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5.79% Welcome to the Multiverse Chat Group! / Chapter 9: Chapter 8

Chapitre 9: Chapter 8

Late night.

Mira slumped down to her bed, staring into the ceiling.

Her hands slowly moved towards her phone on the bed and picked it up. The family picture that she took on the day Yuuji became her family was on the screen. The bright and beautiful smiles of her children and little sister.

Instead of the ceiling, she began staring at it.

Looking at the little, cute boy, the apple to her eyes, she couldn't believe how much he had grown…

It was so sudden… He had suddenly become the most handsome man she had ever seen in her entire life. Even as a business woman who had a place within the rich and the high society.

Then right after, she found out he has a friend from a hidden yet powerful and extremely rich family who was close enough for her to give him a one of a kind artifact of a scepter.

And tonight, she had just found out what a genius her son actually was…

Even now, she couldn't believe how quickly Yuuji grasped everything she taught him. Everything, from the basics to the advance, was understood by him so naturally, as if he was learning simple addition.

He showed an impressive and deep understanding in the market situation in but a glance, comprehended every trading and investment strategy she explained and even proposed what could be improved on them, and even the foresight on what to invest that was closer to looking into the future rather than instinct.

Being shown such a thing, of course she would become extremely shocked as well as excited! Her son showed a talent and potential to become an even better investor than her and her peers!

As she began teaching him more and more, she lost track of time, and by the time she realized, it had already been close to midnight.

When she was about to end it, however, her son seemed to still be enthusiastic. He was listening so closely to her and seemed genuinely interested.

There was no way she could stop here! However, he still had school tomorrow as well as the promise to make his and her daughters' lunch together in the morning, thus ending their night session there.

Yuuji seemed a bit disappointed, but he did relent and thanked her for the lesson. He's such an understanding and kind boy.

But, unable to leave it at this note, she did something on the spur of the moment.

She put 10,000 yen into his investing account and told him to try and multiply this money by at least two folds by the end of the week.

He seemed surprised, but accepted the challenge and test before bidding her good night and returned to his room.

And now… Now that she had calmed down considerably, she couldn't help but sigh…

How could she tell a complete amateur to double 10,000 yen in just six days?

She didn't mind if he failed since it would be a good lesson for him to not be reckless. But she didn't want him to become discouraged by this!

"Perhaps I should retake what I said…?"

She thought for a moment… But after seeing how brilliant he was and the look of excitement in his eyes when she gave him the challenge, she decided not to at least for now.

She will see how he handled it first. If it went well, then she wouldn't intervene. But if he seems stressed, then she will help him.

The hand holding her phone slumped back down to her side as she took another deep breath. Her enormous twin peaks lifting up high before going back down.

She closed her eyes and her lips curved up into a smile.

"Ufufufu~ To hide such things from your mother for so long. What a naughty boy~ It seems I will have to keep an even closer eye on him from now on~"


After his talk with his mother, Yuuji immediately returned to his room and opened the laptop his mother gave him.

He actually didn't plan on doing it now, but a sudden burst of enthusiasm and urge, similar to an instinct, was pushing him to.

He was, without a doubt, excited to start investing. But, he had planned to start tomorrow considering how late it already was.

However, he had a feeling that he would be able to be successful in his investment if he did it now.

This must be… the effect of the proficiency…

It was not only the knowledge, muscle memory, or experience. The "Proficiencies" were also an inclination to utterly and perfectly succeed and produce a result of the greatest quality without the possibility of failure.

Meaning, even with programming, Krav Maga, and a gun, it will naturally make me succeed in them...

Only after he felt the effect did he truly realize how amazing it was… It wasn't only a normal proficiency, but the proficiency to utterly succeed in it.

...I'll use these abilities wisely.

He took a deep breath and began opening the investment softwares in his laptop.

With the knowledge he gained from his mother, his proficiency, and his past life's memory, Yuuji planned to start short-term investment by speculating on the price of London Gold in order to quickly gain the money that would become his seed money for future long-term investments.

