Your duties as a Dragonoid princess are to attend meetings, fill out some paperwork, greet guests, and basically be a supervisor to some of the maids, servants, and chefs here in the castle to make sure everything runs smoothly.
Of course, you're going to get bored with all this, and so what do you do? Well for one, you train. But knowing your parents, you know that they'll never agree to let you train with the warriors. But luckily the female general of the army saw potential in you, and so almost every night for ten years she's trained you into the amazing fighter you are today.
And because you have fire powers, she's trained you to use your powers against others in various ways without you turning into a dragon. Since yeah, you can turn into a dragon if you hit a certain level of anger or upset. But for the most part, you look just like a human. Well, technically you do have some human blood in you.
So every night, when everyone's asleep, you escape from your tower using the secret escape tunnels you and the general made years ago and head into the towns and nearby villages. Protecting the innocent and putting criminals away. Of course, you're in disguise. And the people have been calling you the Blazing Vigilante, not knowing that their princess is out fighting crime and protecting them.
You recently turned twenty-one a couple of months ago and your parents have been bothering you with the idea of wanting you to marry a prince from another planet or, at the very least, a prince from this planet but from another kingdom. First off, you've already met most of them on this planet and they're all stuck-up spoiled brats. And second, while you did meet some of them individually, you already knew that they just wanted to marry you for your money and power over the kingdom.
Well, there was one prince who you thought was nice. But after having dinner with him in the dining room, your father took him to another room, and the next thing you know that prince is on the news for stealing money from your dad. You don't know what exactly happened that day and your mom refuses to tell you so... Yeah, there goes that suitor.
It's incredibly difficult to find a guy who doesn't want to marry you only for your money and power. If you're going to marry, it'll be someone who loves you for you and immediately chooses you over everything else in the world. It sounds cheesy as hell, but it's true. Well, you did get most of your love advice from movies and the general. She says the same thing but reminded you of your status as a princess and how your parents want you to marry someone with royal blood.
As of right now, everything seems to be going just fine until you overheard your parents' conversation while you were passing outside of the throne room. The doors were left open and you could hear your mother and father talk.
You were shocked at what followed. Your parents were talking about doing an arranged marriage for you. You didn't believe it...
Then, you run to your room and lock the door behind you. You didn't know what to think. You spent that whole night thinking of how you're going to avoid that. And an idea came that night, that you were going to leave.
It's definitely a tough decision, but even when you told the general about this, even she said that it would be best for you if you want to be happy and not be stuck in a miserable marriage.
A week has passed and tonight is the night you're going to run away. You already said goodbye to the general, which was already sad enough before you go to your room for the night.
During this week, you sold most of your jewelry and dresses that you didn't like or gotten from other kingdoms from parties before starting a secret account and transferring that money into the account. With the things you sold, the amount you have in your secret account is over three million units. When you saw the amount in the account, it even shocked you since those people and your parents spent a lot of money on you. And this was just the dresses and jewelry you didn't wear.
You even bought a new phone in a different account so no one will be able to track you down and you'll be leaving your old phone here.
As the moon was raising higher into the sky, you change out of your dress and wear all black. Black pants, black shirt, black jacket, and black shoes.
You fill your backpack with some casual clothes, your purse, and some water bottles, just in case. You write a letter to your parents before leaving it on the bed for them to see. A couple of tears are rolling down your cheeks as you tried to not cry. You promise yourself that you'll come back someday. You just hope that they'll forgive you when that day comes.
You collect yourself before opening one of the big tiles where the secret tunnel is and head down. You move the tile back in place before you run down the tunnel as fast as you can. The Universal Train Station is open, but you need to get on a train before anyone sees you.
As you run down the tunnel, you tie a black scarf around the lower half of your face so no one would recognize you entering the station.
When you get to the Universal Train Station, there weren't many people around, which is a great thing, so you waste no time getting in line to purchase a ticket to another planet.
After successfully purchasing your ticket, you hear the sounds go off of a train that it's ready to depart. You realize it was your train and you quickly get there before the doors could shut. You give the host your ticket out of breath and she leads you towards the back of the train where first-class rooms are. Following behind her, she takes you all the way to the back and opens the door for you.
Host: Here is your room. Someone will come to bring you food in a few minutes.
Y/n: (You enter the room) Okay, thank you.
The host closes the door behind you, and you take in that new room smell. A comfortable full-size bed with light brown and gold sheets, pillows, and blankets. A nightstand with a lamp. Next to the right side of the bed, and across from the nightstand, is a recliner.
You then see the small, tall coffee table with a bucket of ice and an opened bottle of champagne with two short glasses sitting beside the bucket.
Y/n: So this is first class, it's very nice and cozy in here.
Hearing a knock at the door, you answer them and a woman calls out that she's leaving you a food tray in front of the door. You open the door and the woman is gone, but the food tray is on a counter for you to take. You take the food into the room, close and lock the door behind you. Grabbing the bottle of champagne and glass cup before taking everything with you on the bed.
You cross your legs as you lay everything out in front of you. The food tray has a sandwich, a few chicken nuggets, cooked green beans, a water bottle, a small bottle of juice, some berries, and your favorite flavored lollipop. You pour yourself a glass of champagne as you hear a voice from the intercom.
Intercom: We want to thank all of you for departing at the Universal Train Station. As we are leaving this planet, we want to remind you to please remain seated and relax. We are a few hours away from our destination.
Y/n: A few hours, huh.
You look out the window, seeing the train finally move. Taking your glass with you, you go towards the window and see the train moving faster and faster away from your home. It wasn't long before you see your still home planet and you couldn't see the castle anymore.
A tear escapes from your left eye as you let out a big sigh. You then take a big gulp of your drink before setting it down on the coffee table. You've never been this far from home before and it really hurts to leave everything and everyone you care about behind without telling them where you're going. But you had to, I mean... you don't want to be forced into a marriage with someone you didn't love. Not only that, but you don't think you'll be happy if more and more duties come with being a princess and future queen start weighing you down.
After you finish eating, you clear the bed before undressing and into your pajamas and turning off the lamps. Lying down on the bed, you turn to your side to face the window, just staring at the shiny stars. Tomorrow's a new day for you. Tonight is your last night as a princess and tomorrow is your first day of being a normal, average girl.
Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!