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54.16% Those F*cking Gallaghers!--Shameless / Chapter 13: Season 1 (CH13):

Chapitre 13: Season 1 (CH13):

After grabbing his new suits, which he ordered ten of just because, they were and headed to City hall along the way he closed his eyes smiling as Kassidi sung to him. They were taking turns choosing songs on the phone, at the moment she had some Katy Perry playing, he already had a song in his head that he wanted to listen to next that he thought fit her perfectly.

"Alright your turn babe. Nothing so low toned this time, I could hardly hear the last person you put on even singing." She said while stopping at a stop sign.

"Don't worry this one isn't so low toned. It is actually one of my favorite songs though." He said while grabbing her phone and typing in his the name of the song and band into YouTube since she didn't have them in her library.

(Creepy Girl- Ghost Town)

The opening comes on as he smiles while looking at her, they weren't so far from City Hall at the moment so they would be getting there as it was maybe in the middle of it. His smile grew as the first part of the song started.

For so long now I've been coming to your rescue

Got me thinking I'll get you

And I'm serious when I say I'm over it, I'm over it

And your fucking lies

That you'll stick around

Stay on my side of town

Now I'm covered in blood

And I'm feeding off your pretty little lies

For once why can't you just come and chase me

Dig up my grave and save my body

Now I'm rotting to the bone

But my heart's still beating

Hoping you won't leave me

Creepy girls, you're just my style

Blood-red lipstick, you don't smile

Falling victim to your fantasy

Damn, I love it that you're so creepy

As that part finished she pulled into the parking lot, they sat there with the car running as she listened to the entire thing, she looked at him as it went on. Although not really a romantic song it was one that kind of fit her perfectly, the only thing really missing was the description of the girl, other then that she could fit the profile.

"So you agree with your family then?" She asked as the song ended, "That I am creepy and you think I will do something to you?"

He couldn't help it he busted out laughing, he could see that she was getting angry and getting ready to blow up at him but he stopped it by kissing her before she could say something. Breaking the kiss he pinched her cheek with one hand while caressing her side with the other, "No I don't Chipmunk. I think you are a perfect girl, yes the necklace is amazing but it fits perfectly with your whole creepy girl thing you have going.

I wouldn't give you up or want to change who you are. Nope what I would really call you is passionate, if that passion borders on crazy obsessive freak, then I love it since you feel that way about me. Though you will have to learn to live with the flow I take, there are some things I have planned for my life and I hope you can accept them."

She looked him over really looking into his eyes, blue and brown clashing as they sat there in silence, "What are these plans?" she finally asked after locking eyes with him for about five minutes.

"Nope, that would be telling. Though I promise to tell you them all before or after I have done them, nothing will effect what is going on between us though so you don't need to worry about that." He said while leaning in and kissing her which she had no trouble returning with a lot of enthusiasm and aggression.

The kiss lasted for a moment where he made sure that she knew that she would be by his side in the future, he didn't know what would truly happen between them but they would be close now. Pulling back he smiled as she panted, towards the end there she bit his bottom lip keeping it between her teeth refusing to let go.

Nipping at her lips he smiled at her, "I will be back soon, is there anything you want to do after this?"

She nodded while leaning her forehead on his shoulder trying to stay close, "Yeah, I still need to go to the mall and get a dress for tonight. After that we can go get lunch, so hurry and go get those papers turned in."

Nodding he kissed her on the forehead before leaving, walking into the building he followed the signs before turning up to the desk where he needed to turn in the forms. After that he was directed to another place where he turned in the actual Will, he had to sigh since he didn't think that it would actually take all of this.

After thirty minutes he was making his way out, thankfully he got the Will in before his family, now he didn't need to worry about the man taking the house then selling it later. All they needed to worry about now was paying bills, because of his 'job' though it was a lot easier for them to pay for things, so for the past month they have been okay.

When he got back to the car he told her they were set, she nodded before driving to the mall, along the way they chatted some but still just listened to some music as they drove. After making it there she took him to what seemed to be an expensive store, all she did was smile and held up a credit card saying it was on her father so she didn't need to worry.