He had two reasons for this. Firstly, unlike regular gold futures, which have a limit, London Gold doesn't have a limit. It is possible to continue buying and gain much more profit at once. However, needless to say, the risk of suffering a great loss at once would also be greater.

Secondly, the reason why he decided to use London Gold was due to its margin.

Transactions on regular gold futures differ from other futures markets due to its margin. It is possible to make a transaction with 15 times leverage. Meaning, it is possible to gain buying power 15 times greater than the deposit placed as collateral.

However, for London Gold it is possible to have a 1% margin, a leverage up to 100 times ratio. With 10,000 Yen (Approx. $100), it is possible to get $10,000 worth of goods. Meaning, a raise of $500 in London Gold price from a lot (1 lot = 100 contracts) bought at $1000 per ounce will generate a profit of $50,000 once sold. An extremely high return with low investment.

Vice versa, a loss will similarly be magnified greatly. A drop of $500 in London Gold price will cost him $50,000; a risk proportionate to its return.

It was a high-risk high-reward short-term investment. In truth, he was still a bit nervous about using such a method. However, in order to gain a great amount of money in a relatively short period of time, this was still the method Yuuji decided to use.

The reason? Because he was confident in his [Lucky] trait as well as Investment Proficiency.

The reality and power of the Multiverse Group Chat had been proven by the drastic change of his appearance and physique, and he had also confirmed how powerful his Investment Proficiency was.

While he was being taught by his mother, he was able to understand and even foresee the situation of the market like the back of his hand. Every time he made a prediction silently in his mind on what to invest in or when to buy or sell, he would always be correct. It was akin to foresight.

That is why he decided to believe in himself, his instincts, and the inclination of success from his "Proficiency".

Let's begin my first step.


Yuuji woke up the first light of day and sat up on his bed.

He grabbed his phone and unlocked it. It was five in the morning, an hour before his promised time with his mother.

He opened the Multiverse Group Chat and began replying to chats from the group and personal messages they sent him. He saw Suzuki, Lelouch, and Tatsuya chatting in the group chat, and they seemed to have been chatting for quite a while.

Since they became members of the Multiverse Group Chat, they noticed a peculiarity related to time. Their time zones, as well as the rate at which time flows in their worlds slightly differ.

The flow of time in Yuuji's world seemed to be the fastest amongst the others. It was about twice as fast as the flow of time in Suzuki's world, where time seemed to flow the slowest.

A day in Suzuki's world would be two days in Yuuji's world.

The rate at which time flows in Lelouch, Tatsuya, and Aika's world seemed to be in between those two.

That's why Aika had enough time to change into her erotic - borderline scandalous - magical girl costume and took a raunchy photo with Yuuji's scepter and send it to him very quickly, though he truly wished she was a little less enthusiastic about it.

After replying to his messages, Yuuji stretched his body and went to the bathroom to wash up before changing into his uniform in his room and going down.

The excitement and anticipation he had for spending the morning, alone, with his mom were through the roof.

He felt butterflies in his stomach when he thought about last night. He had just placed all 10,000 Yen that he had exchanged into $100 and invested it in London Gold with 100 times leverage, an extremely rash and reckless decision, and he was still more nervous about this.

After all, he would be spending time alone with his mother, his first love and the woman he had been in love with for years, for the first time. Moreover, she was such a sexy and elegantly alluring woman… With his stamina and enhanced senses surpassing human capabilities, he had to admit, he was having an extremely difficult time holding his libido and yearning for her.

With every step he took, his heart beat increasingly louder and louder as he walked down to the kitchen.

Then the moment he arrived, Yuuji froze for a moment as his gaze locked onto the figure of his mother.

Her bell-like humming melted his heart, and he could feel his face becoming warmer as he watched her stand in front of the opened refrigerator, taking out ingredients and placing it on the counter. She wore an apron that hugged her voluptuous figure, the figure that had entered his dreams where he would embrace it full of love.

