[Item Number: 009-2]
[Item Level: Angelic]
[Researchers: Dr. %*#, @)*#, ▋▋▋▉, etc.]
The research environment for 009-2 must be a clean, tidy open space; all buildings comprising the space must present regular symmetric patterns.
Researchers working on 009-2 need to wear specially made research suits with nested tetrahedron patterns. No researcher may approach within five meters of 009-2 without protective gear, nor may they touch 009-2 with their hands.
009-2 will emit an 'attraction' to all people around, any researchers should not look at 009-2 directly with the naked eye. If one feels comfortable in the orderly space and develops a certain craving for symmetry and order, please report immediately and leave the research area, returning to the third layer.