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0.06% The Innkeeper / Glossary
The Innkeeper The Innkeeper original

The Innkeeper

Auteur: lifesketcher

© WebNovel


Hey guys, as the novel continues on, it can get hard to keep track of characters and terms. Given below is a simplified version of the glossary I keep for myself. Within it you can find the characters, a simple description of their role when they were first introduced, and what chapter they were first mentioned it. If sometimes the description is unusual, it's because I deleted some spoiler content. I'll update this glossary every 100 chapters or so.

Known cultivation realms in order:

1. Mortals

2. Body Tempering

3. Qi Training

4. Foundation

5. Golden Core

6. Nascent

7. Earth Immortal

?. Demi-Dao Lord

?. Dao Lord

This does not signify what rank the Dao Lord realm is, or if it is the final realm. It is simply a realm that is known and has been mentioned.

Guys given below is the list of people/organizations/items/events. The information is organized in the format given below, with each category divided by colons. If a colon is empty, that means I have not entered the relevant information in the glossary for the given entry. Considering I cannot actually provide you with a table, this was the best way I could come up with.

Name: Description: Chapter: Age: Cultivation

A.D.F: African Defense Front: : :

Adelaide: strategic planning teacher: 243: :

Adrian: observer : 121: :

Ahjour: Devil who works the recruitment stand - Sabertooth fangs: 130: :

Akihiko Tanaka: Japanese dude with no cultivation: 147: : none

Alexander Morrison: "Heir to the Morrison family: rulers of Mars as well as both of its moons": 42: 17: Foundation Initial

Alissa Harmony: YouTuber who won the first Midnight games: 139: :

Audery Morrison: Alex's grandma: 82: 101:

Aunty Jeena: Karom's Trelop aunty: 255?: :

Amelia: girl who Lex sat next to a few times: 242: :

Angel Dust: something that helps souls: 139: :

Anita: Lich: 229: "499: 999":

Anthony: Ragnar's assistant: 119: :

Atila-Morpher: "New species formed from a mutation of the human subspecies: Atila's. They are able to shapeshift to assume the appearance of any humanoid species: and are born with the ability to traverse space. Atila-Morphers are known to be highly aggressive in nature: and own many businesses in the X-14 star system.": 192: :

Ayesha Shehzad: teenager who in love with Haris: 70: 15: none

Babur: Member of the emerging Mughal Family: : :

Babylon: town where midnight tavern is located: 321: :

Bailey's Vitalizing Dwarf Star Ferment: : 186: :

Ballom: Loretta's dad: 183: :

Ballor's Castle: : 52: :

Bastet: "First guest at the Midnight Inn: daughter of a Daolord": 5: :

Bath robe: "When worn: the host enters an extremely relaxed state: as if just coming back from a day at the spa: boosting the hosts comprehension. The host can use it to comprehend new techniques: understand difficult concepts: make various plans etc.

": 189: :

Batsa Acharya: Nepali cultivator: 130: :

Bearin: guy who doesn't like lex in Cwenhilds group: 295: :

Belle: Lex's older sister: 18: 26:

Ben: INTERPOL agent: 173: :

Betty: Big Bens fiance: 328: :

Beneroof: planet where pirates sell stuff: 195: :

Bent Benches: Tavern Lex stays at in X-142: 204: :

Bernard Brown: Sams grandkid: 166: :

Bertram Noel: Pvarti's brother: 330: 876: Earth Immortal

Big Ben: guy who fainted at tavern: 325?: :

Blane Park: "Soldier from Vegus Minima: was also a guest": 29: :

Blood Fang: Beast from Nibiru: 109: "4: 555": too high to view

Bloodline stone: : 17: :

Blue Bird: A private company that oversees cultivator activity on the East Coast: 10: :

Blue Teltaro: Spiritual Metal: : :

: : : :

Body: A host for the soul: 7: :

Booty: First mate of Iron heart pirates: 194: :

Brandon Morrison: Alexanders grandfather: 76: 104:

