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94.02% Bleach: Threads of Fate / Chapter 126: [Spiritual Cases Arc] Part 126: Infestation in Karakura and an Empty Title

Chapitre 126: [Spiritual Cases Arc] Part 126: Infestation in Karakura and an Empty Title

# August 19th - Karakura Town, Karakura Honchō – Karakura General Hospital #

The morning light filtered weakly through the rain-streaked windows of Karakura General Hospital. The sky was still a tapestry of gray clouds, remnants of the heavy downpour from the previous night. Sporadic raindrops pattered against the glass, but the weather seemed to be gradually clearing.

Yato was slumped in a plush armchair, his limbs sprawled in an awkward, almost comical position. His deep sleep rendered him oblivious to his surroundings. Nearby, Rukia, Tatsuki, and Orihime lay on futons provided by the nurses, their forms partially obscured by blankets. The mod-souls, Kon, Ririn, Kurōdo, and Noba, in their plushie forms, nestled atop the sleeping girls, looking like a whimsical, protective layer.

Ichigo and Chad occupied separate armchairs. Ichigo's head rested on his right hand, his face peaceful in sleep, while Chad, arms crossed, appeared equally serene, despite the previous day's chaos.

Rukia stirred first, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. For a moment, she felt disoriented, surprised that she had managed to sleep so soundly given the events that had transpired. She glanced around the room, noting her friends' peaceful slumber, a rare respite in their tumultuous lives.

Suddenly, a voice broke the quiet of the room. "Finally. One of you is awake."

Rukia's eyes widened in alarm. How had someone entered without any of them noticing? She quickly turned towards the source of the voice.

Standing in the doorway was a man with white hair, thin, frameless glasses, and a plain gray suit paired with a light blue shirt and a tie adorned with crosses. His narrow blue eyes and fair complexion gave him an almost ethereal appearance.

"Do you work here?" she asked hesitantly, trying to mask her surprise.

"I am the director of this hospital," he replied curtly. "Ryūken Ishida."

Rukia's surprise grew. The man's authoritative presence reminded her of Captain Unohana from the Soul Society, but there was something else that caught her attention.

"Ishida?" she repeated, recognizing the surname. "So, Uryū Ishida is your…"

"My son." Ryūken finished, his tone brusque. His eyes flickered briefly with something that might have been pride or perhaps frustration.

Rukia's mind raced. The resemblance was undeniable now that she looked closely, the same sharp features and intense gaze. But there was a coldness to Ryūken that Uryū lacked.

Before Rukia could respond, Ryūken's gaze swept the room, taking in the motley crew. His expression remained impassive, but there was a hint of disdain in his eyes as they fell on the plushies sprawled across the futons.

Rukia pushed herself up from the futon, careful not to disturb the sleeping mod-souls. "Why are you here?" she asked, a bit more assertively now.

Ryūken adjusted his glasses, the light catching on the lenses. "To ensure that my hospital remains intact and that my son's… associates do not cause any further disruption."

Rukia bristled at his tone but held her ground. "We were only trying to protect Ishida."

Ryūken's eyes narrowed slightly, but he nodded. "I am aware. That is why I allowed you to remain here overnight. However, I expect you all to leave as soon as possible. This is a hospital, not a base of operations."

Rukia felt a surge of defiance but tempered it with understanding. "We're not here by choice, but we'll leave once everyone is ready."

As Ryūken turned to leave, Rukia's thoughts raced. She needed to ask about Uryū. "Wait," she called after him. "How is Ishida doing?"

Ryūken paused, his hand on the doorframe. Without turning, he replied, "Despite the boy's reckless decision to use him as bait yesterday..." He turned his face slightly in one direction, and although Rukia couldn't see his face, she knew he was referring to Yato. "Uryū is remarkably resilient. It would be surprising if he caught so much as a cold."

Rukia's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Ryūken's words seemed to simultaneously criticize Yato's actions and dismiss any concern for Uryū's well-being. His tone was clinical, devoid of the warmth or concern one might expect from a father and she couldn't tell if Ryūken was praising Uryū's strength or belittling him. The ambiguity left her uneasy.

She felt a pang of guilt at the mention of Yato's actions the day before. His decision had been reckless, but it had also been made in the heat of battle, under dire circumstances. The uncertainty gnawed at her, but before she could press further, Ryūken had already left the room, leaving her alone with her thoughts and the weight of his cryptic words.

