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14.28% A Hero by the Name of Silk / Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Chapitre 4: Chapter 4

AN: Sorry about the delay but, personal stuff happened and I couldn't finish the chapter to the quality I like. This is why its a short chapter. Promise I'll be on time for the next chapter!

Also the New Silk #1 just got published, Emily Kim is a good writer she does capture the essence of Silk better than Tommy Thompson who just finished what Original Sin started and Battleworld couldn't do. (Or that god awful one shot that used all the Asian charcters, man that was a low blow for asians by marvel) But from what Emily Kim can do I'm sure it will be a good run, they gave her 4 issues, I hope she delivers. Props to her for also giving continuity to her therapist knowing about her vigilante life.

So, I have seen a few misconceptions about Cindy... or overall the idea behind orphanages and suffering. Studies, investigations and interviews regarding this places are all depressing as hell. From orphanges in Mexico used as recruitment grounds for organized crime and Cartels to straight up torture of children in the US. and the UK. these places ain't fun and games. It goes to reason that those Foster Homes were a good move by several governments, but that is another topic I won't rant about. Just know that those places are sad as hell.

CanRead: I'm glad you enjoy the story so much! I'm actually glad to have someone reading and researching on topics that I'm writing about. I'm honestly thankful! Also thanks for the patience.

Pill_God: Sorry about yesterday but here you go! And no, she's not going to sacrifice herself for spiderman bullshit luck. But her Call to Action will make sense.

2MehmetGullu27: Those are quite a lot of emojis. But thanks!

Passpasspass: I always laugh at that Gif.

BalancedSelfInsert: I'm glad you enjoy the review, even if the story is filled with angst, eventually it will get better. This even has as much edge as the ultimate universe in the comics.

BoingBoing_Rushia: Excelent name btw, but in my eyes Subaru is still best girl. But thanks for the review!

Recon100035: Its great you notice the details about my research! Also if I were to quit I would let you guys know!

Avaritia_0010: You're right its not for everyone, and sorry about the depression but it will be important later on! Its a story about self reflection and how one overcomes their weaknesses.

Terrornight: That means a lot to me! Even when there are really good ones out there, I'll do my best effort to keep the quality at a great level.

Captain_Firebunny: Dont' worry about the number of chapters, but I just ask for a week to deliver quality writing.

Kannarin: HAHAHA I did laugh when I read your review! Please don't hunt me down, if I were to drop this, I would let you know.

Waterworl771: Thanks for enjoying the story! This one is short but next one will be a lot longer! Sorry about the delay!

DaoistxH47Y: Here you go!

02 MehmetGullu: HAHAHA I laughed when I read your comment, they're good for writing and for Apex Legends and League.

cuddlypanda: You're very welcome, this is about a character I love after all its good for people to love her too.

1lazy_loner: Here's the next one! And she's pathetic because that's the point. Its a story of empowerment and improving one self, its a story about mistakes and solving them when you're at a disadvantage. Time makes everything better.

RackofLife: She can't start a company at 16 as many laws can't accept that.

John_Doe_5400: Sorry about that, many don't acknowledge Silk because she's pretty forgetable, sorry about the sadness but that shows how powerful words are.

Ruralbuddy_500: Thanks I pride myself in delivering quality over quantity.

Kirto24: Here you go my friend!

Spanmania: You do live up to your name! But I do like the Gif.

Carnom_0626: Here it is, kinda short but next one will return to 6K - 8K words

02DarkKing27: Delivering this!

RackOfLife: "Saitama Image "ok" "

Mr_H3nt1: Thanks! Yes, but everything will be explained when Cindy gets her own standalone adventure, this is only the origin of Cindy's story.


Mr.Goose: Thanks for the patience.

Aatox_:Lmao, I do picture someone bleeding out and the officer "Are you okay?" LMAO. Also racism, even happens in private schools, so of course it happens in public schools. Cool name btw, I always wanted to learn that champ but I stay away from top lane except when I'm jungling. #ADClife

DevilAce: Oh she does not forgive Molly, but thats a spoiler.

Justin_T: Yup! The first case of that is funny.

Okayyyyyy: Everything will happen in time.

Michael_Pollard: When the pairing happens, it will make sense, promise!


