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5.64% Harry Potter: Red Weasley The Strange Red Wizard / Chapter 11: Chapter 9: First Day

Chapitre 11: Chapter 9: First Day

According to the vote there are going to be many women and I'm going to have a hard time, in order to achieve that, apart from the fact that our protagonist is going to change his personality a bit, I'm also going to give him skills that he will obtain in the following years. Another issue is that I forgot two options for the harem when I wrote it and I'm going to put it here.

---Myrtle Warren(Myrtle La Llorona)---



---Helena Ravenclaw---



I had a lot of trouble writing this chapter, I apologize if it has more mistakes than usual.


I woke up in my bed in my new room. It's cozy in a way, and it will be my strength in the future. I sat up and tried to find my watch that was in the clothes I had taken off yesterday.

But I didn't have much time to search for it because several new skill notices came out one after another.

[Blood Magic: "Blood Clone" obtained]

[Aura and Essences: "Warrior Essence"]

[Aura and Essences: Obtained "Wizard Essence"]

[Auxiliary: "Improved Map" obtained]

[Auxiliary: "Improved Message/Gift" obtained]

[Auxiliary: "Travel" obtained]

Wow, that's the most skills I've ever gotten in one go, I think my first day at Hogwarts is going to be the best.


-You can teleport while out of combat from one teleportation point you have unlocked to another. Every time you have entered some urban center such as cities or towns, as well as particular places, you will activate the teleportation places. Being within these points, you can travel to any of the others. Allies unlock teleportation points at their bases.

[Improved Map]

-Blue(Activated) and Gray(Undiscovered) teleportation points have been added to the map-

[Improved Message/Gift]

-Message/gift delivery time has been reduced to 0 within safe zones for both parties-

[Wizard Essence]

-mana Max and mana regen increased-

[Warrior Essence]

-Most effective combat training-

[Blood Clone]

*You can create an identical clone using your blood magic.

*You can produce more than one clone.

*There is no maximum distance for the clone.

*There is no time limit for the clone as long as you can maintain its consumption.

*Undo the clone voluntarily recovers some blood magic used.

This last ability had me intrigued. I tried to use it and could feel how almost all my blood magic left my body abruptly. In front of me a bloody mass was rapidly taking shape, it took a form identical to mine and after completion its colors changed from red to the natural color of my body and clothes. In front of me was my identical copy.

The most impressive thing was not how identical the copy was, but the control I had over it. It had no intelligence, nor did it have a robotic setup to carry out commands or orders that I give it. I myself felt that I became one person with two bodies, I could think of two different things, one with each individual and be able to understand them separately at the same time.

I could read two different books at the same time and understand them as if I were reading one normally. In addition to sharing the senses of both, I could see, smell, hear... two different things at the same time. The drawback is that despite the ability to process two things at the same time, my mental capacity is reduced, it's not like each one receives half of my capacity, but if it is less than what it would be if I was alone. That's the same step with my magical abilities, weakening my magical ability.

Another important point is that it is possible for me to keep my clone indefinitely with my blood magic reserves, but it only left me with 10% maximum to use, which despite not having many uses, still weakens me quite a bit.

This increased the chances of accomplishing many things that I wouldn't even have thought of doing before, but for now, let's prepare a few things. I use the [improved message] skill to communicate with Ginny that I know she's home right now, so the delivery time should be instant.

"Ginny, are you awake?"

I spend a long time before receiving an answer.

"What's up Red? It's 5 in the morning"

Damn, I forgot to check the time. I didn't use the [Sleep] skill because I wanted to test the effect of [Rest] without it, it seems like it has a good effect because even though it's early I feel completely refreshed.

"Sorry Ginny, I didn't realize, I didn't want to wake you up"

"Okay Red, did you get to Hogwarts? How is it? And how are you texting me from there so fast? Before they only came so fast when we were in the same room, and now you're so far away"

"If it arrives safely, and it's as our brothers always described it. As far as messaging, let's just say my ability has improved, so while you're home and I'm at Hogwarts, we can instantly talk whenever we want."

