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Écrire un avisVery good Novell 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆🤦😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄
Perty good. His other book was good to. Author dropped both of em tho. Ig it's still worth checking out tho. Even though this one cuts off right as it was getting good.
NiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNice What's your insta/discord? I'll follow you.
author is dead. author is dead.author is dead.author is dead.author is dead.author is dead.author is dead.author is dead.author is dead.author is dead.
Anyone knows other novels like this one. I mean set in modern world with harem, building business and not havinga a beta M.C. ................
too bad the author is dead. I hope not tho, this story is actually good. pray for author. Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Me encanta, es lo que se busca en este tipo de historias con decisión y ejecución 👌 Muy recomendado para leerlo con toda la familia 🔥🔥🔥🔥
I don't know what to write a review [img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=update]
Exactly what I'm searching for. The main character's determination is nice, not stopping to get his family members. And as long as you continue, this gonna be good.
Awesome story with little bit different setting than other novel which i love as well bringing new prospects. Writing quality superb like it couldn't be better. Much looking forward to this and other novel as always.
The story goes very smoothly and at the end of each chapter, it makes you wonder what will happen next, as in the other story.👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
I have read your other story and for now i prefer that new one, continue the great work. I found no problem quality /release. I think you can try a bit of pov change, not too much that could easily slow the story But can be a good experience ( I don't remember if you already tried this before) I hope all the best for you. Personally I hope not too much Yuri action that always seems too close to ntr / sharing / big open relationship and far from a harem.
A well written story . It leaves me wanting more. It is very apparent that the writter put a lot of effort in making it such an enjoyable read. Kudos to the writer.
[img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp]
Классная мне понравилось жду проду, 👍😁 Юююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююю
Very good Novell 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆🤦😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄
Perty good. His other book was good to. Author dropped both of em tho. Ig it's still worth checking out tho. Even though this one cuts off right as it was getting good.
NiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNiceNice What's your insta/discord? I'll follow you.
author is dead. author is dead.author is dead.author is dead.author is dead.author is dead.author is dead.author is dead.author is dead.author is dead.
Anyone knows other novels like this one. I mean set in modern world with harem, building business and not havinga a beta M.C. ................
too bad the author is dead. I hope not tho, this story is actually good. pray for author. Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Me encanta, es lo que se busca en este tipo de historias con decisión y ejecución 👌 Muy recomendado para leerlo con toda la familia 🔥🔥🔥🔥
I don't know what to write a review [img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=update]
Exactly what I'm searching for. The main character's determination is nice, not stopping to get his family members. And as long as you continue, this gonna be good.
Awesome story with little bit different setting than other novel which i love as well bringing new prospects. Writing quality superb like it couldn't be better. Much looking forward to this and other novel as always.
The story goes very smoothly and at the end of each chapter, it makes you wonder what will happen next, as in the other story.👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
I have read your other story and for now i prefer that new one, continue the great work. I found no problem quality /release. I think you can try a bit of pov change, not too much that could easily slow the story But can be a good experience ( I don't remember if you already tried this before) I hope all the best for you. Personally I hope not too much Yuri action that always seems too close to ntr / sharing / big open relationship and far from a harem.
A well written story . It leaves me wanting more. It is very apparent that the writter put a lot of effort in making it such an enjoyable read. Kudos to the writer.
[img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp] [img=exp]
Классная мне понравилось жду проду, 👍😁 Юююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююю