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1.76% Quick Transmigration : Chased in the Multiverse (BL) / Chapter 3: Piano Virtuoso / 1.3&4 : The shameless tofu-eater

Chapitre 3: Piano Virtuoso / 1.3&4 : The shameless tofu-eater

Eden woke up in a good mood. For once, he slept in and no one came barging into his room. It would happen in literally every single universe. He took a shower and went downstairs for breakfast. He ate and went to the living room. Since this was Sunday, the entire family was there.

"Hello, Yinsi let's go rehearse for your audition tape."

Qing and Zhehan smiled at Eden, and he smiled back. Yinsi stood up following him up to the music room.

He sat behind the piano and Eden instructed him. Thankfully, he only has to do this for a few days, then he is done. They spent the entire morning rehearsing, then they ate. They went back at it when they were done. Eden listened to Yinsi playing with a frown. When he finished, Yinsi looked at Eden to hear his remarks.

"Just copying what I show you isn't enough. You need to feel the music and truly have that wish to heal people."

Yinsi forced himself not to laugh at his stupid remark. He isn't concerned with healing people, he just wants to be a well-known pianist as he should be. Unfortunately, those two things go together, which annoys him. Pianists are only famous if their music heals, otherwise what's the point of playing the piano? Might as well play another instrument.

That's what people think, but he doesn't. He wants the prestige that goes with being a pianist healer without having to write healing symphonies since he can't. It's not like he hasn't tried, but he failed every time with all his previous teachers. So, when his parents heard of this piano virtuoso, they brought him home. They found a way for him to play healing symphonies without having to feel the music.

Eden ordered:


Yinsi played again, gnashing his teeth. He can't wait for the day when Eden won't be in his home. Who does he think he is? What right does he have to command me?

Eden ordered frustrated:


He stopped the music and his hands tightened into fists at his sides.

"Why are you so distracted? You'll have to film the audition tape in a few days unless you would rather not get into Shao lyrical anymore. If that's the case, tell me now, so I won't waste my time."

Yinsi stood up to yell, but his father walked in calming the situation:

"Eden of course he wants to get in. You need to be more patient with him."

Eden looked at him, laughing.

"You think I'm not being patient enough? Are you kidding me? When he'll be in Shao Lyrical he won't have a teacher just for himself, they'll be twenty students with him. Have you read the advanced piano program? "

Zhehan opened his mouth, but nothing came out. They haven't read the program, but who cares he'll just learn more piano there. He already knows how to play, he's sure the rest will be a piece of cake.

Eden said:

"Since you don't know the program, I'll tell you. There is composition, arranging, instrumental improvisation, and devising music. There's also music theory core, keyboard literature, classical improvisation, historical music, and accompanying. If Yinsi can only copy what he hears, do you think he'll be able to improvise or devise music? Do you think he'll be able to understand historical music and compose it? I'm trying to teach him more, so he doesn't fail when he gets there, but here you are saying I'm being too hard on him."

Yinsi blanched and looked at his father, panicked. He thought all he had to do is know how to play the piano, but from everything, Eden said it won't be nearly enough. Even if he hates Eden, he knows what he is talking about when it comes to piano. He didn't even know his parents signed him into the advanced program. Now that they did they can't even change it, the tape has to be sent for that program alone.

Zhehan swallowed with difficulty, looking at a panicked Yinsi and then Eden. He knows that Eden is telling the truth since he is obsessed with Shao Lyrical and knows everything about it. He always thought that playing was enough, but he was a fool. Even if he loves Yinsi he knows that he'll never be able to follow the classes. Only Eden can teach him, all the other teachers he had before failed. If he gets into the school and fails, it'll be humiliating. A Shao who failed his family-owned school will be everywhere, and he knows that Chen will lose it.

Qing, who had heard everything, came in and yelled:

"Eden, you don't know what you're talking about. Yinsi is talented, he'll succeed once he gets in."

"I do know what I'm talking about when it comes to piano and Shao Lyrical. If you don't believe me, just go to visit and attend a class. Then you'll see."

Qing said arrogantly and full of confidence:

"We don't need to, Yinsi is the most talented pianist in this house, he will succeed."

Yinsi looked at his mother with worry. He knows that she just wants to defend him, but she's making things worst. He can't have Eden quit on him now that he realized he needs him even more than he thought before, and he hasn't even written his symphony for the final.

Yinsi walked to her, holding onto her sleeve.

"Mother Eden is just trying to help me."

She insisted:

"He doesn't know what he is talking about."

Eden smiled.

