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69.44% Overlord: Reborn as an NPC / Chapter 23: Insect Battle Maids Aren't That Bad

Chapitre 23: Insect Battle Maids Aren't That Bad

(A/N: Though this chapter takes place during the Demonic Incursion, it doesn't really focus on the whole thing as I don't want to copy the anime. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy it!)

[Timeskip - 10 Days]

[Citrinitas' POV]

"What a beautiful looking city. Too bad it'll be thrown into turmoil by Jaldabaoth…" I mused under my breath. I observed the many fantasy-like buildings from where I was situated. That being the roof of the overgrown mansion where Mare would subdue Hilma with his druid staff.

In all honesty, there wasn't really much of a point in me being here. I wasn't going to fight the Raven Black Hero to cement his status as a hero of his time. In fact, inserting myself in the fight would only make things more convoluted. I came here for only two reasons. Firstly, would be talking to Entoma after her fight with Evileye. And secondly, witnessing the Demonic Incursion with my own two eyes.

After all, it isn't every day you get to see a Capital city sieged by demons. It's one thing in an anime or a movie, but a whole different thing in real life.

As I was lost in surveying the peaceful view, I could make out a low buzz of what could only be multiple insects flapping their wings simultaneously from within the mansion I stood atop. The buzzing got louder as a variety of insects flew out the building's many windows, carrying multiple riches before flying past me.

'Entoma's insect servants, huh? Her fight with Blue Rose should happen at any moment now…' I thought to myself, slightly eager to watch the fight and then convince the battle maid to not want Evileye dead. "In that case… [Perfect Unknowable]."

The reason for this was quite simple. Evileye was too valuable to kill off. Not only was she over 250 years old, allowing us to peer into the past, but she also has a powerful Talent. A Talent so strong it's considered within the top 10 most powerful talents in Overlord.

Spell Copy allows the individual to copy any type of spell of any rank. This includes Super Tier and Wild Magic. Albeit the spell needs to be used once before being able to use the talent again. Nonetheless, killing Evileye wouldn't be the best of choices as her Talent would benefit Nazarick.

'I'm not sure whether convincing Entoma is going to be an easy, or tough task. Oh well, I'll have to wait and see…' I trailed off of my thoughts as I saw Gagaran get into her stance, gripping her mighty hammer as she faced the insect battle maid.

Everything proceeded like it did in the anime, minus the crappy CGI. With the help of her bugs, Entoma wielded a multitude of weapons that pummelled the shit out of the adamantite adventurer.

And just when all hope was lost, the vampire princess and the assassin Tia jumped in.

More fighting ensued as a mini-light show formed from all the casting and explosions of spells. Gagaran swung her hammer, Tia did assassin stuff, and Evileye cast more magic. Hell, Entoma even used a bug that turned her hand into a mini machine gun!

As the fight went on, I found myself fascinated by Evileye's spell, [Vermin Bane]. While I already knew of its existence thanks to the anime, I couldn't help but hypothesize about its uniqueness from seeing it in action.

'An original spell made in the New World… how interesting. If Evileye and Flunder could make original spells, who's to say that a level 100 being like myself can't make an original spell? I mean, I did reverse engineer an MP potion that couldn't be made anymore in YGGDRASIL. That does bring into question my 300 spell limit. However, we're not bound by YGGDRASIL game rules anymore…'

I trailed off my thoughts once more, brooding on the idea of creating new spells and the possibilities of Evileye's powerful Talent. However, the sudden halt of shouting magical spells and the clashing of weapons brought me back to reality.

Just like in the anime, Entoma was defeated, lying on the ground battered and bloody. The members of Blue Rose didn't come out unscathed though. Their faces were bruised as they heavily gasped for air and put their hands on their knees from tiredness.

Before Evileye could finish off the insect battle maid for good, a wild Jaldabaoth appeared. Following the anime, Jaldabaoth sent Entoma flying away to safety with a carrier bug before introducing himself to the Blue Rose members.

'In that case, it should be time for me to go. I'll make sure to inform Demiurge about my plans for Evileye once this is over so he doesn't do anything drastic.' I said to myself, casting [Fly] and following Entoma through the night sky.

Rather quickly, the carrier bug landed by another abandoned building not too far from where Evileye would face Yuri Alpha and CZ2128 Delta. The Pleiades battle maids who were conversing with each other before their battle, took notice of their sister being dropped off in front of them.