Brent: Tetsuyas friend: 206: : Foundation

Cara Deathsworn: deathsworn soldier in Juton army: 148: : Foundation

Chad: Deputy security head: 273: :

Cheonsa: a winged subspecies of humans: 288: :

Command Carrier: "The command carrier was like a forward operating base: but for space instead. It was a massive spaceship that harbored the main combat and logistics ships for any space-based deployment. Not only was it equipped with weapons that could completely decimate planets and shields so powerful that it could protect the ship from a direct collision with a sun: it could communicate directly back to the Jotun Empire's central command planet from anywhere in the known universe.": 92: :

Condottiere: Owner of the Reaving Dread mercenary group: 296: :

Connector Planet: Planet wide servers for Henali portal: 129: :

Cornelius II: King who founded the Hum nation: 241: :

Council of New Order: The new council controlling Earth: 159: :

Chad: Deputy head of security at the Inn: 273: :

Chen Lee: "Soldier from Vegus Minima: was also a guest": 29: :

Crawford-41: leader of soldiers during the midnight games: 148?: :

Crawford-981: info dump guy for Leo: 201: :

Creel: Devil who works the recruitment stand - black eyes: 130: :

Cultivation Organizations Code of Conduct: Set of rules governing organizations on Earth: : :

Cursed Quibly Heart: The cursed heart of a Quibly (a being similar to a nature elemental): 153: :

Cwenhild Haugen Cornelius: youngest daughter of Cornelius II: 275: :

Darius: Brents brother: 206: : Qi realm peak

Death soldiers: soldiers trained to sacrifice themselves for a cause: 33: :

Deepwater Brotherhood: Mercenary organization: : :

Delaim lizard: lizard mounts in crystal realm: 246: :

Delinquent Viper Vine: A vine that Lex can control : 191: :

Destiny: An abstract concept not yet understood: 187: :

Dragon: "Massive: reptilian beings with immense power.": 205: :

Dragonburn Locket: A locket that was forged in the fires of a master dragon's firebreath. A dragon can study the locket to gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies of breathing fire.: 216: :

Drake: "dragons with impure lineage. Drakes still reside on multiple planets in the X-14 star system: and are renown jewelers.

": 205: :

Dimitri family: family that runs X-12 star system: 203: :

Dimmelon juice: juice extracted from the Dimmelon fruit. It is sweet and alcoholic in nature: 329: :

Dino: baker: 327: :

Doe: a.i. that works for John: : :

: : : :

Elaine: Lex's friends from work: 9: :

Elegant top hat: : 93: :

Elisian cycle: Some unit of time: 1: :

Elvis: vice dean of the academy: ?: :

Falak: Bastets attendant: 32: :

Faerie Dust: something that helps the soul. only useful for low level cultivators: 139: :

Fenrir: Lex's protector pup: 191: 0: mortal

Fergen Forest: forest on X-142: 213: :

Fernain Village: : 228: :

Fernanda: hologram lady who communicates with Earth: 166: :

Frio birds: "Frio birds were the counterparts of Sol birds. A Frio and Sol bird each formed a couple: but they would only meet during mating season: which usually spelt disaster for the weather": 247: :

Galactic Sovereign turtle: : 80: "2: 017": Golden core

The Gardener: A.I. that works in the greenhouse: : :

Garvitz: hell: 108: :

Gerard: A.I. that helps at the Inn: -: :

Golden Hair: sloth from Nibiru: : :

Greavers Club: Small business that provides sparring partners for low level cultivators: 37: :

Greens Haven: Deer: 109: :

Greg Benice: Alexander's friend : 42: : Qi 2nd step

Gristol: province in the crystal realm: 224: :

Grumbul: alien: 283: :

Gu: "Gu were similar to spiritual beasts: but instead of beasts they were insects. Gu cultivators nurtured the Gu in their own bodies and shared everything from nutrients to spiritual energy. It was quite a rare form of cultivation: and was widely frowned upon not only because of how dark the practices were: but also because most people found it too disgusting to let Gu enter their bodies. Nevertheless: Gu allowed people with low inherent cultivation talent to easily surpass their natural limits as their cultivation depended on the Gu instead.": 45: :