"Great, that will be very convenient. Tell me how are you? Are you in the same room as Ron? I hope not."

"No, I'm not with Ron, we're not even in the same house"

"What! Seriously, what house are you in?"


"SLYTHERIN! How is that possible? Mom is going to go crazy when she hears it. How did you end up there?"

"The hat gave me a choice and I chose Slytherin"

"But why would you do that?"

"I didn't want to be in the same room as Ron, besides I'll be able to bother him a lot being here. You know how many times he said that he would end up here, so I gave him the pleasure"

"I guess you would, but are you okay there? They don't bother you?"

"A little, but I benefited from it"

"As long as you're okay, I…should I get into Slytherin next year?"

"It's not necessary, you don't have to follow me everywhere, besides if mom finds out that you came in because of me, there will be no salvation for me. Now for what I called you, you remember mom's books on cooking that she has on the shelf, could you send me two like we did before"

"Yes, I'm going"

I waited for a while, Ginny got up and went to the kitchen to get the books. It was early, and I couldn't make sure I didn't get caught out of hours, so I'd find something to do until I can get out.

"Here I have them Red, there I send them to you"

[You have received a gift from 'Little Sister']

[You have received a gift from 'Little Sister']

Yes, I discovered that once they are added to my friends list, I can change the name that appears on the screen.

Two somewhat old but well-cared-for magical cookbooks appeared on my bed.

"Thanks Ginny, go back to sleep, we talk at night"

"Goodbye Red"

Well, now that I have the books, I will start to see how far I can go with my clone. Each of us picked up a book and started reading, it's certainly wonderful, and I can't understand how I can be two people at the same time, but it's happening.

We continued reading for another hour until it hit 6 o'clock, I can now leave my room. Each of us showed almost 70% of our reading ability, which is a very good percentage, since we may not finish one book as quickly, but we can finish two at once with a little more time.

Putting my books in the inventory, I verified that we share the same inventory, but that we can't take each other's things until I dispel the clone or have physical contact with it.

The real me left the room and my clone stayed, as dispelling it can restore some magic, but not all of it, and I didn't want to waste it. The common room was somewhat empty, none of the first years seemed to get up yet, there were only a few older students who had gotten up.

I went out to the dungeons and after waiting 5 minutes my clone came out too, it was very interesting to see the puzzled faces of the people who were in the common room.

I head to the courtyard to train a bit while my clone went to the library, now I have the ability to read while doing other things, saving me a lot of time. I can improve by leaps and bounds this way.

While passing through the castle, I passed several early risers who gave me curious looks because of my appearance. I ignored them and started training, with the [Warrior Essence] my training felt much more pleasant. I could feel how I got twice the results, it was very good, since despite having a physical condition above average, if I wanted to fulfill my goals, I had to be even stronger.

I continued like this for an hour, my muscles look marked and sweaty, another effect of the skill, it seems that despite not damaging my body it still retains the aspect corresponding to the enhanced exercise. I took out my wand and cast a quick cleansing spell. 'how convenient magic is'.

It's already 7 am and I headed to the great hall to have breakfast. Unlike when I woke up, Hogwarts was already more alive, you could see students and some teachers moving from here to there.

I arrived at the great hall and I met some familiar faces, I passed by the Ravenclaw table and greeted Padma, she returned my greeting, earning the glances of some of her companions.

I then walked past the Gryffindor table and greeted Parvati in the same way, who was talking to a girl who if I remember correctly is Lavender Brown, who was also surprised by my presence. I guess no one expects her to have manners.

I went to my table and had something to eat while I waited.

A short time later I could see how Fred and George arrived, they passed where I was and patted me on the shoulders.

"What's up Red, how do the snakes treat you?"

"If we didn't expect to see you today, we thought we had missed you"

"Bearable" I replied.

They went away, but the other Slytherins stared at our conversation with annoyance. I kept eating until I saw a half asleep Hermione making her way to the Gryffindor table. I got up and walked towards her, she seemed to see me and woke up from her drowsiness.

