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16.66% I'm a Kaiju? / Chapter 6: Act 6

Chapitre 6: Act 6

CHP: Ambush

Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Beta reader: Unholy Light

Bold - Right Head.

Natural - the Middle head.

Italics - Thoughts/Telepath dialogues/ flashbacks/ Left head

When morning came, Gestroyah sighed. It was like this every day, get up, patrol, train, sleep. Rinse and repeat. But today? They can smell it. Something was different around the island.

And he can tell that something changed, but they couldn't put their finger on it. First, they went to check on Slenra, and they found the baby T-Rex asleep.

They went to check their home just in case any of those pesky Death Jackals plan on taking their home back. They can't trust those suicidal dumbheads.

Satisfied, they went to Kong's home, and he found the Gorilla was awake and started his routine. They watched him pick a tree and turn it into a spear, and he hurls it to the sun.

"Poor guy, that's a sad way to die." Cody said, spotting a young kaiju killed by the spear.

"Bet its last words were like 'YO WTF!?'" Odin said, chuckling.

"Okay boys, enough chit-chat, let's go greet our landlord. Hey KONG!" Ning watched the ape turn and greeted them with a nod.

The chimera approached his friend. "Do you feel it?" Ning asked. "Something has entered our land." Kong said, fully alert.

"Did you finish it?" Odin asked. Kong shook his head. "No." That simple answer made the three heads frown.

They were sure that Kong could make a decent weapon, but it seemed they overestimated him, or the island lacked the necessary Kaiju.

"Hey why don't give Kong one of our plates?"

The suggestion turned its siblings' attention towards Cody as if he's a genius, stupid, and crazy.

"Did you forget why we even have plates now?"

"Cause we evolved too fast?"

"NO! Our plates are acting as limiters so we don't blow up!"

"Don't forget it also stores any excess energy for emergencies."

"But it's not like losing one is going to be a big deal. We have super-regeneration right?"

"Well... he's not wrong, but how are we sure that it's going to work?"

"We could have Kong rip one out and try tying it to one of the Skull scrawlers bones?"

Odin's suggestion wasn't wrong. But how is Kong going to rip it out? Their plates were razor sharp.

Manda POV.

The serpent-like creature was on the hunt. Power like the sun, such a creature never existed in a millennium. If it can devour it, then it will become the new alpha.

Just thinking about it made Manda shiver in pleasure. Thoughts of humiliating his nemesis and finally killing him surfaced.

It wasn't foolish to figure out that there were two alphas, but the bizarre situation also made it curious.

Manda was curious. This wasn't a fight. How was it possible for two alphas to exist and not kill each other? He listened more to their conversation.

"AH! Pull it out, already!"

"{Grunt} This would've been over if stop clenching it." The ape then pulls once more.

"FUCK! That fuckn' hurt, mate!" Odin roared in agony.

"Kong, just yank it, yank it out, please!" Cody pleaded.

Kong huffs before brutally tearing off one of Gestroyah's dorsal plates. The chimera roars in pain before panting. A new plate grew in its place.

"Now, all we need is a bone sturdy enough to hold it." Ning said, noticing the time. The center head sighed, time for another routine.

Kong grunted before looking at the dorsal plate in his hand. He wasn't comfortable using a piece of his friend as a weapon, but Ning convinced him.

Noticing Gestroyah about to take flight, the great ape took a few steps back to give him space. The tails of his friend had bulged before he flapped his wings. The chimera took to the skies, while the protector of skull island went back to his home.

Manda had been lucky that the two didn't see through his camouflage or smell his scent. His mind then planned on how to beat the titans. From what he saw, the ape had more experience but lacked the strength to contend with the current alpha.

The three-headed beast was the exact opposite. It had way too much power than any titan it had ever encountered. If given time to grow, it would be the greatest alpha. Yet, it's clear from its movements and posture the creature was a hatchling. Its lack of reaction to his presence backed his theory.

With a huff, the great serpent settled to deal with the great ape first before facing against the three-headed beast.