"Since Yinsi is the most talented pianist in this house, he won't need my help anymore, and he won't need me to write him a symphony for the final."

They all looked at Eden, surprised that he knew they wanted to ask that of him. He smiled arrogantly.

"Of course, I knew you would ask. I'm the only one who can write healing symphonies, and I've been able to do it since I was six years old. But you're right, mother I don't know what I'm talking about."

Eden walked out of the music room, but he stopped when Zhehan called him.

"Eden don't be angry your mother is just being overprotective."

Eden said without turning, then he left.

"I have to be at Chen-Ge in five minutes."

When he was gone, Yinsi pushed his mother fiercely, and she fell to the floor. She looked at him shocked as he yelled with tears in his eyes:

"You've ruined everything now Eden won't help me or write the symphony for the final. What do you always have to be so overbearing?"

Qing looked at her son in heartache.

"Sweety I was just trying to protect you."

"Protect me from what? My dream? If I don't get into that school, I will never forgive you."

Yinsi ran away and Qing stood up to chase after him, but Zhehan stopped her.

"Give him time."

Qing said as she sobbed:

"I was just trying to protect him."

"From the truth? Everything Eden said was. He was willing to teach him more until you started to attack him. Yinsi is right, without him, he won't be able to get in. Once he is there, we'll deal with whatever comes our way. But until then, we need to be nice to Eden unless you want to destroy your son's dream."

Qing cried more hugging her husband and Zhehan hugged her back.

After changing, Eden got into the car after his chauffeur opened the door for him. He looked out the windows as the car drove. He had a wicked smile on his face. Despite his arrogance, he knows that Yinsi is actually scared. Since he was a kid, his mother inflated his ego with unearned praise. His parents just want to be able to tell that their son is a pianist, while they did zero research to know what it takes.

Even when they had Eden teach him they went the easy route, Yinsi copying Eden's play. Once he got into Shao Lyrical they finally realized how wrong they were, so they went to him again. He's going to make them beg, as Eden did, so he could leave Yugen's hellish house.

When Eden arrived, he looked at the ridiculously large estate with a smile. The butler led him to the living room. He almost hit him when he abruptly stopped at the entry. Eden looked at his stunned expression, then followed his eyes. He walked to the couch laughing. This makes so much more sense. Chen was beating one of his staff members to a pulp. He was on top of him, his fist hitting the same place over and over again as the man begged for forgiveness with tears. This Chen makes sense to him, not the one who asked him sweetly to come to play for him, although he is well aware of what his end goal is.

When Chen heard a laugh, he turned around and saw Eden sitting on the couch laughing. Chen smiled standing up, and a maid approached cleaning his bloody hands as two bodyguards took the still-screaming man away. When his hands were clean, he smiled, sitting close to Eden.

He smiled brightly.


Eden smiled, reaching out to put his tie back in place while he asked:

"What did he do?"

Chen felt incredibly happy at that little gesture.

"He tried to get into a room he shouldn't have."

Eden let go of his tie when he was done and asked with a wicked smile:

"Was it your murder room?"

Chen laughed, wrapping his hands around his waist.

"I don't need to hide when I commit murder, no one can do anything to me."

Eden nodded with a mysterious smile. He tried to push him slightly when Chen pulled him even closer, but he was like a block of ice. He asked with a malicious smile:

"Did you invite me here, so you can eat tofu or for me to play?"

Chen licked his lips. Why does he look so sinfully gorgeous? He likes how Eden looks angelic but for some reason, he drives him insane when he looks devilish. He leaned in and Eden felt two soft lips trailing kisses on his neck. He tilted his head to give him better access. Chen kissed him until he reached his earlobe. He bit it slightly, then he licked it. He pushed his tongue inside Eden's ear, licking profusely. Eden let out a breath. After a few seconds, Chen pulled back, meeting his eyes.

He leaned in to kiss him. He captured his lips and after tasting every part of his mouth, he pushed his tongue. Eden kissed him back and when Chen felt his tongue, the kiss became more desperate and fierce. Eden tilted his head, deepening the kiss, sucking on his tongue. Chen started to unbutton his shirt but Eden pulled back, and his hands wrapped around Chen's wrist. After looking at him with an irresistible smile, he walked to the piano after standing up.

Eden looked at the one-person piano chair, then at Chen with narrowed eyes. Chen stood up to join him with a devilish smile. When he reached Eden, he took a seat and pulled him on his lap. Eden shook his head at this shameless tofu-eater and started to play. Chen felt his mind slowing down. He felt like he was lying on the sand at the beach enjoying the sun like he used to with his mother when he was younger. His hold around Eden's waist tightened.