"Red! How are you? I was up late thinking about you" Hermione said worriedly.

"Wow Hermione, I knew you were a pervert, but I didn't think that just seeing me half naked would make you sleepless. At least be more reserved, don't say it in front of everyone"

"Shut up, this is serious!" She said completely red, seeing how everyone looked at her and realizing what she had said.

"Okay, what's up?"

"You're in Slytherin…you know…that's where a lot of evil wizards have come from I hear…" she said half whispering.

"I understand, you think that because I'm there I'm a cunning and deceitful person" I told I was rubbing my eyes with disappointment "It's fine if you want it that way ¡Fred George!" I called my brothers, who quickly looked at me like everyone else at the table "Now I'm a Slytherin, and you're Gryffindor, we can't coexist, so we'll fight to the death until only one of us is left standing" I yelled at them.

I attracted everyone's attention, my appearance made me seem very serious in what I said and nobody expected this. It seemed that they believed that they were really going to see a fight to the death, everyone was in shock. Neville looked like he was going to pass out, and even Percy was a bit serious.

Fred and George looked at each other before standing up and answering

"Well, that's the way it should be" (Fred)

"When you die, we will send flowers to Luna" (George)

"And we will write on your grave 'the reddest of the Weasleys'" (Fred)

After that, they let out a laugh that puzzled most. Apart from Ginny and Luna, they are the only two people who can tell when I'm joking and when I'm being serious, one of the reasons I get along so much better with them than the rest of the family.

"Does that sound better to you, Hermione, or should it be more sinister?"

"No...no... I wasn't trying to say that" she said somewhat embarrassed.

"That's good. I wouldn't want to have to kill my whole family just because a talking hat told me to, in the Muggle newspapers they would already be calling me a crazy schizophrenic psychopath"

That earned some chuckles from the Muggle-borns at the table, and it relaxed Hermione a bit to see that he was just playing and that he wasn't mad at her.

"I was worried about your safety, your brother told me that they are not well liked among the pure blood wizards and that in Slytherin they could hate you a lot and maybe do something bad to you" she said worried.

I rubbed her head with my hand, "you don't have to worry, they didn't do anything that I couldn't benefit from, now let's eat before we have to go to class"

She nodded and took my hand away, she wasn't too upset, but she was embarrassed in front of her classmates. She sat down, and I sat next to her, this surprised her and everyone else. The other Gryffindors were annoyed at my presence.

"Aren't you going to your table?" Hermione whispered to me.

"I don't have a Hermione there, so no," I said as I started to grab food.

"But they all look upset"

"Are you upset?"

"No but..."

"Then eat quietly and ignore them"

She resigned herself and despite all the looks. She began to eat because she was quite hungry. After a few glances the others also ignored me, since I was a Weasley they let it pass, since they knew that most of my family was here

"And what is Slytherin house like?" They asked Fred and George.

"Too green for my taste, but it has its things. And you Hermione, how are you? Is it to your liking?"

"If it's okay, I share the bedroom with Lavander and Parvati, and you?"

"Yes Red, it seems you should be in the bedroom with Malfoy" (Fred)

"We thought that maybe you already escaped to sleep in the kitchen at home" (George)

"To the kitchen?" asked Hermione, curious.

"Yes, I usually go to sleep there to find peace, and no, I'm not with Malfoy, I have a bedroom to myself"

"Do you have a bedroom of your own? How is that possible?" One of the Gryffindor elders said that she was listening to our conversation.

"Privileges" I answered.

"That's not fair, Why Slytherin can have single rooms" complained another student.

"It's not all Slytherin, it's just me, and it's not a room per se, it's a small windowless dank room with just a bed and nothing else."

"What! How can they make you sleep there, that's completely unacceptable, you deserve a bedroom like everyone else" The vigilante Hermione emerged.

"Don't worry, it's better than you think"

"But... won't you feel lonely without company?" asked Parvati who was quietly off to the side.