Hamid: : : :

Hammad: Alexander's assassin: 45: :

Hailey: farmer from X-142: 288: :

Haris: Teenager who loves Ayesha: 70: :

Harriot Shelby Ruby Selma Jane: Golden core zombie that leads the zombies in the midnight games: : :

Harry: Lex's friends from work: 9: :

Harry Styles: Barber kid: 77: :

Havval El'Yun: Ruler of the Jade sea: 91: :

Heaven Island: floating island: 214: :

Heidi: rude girl who fights Inn waitress: 220: :

Helen Sigmund: Alexander's friend : : 17: Qi 7th step

Henali Convention: Some convention that prevents high level beings from interfering in wars between lower level beings: 33: :

Henali Portal: Internet for the known universe: 129: :

Henry: Priest who raised Tiffany: 56: :

Hera: Lady whose son got a golden key: 21: :

Hillary Morrison: Alexander's mom: 149: :

Hugo Laurent: bodyguard hired by Will: 32: 49:

Honey: nurse: 227: :

Hozath: Some planet Bastet visited once: 5: :

Igishima: Protector beast of country Red: : :

Infinity Emporium: THE shop: 203: :

Insincere medallion: "The medallion basically hid everything about him as long as he was wearing it. If he left a fingerprint on an item: it would not be his. If he dropped hair: it would not match his DNA. If he was photographed by a surveillance camera: the image that would show up would not be his. Dogs would not be able to track his scent and his footprints would be wrong. Basically: any tracks he left behind would be wrong in some way. Of course: if someone had their eyes on him: and followed him directly: the medallion could do nothing about that.": 212: :

International Cultivator Policing Agencies (ICPA).: Agencies that police cultivators i.e. Blue Bird: 50: :

Irene: Larry's girlfriend: 332: :

Iris: Blanes girlfriend: : :

Iron Heart Pirates: First pirates to enter Inn: 195: :

Iron Mountains: Country in Nibiru: 57: :

Jade Heart ferment: drink from green bottle in tavern: 323: :

Javi: Synergist of Cwenhilds group: 295: :

Jessica: Lex's old boss: : :

Jericho puzzle piece: Johns quest reward: 251: :

Jimmy: Young boy who found golden key: 21: 6:

John: mystery guy who creates techniques: 84: :

Jotun System: The system from which the Jotun Empire originated: 8: :

Jorlam: "A massive creature born in space. Its strength is proportional to its size: and as infants they are so big they have stars as pupils'': 314: :

Jubilation: Nurse at the Recovery room: 85: :

Kalter Flug: snow spirits: 228: :

Karmic Lily: it enabled one to influence karma.: 101: :

Karom City: City near expedition site in crystal realm: 246: :

Karom Forest: Trelop the city is named after: 246: :

Kevin: Sam's great-grandson: 158: :

Kinari tribe: mermaid tribe on Nibiru: 136: :

Kraven: monsters attacking crystal realm: 224: :

Kristine Joel: RussianPrincess77's mom: : :

Larry Dershaw: Lex's class fellow during self defense class: 14: :

Layla: princess of Vegus minima: 211: 7:

Lee: Richards fam: 158: :

Legal Trial by Combat (LTC): Govt. sanctioned death fight: 17: :

: : : :

Lex William: Main character: -: 23:

Lily: Brother Chen's sister: 73: 24:

Liz: "Lex's middle sister: still younger than him": 18: 19:

Loretta Pendal Val Kilger: Devil leader to the Midnight games: 113: 971:

Marlo (Hanson Marlo Bravi IV): Lex's self defense teacher: : :

Matilda Ross: Lex's class fellow during self defense class: : :

Mary Jane: Midnight Inn Avatar: -: :

Mendelay: Neighboring country to Gristol: : :

Midnight Inn Level: Authority level: : :