Glancing back at the retreating form of the ape, he silently followed it.

Gestroyah was enjoying their flight. It was the best thing that they reveled in after being reincarnated. But also to forget there's a dimension-eating god on the loose.

"So what are we doing today?" Ning asked.

"Um, how about we work on breath attacks? We haven't tested that out yet." Cody spoke.

"Good idea. Remember Broly's Ki attacks? or how about that Firebreather cartoon we watched as kids?"

Ning quickly agrees. They already figured out how their Shape-shifting powers work, but it required a lot of biomass. Unfortunately, the Evolution requires either critical injury or near-death experiences, or even dying. Self-harm and suicide don't count. They tried it once already.

Force Evolution works, but the mutation only lasts 3 minutes before entering 30 minutes to cool down. They also need to do it manually, meaning all three heads or at least two must know what they want and need, or else it would never work.

So no Zenkai-boost bullshit.

The chimera wonders as they looked for an unhabitual island. Finally, finding one, the chimera lands, the land shook under their massive weight. Before scouting the area, they didn't want a nasty surprise.

Satisfied, the three then began working on their breath attack. They first tried performing variants of their breath attack.

Ning figured out how to those weird spiral rings, that Godzilla used in the ps4. Next, he tried firing it with trick shots. Then a spread attack, though it was more effective on the air. Finally, Shin Godzilla's move, where he fires it from his plates. This was the hardest part, as Ning nearly destroyed their dorsal plate from the massive overload.

Cody started with the classic Oxygen destroyer attack before using a variant that fires out of their scales similar to a nuclear pulse and finally an air bubble attack.

Odin went crazy with his gravity beam. The first thing was the standard telekinesis. He then made a variant where the attack can make things heavier or lighter. Next was changing the attraction of objects' gravity. Finally, the most dangerous one was creating an electric ball equal to a black hole!

All three agreed to put it as a last resort. The three had become so occupied with the works that they failed in a rising wave.

When they did, it was too late. Godzilla found them, and describing his anger would be impossible.

"Oh, SHIT!" the three yelled in terror. "Odin blew up the barrier!" Ning said.

Godzilla POV

Godzilla roared in rage. Finally, he found the problem, and for a moment, he thought his greatest adversary had resurrected.

He roared, asserting his authority and giving them a warning. Submit or die.

The center looked toward both his right and left heads before smirking. They took a deep breath and roared, deforming the entire area around them.

It disoriented Godzilla. He became temporarily deaf. Shaking his head, he glared at them. Rushing straight, his opponent outmaneuvered him.

The king roared in shock as the creature grabbed his neck from behind and smashed him into a cliff.

Gestroyah's POV

They watched as their greatest fear stood up, more pissed off than ever. "Sorry..." Ning muttered.

Godzilla tackled them, but they could prevent themselves from losing their footing. Godzilla didn't waste time and went for a bite. But Odin's quick thinking saved them. The left head unleashed his gravity beam, and Godzilla took the full brunt of it.

They watched the king take a step back from pain and surprise before seeing him enter into a rage mode. We can hear humming noises and see a blue glow on his back.

All three knew what he was doing and charged up. They saw Godzilla's anger overtaken again by surprise. They can tell he recognizes Ning's breath attack pattern.

The two behemoths unleashed their attack, creating a tremendous explosion.

Monarch POV.

The airships and aircraft were staying at a safe distance as they recorded the battle.

Everyone can only stare at the monstrosity that was facing Godzilla. Ilene couldn't believe her eyes. This creature was a nightmare to behold. Ling can only pray and hope for Godzilla's victory before the creature becomes too powerful.

Mark clenched his fists. Its appearance reminded him of the golden devil. Rick nearly lost control of himself from just seeing Gestroyah.

Then saw it roar and the destruction that followed. All agreed that this being was too dangerous. In the eyes of many, where the beasts walked, death followed.

"And we're going to fight that!?" Rick yelled in terror.