As soft light filtered through the rain-streaked windows, illuminating the room in a gentle glow, Orihime began to stir. She stretched languidly, her movements graceful even in her half-asleep state, before sitting up on the futon with her eyes still closed, murmuring softly as if still lost in a dream.

Slowly, the world came into focus for Orihime, and she blinked her eyes open. Casting a glance to her side, she noticed that Rukia was already awake, though she seemed somewhat out of sorts.

"Good morning, Kuchiki-san," Orihime greeted, her voice still laced with sleep.

Rukia quickly masked her discomfort from the earlier conversation with Ryūken, turning to Orihime with a forced but warm smile. "Good morning, Inoue."

Orihime, still groggy, noticed Rukia's unease. "Did something happen?"

Rukia's smile softened into something more genuine, though she still felt the weight of Ryūken's words. "It's nothing, really."

Orihime pouted at the vague response but was quickly distracted. Turning her head, her eyes widened in amusement. "Oh my gosh! Look at the way Yasakani-kun is sleeping!" she exclaimed, clearly impressed.

Rukia raised an eyebrow and followed Orihime's gaze. She couldn't help but grimace at the sight.

Yato was deeply asleep, his form contorted in a comically awkward position. Despite the plush comfort of the armchair, there was barely enough space for him to lay down properly. Yet, somehow, he had managed to twist himself into a position that defied all logic, his limbs akimbo and his face serene in slumber.

Rukia sighed, a mixture of exasperation and fondness washing over her. Ever since she had started living with Yato, she had come to realize one of his uncanny ability to fall asleep anywhere, regardless of how uncomfortable the situation might be.

Initially, Yato had insisted that Rukia take his bed while he slept on the couch in the living room. It was during those early days that Rukia had first observed this peculiar talent of his. No matter how awkward or cramped the space, Yato would find a way to sleep soundly, often in positions that seemed more suited to a contortionist than a regular person.

Shaking her head with a bemused smile, Rukia looked back at Orihime. "He can sleep anywhere," she remarked, her tone a mixture of amusement and exasperation.

Orihime giggled, her earlier concern forgotten. "It's impressive, really. Like he's made of rubber or something!"

Their conversation drew the attention of Tatsuki, who was now stretching and yawning as she woke up. "What's going on?" she asked, her voice still thick with sleep.

"Just admiring Yato's unique sleeping style," Rukia replied with a chuckle.

Tatsuki glanced over and snorted. "Yeah, that's quite a talent. He looks like a pretzel."

Ichigo and Chad, now fully awake, exchanged amused looks but said nothing, each too accustomed to Yato's odd habits to be surprised anymore.

Yato stirred in his armchair, his body slowly coming to life. He stretched extravagantly, his limbs extending in all directions as if he were trying to reach the corners of the room, like a cat waking from a deep slumber. Despite the dramatic stretch, he made no move to rise from the chair, remaining sprawled out in a way that suggested he might fall back asleep at any moment.

His eyes, half-lidded with lingering sleepiness, scanned the room lazily. The sight of his friends waking up around him brought a small, contented smile to his lips.

Ichigo couldn't help but comment on the spectacle. "If I slept like that, I'd be sore for a week..." he remarked, shaking his head in disbelief.

Yato, still reclined in the armchair and looking far too comfortable despite the awkward position, grinned at Ichigo. "I do get sore for a week," he replied with a chuckle, his voice slightly hoarse from sleep. The strange affirmation was delivered with a light-heartedness that made everyone around smile.

"Yasakani-kun, you really have a talent for sleeping anywhere," Orihime said, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Rukia, who had been observing Yato's slow awakening with a mix of exasperation and affection, couldn't help but add her own comment. "It's like he's part cat or something," she said, shaking her head but smiling nonetheless. She had grown used to Yato's peculiarities, finding them oddly endearing. His ability to find humor in the mundane and his resilience, despite the discomfort, always managed to lighten the mood.

Tatsuki rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress a smile. "Yeah, well, let's just hope you don't end up with permanent back problems."

Yato waved off her concern with a lazy hand. "I'll be fine. It's all part of my charm."