I descended to the ground a couple of meters behind Entomas's body as the carrier bug left. As I took a few steps forwards, I heard an audible gasp of shock from most of the battle maids. Taking the mannerisms of a 14th-century duchess, Yuri Alpha covered her mouth with a hand, giving a quick gasp as her eyes slightly widened.

Lupusregina Beta's facial expression was that of a conflicted one. Torn between feeling sadness from seeing her sister's current state and happiness from… well… seeing her sister's current state.

'Well, she is the smiling sadist after all. I guess that's to be expected from her…' I thought to myself.

Solution Epsilon showed more emotion than I expected. I would've thought the blonde beauty would be more expressionless. However, that wasn't the case. While she didn't gasp like Yuri Alpha, nor tilt her head like CZ2128 Delta, her eyes suggested nothing but hidden rage.

"Sister… what in the name of the Supreme One happened to you?" Yuri muttered under her breath, eyeing the motionless and brutally beaten up body of her younger sister. The blonde-haired beauty could only nod at the eldest sister's question.

"Well, seeing that I have eyes… I could only come to the logical conclusion that Entoma got hurt." Lupusregina replied in a jokingly manner, causing Yuri Alpha to karate chop the werewolves head from the remark. "Now is not the time for such banter, Lupusregina," Yuri stated professionally, making Lupusregina slightly pout before rubbing her head where her elder sister hit her.

"L-Lord Citrinitas," Yuri Alpha turned her attention to me, slightly stuttering before quickly regaining composure. "Seeing how you were following Entoma moments ago, could you please fill us in as to what happened to our dearest sister?" She pleaded as she fidgeted with her hands.

"Why of course, Yuri Alpha," I replied. "However, the explanation will have to be brief as I need to talk with Entoma before you enact the Supreme One's plans here. Is that alright with you?" I asked, to which the battle maids nodded in understanding.

"In short, Entoma met her match with an interesting member from Blue Rose. While she did lose the battle, she fought valiantly until Demiurge sent her flying here." I summed up. "Well, whoever beat up Entoma like this, I'll gladly eat up and make them suffer, kufufufufufu…" Solution said, making me quickly interject.

"Typically, I wouldn't mind. However, the individual in question is quite a valuable asset for Nazarick. I suggest putting your hatred aside until I have no use for the individual." Though she sighed, Solution nodded. "Very well, Lord Citrinitas." She said before Lupusregina raised a hand.

"Lupusregina, if you're asking about healing her, don't worry. I'll take care of things in that department." The werewolf slowly put her hand down. "Now, if you don't mind, could you all wait inside the building? I need to talk with Entoma privately." I asked politely. The battle maids nodded as they quickly left to go inside the building, leaving me with the battered insect battle maid next to me.

Reaching for my inventory, I took out a rather potent healing potion. Twisting off the cap of the vial, I poured its contents on Entoma before her body glowed. As quickly as the light emanate from her body, it vanished, restoring every visible injury.

The battle maid slowly got up from the floor before properly standing, raising her head due to the height difference. If it weren't for [Cold Blooded], along with already knowing Entoma's true form from the anime, I would've taken a step back from slight fear. Hell, anyone would do the same. However, being transported to the New World, I'm already used to things like this.

Her true form reminded me of Shalltear's. A gaping maw filled with sharp teeth along with a set of pedipalps that lie on each side of the mouth. That, along with multiple red eyes that are typical of a spider which metaphorically stared into your soul.

Thankfully, the battle maid quickly summoned her face bug back, restoring her previous looks.

"Greetings, Entoma," I started. "While I do need to talk with you, I must first say that I hope you're feeling better after your fight with those Blue Rose members. You fought vigorously, aiding the Supreme One in his 10,000-Year Grand Plan. I have nothing but respect for you."

The battle maid didn't respond. Only tilting her head downwards from my gaze.

"Is something wrong, Entoma?" I questioned. The insect battle maid only put her bug-like hands together as she tilted her head to face away from my body. 'What's up with her? Entoma isn't usually like this. She seems almost… sad? Maybe some words of encouragement will get her to speak?'

"It's ok to speak, Entoma. The people of Nazarick, myself included, deeply care for you. There's no need to be sad or afraid. I can put the reason why I need to talk to you privately aside for the time being. Please, speak your mind." I gave out some hopefully encouraging words my mind could conjure up at the moment to get the bug maid to speak.

