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33.78% I am a Peerless Hero without equal! (WC/Currently in FGO Part 1) / Chapter 23: When Information Breaks

Chapitre 23: When Information Breaks

"Goddess Kukulkan, are you alright?" Bright asked, a look of concern on his face.

Gently, I rubbed my face and tried to think of anything other than the horrifying revelation I conjured up.

Hesitantly, I replied, "...Yes. I now know who's behind all this."

Bright bolted up from his seat, "You do?!"

"Yes," I turned to face the man with a serious and grim expression, my hands falling into my lap, "Tell me, what do you know of Sarkicism?"

Bright's face turned into one that displayed confusion. It was genuine confusion, as though Sarkicism shouldn't even factor into the cause of the sun going mad.

Was there something different about this world? Shouldn't it be obvious? Shouldn't Bright instantly get what I'm trying to say here without me uttering the words themselves?

"How many SCPs do you have?" I blurted out before Bright could reply.

"As I discovered after becoming an O5, a little under 3,000."

3,000. Only 3,000 SCPs. I don't think Bright would lie to me, so the Foundation has only contained less than half of the over 6,000 SCPs that existed on the website before I signed on with the Company.

"I see." I was right. This Foundation is much weaker than I imagined. It's probably a version of the pre-1000 Foundation before things go all cosmic with the introduction of stuff like narratives and reality-fiction interaction. Fortunately, it also seems that the horrorshow that is SCP-3812 doesn't exist.

I took out my Company Smart Device and looked up 'Grand Karcist Ion'—

Holy shit. Ion is a Tier-Y character.

I felt ice cubes sliding down my back. Grand Karcist Ion is a character with multiversal powers.

I placed the Smart Device away and got back to asking Bright, "What does the Foundation know of Sarkicism?"

"Well, Sarkicism is an extinct religion. There may be a few practitioners here and there but after the Second World War, it's functionally defunct."

Second World War? Defunct? How? I distinctly remember it being a Group of Interest for the Foundation!

"Why is that? How did it become defunct?"

In a clinical tone, Bright began, "Around the time when the normal world was fighting each other in what's known as the Second World War, the paranormal community was also having its own schisms. That conflict that happened alongside the World War became known as the Seventh Occult War. The Sarkics were centered around Europe and some tried in Germany to ally with the Nazis. This backfired. Greatly for the Sarkites."

A holographic map of Europe depicting the steady progression of WWII and the photos of numerous wealthy men and women appeared.

"Unsurprisingly Racial Puritans hated the very concept of changing the human form and sought to drive the Sarkics to extinction. Now, there've been plenty of governments throughout history that sought to purge the land of Sarkic influences, but it wasn't just the Nazis trying to kill Sarkicism as a whole, their rival the Church of the Broken God was the final nail in the coffin."

Bright paused a bit to drink some water before returning to speak in a clinical tone, like a doctor discussing things with his patient.

"The Church of the Broken God was situated primarily in the New World, and before the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese, the Church worked with the Nazis to destroy Sarkicism as a whole. The Wehrmacht would deal with the strongholds of Sarkic cults while the Church would mostly deal with any smaller cults. The pair was very effective and by the time Pearl Harbor did happen and the Church broke off ties with the German National Socialists as Hitler declared war on the main supporter of the Church, Sarkicism as a whole might as well as no longer exist."

My modern sensibilities were pricked by knowing the Church of the Broken God worked with Nazis. Between either Mekhane or Yaldabaoth, I always preferred Mekhane since it seemed to be the most benevolent towards humanity. Especially given how Mekhane represented progress and technology.

"The partnership between the Church of the Broken God and the Nazis backfired on the former since the Wehrmacht used these anomalous war machines to prolong the Second World War into 1946. A million more lives were lost."

I cupped my chin. So WWII didn't end in 1945 in this world but instead a year later in '46, "I see. So when I asked you if you knew anything about Sarkicism I'd pretty much be asking if you knew anything about the Greek mythology: both defunct religions."

Bright nodded, "So how does Sarkicism, an extinct religion, have anything to do with Daybreak?"

I wet my dry lips as I thought about how to start.

"I see, I assume with Sarkicism's destruction, the Church of the Broken God purged the world of its knowledge as well?"

Bright appeared to be in deep thoughts for a few moments.

"That's a possibility. The Church did go on a book-burning spree."

"Right, so that must mean the Founder of Sarkicism has been erased from history."

Damn the Church. Because of their actions, the Foundation was unable to know what the warning given by SCP-179 meant.

It's not like it'd help much. Grand Karcist Ion is a Tier-Y after all.

"The Founder of Sarkicism is a man called Ion." Bright's eyes sharpened like a blade about to go to war, "He was a slave born in the Daevite Empire and led a successful slave revolt using flesh magic and the art of flesh crafting. He refined it into Sarkicism, and it was only by the combined effort of Mekhanites— proto-Broken God Church— and several nearby civilizations like the Egyptians and Greeks did the Daevite Empire fell. No one knew of what happened to Ion. And it seems he has returned."