After a few moments of lighthearted banter and stretches, the group was finally on their feet. Before they could dive back into their conversation, Tatsuki suddenly turned towards the window, her eyes narrowing as she peered at the gray horizon.

"What is that?" she muttered to herself, her voice barely above a whisper.

For a fleeting moment, she felt as though she was hearing a faint, distant noise, like the buzzing of a mosquito. However, instead of just one, it seemed as if she was hearing the sound of numerous mosquitoes, creating an eerie, droning hum that set her on edge.

Before she could voice her concerns, Kon, Ririn, Kurōdo, and Noba sprang to their feet in unison, their expressions alarmed. "A Bount has appeared!" they shouted together.

"Already? We just woke up…" Yato grumbled, his annoyance clear as he ran a hand through his messy hair. The constant threat of the Bounts was wearing on him.

"Where?!" Ichigo demanded alarmed as he abruptly grabbed Kon to remove the Gikongan from the stuffed animal so he could change into his Shinigami form.

The Mod-Souls, each one trying to pinpoint the source of the disturbance, pointed in different directions. Kon, now on Ichigo's body, gestured towards the north, Ririn towards the south, Kurōdo towards the east, and Noba towards the west.

"This is no time for jokes!" Ichigo snapped, frustration etched on his face.

"We're not joking!" Ririn shot back, her voice tinged with panic.

While the argument continued, Tatsuki remained fixated on the window. She noticed that the once cloudy sky was now dominated by a growing, dark mass. The buzzing sound she heard earlier was becoming louder and more insistent. "Guys…" she called out, her voice trembling slightly.

The rest of the group turned to look at her, following her gaze out the window. What they saw made their blood run cold. A massive, swirling black cloud was moving over the city, but it wasn't a cloud at all. As they focused, they realized it was a vast swarm of creatures, each resembling a large mosquito.

"What the hell is that?" Ichigo muttered, his eyes narrowing as he tried to make sense of the sight.

The swarm moved with an eerie synchronicity, a dark wave blotting out parts of the already dim sky. The buzzing was now a deafening roar, resonating through the hospital walls and making the windows vibrate.

The sight of the swarm sent a chill down Yato's spine. He recognized the creatures immediately. They were a new type of Dolls, Kariya's creations designed to absorb the souls of the living. Panic gripped him as he saw the sheer number of Dolls converging on their location. Without a second thought, he rushed to the window and flung it open, leaping out before anyone could stop him.

The rest of the group stood in shock, not accustomed to seeing Yato act so impulsively.

"Hey! Wait, Yato!" Rukia shouted, alarmed by Yato's impulsive behavior.

It was daylight, and the rain had finally stopped. Yato, in his human form, had jumped out the window, and while his ability to walk on air meant he could manage the fall, the risk of being seen by ordinary humans was real.

Rukia quickly grabbed her artificial soul, inserting Chappy into her gigai. Transforming into her Shinigami form, she jumped out the window after Yato. "That fool!" she muttered under her breath as she followed him.

"Damn it!" Ichigo growled, turning to the rest of the group. "Everyone, keep an eye on Ishida," he said quickly before leaping out after Yato and Rukia, drawing his zanpakutō mid-air.

Tatsuki's eyes narrowed, her spiritual energy flaring as she activated her abilities. "Let's make sure everyone in the hospital stays safe," she declared, her voice resolute.

Orihime, Chad, Kon and Chappy nodded in agreement. Each of the Mod-Souls jumped onto the shoulders of one of the teens, ready to assist. Kurōdo stayed with Inoue while Noba clung to Chad. Tatsuki grabbed Ririn, and they all sprinted out of the room to secure the hospital.

# Outside the Hospital #

Yato landed on the rooftop of a nearby building, his eyes scanning the swarm. He quickly extended his spiritual senses to gauge the threat. The Dolls were numerous, their movements erratic but purposeful. He felt a surge of adrenaline as he prepared to confront them.

Rukia landed beside him, her zanpakutō at the ready. "What were you thinking, jumping out like that?!" she demanded, her tone a mix of concern and anger.

Before Yato could respond, Ichigo joined them, his own zanpakutō gripped firmly in his hand.

"Where are these things coming from?!" he shouted, his eyes scanning the sky teeming with the Dolls.