Miranda: Queens fam - on the council: 158: : Foundation peak

Miscellaneous Assistant A: Cornelius' assistant: 279: :

Miscellaneous Friend A: Amelia's friend: 245: :

Moon: Lex's youngest sister: 18: 16:

Multi-Environmental Subsistence facility: A facility that helps guests suited to only a certain kind of environment survive in different ones: 96: :

Mystery chubby man: Creator of all Systems: -: :

Naki: oldest of the triplets: 331: :

Nami: middle triplet: 331: :

Nani: youngest triplet: 331: :

Navo Corp.: Some cultivation corporation: 16: :

Noman Butt: human lie detector: 299: 19: golden core

Noo: Layla's grandmother: 211: :

Nora Haugen: Cwenhilds mother: 317: :

Nosso Private Military: Some private military: 16: :

Nzaar: : 280: :

Oblivator: unique profession used by King Cornelius: 286: :

Oolin: Race/family that Vera will dare: 82: :

Pamela: inn worker: 220: :

Pelican Sect: Some sect: 16: :

Pendal System: Main star system for jotun empire in the same galaxy as Vegus system: 201: :

Percy: Alexander p.a.: : :

Poliods: Race from crystal realm: 241: :

Powell Grant: worker at emporium: 203: :

Power City: A city in Red nation: 58: :

Pramod: The Nightmare/heart demon that leads the foundation realm zombies: 145: 17: Foundation

Prima Ventura: Some organization interested in Liz: : :

Prime Human: A human who uses Bloodline cultivation as a main form of cultivation: : :

Primordial Origin Lotus series: some series of lotus flowers: 202: :

Protos Energy: A unique kind of spiritual energy that exists only in the first fifty billion years of a universe. It is used up in the expansion of the universe and creates many unique and valuable treasures.: : :

Ptolemy: expedition head who hates lex: 269 and before: :

Purified Wraiths blood: "The purified blood of a wraith. In this purified form: it has a soothing effect on the soul by strengthening the cohesiveness of the body. Only effective for cultivators below the Foundation realm.": : :

Pvarti: some noble in Babylon: : :

Qawian: sword that gained sentience: 229: : earth immortal

Qwash: speci: : :

Rafael Carter Bravi: Marlos son: 132: 37: crippled

Ragnar Asulf: General incharge of Vegus Minima: 91: "3: 574":

Red Gold Dust: "It was an unreactive metal and had few if any uses at all normally. However: whenever spiritual energy was released by a Golden Core cultivator: the ore would absorb it readily: to the point of disrupting spiritual techniques and formations. Whether the energy was directed towards the metal or not: it would absorb it.": : :

Red Hands: special ops unit in Hum nation: 237: :

Red Nation: Country in Nibiru: 56: :

Regalia Bloom: Bloodline exhibited by his AI: 193: :

Rezin: liquid beast from Nibiru: 135: 1:

Remy Lavern: young man who has some secret identity: 147: "9: 999": Earth Immortal

Rent-a-Minion: Company that rents out semi-intelligent robots for use under Foundation realm in power: : :

Resonance Shield: Shield used on Vegus Minima that activates when it resonates with the zombie mutagen and attacks them using waves. Its effective on zombies at tier 3 and below: : :

Richard: Chinese Nascent cultivator of earth: 95: :

Rick: Worker at tavern: 324: :

Roan: Barkeep at the tavern: 323: :

Rorick Morrison: Alexander's father: 76: 48:

Roland: newspaper boy in Babylon: 325: :

Roslo: "purple skinned: double horned species Lex met on X-142": 206: :

RussianPrincess77 (Vera Joel): Online Tempest user who attacked Babur/mysterious girl who met Alexander. She's also an oracle: : :

Sam Brown: Nascent cultivator of earth: 95: : Nascent

Selene: Richards granddaughter: 95: :

Sentinels: Race from crystal realm: 241: :

Serafol: member of the Jotun royal family: 314: :

Serene Williams: lex's mother: 27: :