Standing at the door with a backpack and a duffel bag, the kids look in doubt as they seem curious and trying to understand why I'm leaving. A small girl latches onto my leg. "Don't go Cindy, please!" Nicole, the little girl I broke out of the box not even thirty seconds of her being inside. I had to break the lock with my hands it proved easy; that was just after the stark expo fiasco. She latched onto me every day, following me like a duckling. She lost her parents during the Stark Expo from an explosion and her aunt dropped her here since she didn't want to take care of her. A cruel world that everyone must learn to survive, she now has the shit end of the stick but that's life. I don't remember seeing her parents die, so maybe it was one of the people who didn't evacuate on time or part of the first barrage of bullets but I can't save everyone. That stunt at the expo was a one-time thing not more not less. Even though it felt awesome to see people praising and thanking me.

Patting her head and kneeling down, she's worried. "You're leaving me, like my family." She's sad as a few tears run down her cheeks.

"No I'm not, I can't stay. Mo- Matron, will take care of you. Behave and don't break stuff or you'll end up in the box. Things get better, remember that book you read and told me about?" She answered with a hum, placing a reluctant hand on her shoulder till she stopped crying. I get up as she nods and cleans her nose.

"You're still here." Her voice is stern as I hold my backpack straps tighter, she's doing this for the good of this place. I understand, she just cares enough and knows I'm smart like she said.

"Yeah, just saying goodbye and looking around here one last time." She sighs as she stands on the door. Some kids look at us while I'm sad that I can't stay and be with my mom. "Thanks Mom." I say in a confident and caring tone, trying to get her to feel my love as I move in for a hug. My senses tell me to move, but I know it's how she cares. The smack makes me feel it, I swear, through that punch I can feel her love and thanks for the years she took care of me. Tears well up in my eyes as my emotions get the best of me, it has been a while since I felt that love.

"You never did learn, I'm not your mom." She crosses her arms as I smile at her, she gives me a questioning look.

"I don't care, you took care of me since I was a baby. I love you and I know you love me. So thank you Mom, for everything." I can hear a growl as I receive 2 punches one to my cheek and one on my nose, yet the pain is nothing compared to the love that they transmit to me. Maybe she really will miss me.

"Get going, you're burning daylight." She said as she began shoving me out the door. 'Yeah, she totally wants to just rip the band-aid, make this goodbye quick or else she'll cry and beg me to stay. Makes sense, she's smart like that.' We end up on the sidewalk. "Here." She gives me a piece of paper that has a phone number and an address. "This is the phone of the person who is the owner of the address, his name is Jackson. He owes me and like I said before you'll live there as a favor." She places it on my hand. "You need a job, I'm sure you'll get it. Here's your papers, don't lose them or you'll end up in trouble." She gave me a manila folder. "Also your pictures through the years and some events when you were little are there as well." 'SHE KEPT THEM! I knew it; she was keeping photos of when I was a baby. I don't mind if she keeps one of my pictures to remember me.' I notice she's keeping a strong front not showing emotion, only that annoyed look that hides her feelings. I'm happy she's holding back.

"Here, this is for your travel. Goodbye Cindy." She takes my hand and gives me a 20 bill, followed by a quick hug that doesn't let her arms wrap around my neck so she pulls me down to her height as I'm a head taller than her, they wrap tightly a little too tight. Returning the hug as my arms wrap around her back, I can hear her heart beating, her smell of cigarette smoke, black coffee and a tinge of alcohol. That smell that makes her into her. They wrap tighter as breathing is getting kinda hard.

"I love you, you can let go. I'll be fine, you said it." I whisper as I start or cough a bit from not breathing. 'I knew it! I'm so happy!' I begin to cry in happiness since that woman that loves me is still there. Not wanting to let me go, I feel a little out of breath as I feel like choking from the hug, but I'm loving every second of this. "Th-thanks for everything." I whisper to her as her hug tightens even more, I think people are watching.

"Don't come back, you waste of space. I fucking hate you." She whispers in my ear as her words of love and care make it clear that she's persuading me to leave so as to not return because it is painful for her. She lets me go and I can breathe, slowly I let her go.

"Don't worry about me! I'll be fine." The bus stops as I board and make my way to this new home. By the time I turn back she's already walking back, my nose fills with her smell as my clothes now smell like her and it brings a smile to my face. I'll never clean this sweater.

Walking to the address after 3 hours of being by myself I can't help but feel a little off. As I got there a fat and bald man, wearing a red socks jersey and jeans that are a size too big for him, notices me. "So you're the brat. God dammit that bitch is making me lose money."

"Don't talk about my mother like that or I will hurt you."

"What can you do girlie?" He eyed me up and down with his eyes, My glare narrowed as anger rose in me, I know if I punched him in the face, his head would explode.

"I'm smart enough to make you regret insulting her." My glare seemed to make him take a seat back down.