Yuuji took a deep breath, made sure his uniform was perfect and then put on his best smile before making his way to her.

"Good morning, mom."

"Ah, good morning, Yuuji-kun~ It seems that you did not oversleep for once~ Ufufufu~"

She turned towards him, her cheeks slightly blushing. Her honey-like voice and alluring smile, that became even more destructive due to her beauty mark by her luscious lips made his heart skip a beat.

"Of course. I am very excited to spend the morning and cook with you, mom."

"Ara ara~ I'm also very excited to spend the morning with my one and only beloved son~"

Yuuji felt a tingle in his lower abdomen when he heard her alluring and sexy voice, and as he came closer, he could now smell her flowery, womanly scent from her body so well due to his Divine Sense.

It has become yet another trial for him to make his not-so-little brother down there behave because all sorts of fantasy had began flashing through his mind right now.

"Here is your apron. Go wash your hands first, okay~?"

"Yes, mom."

"Ah, that's right. Yuuji-kun."


Yuuji looked at his mom as he put on his apron and tied the strings.

"...I realized last night that the test I gave you might be challenging, so don't be disappointed if you didn't succeed, okay? Even I had a very hard time multiplying my seed money when I first started."

Yuuji's lips twitch slightly as he smiled, and nodded. He could feel cold sweat running down his back when he thought about what he had done with that seed money his mother gave him.

"Of course. I will do my best, mom."

"Good boy~ Now then, let's start~"


Yuna had always been an early bird.

In contrast to their usual demeanor, Yuna had always woken up earlier than Nina. In fact, Nina was extremely difficult to wake up and it would take a while for her brain to fully awaken after she was woken up.

However, this hasn't always been the case. When they were young, Mira would have a difficult time waking her twin daughters up in time to eat breakfast and go to school. But it all changed after Yuuji entered their life.

Since then, Yuna would always wake up early so she could wake her beloved little brother up and also look at his adorable sleeping face.

This had turned into a habit that she would do every morning when they would go to school, and this morning was no different.

After brushing her teeth, washing her face, and making sure her beautiful golden hair was perfectly styled along with the red ribbon, Yuna made her way to Yuuji's room.

She could feel butterflies in her stomach and her heart beating rapidly as she got closer.

The image of his God-sculpted body with sexy, well-defined muscles that made heat course through her entire body was still vivid in her mind. She wanted to get a glimpse of it again, but it would be too embarrassing for her to ask him to take off his clothes.

So, she hoped she could catch a glimpse of it, perhaps lifting up his shirt a bit so she could see his sexy, rock-hard abs and that enormous bulge in his pants up close, while he was asleep.

Arriving in front of his door, Yuna took a deep breath and knocked lightly before entering the room quietly with ever so light steps.

When she peeked in, her eyes widened.

She didn't find anyone on his bed. His bed had already been done so neatly and cleanly, and she also couldn't find his uniform that would usually hang by the door.

He had never put his uniform anywhere else. She knew this because she had been waking him up in his room every school day for years and kissing the collar of his uniform that would hang by the door.

Eh? Yuu-kun… Did he wake up already…?

Her lips curled slightly into a frown of disappointment. She wanted to wake him up and also spend a little bit of time in his room, breathing in his scent and maybe even play a little prank here and there by poking or kissing his cheeks.

Just then, she heard noise and giggles from below. It was her mother's giggle, but it wasn't that strange for her to be down there this early since she would always prepare breakfast for all of them.

But it was strange for her to be giggling. Usually, she would hum while she was cooking.

Curious, Yuna slowly and quietly made her way down and peeked into the kitchen, and her eyes immediately widened.

In the kitchen, she could see her mother playfully nudging and bumping Yuuji with her shoulders with smiles all over her blushing face. Then in turn, Yuuji would also do the same in retaliation playfully with a beautiful, handsome smile on his face!

W-W-What's going on?!?!