He laughed but had nothing to say, he would have bought her the dress but she told him to save, hell she offered to give him back all the money for the suits and pay for them herself. Shaking his head he denied her, although he didn't mind spending her dads money he wanted to use his own.

Taking her purse he waited outside the changing room, he let her show off dress after dress, he commented on them but still thought she hadn't found the right one. It wasn't until she put on a off the shoulder black dress that she found the right one, he was going to choose a green before this one, but this one hugged her hips and body just right.

She nodded agreeing before saying she needed jewelry to go with it, he could only laugh as they made their way over for her to buy some. The total came out as a couple of thousand dollars, the moment the purchases went through not even ten minutes later she got a call from her dad, there was a lot of shouting before they hung up.

She pouted before speaking, "He complained that I didn't need to spend that much on a dress. Thankfully I am doing better in school and listening more so he only told me not to do it again, that if I needed a dress to wear on of the other hundred I have in my closet I don't wear."

He started laughing before she even got done, she pouted some more before hitting him, "I'm sorry, it is just so funny. My problems are paying bills and my crazy family while yours are the fact that you have to many dress and get in trouble for spending money on another."

"What?!?! You think I am just some stuck up right girl?" She said glaring at him while grabbing his arm and digging her nails in.

Rolling his eyes he gave her a quick peck on the lips, "Stop it. You know I mean nothing by it, I just found it funny is all."

Still glaring she released her nails while grabbing his hand and dragging him out the store, she was choosing the place to eat since she made him lunch earlier. One thing he liked about her was that they had the same taste, though he was sure she also was trying to please him, but she chose Chinese for them to eat.

She was still angry while eating, he only knew because she was stabbing her plate at the moment while sending him glares every few bites, he kept his smile at bay all through it. "Stop glaring, you will be pleased to know that tonight it the night." He said while hinting at what she wanted.

Her head shot up looking at him stunned a moment before a smile took over her face, "Really?!!" Seeing him nod she squealed in joy, "Great! I am glad now that I packed a bag for the night, I was hoping you would let me stay over but didn't want to assume."

He shook his head laughing, "Well it is your lucky day then, or mine actually since I get to sleep with such a beautiful girl."

She beamed at him while eating her food more happily even humming as she did so.


The wedding was quick just some short vows then it was over, Kev and V looked really happy, even if it was a fake one and he would need to get a divorce so they could really marry. Her mom bought it all to, he still didn't know why she didn't push to use their own pastor, but that was the logic of this all so he said nothing about it.

At the moment they were at the reception, Kassidi was happy as she danced around with Liam who seemed to really like her, smiling at them both he took another drink from his scotch. Looking around the room everyone was happy at the moment, well almost everyone, Fiona was frowning while checking her phone again since Steve wasn't here yet.

He would be showing of course but at the moment he was still not here, shaking his head he decided to go over and talk to her, there was no reason she shouldn't be having more fun. He passed by Lip and Karen who were making out as he did so, Ian brought Mandy who was also having fun, though he did see her shot Lip a couple of looks.

"Hey why the long face? You more beautiful when you smile." He said while taking the stool next to Fiona who looked up at him with a smile.

"Thank you for bringing the cake. If it was left to Steve then we would be here way to late when V and Kev actually got to cut their cake." She said while sighing setting her phone back into her purse that was on the counter.

He raised a brow at her, "Well he has been absent as of late. It isn't that hard to imagine that something like this would happen. How do you really feel about him? Do you like him just because of the dangerous job he does or because it is real feelings? How much do you really know about him?"

She paused a moment while thinking it over before sighing, "Not much. He hasn't really tried telling me anything it is hard to get to know the guy when he isn't around much."

"Figure it out then. Until then you don't need to sit here looking like someone killed your puppy when you aren't even one hundred percent sure. Come on cutie pie let's dance." He said with a wide smile while pulling her to the dance floor, she let out a sly smile while following him right to the middle of everyone else.

The music drowned out the noise of talking unless you were right on someone, Kassidi at the moment was still dancing with Liam smiling happily, he was worried about the smile though. Ignoring that though he smiled as Lip was dragged by Karen into the bathroom, he wasn't happy he was with her but just the fact that he was going to get laid.