When Eden finished playing, he looked down at the hands around his waist, his eyes flashing with mischief. Chen listened as he played another symphony, his body moving to the rhythm. Over time, he moved more and more energetically, which drove Chen to insanity. He was becoming harder because of all this friction.

"Stop moving."

Eden didn't seem to hear, since he kept moving.


When they were still no changes Chen yelled, his hands holding Eden tightly in place:

"Eden stop moving!"

Eden suddenly stopped playing and met Chen's eyes, he asked a little lost:

"Do you not like the symphony?"

Chen looked into his eyes, Eden looked utterly oblivious to what he was doing to him.

"I do, I just… I'll be right back."

Chen stood up and put him back on the seat before leaving rapidly. Eden looked at his fleeing back with an amused, and when he was out of sight he burst out laughing. He used Versem to check on Chen. He watched as he entered his bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror, frustrated. He opened his pants, letting out his penis. Eden licked his lips when he started to stroke it.

When he heard the groan coming out of him when he came, his eyes flashed. He closed Versem after Chen exited when he was done washing his hands. He came back with a butler next to him. He was holding a long chair for the piano. After replacing it, Eden took a seat and Chen sat next to him.

He asked, looking at the piano:

"Will you play something else?"

When he didn't hear anything, he looked at Eden. He was looking down, seemingly sad.

"What's wrong?"

Eden looked at him and asked:

"Gege don't you like me sitting on your lap?"

Chen looked into his sad eyes and felt a pinch in his stomach. He immediately pulled him onto his lap.

"Of course I do."

Eden smiled, looking at him. He played again and Chen felt relieved that he didn't move like earlier. Eden just wanted to mess with him a little for the one-person chair. He might as well have fun with him while he uses him, Chen is his type of man, he is strong, wild, and gorgeous. Eden spent an hour playing for him. He kissed his cheek and got into the car. Chen looked at the departing car, his eyes full of determination. Eden will be his no matter what.

When Eden arrived home, he directly went to his room. He took a shower and got into bed with his computer. After working for a few hours, he closed it and fell asleep. He woke up and after taking a shower he went to have breakfast. He sat around the table and ate using his cell phone, ignoring the other members of the family.

Yinsi looked at his mother furiously, and she pulled her chair near Eden.

"Eden Mother is sorry I was just a little overprotective. I'm sure you understand, right?"

Eden looked at her expressionlessly.

"I do."

Qing smiled, but her smile soon disappeared when she heard his next words.

"I understand that you only care about your birth son. You act as if Yinsi and I are the same, but we aren't. Even though I'm a better piano player, I've never said it not even once, but you who supposedly love us both the same did. You dared say that while I was trying to help him get into Shao Lyrical. Now that I know how you feel I won't bother with you anymore I only trust father."

Qing wanted to insult him, but she thought of Yinsi's teary eyes from yesterday, so she just took back her seat away from Eden.


Eden looked up, meeting Zhehan's eyes.

"Will you please help Yinsi get into Shao Lyrical for me?"

Eden thought for a few seconds, then he nodded. Zhehan smiled and Eden smiled back.

Yinsi let out a relieved breath. Eden finished eating and said before leaving.

"We'll start rehearsal in thirty minutes."

Yinsi smiled happily looking at his father and Zhehan smiled back while Qing was fuming.

Eden stood before the piano, listening to Yinsi play. When he finished playing, Yinsi looked at him. Eden said:

"It's better, but you need to feel the music more, only then will it truly heal and affect the listeners. If you can't, then you need to think of something you truly believe in as you play. Do you understand?"

Yinsi nodded.

"I do."

Eden listened as he played again. When he finished, Yinsi looked at him.

For some reason, he felt like Eden was being more patient with him today. Zhehan who was hidden listening felt the same way and decided to enter. He asked:

"How is it going, Eden?"

"It's better we'll be able to record the audition tape at the end of the week."

Zhehan and Yinsi looked at each other with a smile.

"Father, will you be able to send my tape with Yinsi's?"

"Of course son. I'll let you get back to rehearsing."

He smiled at them and left.

He went to his office, feeling much better. Eden is helping Yinsi again, and he asked him to send his audition tape for him. He was about to propose, but he was worried he might suspect something, but he asked himself. Once he gives me that symphony for the final, I'll sell him to that old man down the street. Zhehan smiled, his eyes flashing ruthlessly.

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