Not only was Yuuji here, cooking with her mother, they looked more like a newly-wed couple playing around while cooking rather than a mother and son!!!

She was as jealous as she was shocked!!! She also wanted to do that kind of newly-wed play with her beloved Yuu-kun!!!

"G-Good morning, mom, Y-Yuu-kun!"

"Oh, Yuna. Good morning."

"Ara, Yuna-chan~? Good morning. You woke up very early~"

"U-Uhn… I was about to wake up Yuu-kun, but it seems you're already awake…"

"Ah, I was helping mom cook our breakfast as well as our bento for lunch. I figured it'll be easier for the three of us to eat our own lunch in the classroom rather than eating in that crowded cafeteria again. So starting from today, I'll be helping mom with breakfast in exchange for preparing lunch for us."

"O-Ooohh… So that's why…"

Yuuji's explanation made her feel slightly relieved. She thought Yuuji woke up early to spend time alone with her mom and flirt with her. If that's the case, then she also wanted to help with breakfast so that she could flirt with him as well!

No wait, can't I still do it?!

Her eyes sparkled and she immediately raised her hand in excitement.

"M-Mom! I want to help too!"

Her mind was already off to her fantasy land where she would do love-dovey newly-wed couple stuff with Yuuji.

Yuuji would hug her from behind and hold her hand as she stirred the miso soup in the pot. Or when she would feed him some of their breakfast to taste test, he would eat it and then begin licking and sucking her fingers too before looking at her with his sharp, sexy gaze and telling her how delicious it was.

Kyaaaahhh!!!!! Yuu-kun, you're so dreamy!!!!!!

Even though it was in her imagination, she couldn't help but fidget in excitement and embarrassment. Her heart was thumping so loudly right now, it felt like it would jump out of her chest!

"Ufufufu~ I appreciate the thought, but Yuuji alone will be fine~ He's learning very quickly that he might not even need my help anymore~"

"You're just very skilled in teaching, mom. I also enjoyed our time cooking together~"

"Ara~ I'm glad~ I love the time we spent together as well~ Ufufufu~"

Mira sent a sexy, playful glance at Yuuji before turning towards her daughter once again.

"I-Is that so…?"

"Mm. I'm worried that you might get tired in school if you wake up so early in the morning every day, so just leave this to us and get a full night's rest, okay?

"Y-Yes… I understand..."

"I'm glad you do. Also, will you please wake up your sister and Aika? Breakfast will be ready soon."

"Yes, mom."

Deflated, she went back up and woke up her sister and her aunt, both heavy sleepers, and helped them get ready.

Then when they went back down together, Yuna was pouting while Nina and Aika were looking at Yuuji and Aika in the kitchen with widened eyes.

"Eh? Yuuji?"

"Nee-san, why is Yuuji…"

"Yuu-kun will be helping mom make breakfast and lunch for the three of us to bring to school from now on..."

"H-Heeh… I never thought he would help Mira-nee make breakfast…"

"I was very surprised as well…"

As they stood just outside the kitchen in shock, Yuuji finally noticed them and called them with a handsome smile on his face.

"Oh, good morning, everyone. Come, take a seat. Breakfast is ready."



The three took their seats and watched as Yuuji placed dishes on the table in aprons.

Yuna was still pouting, but she was sending Yuuji occasional glances with blushing cheeks. After all, no matter what was happening, the sight of Yuuji in aprons was so cool and handsome!!! There's no way she won't take this chance to appreciate it!!! SHe almost wanted to take her phone and take a picture of him!

Nina and Aika were also doing the same and their cheeks were no less blushing than Yuna.

Then, when Yuuji looked at them, all three immediately avert their gazes, making him tilt his head confusedly.

"Okay~ Now then, let's start eating breakfast~"

"Thank you for the meal."

""T-Thank you for the meal…""

EclypseX EclypseX

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

Also, if you'd like to read additional chapters ahead and get a pdf version (Light & Dark), please feel free to check out my at patr.reon.com/verglasx ~!!

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