A solemn silence descended upon Doctor Bright like a curtain after a theater play had ended. His current disposition was the very opposite of the crazy Bright you'd find in the article 'Things Doctor Bright is no longer allowed to do'.

"Forgive me for any offense I may cause, but you do realize we will need to confirm what you're saying correct? We unfortunately can't just take your words at face value, especially not for something this important."

Ah, they still don't trust me. That's entirely understandable. Expected even.

"Of course," I waved off his concern, "You can contact remnants of the Church of the Broken God. Given how they're mostly machines, I should think they should be fine under the sun?"

"The SCP Foundation is still in chaos. We've officially lost close to half of all our Sites—"

"How?!" I yelled in outrage.

How the fuck is the Foundation so incompetent?

Bright raised his hand in a placating gesture, "I'm sorry for our incompetence, Goddess Kukulkan, but having multiple O5 being subsumed into Ion has destroyed any information security we could possibly have. These things know all about the Foundation's weak points, and thus our fortress, our facilities, might as well as be naked in front of them. Last I checked, even now O5-1 is working overtime to change all of our protocols and passwords."

Shit, the sun— Ion— has subsumed O5s? MULTIPLE of them?

That's a problem.

"That's a major problem." I stood up, cracking my neck and knuckles, "What'd you need me to do? Point me at a threat and they'll be gone."

"Actually, we'd like you to help contain this one SCP that's been loose. We need to confirm the information you gave us before we can plan for any ways to stop the apocalypse."

"An SCP that's loose? Under this sun?"

A machine-based SCP then?

"Yes, well, they're really adaptive." Bright took out a yellow folder from a cabinet under his desk. There, he walked over and handed the folder to me, "Given how there's barely any humans, go ham on him."

I opened the folder and was immediately greeted with the sight of a half-melted lizard. Bones were exposed as sickly green liquid flesh flooded down the sides.

SCP-682. The hard-to-destroy reptile.

Seeing my face, Bright said, "You know of this SCP?"

My eyes moved away from the folder and back to Bright.

"You people really do not pull your punches do you?"

"I'm sorry Goddess Kukulkan, given how there's no one out in the Sandi desert I think—" Bright panicked before I stopped him.

"No, I'll deal with him. After I pummel him until he can no longer move, I'll wait for your personnel to come and contain him." I waved Bright off. Closing the folder, I began to walk away, stating, "I'll go after I fulfilled my promise with Zvezdnyy of listening to her tale."

I heard some fumbling around. Just as I was about to exit the door, Bright called out to me, "Ah! Wait, Goddess Kukulkan, I think given you are an employee of the Foundation, you should be given your own keycard."

The man gave me a single blue keycard that said 'Level-3 Access'. Taking it, I found the card to be rather light, yet heavier than your typical credit card despite being the same size.

"You are the head and currently the only member of Mobile Task Force Omega-10 'Divine Judgment'. Your mission is to serve as the Foundation's nuclear option. Given how things are, we're going to need a lot of nukes. Usually, you would be getting more teammates, but given how all the MTFs are active, we really couldn't spare anyone."

"… that's alright. I'll see you after I've dealt with and recontained the lizard."

I closed the door behind me as I left. I found my hands touching the card, the smooth card that displayed a QR code, a string of numbers, and in what direction to insert the thing.


I pulled out my Smart Device and had the keycard deposit inside. I think I'd easily lose the thing if I just put it into my pocket.

"Hey, you know where the SCPs of Site-17 are being placed?" I turned and asked one of the guards by the elevator door.

Immediately, his head snapped to attention at me and he replied sharply, "At Cafeteria-08, Goddess."

"Thank you."

I went inside and saw how the elevator required a keycard to operate.

I blinked several times before taking out my Smart Device again and depositing the keycard back into Realspace. Specifically, into my palm.

Tapping it onto the reader, I found a screen on the elevator walls lighting up and depicting information the Foundation has on my physical characteristics. Namely, name: Kukulkan, security level: 3, height: 176 cm, weight: unknown, sex: female, type: Green.

A computerized voice then asked, "Where would you like to go, Goddess Kukulkan?"

Damn, they work fast, already registered me into the system?


"Cafeteria-08. Level-8."

As the Goddess left, Doctor Jack Bright, now known as O5-9 after being promoted, let out a long sigh of relief.

Sitting down by his desk, the man leaned forward and began rubbing his forehead with his hands. "I swear I lost a few years with that meeting."

Not like it'd matter. Losing a few years that is. Foundation fortification methods and research in biology meant eternal youth is completely within one's grasp. Stuff like genetic illness and other normal diseases were easy to solve with the minor successes in reverse engineering of SCP-500.

A hologram popped up next to him. It depicted only a phone. It was a call from an O5.

