of Naruto. His mouth was dry, but he croaked out, "How long… how long were you tied to the post for?"

Naruto looked confused for a moment before realising what Kakashi was talking about. He grimaced and turned his head away from the Jonin. "I was there for about 14 hours."

Hearing this, regret struck Kakashi. He had left his student tired and hungry while tied to a log for almost 14 hours? He wanted to laugh at his past self, that had given a speech about not abandoning any of his comrades before doing exactly that.

"I am so sorry, Naruto." Kakashi apologised, hoping the boy would forgive him. Although their relationship had eased over the past two months, the instinctive guarding that the boy displayed in his presence weighed down on his mind.

"Why… why did you leave me there?!" Naruto glared at the apologetic Jonin. It was the one thing that had always played on his mind. He knew that Kakashi was perceptive; the man had always checked on him whenever a civilian had ignored him. Yet that very same man had left him tied for hours on end without even thinking of checking on him.

"It is a weak excuse but the idea that you couldn't use the Rope Escape Technique didn't even cross my mind. I would never intentionally subject you or any other Genin to that. It was an oversight on my part, and I apologise."

Naruto calmed down after hearing Kakashi's explanation as it was what he had expected. The man had just made a mistake. Learning about this, and the fact that Kakashi had given him an apology on his own accord and the attention that the man provided him during missions caused Naruto to cave in and forgive him.

After obtaining Naruto's forgiveness, Kakashi felt startlingly relieved. He never expected just hearing the boy's acceptance of his apology to take such a heavy weight off his shoulders. 'Am I more attached to these kids than I thought?'

The moment this thought fluttered across his mind, Kakashi came to a realisation. He enjoyed being the leader of Team 7. Arriving late to see all three Genin staring disgruntedly at him, their reactions to his terrible excuses, and the pride he felt when Hayate reported their progress.

Hayate was right. These Genin aren't his old ANBU team that he didn't need to protect; they were still fledglings that needed to be protected. If he had to put aside his pride and start using the seal, if only to ensure their safety is more guaranteed, he would do it in a heartbeat.

Although it hurt to know that Obito would see all of his failures, he would once again use his best friend's eye to protect his team.

After coming to this understanding, he instinctively activated the seal, which sent a pulse of chakra to the tenketsu in his left eye. Pulling up his forehead protector, Kakashi couldn't help but smile as he saw that both sides of his vision were exactly the same.

'Minato-sensei's sealing capabilities never fail to astonish me', Kakashi thought to himself, taking in Naruto's shock at the appearance of both eyes. "Well then, Tsunami-san should have just finished preparing dinner, so let's head back, shall we?"

"Okay, Kakashi-sensei" Naruto nodded his head in affirmation, and the duo strolled back toward Tazuna's home.

Author's notes: Whaddup, a new chapter is out!

This chapter basically highlights Kakashi's changes in mindset, and it motivates him to do a lot better with the training of Team 7! Don't worry, there won't be a lot of training descriptions etc... I am still trying to tone that down etc.

Hopefully, Kakashi doesn't appear too OOC in this. I tried to make it as reasonable as possible, and I have been stuck writing this for the past week or so.

Anyways, send a review, PM. Follow/Favourite or add to one of your collections! Until next time!

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