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55.55% Pokémon Provocation / Chapter 15: Chapter Twelve: Don’t judge a book by it’s cover

Chapitre 15: Chapter Twelve: Don’t judge a book by it’s cover

Rain pounds against the outside of Silver's house, making the humidity even more unbearable. I watch out the window as Vikavolt and Goomy mock battle in the storm.

I'm wearing an oversized green T-shirt with Giratina emblazoned across it and pajama shorts. My black hair mounded on top of my head in a bun, wisps of it sticking out as usual.

Masaru is still asleep on the couch and I scrunch up my face in displeasure. It had been two days since we all arrived back here together. All Masaru had done is slept and woken up to eat.

I scrunch my nose again, he also hadn't bathed since he arrived.

Suddenly through the rain streaked window I see a flashing light and watch as Goomy's body begins to illuminate.

Without a second thought I run outside, not caring to put on shoes or a coat. Muggy raindrops the size of bullets pelt down on me as I clear the space between myself and Goomy. Water splashes up and coats my legs with muddy droplets as I streak forwards.

His transformation is almost complete and I watch as the last blinking bits of his first evolution evaporate into the mist.

A slimmer figure has emerged. Glistening purple flesh and bright green eyes stare up at me through the pounding torrent.

I scoop up Sliggoo and grunt at the newfound weight. Sticky goo coats my hands and wrists while Vikavolt darts around excitedly.

"Goooo!" A boisterous voice cries out joyfully.

I pull out my Pokédex and do a quick scan.

"Sliggoo, the Soft Tissue Pokémon. It's four horns function as a highly sensitive radar system, picking up many different scents and noises." Dexter trills. "Level 40. Gender Male. Ability Sap Sipper." The Dex goes silent and I shove it back into the pocket of my shorts.

Suddenly the chill from the rain sets in, shivering I call Sliggoo and Vikavolt back into their Pokéballs.

I turn to go inside and see Masaru standing at the window, looking out at me. Tussled hair still visible through the steamed up glass.

I look away and hurry towards the door, my toes are freezing. Clutching the knob I let myself in and wipe my sodden feet on the inside mat.

Masaru holds out a towel and walks away, back to the couch; pulling a thick blue blanket over himself he makes to go back to sleep.

"Is that all you're going to do?" I snarl, using the towel to dry my hair, which I've wrenched out of the bun I had it tied in. After that I set to work drying my legs and feet.

No response.

I stalk past Silver, who's seated at the table and he says nothing.

"I'm going to take a shower." I mutter, closing the door to my room.

Night comes and goes, morning brings with it more smothering humidity.

I leave my room for the first time since I came in from the rain yesterday afternoon.

Silver is seated at the table, scribbling in his notepad and drinking a mug of tea. He looks up when I enter and stands to pour me a mug as well.

I sit down at the table and sigh, grabbing a piece of Silver's toast and cramming it into my mouth. Salty butter and sweet jam greet my starving mouth.

A stack of envelopes sit next to him and I motion towards them.

"Can I help you?" I hope that he'll actually oblige.

"You can," he says.

"What are you doing?" I wipe my hands on a napkin and reach over to grab the stack.

"I need help filling out the addresses on them." He pulls the top one off and sets it aside. "I don't want you to put a return address on them though."

"Fine, are they people who you want to recruit?" I pull a pen from the drawer where Silver keeps his cigarettes.

I begin copying addresses from the page he hands me onto the envelopes. Silver opens a cabinet and places a printer on the table, which he plugs into the wall.

While I arduously write addresses he begins printing a ton of papers off. Once those are done he sets to work folding the printed sheets and placing them into stacks.

Stuffing envelopes really fucking sucks.

Once we're done I go over to the couch and jab Masaru with my foot.

"Ugh," he mumbles rolling over.

I jab him with more force, it could be considered a kick.

He opens his brown eyes and frowns when he sees me looking down at him.

"What do you want?" He rolls back over.

"Come make yourself fucking useful and put stamps on these envelopes," I growl.

"That literally sounds fucking terrible," he groans and pulls the cover over his head.

"I swear to Arceus!" I look over at Silver, who shrugs.

"I don't expect much out of him and you shouldn't either." Silver says dryly.

"You should listen to him," Masaru sighs before shutting down again.