Yato opened his mouth to answer, but his attention was quickly diverted as he saw the swarm of Dolls descending upon the unsuspecting citizens of Karakura Town. His heart pounded as he realized the imminent danger they posed.

Without hesitation, Yato used his high-speed movement, appearing on the ground in an instant. He activated his Fullbring, crimson threads materializing from his fingertips. The threads darted through the air with deadly precision, slicing through the Dolls and protecting the civilians below.

As he fought, Yato was grateful he didn't need to perform hand movements to control the threads. It was only then he realized he hadn't changed into his spiritual form. His concern grew as he watched the Dolls' relentless advance.

As Yato scanned his surroundings, still anxious, a massive wave of ice and snow streaked across the sky, followed by a brilliant beam of cutting light. These were unmistakable: Rukia and Ichigo's attacks. The combined force of their assaults decimated a large portion of the Dolls, but several still managed to evade and head towards the civilians.

Despite their efforts, some Dolls managed to evade the attacks and continued their assault on the citizens. Yato's heart raced as he saw one of the creatures heading straight for a child. Desperation fueled his actions as he manipulated his red threads, swiftly eliminating the Doll mere inches from the child's face.

'These things weren't supposed to appear so soon... And why are there so many?!' Yato's thoughts raced as he tried to make sense of the overwhelming situation.

Rukia and Ichigo continued their relentless assault from above. Rukia's zanpakutō unleashed a flurry of icy blasts, freezing the Dolls mid-air, while Ichigo's Getsuga Tenshō cleaved through the swarm with devastating precision. The air was filled with the sounds of shattering ice and the sizzle of energy as the two Shinigami fought tirelessly to protect the town.

On the ground, Yato's red threads weaved a deadly tapestry, slicing through any Doll that came too close. His eyes darted around, ensuring no civilian was left unprotected. The sense of responsibility weighed heavily on him, but he didn't let it slow his actions.

Despite their efforts, some Dolls managed to bypass their defenses, diving towards unsuspecting people. The sight of citizens collapsing after being stung by the Dolls fueled Yato's determination. He knew the Dolls' bites would begin draining their souls, and he couldn't let that happen.

The creatures were so numerous that Yato didn't dare shift to his spiritual form, fearing that the brief transition might allow some of the Dolls to slip past his defenses. The ongoing conflict with the Bounts was already pushing him to his limits, and now he struggled to maintain his composure to prevent his spiritual energy from becoming unstable.

'If these things won't stop coming, the only way to end this is to go straight to Kariya…' he thought, growing increasingly frustrated.

Yato, Rukia, and Ichigo were doing an admirable job protecting the civilians, but they couldn't shake the feeling of being cornered. Their movements were restricted, and every passing second felt like an eternity.

The sky above darkened at an unnaturally fast pace, clouds swirling ominously as if heralding an impending disaster. Yato glanced upward, his irritation mounting. 'What now?!' he thought, exasperated by the constant barrage of threats. Suddenly, a voice rang out.

"Growl, Haineko!"

In an instant, a large quantity of ash began to fill the air, swirling around them like a protective shroud. Despite the ash enveloping even Rukia, Ichigo, and Yato, it was only the Dolls that were being sliced apart.

The source of the command soon revealed herself as the lieutenant of the 10th Division, Rangiku Matsumoto. Her zanpakutō, Haineko, had transformed into a cloud of ash that she skillfully manipulated to attack the Dolls.

"Hey~ Looks like you could use some help!" she called out.

Rukia's eyes lit up with recognition and relief. "Lieutenant Matsumoto!" she exclaimed, slashing through a Doll that had gotten too close.

The moment Matsumoto appeared, Ichigo turned his head in her direction, but several Dolls attacked him from behind. Suddenly, a segmented blade extended near Ichigo, eliminating the creatures and startling him.

"Hey, Ichigo! Looks like you're in trouble there!" Renji called out, a grin spreading across his face at Ichigo's shocked expression.

"Don't give me that! You almost hit me too!" Ichigo shouted back. "What are you guys doing here? Are you here to help with the Bounts?"

"Of course, you idiot." Renji replied, resting his Zabimaru on his shoulder.

Matsumoto smiled, her ash swirling protectively around the group. "Can't leave all the fun to you, now can I?"