"A little, but if I didn't, I would have to be in the same bedroom as Malfoy and that would be worse. I mean, if I could be in a bedroom with you, I would say yes without hesitation, we could even have sleepovers like I do with my sister, but being with Malfoy would be: 'my father this...', 'my father that', 'you are poor compared to me', 'where is Potter?', etc... etc..."

"Do you do pajamas with your sister?" Lavender said, laughing a little, causing the others to laugh as well.

Yes, I do. What's wrong with it?

"Aren't you a little old to sleep with your sister"

"I don't care about my age. It's also a way I avoid sleeping with Ron, he snores, and his rat seems to look at me at night, I prefer Ginny, at least I can talk about something entertaining. And speaking of Merlin..." I explained to Lavender that she cringed when I addressed her, so that when I was done, she would see Ron appear in the doorway with Harry.

Ron and Harry sat down at the Gryffindor table and looked at me in confusion, for a moment they seemed to think they had sat at the wrong table.

"What he does here?" Ron yelled in disgust.

"You see Ron... what I do is called eating, it's necessary to live, you do it too sometimes, you just have to pay a little attention, and you'll be able to see it. Don't worry, take your time..."

Several people laughed at the tone in which I said it, with my seriousness it actually seemed that I was talking to him as if he didn't know. Ron turned red when he saw how the others looked at him and laughed at him, although there weren't many, he was still embarrassed.

"Shut up Weasley" Harry yelled to defend his friend from him without realizing what he said.

"Easy Potter, he's just a little slow at some things, you don't have to yell at him, wait a while, you'll get used to it" I told Harry in my most sympathetic tone to 'defend' my brother.

Now more people laughed out loud, even Hermione couldn't help it. Harry turned red, and Ron almost looked like he wanted his cloak to be bigger, so he could hide it. This pair really leaves a lot to be desired.

"I was talking to you!" Said Harry angry

"Then specify Mr. Potter, not all of us can know what you think" I said as I stood up "It's time for me to go, it seems that I am not well received, see you later ladies... and the rest"

I may come across as very biased towards people as the latter has earned the displeasure of most of the guys at the table, maybe I'm not good at having friends and if I'm a bit mean making fun of them, but I find it funny and that's what matters most to me

I got up after saying goodbye to Hermione and her classmates, ignoring Ron's complaints and Harry's displeasure. I went to my table where I wasn't very well received either, it seems that most of the Slytherin don't like me very much. Malfoy was already surrounded by Parkinson, Crabbe and Goyle. His look when I saw me come back was quite... he doesn't seem happy that he's at his table or at the others', honestly I don't understand what this boy wants.

I walked up to Malfoy and patted him hard on the back as I said, "Thanks for the room, Malfoy."

The blow shook him completely, he almost ended up lying on the table. They all stared at me, as Crabbe and Goyle immediately stood up as if they were going to face me directly.

"What do you think you're doing?" Parkinson yelled when she saw me.

"'Thank you'" I said as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"You think you can just hit me like that, you've had enough of me Weasley, don't think I'm going to just let you walk around here like that, I don't even know why you dare to approach our table" Malfoy stood up, shouting angrily.

"It's sad that your little head won't let you. Remember... I'm in Slytherin too, I know it's hard for you to think about many things, but I'm sure if you work hard you can do it, don't lose hope, be different is not a bad thing" while patting him on the shoulder.

"You can't talk to him like that," Parkinson complained.

"No…? Do you think I should say it slower… yes, I don't want him to be confused, maybe it's too much information for him to process, thanks for the memory miss Parkinson"

"Enough is enough" Malfoy yelled with a protruding vein on his head, "Crabbe Goyle..."

Just as he was about to order the thugs from him, a pale man dressed in a black robe appeared, looking disheveled with greasy hair and a penetrating gaze, not a good first impression if he wanted someone to like him.

"Here are the schedules" he said as he dropped some scrolls on the table before leaving again.