Slag: Lieutenant of forward battalion of Jotun Empire: 101: 99: Golden Core mid

Sol birds: sun equivalent of the crystal realm: 228: :

Sophia Ramos/Bravi: "Marlo's wife: head of the Ramos family ": 68: 60: Golden Core mid

Soul: "The base for anything to live. A being can exist without a spirit or a body: but to be alive it must have a soul": 7: :

Souta Ito: Samurai system wielder: 311: :

Spawning portal: Portal through which Demons can directly enter a planet from their realm: ??: :

Spirit: "The source of intelligence for the soul: or what allows the soul to perform specific actions": : :

Spiritual Sense: A kind of mental energy that a cultivator can use to observe and interact with his/her surroundings: : :

Spirit disruption pill: pill that makes people forget things: 169: :

Spirit Tech: Spiritual Treasures combined with technology: : :

Sunset Wine: "very rare wine: no one knows how its made": 329: :

Support token: "Select an Inn employee. Once selected: you can summon that employee from the Inn to your location: regardless of where you are in the universe. You can also unsummon the employee.": 212: :

Suzuki: Souta feudal lord: 311: :

Synergist: profession for spirit and soul cultivators focused on providing buffs: 295?: :

Talisman: "A Talisman was a special kind of product made by cultivators that basically performed a function - any function. How a Talisman was made: how it functioned and what were its limitations was a complex science that eluded everyone except for the most accomplished academics. The only thing most people cared about was that Talismans could accomplish various tasks: and even perform attacks like spirit techniques: and used up no spirit energy from the user which is why they were always in high demand.": : :

Teema: brother: 215: 19: Body refining

Teena: sister: 215: 19: Body refining

Tetsuya Seigan: : 205: : Foundation

Tiffany (Tom): Carrier of the will of Nibiru: 55: : Golden Core peak

Tiffany's treasure: A vine that has medicinal properties: 57: :

Trelop: one of the 7 races in crystal realm: 254: :

Trials: "With access to multiple worlds and a growing Inn: the number of tasks for the Innkeeper will increase but you can't do everything yourself. Create Trials for guests to undertake in various worlds with different objectives and rewards to secretly complete tasks you can't do yourself!": : :

Tempest: Cultivation world twitter: : :

Treasure Manufacturer : Someone who makes treasure items ( commonly known as blacksmiths in webnovels): : :

Troy Academy: Most popular academy for cultivation families: : :

True path: the path of cultivation that takes advantage of all 3 forms: 286: :

Ultimate Fighting Fortress: Some organization that Marlo hates. Run by his wife!: : :

Ultimate King Emperor: All the Gods call me Daddy: the over the top cultivation novel that Lex reads: 205: :

Valesco: City where the crystal guy is waiting for Lex: 310: :

Varn: race from crystal realm: 241: :

Velma: A.I. that helps at the Inn: -: :

Ventura Brown/Silver: some academy for young cultivators: 197: :

Vernan: physical education professor: 236: :

Warheil Heil Fednal: Zombie primogenator. : 113: "12: 100":

William Bentham: "Hera's uncle: the guy who hired Hugo": 21: 59:

Winding Road Vine: A vine that grows in the cracks between space: 101: :

Wine cellar: "Instead: all spirit drinks could be stored there: as the room had a special function. It would age: develop: and even enhance all drinks placed in the room. Some drinks: for example: served medical purposes: but needed time to mature into the appropriate properties: and leaving such a drink here would speed up that process.": 324: :

"World Seed Lotus

": Lotus that gives birth to a 5 Star world: 202: :

World Spirit: : 186: :

Xeon: drake refiner: 217: :

Z: The A.I. for the Gamers Den: : :

Zeus Leventis: Alexander's friend and heir to New Las Vegas: : :

7 Nation Crystal realm: : 224: :

10 Poisons of Ishkbaal: 10 extremely deadly poisons: : :

50 Millenium Crystal Watermelon: fruit that can upgrade the fruit knife.: : :

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