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Chapter – 52 (Lux Cycle)

As Freya was making her plan to visit Loki, Primis was still enjoying his time while walking towards Guild. Suddenly, he saw a shop and stopped. This was a Flower Shop.

'Primis: Hm. I think I should take something with me as an apology.'

[Oh~. That's very gentlemanly~.]

Ignoring Twilight's comment, Primis kept on looking at all these flowers.

'Primis: Blue color Flowers will be best today. A bouquet containing blue flowers is a sign to slow down, relax and release the stress.'

[Is that why you were reading the book of flowers during your free time in forest. I always thought you were just relaxing yourself. Never thought you were reading it so that you can give flowers to your future wives. I even got suspicious thinking you were someone else but now everything makes sense. You really are the Primis I know. You don't know how to relax. The only thing in your mind is training and knowledge.]

'Primis: Quiet. You have become very chatty ever since I gave you the name.'

[Well, you need someone talkative around you all the time, or you will just make "Silence", your friend. I will be more than happy to take that role until you find someone like this. After all, I----]

'Primis: What's wrong?'

[Why do I suddenly feel that I did something I am going to regret the rest of my life. What is it? Let me think----]


'Primis: Tch. She finds out.'

Primis realized that his secret was exposed so he ignored Twilight and decided to put his attention on selecting Flowers. Once done, he walked towards the Shopkeeper and unhide his presence so that only he could see him. When shopkeeper looked at Primis, Primis casted his illusion on him so that he will appear different to shopkeeper.

Shopkeeper: Good Evening, Sir. How may I help you?

Primis: I want you create a bouquet of these flowers.

Shopkeeper: Sure, Sir. It will take some time though.

Primis: No Problem. I will wait outside.

Shopkeeper: Thank you. I will start making right away.

Then Primis went out. It will only take about 10-15 minutes to make a bouquet, so he didn't mind waiting. Primis was looking at people on the streets while thinking about his dinner date with Eina.


Primis: ......

[No wonder, you happily agreed to make Ophis your own. Because you both are same. You both like one thing and i.e., "Silence". Damn, why did I tell you about Ophis. It's already nerve-wreaking handling one silent person and now another one will be coming.]

Primis: .......

[*cough* Primis~]

Primis: .......


Primis: .......


Primis: .......


'Primis: ....... What is it?'

[Can we----]

'Primis: No.'

[At least let me finish.]

'Primis: No'


'Primis: Ophis is final.'


'Primis: No.'

After that Primis became silent, completing ignoring Twilight's pleads without responding. Seeing Primis hell-bent on Ophis and will not change his mind, Twilight gave up persuading him.

Soon 15 minutes went by. Shopkeeper came out with a beautiful blue colored bouquet in his hand. He looked around but failed to find Primis. When he started thinking that Primis scrammed him and ran away, Primis voice sounded behind him.

Primis: Is it done?

Shopkeeper: Whoa. Y-Yes sir. Here.

Surprising at suddenly voice behind him, Shopkeeper turned and handover the bouquet to Primis. Primis looked at the bouquet for some time before nodding his head.

Primis: How much is it?

Shopkeeper: Sir, it's 3000 valis.

Primis: Ok. Here.

Shopkeeper: Thank you, Sir. Have a good day.

Primis nodded and left. He put the bouquet in his inventory and continued walking toward Guild.

[By the way, you can buy the bouquet from me. Why bother buying it from the shop?]

'Primis: Nothing much. I just feel like spending some money. And in case Eina asks where I buy it from then I don't have to find an excuse.'

[Hmmm. That's true. Anyway, can we return to old topic?]

'Primis: No.'

[*sigh* Fine. Mind telling me your Dinner date plan.]

'Primis: Enjoying the crowd while walking. Dinner in "Hostess of Fertility" and return home.'


'Primis: ....'

[HOW LAME. Can't you go to some romantic place after dinner.]

'Primis: ......'

[*sigh* Sorry, by bad. It was my mistake to expect anything from you. Good thing I have a perfect gift for you.]

'Primis: Gift?'

[Yes. I have made many gifts for you but will give it to you when time is right.]

'Primis: Oh?'

[I just put it into your Inventory.]