"Enough with the idle chatter!" Another voice yelled at the group, and Yato saw that it was Captain Hitsugaya, standing atop one of the buildings.

The captain stood with his arms crossed, assessing the situation while his reiatsu seemed to elevate in a controlled manner, likely causing the climatic change.

"We'll handle things here," the captain said, unsheathing his zanpakutō. "You have the location of the Bounts, so don't waste time and put an end to this mess."

"Yes!" Rukia responded respectfully before turning to the two substitute shinigami. "Yato! Ichigo! Let's go!"

# Inside the Hospital #

As the group feared, some Dolls had indeed slipped past and invaded the hospital. However, they were easily destroyed by the young fighters.

Thanks to Ririn's illusionary abilities, Tatsuki, Inoue, Chad and Kon were able to combat the creatures without the patients and doctors even noticing what was happening.

"At least the situation inside is under control," Kurōdo commented. "These Dolls seem quite weak."

"But unless they stop them outside, they'll just keep invading the hospital…" Tatsuki said, trailing off as she suddenly sensed a familiar presence nearby. She looked down one of the hospital corridors and saw Lieutenant Nemu Kurotsuchi walking towards them.

"Nemu-chan!" Inoue exclaimed, her face lighting up with relief.

"A barrier has been placed around this hospital. There is no longer a need for us to remain here," Nemu said stoically, her tone as calm and measured as ever.

"For a moment, I thought we were on our own..." Tatsuki admitted, a hint of tension easing from her shoulders.

"Captain Hitsugaya insisted to Commander Yamamoto that assistance was necessary. So, Captain Hitsugaya came personally, leading a small group of lieutenants, including Lieutenant Matsumoto, Lieutenant Abarai, and myself." Nemu explained, her eyes briefly meeting Tatsuki's.

Before being attacked by the twin Bounts, Yato had mentioned to the group that he had requested help from the shinigamis with the Bount problem. However, even Yato wasn't entirely sure the shinigamis would come, and he wasn't counting on it. Tatsuki seemed to share this skepticism, though for different reasons.

Yato appeared to have little faith in the shinigamis. Tatsuki, after her experiences in the Soul Society, found it difficult to trust shinigamis in general, with a few exceptions like Rukia. Following the strange events involving Yato, she also trusted Nemu, who seemed to have an unusual attachment to her friend.

Even Soi Fon, whom Tatsuki referred to as 'Senpai' merely because they both trained under Yoruichi, did not command Tatsuki's full trust.

"So, what do we do now?" Chad asked, his voice steady and determined.

"This area is secure, and the other lieutenants, along with Captain Hitsugaya, are protecting other locations. My suggestion is that we go to Yasakani-sama and confront the Bounts directly," Nemu said, her gaze unwavering.

Tatsuki smirked, her eyes gleaming with resolve. "Now that's a plan I can get behind. Let's finish these guys off before they give us any more headaches." She punched her palm, a gesture that exuded confidence and readiness.

# Meanwhile #

Yato, Rukia, and Ichigo arrived at the isolated mansion Utagawa had revealed. The mansion stood eerily silent amidst the surrounding trees.

On the way, Yato used his Fullbring's red threads to eject his spiritual form from his body, simultaneously concealing his physical form. Rukia and Ichigo, seeing this for the first time, exchanged surprised glances.

Standing before the mansion, an unsettling quiet enveloped them. Rukia found the silence particularly disconcerting, causing her to tighten her grip on her zanpakutō. Ichigo mirrored her tension, his eyes scanning for any sign of movement.

Suddenly, Rukia moved behind Yato, her back against his as she raised her zanpakutō in front of her. The sound of clashing blades echoed despite the apparent emptiness.

'What the hell was that..?' Yato thought, bewildered by the absence of any detectable spiritual energy.

"You have impressive reflexes," a male voice echoed, seemingly from nowhere. A man materialized before them, dressed in a sleeveless kimono resembling a shinigami's attire.

"So you're the shinigami aiding the Bounts,"Rukia said firmly, her eyes narrowing.

"Exactly…" the man replied, making no immediate move to attack again.

"Bastard," Ichigo muttered, readying himself to confront the shinigami, but Rukia stopped him with a quick gesture.

She had glanced at the mansion and then back at the shinigami. "The Bounts aren't here, are they? You're just here to delay us…"

The man remained silent, gripping his zanpakutō with both hands.