"LoRd CiTrINitAs…" Entoma's voice was harsh and grating. Guttural and gravelly. It was the polar opposite of her previously cute voice. Similar to someone messing with the settings on a microphone, the battle maids true voice fluctuated from being deep to high pitched and everything in between within a rapid timeframe.

"iSN't mY VoiCe aNd appPeAranCe a bLuNdEr? MasTeR GenJirO hAd tO uSe Lip bUgs anD mAskS tO cOver mY tRue fOrm. I aM uGly… sO uGly My oWn CreAtOR coULdn'T StaND tO sEe Me. I aM NoThIng BUt a DisGracE to LOrd GenjIRO's gReAt leGaC-"

I quickly interrupted the battle maid from speaking by putting a hand on her shoulder. "That isn't true. Not in the slightest." Though my voice had an echo effect as usual that made it nigh-impossible to discern any emotions when I talked, I did my absolute best to sound sincere and kind.

'Right… if I recall from the fight, Evileye insulted the looks of her true form along with her master. Guess I'm gonna act like a therapist now.' I put those thoughts aside as I looked straight at Entoma whilst thinking about what to say next.

"Listen to me, Entoma. And listen well. You have never been a failure and never will. Lord Genjiro never hated you… no, he loved you like his own daughter. As for your voice and mask, they were made not to hide you from shame. You, along with your sisters, were created to form an infiltration unit of sorts. As such, due to your arachnoid biology, you had to appear human to blend in."

I did my best to make Entoma feel better about herself. After all, I couldn't have a proper discussion with someone if they were not in the right headspace or mood. I mean, I could've just said what I needed to say and be done with things. However, that would have been not polite of me, thus being out of character. Besides, doing that would just be a shitty thing for me to do.

"iS thAT tRuE? dOeS LoRd GeNjIrO nOT hAtE mE?" Entoma questioned in her distorted voice, looking right where my eyes would be if not covered by my plague doctor mask. I simply nodded at her question. "Why would he? After all, you're his magnum opus, his prized creation."

"LoRd CitRiNiTaS," Entoma said in a low voice. "WoUlD LoRd GeNjiRO bE aNgRy aT me FoR lOsinG tHe vOiCe hE bEsTowEd uPon mE?" Her tone, though guttural, sounded like a young child asking a question to their parents.

I knelt down on one knee, still keeping my arm on her shoulder for comfort. "With how much Lord Genjiro cared for you, I don't believe that he could get angry at you for losing that voice. Besides, I'll get you a new voice soon. You don't have to worry about that, I assure you."

I'll admit, my words did sound ominous from an outside perspective. However, that wasn't the case in reality. As an alchemist, I could simply create an artificial lip bug for the insect battle maid. What did you actually think I implied? That I'd painfully steal some random worker's voice from the Empire?

Entoma fidgeted with her hands a bit more before speaking again. "tHaNk YoU, LoRd CiTrIniTaS…" She trailed off, slightly tilting her head away from me once more as if she was shy or embarrassed.

'Ok,' I thought to myself. 'That was easier than expected. Now I need to tell Entoma to let me deal with Evileye. Not sure how well she's gonna react to that. Only one way to find out…'

"You're welcome," I started. "Now, before you go to battle soon, I would like to have a discussion with you about Evileye. The person in the red robe and mask that you fought not long ago." Entoma turned her head to face me before speaking. "EvIleYe… i HaTe hEr…" She said with anger.

"Yes, and justifiably so," I replied. "While I understand your disdain for Evileye, simply killing her would do more harm than good." Entoma seemed to agree with my words as she nodded before speaking.

"yEs… I sHoUlD maKe HeR sUfFeR uNbEaRaBle PaI-"

"Close, but not quite."

I was quick to stop Entoma from speaking before she got any other ideas. "From my observations, Evileye is a special individual in the New World. While this is a lot to ask considering she caused you to feel immense pain, I was hoping you could… let me deal with her. This is so I could conduct tests on her and hopefully strengthen Nazarick. Of course, I'll let you use her as you see fit once there is no need of her." I made sure to say that last part in the hopes it would convince her to agree.

Entoma seemed to ponder my offer as she put a hand on her face bug chin. "vErY wELL, LoRd CiTrInItAs. tHaT sEeMs fInE WiTh mE." I internally hummed as I heard Entoma's response. 'That was relatively easy. I may have exaggerated the 'experimenting on Evileye' part, but that did seem to do its charm. I mean, if push comes to shove, I'll do what I have to do. However, what will most likely end up happening is just convincing Evileye to side with Nazarick…'

"Fantastic, now we have that settled, I'd best be going now. Your sisters are waiting inside the building here. See you later, Ent-" I was interrupted from speaking when the battle maid spoke once more. "LoRd CiTrInItAs," She called out.