"Professor Snape" Malfoy stopped him "You can't let this traitor stay in Slytherin, he has to get him out of our house, his presence does nothing but insult us being in it"

Snape paused a bit to look at me, it seemed that he didn't expect my presence in Slytherin either, I don't know what he thought of me. For a brief moment, we fixed our gazes on each other, each with our somber faces.

"That is out of my control, they will have to learn to live with it" he said before leaving with his peculiar way of walking.

I walked away before Malfoy wanted to fight again, but not before I cast a copy spell on the schedules to get one for myself, I wasn't going to give them time to try to damage something, so I couldn't get to class or something similar.

Something good that I learned is that my map was building a sketch of Hogwarts and the best thing is that each secret door or hidden passage is marked with a particular icon so that technically I could know them all. The problem is that it shows them, but it does not say how to activate them.

I was leaving the great hall and walked around Hogwarts to complete the map, I started running as I felt I could complete faster. My abilities allowed me to make a trip dodging students and obstacles that I could find, especially some older Slytherin students who did some small spells to make me stumble, but my reaction capacity along with my jumping ability allowed me to avoid them all, causing a great surprise to everyone who crossed me.

Those who saw me could tell that I went like the wind, with nothing to stop me, and without the slightest drop of sweat on my body. Maybe I should practice parkour in the castle, it would be interesting.

On the way I passed Mrs. Norris not far from where Filch was cleaning who seeing me was about to chase me, but releasing my [Predator Presence] the cat ran away immediately, Filch also stopped in his tracks before chasing to Mrs. Norris. That way I get out of trouble, even though I still try to dodge the teachers.

It was already time for my first class, I checked my watch and my schedule. I have 20 minutes to get to the history room, I have enough time, I passed by, so it was recorded on my map.

I arrived with ten minutes to spare, and there were already other children here as well. Hermione was already here with her books in her bag along with her roommates. There was also Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis from Slytherin, and then other children, who other than Neville, I didn't bother to remember who's who.

"Hello Hermione, ready for our first class?" I walked up to her and asked, ignoring most of the snakes' death stares.

"Red, where were you? I couldn't find you when I finished breakfast, you would have waited for me" Hermione complained.

"I went out to explore the castle to make a mental map, this place is very big, and I want to get used to it so as not to be late for classes because I got lost"

"Yes, I also noticed, I read in 'Hogwarts: A History' that there are 142 different stairs that move or change..." she began to blurt out a large amount of information as if it were copied from a book. All the students, Both Slytherin and Gryffindor, stared at her, and I'm sure despite not wanting to accept it they were making mental notes for the future.

"Excellent Miss Granger, it seems that I study, 10 points for Gryffindor" I said with a thick voice.

Hermione's roommates giggled a bit and she, now red, punched me in the shoulder for embarrassing her once again. We watched as more students arrived, but I was sure it wasn't all of them, Harry and Ron weren't there, so I guess they got lost.

Soon our teacher appeared, it was Professor Binns, the only teacher who was a ghost. Several students were curious about it, but after the class started they had realized that it was nothing exciting, the monotonous tone and the large amount of data made most of them sleepy. I wasn't saved from boredom either, aside from Hermione and a few, it seemed like no one was paying attention in class anymore.

Hermione was the main participant in the class answering the questions the teacher gave her, earning points for Gryffindor. The lions were happy, while the snakes looked at her with discomfort.

Harry and Ron were late and were reprimanded by the ghost, I ignored them and made an effort to attend class and spending half an hour trying my best not to fall asleep received a great reward.


-Every time you try to learn or study something, the learning capacity increases depending on the following characteristics-

*The teacher: You can increase or decrease the learning capacity depending on whether is a good or bad teacher. The benefit only works if the student has equal or less knowledge than the teacher in the respective area.

*The place: Places such as classrooms, libraries, studies or any other quiet place or that facilitates the study of a subject will give particular benefits to the respective subject.