Yato, feeling the urgency, prepared to charge, but Rukia's firm tone halted him. "Yato. Ichigo. Find the Bounts. I'll handle him here."

"No way. Let's take this guy down together. There's no way he can handle all three of us at once." Yato argued.

Yato's suggestion wasn't purely strategic or a disregard for fighting honorably. He knew that shinigamis valued one-on-one combat, and Rukia was no exception. With the timeline altered and unpredictable events unfolding, Yato feared for Rukia's safety in a solo confrontation.

The surrounding woods seemed to close in on them, the dense foliage and overcast sky adding to the tension. Rukia, understanding Yato's concern, gave him a brief, reassuring nod. "Trust me, Yato. I can handle this."


"Yato, we don't have time to argue. If the Bounts get away, more lives will be at risk. Go!" Rukia's voice was resolute, leaving no room for further debate.

With a final glance at Rukia, Ichigo grabbed Yato's arm, pulling him along despite his evident reluctance to leave her behind. They burst into motion, searching for the Bounts' hideout.

As they dashed towards the sky, the shinigami moved to intercept them, but Rukia stepped into his path, her blade flashing in the dim light. The surrounding forest, cloaked in shadows, seemed to hold its breath.

"I won't let you pass." Rukia declared, her stance unwavering and determined.

The shinigami made a swift motion to knock Rukia's blade aside, launching a second attack. Rukia deftly leaped back, extending her left hand and casting a Shakkahō, a ball of fire, at her opponent. He deflected the Kidō with his zanpakutō, the impact sending sparks into the air.

They stared at each other, tension crackling between them. The air was thick with anticipation, and the faint rustle of leaves only amplified the silence.

"Impressive," the shinigami finally spoke. "You're neither a lieutenant nor a captain, yet you seem quite formidable."

Taking his words as a challenge, Rukia narrowed her eyes and smirked. "You'd be wise not to underestimate me."

"I'm not underestimating you," he responded seriously. "It's common knowledge that Kidō becomes even more powerful with an incantation, and your Shakkahō seemed particularly strong despite you not using one." He assumed a kendo stance, his posture disciplined and precise. "What's your name?"

"Rukia Kuchiki, member of the 13th Division," she replied, mirroring his stance with her zanpakutō at the ready.

"I am Maki Ichinose, a former member of the 11th Division."

Their introductions completed, they circled each other, their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills.

"It's unusual… for a member of the 11th Division to have such knowledge of Kidō," Rukia commented. "I thought Captain Zaraki's division despised any form of combat that wasn't Zanjutsu."

"Don't compare me to the current fools of the 11th Division. Zaraki can hardly be considered a Kenpachi, let alone a captain," Ichinose replied with a tone of disgust.

"From what I've heard, Captain Zaraki earned the title of Kenpachi after defeating the previous captain, so—"

"Zaraki did not defeat the true Kenpachi. He would never have defeated my captain. If it weren't for the incompetence of Central 46, Zaraki would be just another dead man, and the 11th Division would still be a respectable, dignified division worthy of being called the strongest." Ichinose's voice was sharp, cutting off Rukia's words.

Rukia frowned, perplexed by Ichinose's vehement declaration. She knew that the title of Kenpachi was passed on to the shinigami who defeated and killed the previous Kenpachi in the presence of many division members.

Sensing Rukia's confusion, Ichinose continued, "If you think the bandit Kiganjō, who was killed by Zaraki, was a true Kenpachi, you are sorely mistaken."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Kiganjō was never a true Kenpachi. To be clear, when my captain still led the 11th Division… he had a utopian vision and wanted more than anything to eliminate negative thoughts and emotions from humans and eradicate the existence of Hollows once and for all. But he was betrayed by Central 46 and the Gotei 13," Ichinose spoke with a mixture of admiration for his captain and a seething anger toward the Soul Society. "My captain chose to surrender, to be imprisoned, to avoid causing unnecessary conflict. Because of this, his lieutenant took on the title of Kenpachi but was killed by Kiganjō."

He fixed his gaze on Rukia, his eyes burning with conviction. "Zaraki may be wearing the captain's haori at this moment, but the true Kenpachi and captain of the 11th Division will always be Sōya Azashiro."

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