Opening his inventory and Primis found a new item in it. It was a black stick 10 inches in length and 3 cm wide. It had round in top and bottom. Primis looked at in every angle but failed to find anything. He then tried to put his Magic into it.

When he did so, the stick started to absorb it greedily. Primis didn't stop and let it absorb as much as magic as it could. Soon pale white light started to appear on both top, bottom, and middle of the stick. Then it stopped absorbing any more magic.

Primis narrowed his eyes as frown appeared on his forehead. The stick absorbed almost 95% of his magic reserve. Taking a deep breath, Primis entered his Home world and returned after 1 minute. By now all his Magic was fully recovered.

'Primis: Twilight, don't tell me that I have to give my Magic to it every time.'

[Nope. This is just for the first-time, not anymore.]

'Primis: Good. So, what is this stick?'

[Have you seen the movie Tron?]

'Primis: Well, I have the memory of----'

Primis suddenly became surprised and looked intensely at the stick.

'Primis: Could this be----'

[Yes. Light Cycle. And it can carry two people.]

Primis could already feel his connection with the stick. It just like his connection with Elucidator and Midnight Coat. Hence, he concentrated, and its description appeared in front of him.


Origin, Lux Cycle


Type: Vehicle (Bike)

Rank: I

Speed: x10 [Agility]

Extreme Speed: x25[Agility]


Soul bound: Primis Rigla



Indestructible: EX

Lux Schleife: SSS

Energy Projectiles: SSS


(*Note: "Lux" means Light. "Schleife" means Ribbon.)




Lux Schleife: SSS

Use 10% of your Magic and release a Light Ribbon of magic behind. If those hit by it have lower than "x2 User's Endurance" then they will perish, otherwise, no damage.


Energy Projectiles: SSS

Consumes user's magic to create and project bolts of energy.


'Primis: No Damage. Huh.'

[Yes, if their Endurance is more than x2 your Endurance then nothing will happen.]

'Primis: At that that time it can only be used to stall time for escape.'


'Primis: I see. And "Origin" word in front of its name?'

[Those who have "Origin" word in front of their name have maximum limit of 10th Level Existence. And those with "Origin Force" in front of their name can go beyond it. One more thing. "Origin" can never become "Origin Force".]

(*Note: Elucidator and Midnight Coat has "Origin Force" in front of their names.)


'Primis: I see. Anyway, with this I can take Eina for a drive. I am sure she had not seen much of the world outside Orario.'

[Of course. That's why I give it to you.]

Primis then put Lux Cycle in his soul. Since its Soul Bound now, he could keep it in his soul like his Elucidator and Midnight Coat. Next, he continued walking towards Guild.




Soon, Primis reached the Guild and went inside. There were less people now than in the morning. Primis looked around and found Eina who was talking with an Adventurer. Primis didn't disturb her since he knew that Eina loved her work and do it with full dedication. Hence, he just walked to the corner and closed his eyes.

However, he opened them again and looked behind her. Five Meters away from Eina, in the shadow Primis saw someone. It was an assassin. Because this Assassin stealth skills were high no one sensed him. Still, Primis Sharingan easily saw through it.

The assassin was covered in black tight clothing from head to toe. He had daggers in his waist. Primis could also see many vials filled with many different color liquids inside them on his waist. That were poisons. Anyone could tell that he was a full fletched Assassin.

Primis disappeared from his place and appeared behind the assassin without him realizing. He looked at Assassin's back in silence and spoke.

Primis: Tell him that she is with me tonight.

Assassin felt a chill down his spine when he heard a voice behind him. He never thought that someone could appear behind him silently. He gulped his saliva in nervousness and moved his hand towards his dagger.

But then he suddenly felt killing intent locked on him which mad him stop his action. His body started trembling sensing this killing intent. Not only that he was now covered in sweat.

Primis: Give him the message that I just gave you. He will understand and won't fault you. You can continue in the morning. Now leave.

Assassin: *gulp* Thank You.

After that Assassin disappeared from his spot and left the building. Primis also returned to his previous spot. Instead of looking at Eina's back, he preferred to look at her smiling face.

[He really did what you told him to.]

'Primis: A Level 6 Assassin to protect Eina from shadows. I expect nothing less Fels.'