*Resources: the better the study materials, the greater the benefit

This is a spectacular surprise, my learning ability was already good, but with this I could advance to another level. I tried to pay attention to the classes again and if it worked, I could feel how each information that was exposed in the class was much more fluid and understandable as well as much easier to memorize, but even so I was still very bored. Except for some interesting wars and battles most of the wizarding history was bland to me.

This class gave me a lot of results, and I was extremely happy. Class finished, and we all left, now I had to go to herbology with Hufflepuff. I also had the conservatory marked because I passed by when I went out to train, so it would be easy.

I arrived pretty quickly and since I had my inventory I didn't have to go looking for my tools, saving me a lot of time. With my new ability, I also noticed that my clone also learned faster about what he was reading, which was great news.

Professor Pomona Sprout arrived and guided us to greenhouse number one, she was a shorter wizard than Professor McGonagall although clearly taller than Professor Flitwick. She was plump and with very gray hair, she looked like she had just worked with plants because she had earth is her suit which seemed patched many times.

We arrived at the greenhouse, in it there were many plants of different types, shapes and colors. The teacher began with an introduction to herbology, differences between the herbology of the magical world and the muggle world, among other things. That was half the class, then we started with our first plant, it was a kind of nettle.

Class finished, and it was lunchtime. This time I didn't go directly to the Gryffindor table and stayed with the snakes, the atmosphere was still bad, but I ignored it and finished eating quickly.

After finishing, I decided to go to the library, but while leaving the great hall I received a notice of a new ability.

-Pov Clone-

I'm in the library right now, it's amazing and curious how I'm reading my breakfast at the same time, I can feel my hunger being satisfied when my real body eats. I wonder if I could be satisfied eating with my clone?

Pick up a little book on magical plants and their use in the Muggle world written by a half-blood herbologist. I plan to finish it before Herbology class, I may have already read several books on the subject, but this library has a lot of books I've never read, so I can fill my repertoire.

It was time for history class, and I was still reading, a short time later Madam Pince who had passed by my side caught my attention.

"First year classes should have started by now, you should hurry out" the woman with the aquiline nose told me.

"Okay, I'll stay reading" I replied.

She just ignored me after that and headed over to her desk. I'm sure I won't have any problems with her as long as she doesn't damage the books and follows the library rules, I think I should try to build a good relationship since I plan to read a lot in this place.

I'm done with history class, it's amazing how Professor Binns can sleep even my clone when it's not even in his class, the good thing is that the [Learning] skill has helped me a lot to understand what I read improving my comprehension, it's very useful.

But it's time for herbology and I couldn't finish my book, I forgot that my reading ability had decreased. Now I can learn more, but I can't finish the book so fast. Just ignore this problem for now, but I'll take it into account for later.

I was still reading when I was interrupted again. This time it was a student who seemed to be from Ravenclaw because of the color of her clothes. She seemed to be from the upper years, she had blue eyes and beautiful black hair. (I know that this character actually has blonde hair, but whenever I read about her I imagined her with dark hair. I leave it to your imagination, I don't think mention her hair color again)

"You should go to class, it's not good to miss the first day, when you grow up you'll realize that it's better to take advantage of classes earlier than later" said the girl with several books in her arms.

"I'm already in Herbology, but thanks for the memory" I thanked her, since I could feel her sincerity.

"Are you there?" She asks confused.

"You will find out in the future... but now something that has me intrigued, is that you have reminded me. You are the first person among the students who have come to talk to me voluntarily, for something good, I thought everyone were scared of me" I mention curious.

"I'm friends with one of your brothers, that's why I thought I should"

"Seriously, who could it be?"

"Percy Weasley"

"I thought so. It's good that there are still kind people like you who are willing to offer a helping hand even to a person like me"

"It's no big deal, your brother told me about you. Red Weasley, the most serious of your family and I must say that he wasn't lying, I could recognize you even before they said your name at the selection ceremony"

"I can't help it, my looks are very recognizable, but putting that aside, we have this thing that you seem to know a lot about me, but I don't know anything about you 'Percy's Friend'"

"I'm Penelope Clearwater, nice to meet you"

"Red Weasley, the pleasure is mine"

"Can I sit at your table?"