"Tch, whatever. The deal is for the next 2 years you'll have a discount on rent. These apartments usually go for sixteen to eighteen hundo. But since all my favors to her will be forgotten you get to stay here for 700 a month, so be grateful. Up the stairs, fourth floor to the left, end of the hallway, apartment 18." He said as I nodded and began trekking up the stairs. I can hear him walking behind me and feel his disgusting gaze on my butt. 'Ugh, this had to happen.' That same feeling of his gaze lasted until I stood on the door to the apartment. The place seems old, not really unkempt but it's not what he thinks he's selling. The color of the walls are faded, the floor has stains of something I think is either blood or vomit and it's old because it has no smell. From what I can hear in this 18 room floor I have 6 neighbors.

"Here is your apartment; rent is due on the 1st of each month. If you don't pay by the 5th then the rent goes up by 15%." 'So exactly 805 if I miss it… holy shit, can I make it?'

"Here's your keys, don't lose them, this one opens the front door, the other is the lock, the other is for the doorknob. Don't make too much noise and for all I care you just have to pay on time. Or not and you pay me more, also you have to pay an extra fifty for services." He turns to me; his gaze goes not to my face but to my chest. That hits me like a brick to the face. 'Oh right… I forgot that happened to women.' Quickly taking the keys from his hands and placing my bag to my chest to cover his gaze from my chest.

He narrowed his eyes as his frame left the room. 'That is stressful, what the fuck? He looked at me like meat, I.., god.' It took me a while for that realization to settle down but it didn't leave me until I got focused on unpacking, at least this place is for me it's surreal staying in the apartment. Its quiet, no footsteps of kids running, no sounds of anyone crying. "I'm alone..." Slowly but surely I began to unpack, opening the duffel bag and beginning to take out my clothes, my backpack only has books and last but not least the faded and damaged blueprints held by tape. It's been years since I last saw them, I think it's been 12 years since I last opened them. But the joy it used to give me, is no longer there, it just brings the images of half my face covered in mud and looking at the same clear part that I'm looking at, everything else is just held by that transparent tape. "Maybe I'll put you on the wall." After unpacking the most important stuff, slowly I noticed a few things, One I don't have food, I have four jeans, seven shirts, seven panties and four bras that are not really of my size... shit, bandages it will be when they don't fit anymore.

Luckily I have 135 for tutoring others, now I only have to find a job. My gaze falls on the tube once again and I remember something that card.

Taking off the lid then turning it upside down with a small shake the blueprints and the small card falls on the table, returning the blueprints into the tube and take a look at the phone number. Taking out my phone that I bought recently a small nokia, calling the number.

"I'm sorry the number you are calling is disconnected or no longer in service."

"Well, shit... looking at the small print and notice that it has his signature, maybe it will give me a chance to do this." Putting on the only blouse, a blazer and the nicest jeans I have, this led me to fill out three work solicitations, taking my birth certificate and the card that has my social security number. Taking a few busses to reach the Stark Industries Branch in Jersey City. It's a twenty five minute drive I'm hoping for the best after all its just a blind swing at a job that I'm 16 for I did left my battery back home or else that's going to be a problem for me. Since that stunt a year and a half ago that's an issue I'm trying to lay low as I'm sure either S.H.I.E.L.D. or another intelligence agency is after me. Hell I even had direct contact with Iron Man and I'm completely sure he remembers me.

Paying close attention as the nerves inside wreck me up from the anxiety of a chance to get a job as I juggle in my head what would I have to do when I'm taking 12 credits for classes, if I have a chance for a good job then money won't be a problem. As the bus stopped on Harrison St. and New York Ave. taking my stop and made my way to the inside of the offices. The guards don't even look at me as I make my way to the receptionist, who looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Hi, I'm looking to apply for a job." My voice doesn't falter as she looks me up and down.

"You can leave the papers here and we'll call you." Her voice is as disinterested as a human can.

"You don't get it, I got this here from a few years ago. Someone called Obadiah Stane gave me this." Placing the card on the counter I notice her eyes focus on it. "He said if I was to present this to someone he could help me get a job."

"You do know that he died a few years ago, right?"

"AH-I do, but this should be worth something... right?" I'm trying my hardest to not waver but this is stressing me out a lot.

"How do I know it's not fake?" Her gaze is like steel as she looks at me.

"Why would I fake this?" We stared at each other for a while none of us looked away from each other.

"Let me call someone, you can take a seat and I'll call you up." I nodded and sat down on the couches nearby. After almost half an hour of waiting losing myself in my mind trying to figure out what I could do, what would I do? I need to know if I can make the months due.

