She too grew up in Li Tang Village and naturally preferred having the whole family living together for more of a lively atmosphere. Once a daughter was married off, she belonged to another family.
When Tang Yuxin heard that Zhang Xiangcao was moving in, she couldn't hide her joy. At last, the tough times were over, and she could look forward to delicious food every day.
As soon as Tang Sisi came out, she saw the plate of tender yellow, stir-fried chicken eggs in front of Tang Yuxin, and suddenly, she covered her mouth and ran out to throw up.
She retched outside for quite a while, narrowly avoiding vomiting herself to death, before finally returning inside with weak legs.
Thankfully, by then Tang Yuxin had finished eating and had cleared the table. Otherwise, Tang Sisi didn't know if she'd have the urge to throw up again.
"What's wrong?" Tang Yuxin looked coolly and askance at her sister.
"Do I disgust you that much, that you vomit at the sight of me?"
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