"Of course"

She sat down and put her books on the table. She had several of them open at the same time and every so often she copied the contents of the book on her parchment, I continued reading quietly, although I noticed that every so often she gave me a few glances.

"You know, I was a little scared of you the first time I saw you. You make a scary impression for a child, but then I remembered what your brother told me about you, and I was able to put it aside" Penelope commented.

"Yes, it's inevitable" I said without taking my eyes off my book.


"I suppose you know creatures like Veevas, Succubi or Nymphs, they all have a natural charm that usually makes men and some women fascinated or enchanted. I have something similar, but instead of using beauty to attract others I mine is more for intimidation, it's not something I control, I can make it stronger, but right now I'm at the minimum point where I can reduce this aura"

"Oh, that explains a lot, I didn't think the Weasleys had magical beings as ancestors"

"They don't have them and if I am the son of my parents like all my brothers, in case you ask"

"Then how is it possible? You don't have the slightest resemblance to the rest of them, no offense"

"I am like the wolf that was born into a herd of sheep, there is not the slightest reason why it is possible but here I am"

"It must be hard for you"

"Not really, I'm used to it"

"I guess even being handsome it will be difficult for you to get a girlfriend" she teased me trying to lighten the conversation.

"I don't think so, already on my first day a beautiful girl already came to sit next to me and worried about my education and my love life not to mention that she said I was handsome, I think I'm doing quite well" I smiled slightly at her"You should take advantage of the fact that you are the only one who has noticed it, if you wait too long in the future you may not have a chance, and you will have to fight for me"

"I didn't expect the Weasleys to be so bold now, but I don't think you'll stand a chance with me, you're too small for me. Besides, I had been thinking about agreeing to go out with Percy, so you can take me off your list of potential candidates."

"Past tense?"

"Y... well" She got a little awkward" Actually for some time now I've seen him hold his crotch every time he goes to the bathroom and when I ask why he just turned red and avoided the subject, this morning I 've seen him do it again. I think maybe I developed some weird fetish and that's making me doubt whether to go out with him or not, although I don't think this is something I should be telling his brother" she realized she was talking about the wrong topic.

Oh, sorry Percy, I didn't expect to ruin your love life like that, although it wasn't all my fault.

"About that, he does it unconsciously, and it might be my fault..."

"Your fault?"

"You see..." I finish by telling her the story of the pixies.

She laughed out loud after she told her about Percy's accident, until Mrs. Pince shut us up, and she had to hold her laugh. She seemed very amused, and I was a little guilty about the story.

"I didn't expect that, now everything makes more sense, maybe you are a very bad person after all"

"Hey... I didn't let go of the pixie, I just got it... Percy was the one with bad luck"

"Maybe I should give it another chance... but after taking advantage of this information for some time"

"Now you're the bad one"

"haha you may be right. I hope you have more luck than your brother, the truth is that you are quite attractive after overcoming the initial fear, more than any of your brothers including Percy, although it sounds bad that his possible future girlfriend tells him. I guess if things don't work out with him in a few years, I'll come looking for you" she winked at me.

"Every time you say it will become more possible"

"You wish. I'll go away, I don't think I can concentrate after finding out about this, see you next time"

"So long, but don't tell Percy that I was the one who brought the pixi"

"Don't worry, I won't risk you dropping one while I'm in the bathroom and ending up with the same traumas"

"That I wasn't!"

She just left laughing, and I continued with my reading. I'm already having lunch with my real body, and I'm finishing the book with my clone, once finished I closed it and was going to put it in its place to look for another one, but before I could do it, a new ability warning appeared.


-The reading speed increases up to a maximum of 10 times according to the following criteria-

*The environment: the better the place, the higher the reading speed.

*Comprehension: The less understanding the content of the book requires, the higher the reading speed.

*Mastery: The more you master the subject you are reading, the higher your reading speed will be.

This day just keeps getting better.

Load failed, please RETRY

État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

Table des matières

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