"Take a shower, you smell disgusting." I walk back towards the table and seat myself.

Once all the envelopes are stamped Silver and I head to the Pokémon Center to mail them.

We pay extra for express mail and watch as they're loaded into giant bins behind the building. Pidgeot wait on perches nearby to carry the bins out and act as a mail service.

We arrive back at the house and I see that the couch is empty once we're inside. At least he's awake and not just being a useless lump.

Silver sits down at the table and starts highlighting names on one of the lists. I assume it's all the people we sent mail out to today.

Masaru's list is admittedly useful, knowing how many employees work there gives us a huge advantage.

Masaru enters the kitchen from Silver's room. I look away as he finishes toweling off his damp blue hair. He narrows his eyes when he sees us seated at the table together.

I expect him to walk back to the couch and lay down but instead he takes a seat with us, adjacent from myself.

Silver looks up briefly and then back down again. I feel my cheeks instantly flush with annoyance and get up from the table and walk outside.

Once there I release my Pokémon and allow them to battle against each other. I sit in a lawn chair and watch them launch attacks at one another.

Eventually the sound of a door shutting jars me from my daze. I expect Silver and am disappointed to see Masaru making his way towards me.

I say nothing and stare intently towards my Pokémon.

"Do you want to battle?" Masaru offers.

I don't. But, my interest is piqued as I think about destroying him. Maybe then he'll show more respect and stop being so lazy.

"Sure, why not?" I stand up and retract my Pokémon.

He grins. "A one on one okay with you?"

Aggravated, I nod and head towards the door to open it. I call for Silver to come outside and initiate the battle. He obliges and I face off with Masaru.

He's wearing black slacks and a white shirt, tussled blue hair poking out every which way. He pulls a ball from his red belt, already deciding which Pokémon he'll be using.

"This is a one versus one battle. If either team's Pokémon faints or becomes unable to battle the other team wins!" Silver crows. "Battle start!"

Masaru sends out Houndoom, at the same time I call forth Ninetails.

"Dark Pulse, let's go!" Masaru commands instantly. Purple rippling rings launch from Houndoom's mouth towards Ninetails. Powerful gusts of wind snap from the sides around the attack as it barrels forwards.

"Dodge and use Nasty Plot!" I call out. I'm unable to use Extrasensory since Houndoom is dark. I also worry that he may have the Flash Fire ability. Which puts me at a disadvantage. I like it.

Ninetails flickers as power surges through her. Hit standing on end and her tails unfurling with delight.

"Houndoom use Smog, let's go!" Masaru doesn't relent and Houndoom blasts a discharge of filthy gas over the lawn.

Ninetails can't dodge this time and takes the hit, her body convulsing with poisonous static.

Houndoom's power is undeniable, I'm impressed.

"Can you keep going?" My heart is pounding inside my throat as I watch the poison take it's toll. Ninetails lets out a yelp as she takes damage, turning to me and nodding with determination.

"In that case, use Shadow Ball!" I command. Ninetails spreads her feet and blasts a shivering ball of darkness towards Houndoom.

Masaru grins and allows Houndoom to take the hit.

"Doom!" He booms shaking his black pelt and releasing another Dark Pulse at Masaru's command.

Ninetails evades this time and fires off another Shadow Ball. She's panting and another wave of poison sends her buckling to the ground.

Her Shadow Ball connects and Houndoom lets out a savage snarl in response.

"Shadow Ball! You can do it!" I call out, not flinching under the pressure.

Houndoom steps backwards, shaking it's head as the shimmering ball of whispering light collides. A faint explosion follows, whisked away by flames that tongue from Houndoom's open muzzle.

"Shadow Ball, let's go!" I wipe my forehead against the swampy heat.

"Smog again!" Masaru is collected, I can't read his face to see what he's thinking.

"Dodge it!" My voice is intense. Is that panic I hear creeping in?

Ninetails makes to dodge and is crippled by another wave of poison taking hold. She stops in her tracks and takes the Smog attack directly.

She howls as it connects and crashes to the ground. My head is spinning as I will her to stand up and continue the fight.

"You can do it! Just a little bit more," I plead with her.

Ninetails slides an eye open and focuses on me, wincing she stands shakily.

"Shadow Ball!" Sweat is dripping down my face and neck, both from my nerves and the sweltering heat.

