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Chapter 145: Raiden Mei

Kiana, now Bianka. Woke up with a pleasant feeling, the beds at the base in Japan were top notch after all. "Hngh, Ein-nii's breakfast... I can't wait." She stretched and remembered that she doesn't know where the dining room is.

So she roamed around and saw the base. It looked really futuristic and she admired the cool base. "Woah, are we in a scifi setting? This is so cool. Are there robots and sciency thingies here too?"

She then bumped onto Mobius as she was distracted and she looked at her with a smirk. "Hmmm, you are Bianka huh? Interesting..." Mobius licked her lips as she saw her having two stigmatas. The Schariac and Kaslana ones along with Parvati's genes. She was a perfect specimen for research as the kid's genes worked together in harmony with just the perfect ratios so she wouldn't be an abomination.

"H-hello." Bianka got scared at Mobius, her gaze was like staring through her soul. And it was quite unnerving for the kid.

"Hah, Mobius. What did I tell you for the nth time? Don't scare strangers as you tell them they're interesting or something." Ein pinched her cheek a bit harder and she rubbed it with a pout.

"But she is, is she not? We could just arrange her genes and she would have the powers of Parvati, along with the anti-honkai blood. She would've been a perfect MANTIS back then." Mobius explained and he just stared at her.

"Okay, okay. Fine. Little girl, if you want to be stronger. Come to me." Mobius then floated away and Bianka sighed in relief.

"Don't worry about her, she's just a little overzealous okay?" Ein patted her head and gave her a skewer for an appetizer.

He then lead her to the dining room and she saw the myriad of cuisines and dishes. "Ooh!" She then sat on one of the chairs and looked at him for permission. He nodded with a smile and she started eating like a starved beast.

"Girl, you should eat slowly and with more grace. Or I will teach you how, whether you like it or not." Aponia chided her and Bianka was sure she would be in for a bad time if she didn't follow.

Aponia then nodded with satisfaction and Bianka started to eat quickly, but unlike earlier. She wasn't a slob.

"Okay, after that. We'll play a little game of tag, but you'll have some weights to weigh you down okay?" Ein wanted her to train early, but balanced it by making it more fun. And the ELFs agreed easily with some play time.

Bianka nodded as she patted her stomach that was full. She then got excited and thought she would start her career to be the best valkyrie ever.


The operatives for the rescue mission were currently having a meeting. "Sorry, Cecilia, Siegfried. We couldn't find Kiana anywhere... It's been a few days already." Joachim apologized as he looked at the pitiful Cecilia that hasn't gotten any sleep since Kiana disappeared.

Siegfried gritted his teeth and clenched his fists until his hands bled. "Damnit... Why? Why was she there? That wasn't part of the plan..."

"We've reviewed footage as we are puzzled by it too. But here it is, she entered the ship and snuck inside. Hiding herself in the armory, the honkai energy there then made her hard to notice." Lieserl showed them the cctv footage of Kiana entering AE's VTOL.

Cecilia gasped and had tears again on her puffy eyes. "It's all my fault... She wouldn't have entered there if we just checked on her before we took off..." She blamed herself and Siegfried put a hand on her shoulder.

"It's not your fault Cecilia... Fuck. Why does this have to happen!?" He slammed the table and broke it.

"Kiana..." Theresa was downtrodden and thought she must have been washed away.

"The bombs that Schicksal launched towards us made huge shockwaves in the ocean. When she fell, I'm afraid that it swept her up. Sorry." Joachim stood up and his group followed. They then exited the room quietly.

Adelheid was quiet and was unmoving. 'This wouldn't have happened if I was stronger... The gundams would've killed us all if they didn't retreat suddenly. Probably help from Ein-san...'

She gritted her teeth, almost breaking them from her clenched jaws as she thought that they saved their asses once again. And worse was, they were clearly sending a message. That they should solve their own problems, as the help stopped there and Kiana got thrown overboard.

'I'm pathetic. I'm supposed to be unrivalled. I'm the strongest person in the current era with pure stats alone. But I still can't do anything... This is fine, because Kiana would be washed ashore to Ragna. But what about the next? Can we fight the herrscher of the void while Ottilie is cooking up a scheme?'

She remembered that if Kiana was with them. Then they could surely use her as leverage against them.

'Tch, I will take her from you later Ottilie Apocalypse, that's a promise.' She started thinking recklessly again and would storm them later when Bianka appears. But what she didn't know, was she isn't even there anymore.