They then watched the battle unfold. "Something isn't right," Mark said. "What do you mean?" A soldier asked. "This Gestroyah is fighting Godzilla, it's been reacting. Look!" He points to the screen. "Most monsters would have taken this chance to overwhelm Godzilla, but this one is just standing."

Sure enough, he was right.

The creature rarely went offensive. It was as if it didn't want to fight for the Alpha status. But to protect its own life.

Then they saw its breath attack. "Did everyone see that!?" Rick panicked. "That thing just used Ghidorah and Godzilla's attack."

"And I think the left one just used the Oxygen destroyer." Ilene.

"We are so fucked, aren't we?" Rick said to himself.

Gestroyah POV

The chimera roared while parrying a claw from his adversary. Cody tried to bite Godzilla, but the king caught him.

Odin used their tail and struck the side of his opponent. Ning used Bone protrusions and pierced the king.

Godzilla roared in pain before kicking them back. Using his tail, they grunt as it collides to their chest. Powering through, they grabbed the appendage and spun around.

The current alpha made a surprised roar as he collides with the cliff.

They grunted as jets and ships fired upon them. It was like a mosquito buzzing in your ear. They ignored it since it was harmless. They gave them a warning, though.

Then they heard a familiar wail, followed by a light show. Quickly, they ducked as Mothra missed them. "We're sitting ducks here." Ning said.

"No shit, mate. How are we going to get out?" Odin growled. Spotting Mothra, he quickly fires his gravity beam.

The titanic moth evaded it before firing her silk-webbing. Odin moved his head as the silk struck one unfortunate aircraft.

Cody was busy blowing the missiles, though he did occasionally hit the jets. While he felt sorry for the humans, this was a life-and-death situation.

Ning glared at the king. He then remembers something. "Odin, work with me here. Make gravity pulse. Cody, keep your eyes on Mothra, don't let her get near us."

Odin began charging up. A storm brewed as electricity sparked across their body. Ning charged up, and sparks of light came out.

Godzilla roared as he recognized the move. He charged in head first, but Ning predicted this and collided with his opponent. Mothra, sensing the danger, rushed in as well, but Cody's breath kept her at bay.

Ning noticed the humans were retreating, which was good, since he didn't want to kill anyone.

Fully charged, Gestroyah released a burst of energy, repelling their adversaries. Mothra crashed into the ocean while it pushed Godzilla back away.

When it was over, Godzilla had second-degree burns on his body. Some of his scales fell off. Mothra flew into the skies, having similar injuries to her king. She watched in horror. The damage the abomination had done was catastrophic. Smoke and dust were everywhere. It reduced the once-green island to a desert wasteland in a matter of seconds.

Gravity was distorted, as some debris was floating in the air.

The culprit just stood there, patiently waiting for them to attack. How could something like this exist? It's dangerous as the golden devil.

Godzilla clenched its claws as it painfully glared at Gestroyah. Fear also crept inside his heart. He can tell this creature is a hatchling. If this is what it can do as a child, what can it do as an adult!?

The two titans weren't the only ones who thought of this. The humans had seen just how high the threat was, what it can do. And now, the beast had just displayed its highest power.

"God help us." One of the Monarch staff muttered. "And that thing is just a freakin' baby!"

"A WHAT!?" Everyone turned to the staff.

The woman gulped. "Those writings we found in the cave, we were able to translate some of it. According to the text, this thing has seven stages. Right now it's in its second stage of life cycle."

"You're telling us that this thing is a baby!?" Rick yelled in disbelief.

"Did you figure anything else?" Mark said. For every predator, there has to be a natural enemy to oppose it.

"Sorry sir, but the writings are too difficult to translate."

Mark clicked his tongue. There has to be a way to beat this thing. Otherwise, humanity would have gone extinct a long time ago.

All eyes went back to the screen.

Gestroyah POV

"Damn..." Ning muttered, looking at the damage they caused.

"No kidding, we should probably figure out an escape." Odin said, watch Godzilla and Mothra.

"How are we going to outrun Mothra? She can fly!" Cody said.