"End it with Dark Pulse!" Masaru grins as Houndoom cracks open it's mouth and releases a spattering beam.

Ninetails launches her Shadow Ball, which meets Dark Pulse in the sky. Both moves heave for a moment before the Dark Pulse breaks through, striking Ninetails. Who collapses.

"Ninetails, no!" I cry out, dashing to her side. Her great creamy fur covered in dirt and reeking of poison gases.

"Ninetails is unable to battle, Masaru wins!" Silver hollers. He makes his way towards Ninetails and doesn't seem shocked. "Take this," he hands me a Pecha berry.

I take it from him and offer it to Ninetails, who gratefully accepts it. I retract her so that I can take her to the Pokémon Center as quickly as possible.

Masaru extends his hand to help me to my feet. I meet his gaze with my hard eyes and relent, accepting his offer and letting him pull me up.

"I guess there's at least one reason for me to respect you." I mutter while attaching my Pokéball back onto my belt. I swallow back the bitter taste of defeat, something I hadn't experienced in so long.

I'm slightly humbled in this moment.

"Can I walk you to the Pokémon Center?" Masaru asks. "I feel kind of obligated since it's my fault you have to go."

"Houndoom probably needs care too," I point out. "Alright if you want to come let's get on with it."

Silver waves to us and retreats back into his house. Undoubtedly still poring over his lists.

Once at the Pokémon Center we hand off our Pokémon to Nurse Joy and seat ourselves in the lobby.

I order food and tea and wait impatiently for it to come out.

Soon cucumber sandwiches and strong black tea are carried to our table. I tuck in immediately, adding three heaping spoons of sugar to my tea cup.

Masaru reaches for a sandwich triangle, I eye him but allow it without complaint.

"So why do you just lay around all the time?" I ask between bites, gulping down tea.

Masaru doesn't answer.

"I also hate when you just blatantly ignore me. If you don't want to answer a question just say so. Don't be such a dick." I finish my cup of tea and pour another one, adding more sugar.

He sighs and then taps a finger on the table, thinking. Ultimately he turns to me and then lets out another sigh.

"I just, have a lot on my mind." He's biting his lip, looking boyish in this moment. Normally I'd deem him as disheveled.

"That doesn't really explain much," I retort.

Tapping his finger again.

"Did you know that our fathers knew each other?" Masaru says.

I shake my head, blood running cold through my veins.

"Well they did. Quite well, actually." Masaru stares down into his tea, as if he can see the memory unfolding in it's dark depths.

I silently wait for him to continue.

"Well, after I was born my mother begged my father to stop working for Team Rocket. She wanted me to grow up with a normal life and a normal father." Blowing into the cup, Masaru watches transfixed as steam billows out.

Another long pause from him as he drinks deeply.

"He obliged, though it took him seven years to do so." I can sense immense tension coming from Masaru and I wipe my hands on my dress nervously.

"Around a year after my father renounced Team Rocket there was a knock at the door," his words fell inside the bustling Pokémon Center. I lean in closer to catch what he's saying better.

"Suddenly the door snaps open, revealing Giovanni himself. My father demanded for him to leave. I remember the sound of my mother's shrieks vividly." Brown eyes clouding with the ghosts of his past, Masaru clears his throat.

"Giovanni called out a strange Pokémon that Silver identified for me."

"What Pokémon was it?" My voice is barely more than a whisper.

"Mewtwo," Masaru answered promptly. "Giovanni then ordered it to use Psycho Cut on both of my parents. He did this relentlessly until they both fell dead. My mother's last words were 'run!' And I did. I ran and never looked back." Masaru finished, voice trembling.

"So it's been nine years," is all I can manage to respond with. "I-I'm sorry, I had no idea." I'm riddled with guilt over the way I've been treating him.

"It's fine, really. You didn't know, and I do come off as a lazy git without any background." Masaru shoots me a weak smile.

Instinctively I reach out and clasp one of his hands in mine. "I'll do whatever it takes to help you and my brother. I want to crush Giovanni just as much as you do."

Masaru starts when I take his hand and resigns himself to the comfort of it. "I promise I'll do more to contribute. I've never gotten over what I saw that day." He bites his lip.

"Your Pokémon are all healed!" Quips Nurse Joy from the counter.

Silently we collect them and head back towards home.

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