K423 looked through a gap at the door and saw Cecilia crying. So she went inside. "Mom, why are you crying? Are you sad?" She hugged her and it broke Cecilia's heart even further. As K423 might be the spitting image of Kiana. But they were not the same.

"K-Kiana... Mom... Mom's okay sweetie." Cecilia's voice cracked and Siegfried frowned heavily. K423 noticed it and it was burned into her mind.

"Don't worry about your mom Kiana. Something bad just happened." Theresa took her out of the room and ushered her outside.

Adelheid looked at Cecilia and squinted her eyes. 'Don't worry Cecilia, she'll be back.' Addy then went outside and bided her time patiently. Contacting Cheng if she saw a blonde haired girl at Schicksal.


Su contacted Ein and he wanted to let him know a little bit of something. "Ein! Come here quickly! I've got a surprise for you! You won't believe it."

Ein raised a brow and was really curious. As Su does not get frantic like this. Ever, if it wasn't such a big deal.

He went to their hospitals and walked to Su's office. "So? What did you have for me Su? I haven't seen you like this for hundreds of years."

"Kukuku~ I found someone amazing." Su gave a cheeky smile and was really entertained.

"Hmmm, I like where this is going. Come on, let's go then." They went to a patient's room, the patient's name was Raiden Yuna. Su gestured for him to enter and he went in.

There was a girl that was really similar to someone, except she didn't have any glasses. (pic)

"Hello there, I'm Einheri Aesir. Nice to meet you." He greeted with a smile and the woman and the kid looked at him with surprise.

"The chairman of Aesir?" The woman asked and was really confused as she coughed violently and it was with black blood too.

"Well, I also had another motive in calling you here. She's has terminal honkai cancer, it has metastasized everywhere before she even came here. The owner of ME corp thought they could cure her with their facilities at supergen. But Nancy and the others failed horribly." Su explained and Ein nodded.

"Hey, what's your name kid?" He patted the head of the girl as she teared up, looking at her mother that was already half dead. Su managed to prolong her life, but her body was too damaged for even nano bots to repair. She was running on fumes for the sake of her daughter.

The girl sniffled and answered. "Mei, my name is Raiden Mei... Nii-chan, can you save my mom?" She looked up at him and was at her wit's end.

"M-mei... It's alright, everything will be okay. Mom would be okay." Her mother lied through her teeth as her daughter just got kidnapped by a terrorist organization a few years ago and the last thing she needed was for her mother to die.

"Well, that depends Mei-chan~ are you a good girl? I want you to do something for me in exchange for your mom getting all better." He smirked and Mei nodded quickly with all her might.

Yuna got anxious and was not sure what he would want from Mei. But she could only watch as she cannot do anything anyway. Aesir basically owns them too as a sister company of supergen.

"I want you to wear this and recite these lines. Kukuku~" Ein gave her a cute little onesie and a piece of paper.

She read it immediately and memorized the lines, her mother's life was on the line after all. And Raiden Mei was a smart kid too.

She immediately wore the dinosaur onesie and took a deep breath.

"Ein nii-sama! Mei-chan wants you to spoil her." She acted impeccably and ran up to him with a beaming smile.

"Heh, what does little Mei-chan want?" He patted her head and carried her. Mei acted cutely and tilted her head.

"I want some ice cream! Mei-chan loves your sweets after all!" She cheered and he gave her some.

"Ohhhh! Your treats are the best Ein nii-sama! Mei-chan loves you the best!" Ein then cut the cameras and chuckled.

Ein went up to Mei's mother and poked her head. He repaired her body and gave her some ultra specialized anti-bodies for honkai energy and changed her DNA so she won't get cancer again.

Her pale skin gained color once again and her emaciated body went fuller as she looked like a brand new person, back at her prime.

"M-mom!" Mei went up to her and hugged her tightly. Yuna then had tears on her eyes as she looked at Ein with gratitude. Hugging her daughter tightly.

"T-thank you Ein-sama... We are in your debt." She faced him and groveled on the ground. He propped her up and waved his hand nonchalantly.

"Eh, it's fine. You're Ryouma's wife right? And I got my compensation right here. Kukuku~" Ein smiled maliciously and Su chuckled.

"Don't bully her too much, she's not that good against these kinds of things. But I bet Kevin would have a blast with that." Su reminded him.

"Ahhh, but that's why it's so fun to mess with her. She's going to lose her mind when she sees this." Ein laughed and Mei went up to him.