Tapping on the answer button, Bright immediately greeted O5-13 with a "Whaddup."

"Are you sure this is a wise idea, O5-9?"

Bright licked his lips. The man pulled out another folder from his desk labeled SCP-39101 with Level-5 Clearance Only and threw it onto his desk.

"Do we have any other choice? You were one of those who voted yes."

"I hope we didn't just damn ourselves. You know how different anomalies think, if we put our trust into this one what if they betray us?"

"Again, O5-13, again I ask you: do we have goddamn a choice?"

There was a silence, then, "No, I suppose we don't."

"SCP-39101 is a naive hero who wishes to save people. We don't know whether that's SCP-39101's true goal or if it's something else but we know for sure SCP-39101 is powerful. Just peek at the Moon and you'll have your proof. In fact, our detectors here on Earth registered a peak temperature of SCP-39101's plasma blast to be over a billion degrees Kelvin. That's nearing supernova levels of temperature."

Bright let what he said sink in.

"Are you saying we have our very own supernova to play around with?" O5-13 asked.

"Yes. We couldn't ever contain this thing. According to Tau-5, Reality Anchors doesn't work on SCP-39101, and until we can get Scranton back from wherever the hell he disappeared into we'll be stuck trying to stick SCP-39101 into the deepest hole we can find. That's if SCP-39101 can't just fly out of that hole. Or just blast out of it."

Bright threw his arms up in defeat.

"If this was normal SCP-39101 would be getting the Apollyon-class designation, the same as that sun since if 39101 ever grew hostile we cannot contain it. It's impossible unless we somehow find a Thaumiel that can contain it. Even then, SCP-39101 will be given a Keter classification."

O5-13 concluded, "So we're forced to play nice with it?"

"Yes. That's exactly what we're going to do. Same with that Deer. Not even the apocalypse will stop us from continuing the ritual."

"I don't like this O5-9."

"Well, at least you and humanity can live on and suck it."

A bit peeved, O5-13 decided to ask something else, "About that relation with Sarkicism and ion corrupting the sun... is SCP-39101 correct?"

"We're going to have to make contact with the remnants of the Church that still lives on that island in the Mediterranean Sea. If this is correct the Church really fucked the Earth by erasing almost all traces of Sarkicism as a whole."

O5-9 ended the call and started rubbing his forehead. He opened the file and was immediately greeted by a memetic kill agent that activated before he flipped to the next page, detailing the image of a tall woman with silver-green and blue hair.

"SCP-39101 'Goddess'. Class: Archon (pending reevaluation). Special Containment Procedure: SCP-39101 should not be contained if SCP-9014 'Day Break' is active. Description: SCP-39101 is a… Seems accurate so far…"

"... and so, as the largest sea Leviafan I have ever seen came into view on the sonar, I found myself using a deep dark power I've never used but always knew was there, and wished that monster away!"

As Zvezdnyy told this story, I couldn't help but keep thinking of how I missed the fucking leviathans that roam the ocean, searching for humans inside metal vessels.

How did I forget that?

I mean seriously, I fought against multiple of them when I went down to Site-17. How could I just forget about them?

Were they seriously that much of a non-threat?

"And then— and then— some of the people appear to have gotten sick and seemed to have memory problems. Something about 'ni-tro-gen nar-co-sis' or something. So I, as the generous Zvezdnyy Rebenok, simply wished those problems away!"

She can wish away problems? I mean, if she can wish away a person then it makes sense she can wish away parts of a person.

"I see, that's very impressive, being able to heal a person by wishing away their problems."

"Yep, yep!" Zvezdnyy preened at my compliment, "And more than that, those people were better than fine as I seemed to have wished away all that plagued them."

Wait, did Zvezdnyy accidentally make superhumans?

"I… uh… I see."

The girl nodded happily as she ate her macaroni and cheese.

We've been talking for almost an hour, so Zvezdnyy's mac 'n cheese has mostly solidified and become almost impervious to the fork inside the girl's hands.

So she simply wished the cheese to melt again.

It seems these small-scale changes don't even need any vocalization, just a simple thought and the desire will manifest in reality.

There, I pushed myself up from the catering table, saying along the way, "I should go now."

Instantly, Zvezdnyy looked distraught and disappointed.

"Do you have to go?"

I leaned forward and gently tapped on Zvezdnyy's head.

"I'm sorry Zvezdnyy, but I must. Now, I'll be back before you know it, so behave and stay safe."

Hesitantly, I leaned forward and gave the girl a quick kiss on her forehead before turning around and leaving. Just before I went out of sight I waved her a goodbye.

I'll be back.

As the elevator brought me up to the surface, I couldn't help but take out the folder of SCP-682 the Foundation gave me.

"So you're my target huh?" I muttered to myself as I looked upon the ruined mugshot of the lizard, "I wonder if I could kill him. Nah, probably not, I can't impose a concept of death on this immortal lizard."

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