"CaN i… HaVe A… hUg?"

'A hug?' I thought to myself, slightly caught off guard by the battle maid's request. She seemed almost reluctant and embarrassed when saying that when looking at her body language. Tilting her head away from me once more, fidgeting with her hands. You get the idea.

"n-NeVeRmInD… i'M bEiNg-" I cut her off as I used my hand on her shoulder to bring her closer to me. Within an instant, Entoma was embraced in a friendly hug. "C-cItRiNiTas?!" She called out, shocked I listened to her request.

"You've been through a lot today. A hug is the least you deserve."

Snapping back from her shock, Entoma reciprocated in kind by wrapping her arms around my back. She buried her head within my grey robes and stayed there. And no, before you get any ideas, this hug was simply to make Entoma feel better. Similar to how you'd hug a crying friend or colleague.

The warm embrace lasted for no less than a couple of seconds before Entoma let go. I stopped kneeling and stood up before speaking. "Now seeing that I've come what I needed to do, I'll be heading back to Nazarick now. I bid you farewell, Entoma. Until next time… [Gate]."

Entoma watched as I opened a portal to Nazarick. She waved her insectoid hands while saying goodbye in her distorted voice as I stepped through the purple swirl before disappearing from sight, leaving the battle maid on her lonesome.

[Narrator's POV]

Seeing as the alchemist left, Entoma quickly turned her head towards the abandoned building a couple metres away as Citrinitas mentioned earlier that her sisters were waiting there. Wasting no time, the Entoma walked towards the entrance before opening the door, catching the attention of her sisters.

"Entoma!" Lupusregina exclaimed, raising her arms in the air in excitement whilst dropping her Crosier to the ground. "You're healed up! Citrinitas did do a really good job at it, huh?" She rhetorically asked. "W-Well, he is a plague doctor, after all…" Yuri added before clearing her throat.

"Anyways, I'm glad you're back to full health." The dullahan stated, regaining her composure and professionalism as she adjusted her glasses. "However, and please forgive my curiosity, but what did Citrinitas talk about to you? If you don't mind, of course." Yuri questioned.

"Notice: While I do not know for certain, I could only assume Citrinitas wanted to talk about something important after Entoma's fight considering he wanted privacy." CZ2128 Delta stated in her signature robotic and emotionless voice.

"hE sImPlY wAnTeD tO pErSonAlLy DeAl wIth ThE BlUe RoSe mEMbEr tHat hUrt mE aS sHe cAugHt HiS aTtEnTiOn. nOthIng mOre, nOthInG LeSS…" Yuri nodded to the arachnids' reply.

"Citrinitas sure is kind," Yuri said to herself with Lupusregina agreeing with her statement. "Notice: Citrinitas' mysterious nature makes it so that even kindness is unknown. Not even my processors can know what emotions he's truly feeling." The automaton stated.

"For Citrinitas to care for you like that, you sure are lucky. Yuri, Lupus and Narberal only dream for Citrinitas to do things like that." The two older sisters cleared their throats after Solution said that. "Notice: Following the Supreme One's plan, we must get ready for battle soon." CZ2128 Delta stated as the others prepared themselves. However, unlike them, the arachnid was caught up in her thoughts.

'What is this feeling? I felt it when Citrinitas hugged me…' She thought to herself as new emotions surged through her body. She could only compare it to having butterflies in her stomach. No, it was more like hunger. Not a hunger for human flesh like she typically felt… but a different kind of hunger. A hunger for… love and affection.

Next Chapter: Arche's Fate


(A/N: Firstly, I must say I'm sorry for the rather short chapter compared to the previous ones. I didn't have as much time to write this chapter because of life yet still wanted to post this somewhat on time to please you.

And before you say anything, Entoma, Yuri, Lupusregina and Narberal won't end up with Citrinitas. They just have a crush on him. Thinking about how I want the story to go, I don't want this to be some huge harem. At most, there will be 3 love interests for Citrinitas. At least how I see things going forward. If you have a suggestion, I'll gladly hear it.

Anyways, love it? Hate it? Is there any room for improvements or possible suggestions? Please, let me know with a comment or review as your input greatly helps improve my storytelling and writing!)

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