"Hey, you there." A female voice called me over; turning my head she's wearing a grey blazer and grey skirt with a blue blouse. Her brown hair held by a bun and her glasses show me intelligence. 'Okay so she's supposed to be important. Or she dresses like one.'

"Uhh, me?"

"Yes, you. Follow me." She said and I could only follow, her tone just indicates that I follow. She led me to a room where it seems that interviews go through.

"So I see that you want to work here."

"Yes, I mean when I was a kid this guy Obadiah Stane told me I could work for this place."

"Look, this isn't what it promises to be like." She said as her eyes narrowed. "You have no curriculum, no experience and you're from a community college."

"Ah-" She didn't even let me speak.

"I don't want to be rude or anything, but your background; here." She taps the folder. "Is useless." I feel my entire back my muscles contract as I flinch and my head begins to pound from. "We accept NYU, Columbia and MIT. Not more not less. You're young and you're smart from what your grades tell me, but I can't give you anything."

"What about tech support, you know costumer service? Those call centers." I remember of the last life I worked there, but I can't remember much aside from how boring and horrible it was.

"We have an 1-800 line for that." She paused as she pinched her eyes and sighed. "This is the real world. Your pretty face ain't going to help you here, also you're sixteen. You may be a genius but you're too green to work." She leaves no room for answer but I know I can defend myself from this types of accusations.

"What about minimum wage?"

"On what?"


"Kid, I literally can't hire you, not even as an intern. Not even cleaning crew would hire you." She paused and her face seemed kinda compassionate. "Because you're underage, you can get a job maybe on a McDonald's or something. You need to do a work-study program, then maybe get a job and you could even be a one in a million. But you still need MIT, Stanford or if you want local NYU or Columbia."

"... What if-" I was about to refute and fight my way into this job but a phone call didn't let me.

"Hello?" She answered the phone. "Dude I'm busy." I focused my hearing.

"I know, but one of the girls broke her arm and can't come tomorrow. Do you know someone?" The voice sound feminine, but it's not a girl.

"No, look I'm busy at the moment." She tried to hang up but it seems this person is close to her.

"I know but I need someone, don't you have friends or something? You do go out to clubs and shit." She

"I do but none of them are what you're looking for." She turned to me. "Actually someone I'm interviewing looks ready. Hey kid." I turn to her.

"Yes?" I'm playing dumb since I heard her entire conversation.

"You need a job, right?" I nodded.

"Yes, desperately."

"Then go to this address at noon. Give me the address." She paused. "Oh central park near the south entrance. Someone will be waiting for you. Also what do you know about modeling?" She asked me catching me completely off guard.

"Uhh, nothing..." 'What the fuck did I get into?'

"She knows nothing."

"Then? Is she pretty?"

"Well, yeah... Kinda, let me send you a picture." She turned to me and took a picture with what I think is the IPhone everyone is talking about the IPhone 3GS "Smile." She said as I forced a smile. "There, check your phone."

"Oh, I got it... Meh, she seems to fit the role. Send her over." The voice let me know as I am still reeling in from what just happened.

"Just keep in mind she's sixteen."


"She doesn't have an agent or tutor, from what the documents state."

"Its fine, I'll take care of her."

"Look she needs a job if you can promise me you'll treat her right then I will make sure THAT thing doesn't go see the light of day."

"Wait all I have to do is be a nice agent... Okay, fine. Tell her to be on time."

"Hey." She turned to me as the call ended. "He wants you on time, now I need you to give me that card, or does it hold a sentimental value?"

"Well, I mean I would like to keep it, but why do you need it?" My brows furrow.

"That is the actual signature, so I know you're not lying about meeting him. But I need to give me that and don't bring any more trouble."

"What do you mean by that?"

"That this is a lawsuit waiting to happen. Also so that you don't return, using this shit. This can get you through the "door" but you need to graduate and-"

"Can I at least keep this?"

"While I'm against you keeping, I suppose it has value to you. Just don't use that. This calls attention on us and we don't that, so don't pull that shit anywhere near this place."

"Sorry. I'll keep this away from here."

"You better, now go. Here's for the bus fare."

"Uuh thanks." I didn't notice the lull this sent into as I arrived back home I have a month to get 800 bucks, how do I do this? I can't really sell this tech, if I do that, then it's my name on the lists of various, intelligence agencies… I mean if I were to do something with this, then I'm fucked… let's see where this goes, maybe the application I sent to Columbia may get me the scholarship. But right now I need to finish that homework about thermodynamics; thank god it's just simple calculations about what happens to helicopters on snowstorms.

Lightblade23 Lightblade23

Next week I will be on time! Promise!

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