Everyone else was drunk as they all danced around, he could tell that Kev was to get rid of his problems, V though didn't seem to notice as she grinds against him smiling happily. Turning his attention back to Fiona he smiles at her taking her hand, spinning her around he laughs as she twirls giving him a bright smile.

Although he wasn't going to push anything that didn't mean he was going to not get her thinking it, only if it was subtle, he would be content to just sleeping with her even once. They enjoyed dancing with each other, he even got her to grind on him like V was doing, though she laughed playfully as she felt his hard on press into her butt.

"Tease." He said into her ear while pulling away, he smirked at her raised brow as he walked over to Kassidi who was setting down Liam. Smiling at her he takes her hand, "Come on girly, you have been dancing with him for awhile are you trying to make me jealous?" He said while pulling her into the crowd.

"No I was just giving you some time with your family. Now that you are free though let's dance." She said grinning and pulling their bodies right into each other with a big smile on her face.

He smiled back before seeing Steve come in, Fiona gave him a smile but he saw that it was a little forced, he didn't pay them anymore attention though putting all is attention on Kass. "So when is it you want to get out of here? I am in no rush but it would be better if we got back to the house before anyone else shows up." He said but still swayed with her not really wanting to separate from her.

She smiled, "We can go after another dance. I want one more with you before we go, plus some pictures."

Nodding he led her around the dance floor, the smile on her face was worth staying longer, the giggles she let out as he led her was really worth it. She was lucky that he was holding her hips, at the moment her cheeks were looking so pinch-able, he knew that he had become addicted to pinching them.

Thirty minutes later they took some pictures, Lip came out the bathroom and took them for them, he even got some with all his family members. When it came to the one with Fiona he pinched her butt as they pulled away from him, she sent him a small glare before smiling and slapping the back of his head which he shook off.

"Alright I am ready." Kass said with a big smile as she took her purse from behind the bar, he nodded taking her hand leading her out the bar. Neither of them drunk so they were both okay to drive, the whole way home was quiet though he was even shaking some with nervousness and excitement at what was going to happen.


His breathing was heavy as they walked down the stairs to his room, he could feel and see nothing but excitement coming from her, he smiled lightly while leading her down. Sitting on the edge of the bed he looked up at her, she smiled down at him with a glint in her eyes, he knew what it meant and he wasn't going to hold back any more.

Taking the back of her head he smashed their lips together as they fought fiercely, she moaned as he groaned into her mouth, they were losing air but neither pulled away. Growling he took his other hand and slapped her ass hard, it rippled even in the dress he could see it.

She pulled back gasping, but he didn't see any anger in her eyes but more lust then there was before, whimpering she moves away from him before bending over is bed. Looking back at him she smiles, "Take what is yours."

Since they already knew this was more of fucking them love making that is what he was going to do, there probably would never be love making between them but fucking would be. Smirking he stood getting behind her, he caressed her legs as his hands slowly went higher up, he smiled widely as she shuddered as he did so.

Leaning over her he whispered into her ear, "You better be ready because this isn't going to be soft and sensual. I am going to fuck you rough, can you take it?"

"What are you waiting for then?!" She said wiggling her ass as she looked back at him with a wide smile, the crazy in her eyes was there at full throttle.

Smiling he took something from the dresser that he was saving for her, pulling it out it was a pink collar that had a blood read 'C' hanging off of it. "First you need to wear this, since you are becoming mine tonight then we need something to celebrate it. I expect you to always wear it too."

This was him claiming her, as she moved her hair moving faster then he as ever seen her move he knew she loved the idea of it, smiling he kissed her neck as he slowly put it on her. She let out light moans as he tightly secured it around he neck tightening it enough where she choked a little as he pulled it fully.

"Do it. Tear it off of me and fuck me, I am tired of waiting." She growled as his hands went to the zipper of her dress.

Hearing her words his grin widened before he did just that, her smooth slightly pale creamy skin came into full view, she was wearing a red lacy panties and a bra that was see through. He didn't know what came over him but he moved down biting her collar bone causing her to gasp, "I warned you!" Biting hard he let himself go completely.

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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