"Ein-nii... Thank you so much... You saved mom." She wiped her tears and he patted her head. He then gave her some sakura mochi.

"Here, share this with your mom okay? You enjoy your time with her alright?" He then left with Su.

"Mom, is he really the chairman of Aesir corp?" Mei asked Yuna as she did not expect him to be such a generous man.

"He is Mei. And we could only be thankful for what he did for us." Yuna closed her eyes and thanked the heavens for her good luck. Indebted for a life time as she thought that Ein was a kind man. Not even asking for much, but she did thought it was weird.

Mei with her dinosaur onesie was thinking carefully. She understood that they were rich as hell and Dr. Su's hospitals were one of the best. Able to even cure half dead people. But her mother's condition was so bad, they could only prolong her life. And Ein swooped in and just cured her like that.

She misunderstood and Su just didn't use Soulium for surgery as that was always the last resort for honkai illnesses. Or just use Adamantine and reverse the damages like it wasn't even there.

"Mom, I've decided... ME corp will be one of the greatest companies with my lead. And I will repay Ein-nii." Mei said seriously and her mother chuckled at her. She looked cute when she said that while still wearing her onesie.

"Sure thing Mei. And I will watch your journey going forward, make mom proud." She hugged her daughter and was relieved that Mei won't grow up without a mother. She then started to get drowsy as all the mental strain from stress took a toll on her.

Mei watched her mother sleep and started thinking of how to make ME corp the best. So she would repay Ein with their performance.


Ein then of course called everybody to the meeting room. He was seated at the helm of the table and waited patiently. Everybody thought something big was happening and they looked at him with a bit of vigilance.

"This has come to Su's attention recently. And I've been privy to this information just a few hours ago as well." Ein said and it made the others raise a brow. If it came from Su, it must be troublesome.

"We're being attacked by an enemy again. And they are strong, observe a clip of this little enemy that appeared." He took a remote and a screen started rolling with a video.

"Ein nii-sama! Mei-chan wants you to spoil her." Everybody froze and Su let out a barely restrained laugh while Kevin did a spit take.

They saw Mei in a dinosaur onesie running up to him while calling him nii-sama. The little clip then continued rolling and Su couldn't contain himself as he laughed boisterously.

"Ahhh, you're much cuter when you were a kid MEI. Such a shame you ended up like that." Mobius smirked and made fun of her.

"Ein... What can I do to get that clip. For research purposes of course." Kevin coughed and said seriously. Like he was going to battle with the 14th herrscher again.

"No way... D-did you find a kid that looks just like me? No fucking way." MEI couldn't take it anymore and swore. She was having a breakdown from the embarrassment and EINSTEIN patted her on the back. Knowing that feel.

"Nyahahaha! You were so cute when you were a kid MEI!" Phyllis laughed her ass off and MEI was still in shock. She then turned to Kevin and glared daggers at him, as she couldn't do anything to Ein anyway.

"You're sleeping on the couch tonight." MEI said as she ran away with a pale face.

"Sasuga Ein-sama. MEI and Mobius' extremely rational minds could only crumble with your divine intervention." Kevin said as he went up to him.

"So, how can I get that clip? Sleeping on the couch is a small price for salvation. I'm a man on a mission. Everything is fair game." He said seriously and Ein patted him on the back.

"Go and train Bianka at Parvati's genes. Here you go my comrade, your determination is admirable as a fellow man of culture." He gave him a flashdrive that was encrypted heavily. Even MEI or Vill-v can't break inside.

"Kukuku~ Your will shall be done Ein-sama." Kevin went on his merry way and Su wiped a tear on his eye from laughing too much.

"Ahh, it's like just the good old days." Su said with a smile and Elysia nodded. "Hey Ein~ can I have a copy too? It was very cute you see? I'm not thinking of using it as blackmail or something~" She pressed herself on him and he smirked.

"Ohh? Then how about you ask for it more nicely later?" He pinched her cheek and she beamed.

Hua sighed heavily and thought he was the only one that could treat Dr. MEI like that. Not even Kevin has the balls and grit to tease her and hope for a reaction. And the man fought a war with reality bending herrschers and monsters.

"What a peaceful day isn't it?" Eden was chilling with Aponia as they drank some wine and ate some crackers with cheese like true high class people.


Thanks for reading everyone, Raiden Mei is here. And the stage is set, they will now be developed and then the 3rd eruption will happen in Nagazora. Can't forget Natasha as well. She would be having difficulties wielding 7 thunders of retribution. Anyways, ciao.

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