Ning grunted, he'll figure out, but first, they had to escape; they needed Godzilla against X. Flapping their wings; the chimera took to the sky. Godzilla roared in frustration while Mothra gave chase.

They growled at the persistent moth. Killing her was the best solution, but the lack of knowledge of her laying an egg was stopping them.

Cody then remembered one advantage they had. "Ning go higher!" He yelled.

The two realized what Cody was planning. Ning smirked. "Well done, Cody!" They started going up, but the moth was still behind them.

"Keep going!"

Ning nodded and increased their speed. The blue sky became darker the further they went.

"She's slowing down." Odin noticed.

"Don't stop!"

Ning grunted, finally escaping Earth's gravity. Mothra couldn't follow them anymore.

"Nice thinking, shorty." Odin said with a grin.

Ning, however, felt something was wrong. Their gut told him something was happening on Skull island.

They sensed the center's worry. The left and right got the same feeling. Without any words, they rushed back to the island, praying that everything was alright.

Skull Island

Kong looked for a good bone to place his friend's dorsal plate, but everything was fragile. One good swing, and the bone breaks.

He had come across Slenra, who had gone to the humans to play with Jia.

He frowned. Something in the air was wrong. He can smell the faint scent of the ocean.

Behind him was Manda, silently crawling toward him. Slow and steady, like a viper. Manda took a killing stance. One bite and this alpha will fall.

However, he had underestimated Kong. His daily battles with the skull crawlers had given him a sixth sense. Those creatures can be silent when needed.

He knew something was behind him, but he pretended not to. If he acted too quickly, it might cost him dearly. Thus it became a waiting game.

The first to choose the wrong move will fall.

Manda moved first. No sound, no waste of movement. He struck fast, but Kong grabbed one bone and swatted Manda away.

The serpent rolled across the ground before stopping. It roared at its prey. The great ape roared back, beating its chest.

Both glared at each other. Kong waited. He didn't know what this thing can do. His encounter with X had taught him patience.

Manda made a slight hiss before lunging at the ape. Kong caught him but struggled as the body of his attacker was slippery for him to get a good grip.

Manda wrapped his tail into Kong's leg and pulled. The ape slips to the ground before being thrown by Manda. The serpent wasted no time slithering to get a good strike.

By sheer luck, Kong had stopped him. He can see venom dripping from his opponent's jaw. With a roar, he smashes Manda to the ground before grabbing rock to crush its head. But the serpent escaped his grasp.

He quickly recognized Manda's deep breathing. It was the same whenever his friend fires their breath attack.

He narrowly dodged a stream of water that splits a boulder in two. Kong quickly rushed in as Manda took another deep breath and pushed the serpent's head upward.

Kong punches it, but its body didn't take damage. Manda chuckled. The blunt force was useless against him. Kong narrowed his eyes before spotting Gestroyah's dorsal plate. Grabbing it, Kong tried to slit Manda's throat, but the serpent broke free.

Kong swings the plate, scratching Manda's belly. The serpent gave a painful shrill before tackling Kong and wrapped around his body before biting his shoulder.

The ape roared in pain before biting his opponent. Manda howled before tossing Kong away from him. The ape collided with a cliff and slides to the floor.

The heart was slowly losing its beat before stopping. Manda slithered towards him cautiously. He checked before smiling. His venom did the work. Spotting the plate Kong used, he inspected it before dropping it onto the ape's chest.

He turned back, intent on leaving, not noticing the dorsal plate glowing followed by thunder clouds. Manda looked up. Was it going to rain?

A bolt of lightning struck Kong's body, followed by several more. Manda turned to the corpse, only to see Kong up once more, but something changed.

Electricity sparked across his body, followed by his palms. The great ape gave a mighty roar as the heavens responded with a thunderstorm.

AN: Special thanks to Unholy Light. Hey, folks, it's me, sorry for the long wait, I've been busy making my comic as you all know. How do like the new chapter? Is it good? Yes, this is a reference to the king Kong vs Godzilla 1962. I had a good laugh at that show.

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