The match was set to kick off by 8:00 PM and the time was nigh.
The big screen hanging over the area was showing the time to be 7:20 PM as the players from both teams kept warming up on the pitch.
"How about this one?" Mateo said before he sent the ball flying toward the left side of the goalpost.
Dave dived toward the ball but he seemed to be a bit late and wouldn't be able to get to it, he would have still saved it if he had used his ball magnet but he just decided to let it through.
"Your instincts and reaction are really sharp and quick, you've chased every single one of my balls no matter how tricky I tried to make them and you ended up saving almost half of them," Mateo said as he walked closer to him. "I don't care what anyone else says but you're currently in the top ten of the world's best goalkeepers."
"Thanks, Mateo, I hope that will happen someday," Dave replied.
New year mass release goals.
A magic castle= one extra chapter.
Two magic castles= two extra chapters.
Mass release for goals met last month will still be rewarded on the due dates.