[It appears that both Fels and Ouranos will do anything to get your help with Xenos.]

'Primis: Yeah.'

Next, Primis closed his eyes again and waited for Eina's work to complete for the day.




An hour went by before Eina got free. Once she was done arranging the documents, she went to changing room to change her clothes. When she came out in her casual clothes one of her friends stopped her.

???: Eina, wait.

The one who stopped Eina was wearing Guild Uniform. She was a human and had pink hair and pink eyes. Her name was Misha Flott. Eina smiled and asked.

Eina: What is it, Misha?

Misha: Eina, I heard you became an Advisor of one of the Adventurer yesterday.

Eina: Y-Yes.

Misha: Really? Who it is? I didn't see you meeting any such person today.

Eina: H-He must be busy.

Misha: He? Ohhhhhh. So, he is a man. Is he handsome? Did he confess to you or something?

Eina: W-What are y-you saying all a s-sudden?

Misha: Huh?

Misha got shocked witnessing Eina's face which became as red as tomato. She can't believe what she was seeing.

Misha: No way. Eina, you…...

Eina: W-W-W-What?

Misha: Who is he? To think he stole our Eina's heart.

Eina: W-W-Wait. L-Let me e-explain.

Misha: No need. This is serious.

Misha then grabbed Eina's hand and dragged her towards one of the rooms. No matter how much Eina try to reason with Misha, Misha ignored her and kept on dragging her. Once they reached the door, Misha knocked.




???: Yes, who is it?

Misha: It's me, Misha.

???: Come in.


Misha opened the door and pulled Eina inside before closing the door behind. This was another one of private rooms. There was already someone inside it. She was a Werewolf. She had long red hairs and was wearing Guild Uniform like Misha. She was the receptionist of the Guild and another one of Eina's and Misha's friend. Rose Fannett.

Rose: What is it, Misha? Huh. Eina is also with you.

Misha: Rose, we got a serious problem.

Rose: Problem?

Misha: Yes. You should have known that Eina become an Advisor of an Adventurer yesterday, right?

Rose: Yes, I heard it. So...…

Misha: It looks like that Adventurer has stolen our Eina's heart.

Rose: I am sorry. Looks like there's some problem with my ears today, can you repeat?

Misha: Looks an Adventurer stole our Eina's heart.

Rose: ......Seriously.

Misha: Yes.

Rose turned her gaze towards Eina saw her red face. Witnessing this face Rose understood everything. She looked at Eina and took a deep sigh.

Rose: Eina, I already told you to never do that. Its already very painful experiencing the deaths of your assigned Adventurers. Now you even fell for him. Did you want to be left alone after he die in the Dungeon?

Misha: Yes, Eina. It's already been a long time since the closing of the dungeon for today. And he hadn't returned neither to exchange his Magic stones nor to report you. Even if he exchanged his Magic stones at the Guild in Babel, he should still report back to his Advisor. So, he should already be----

Eina: NO!!!!

Eina snapped before Misha could complete her words. Both Misha and Rose startled. They had never once seen Eina this angry before. Even when Eina was angry, she never shouted like this. They even saw tears that started to form at the corner of her eyes.

Eina: He said he won't die.

Rose: L-Listen Eina. Every Adventurer said that but----

Eina: NO!!!!

Misha: Eina, calm down. We are saying that for your own good.

Eina: NO!!!!

Tears started to fall from Eina's eyes. She turned to leave the room. Before Rose and Misha could stop her, both stopped on their tracks as dread appeared their eyes. Their body started shivering. As for Eina, the movement she turned back she collide with someone.


Before Eina could respond, that person embraced her. Eina became stunned. Before she could resist, she heard a heartbeat.




Hearing this familiar Heartbeat, Eina calmed down and smiled appear on her face. Next, she buried her face in the embrace. As for Rose and Misha, they saw the person's blood-red eyes which had three symbols in them and heard a cold emotionless voice in their ears.

Primis: How dare you make Eina cry.

Lakshay_Thakur_9837 Lakshay_Thakur_9837

I hope you guys give me power stones. It’s a little thing to you but it does a lot for me, and I will greatly appreciate it by writing and releasing more chapters at the end of each month.

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