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Chapitre 21: Chapter 20 - Harvest Festival





Karma Uzumaki's POV


Evolution from Devil, to Devil lord.


All physical abilities have been enchanted greatly.

Reacquiring intrinsic skills and resistance... succeed.

Acquiring new skills...

Infinite Regeneration, universal detect, demon lord's Haki, Enhanced Replication, spatial motion, All language comprehension.


Acquiring new resistance:

Natural Element nullification, Ailment nullification, spiritual attack Resistance, and holy-demonic attack resistance.


Evolution has now been completed.


Unique skill: 『Gamer』 addresses petition to the voice of the world.

Host's wishes have been calculated.


Advancing to create an ultimate skill, 『Void God Azathoth』

... failed.

Re-executing ...


Re-executing ...




≪Notice. Information from failures has been collected.

Requirements to acquire ultimate skill 『Void God Azathoth』 Has been calculated:

『Wisdom king Raphael』

『Gluttonous King Beelzebuth』

<True dragon's core>


Requesting gift...


Acquiring new unique skills:

Gluttony, Traveler. Succeed.

In addition, 『Drain life』 has evolved, unique skill


Searching on Gamer system's market...

<True dragon's core> is unavailable


Further evolution is impossible.

Combining skills...


『Wisdom king Raphael』 is needed to perform the fusion, Attempting alternate interpretation.

An alternate interpretation was found.

『Gamer system』 will be used as a substitution.

Combining skills; Gluttony, Traveler...


Ultimate skill,

『 Mist Primordial N'yog-Sothep』 has been acquired.


≪Harvest Festival Has Finished.


『True Demon Lord』≫





NICE... finally... Wait!? That's not Azathoth!??




Now you're probably thinking, who am I, and what the hell is this story about.

Well, after saving sandaime, I died because God nerf'd me.

And now I am sleeping in the underworld.

Why am I sleeping you might ask?

Well, I was undergoing an evolution called the harvest festival.

Now I received the title demon lord, also with a new ultimate skill.

I can't say I'm actually in the underworld though... after I died and arrived, I saw a bunch of demons.

I entered an empty ID before any of them can question or attack me.

It looks like protected space also works here... then I commence the evolution.

Due to me having the system I can directly know how to use this Ultimate skill.

Well, it's time for me to go but... I don't know the location of naruko's' world...


≪You have been acknowledged as, The peak evolution stage of your race.

Further Evolution Is Unavailable. Therefore, the system has decided to bestow skill...

『Evil dragon Lord Azi Dahaka』 Has been acquired≫


≪『Evil dragon Lord Azi Dahaka』 Is trying to evolve, Confirmation...≫


Th-this skill...If I'm not wrong... Yuuki's subordinate will try to attack the dungeon Ramiris and Rimuru made in the novel, what was his name again?


Anyway, after zero attacks with this skill, but then the skill evolved.

It's no longer a skill that can be controlled because rather than a manas, it's more of a true dragon.

Rimuru could contain it because he has Raphael, but me...?

Isn't this disadvantageous for me?

「NO」 I picked.


≪Confirm. Would you like to break down 『Evil dragon Lord Azi Dahaka』???≫



≪<Berserk Evil Dragon Core> Obtained from the breakdown, would you like to fuse with <Berserk Evil Dragon Core>???≫

oooh? Yes.

≪Confirm. Begin fusion≫

And thus, Black cocoon surrounded me again.





≪Upon fusion, 『Darkness Primordial Magnum Tenebrosum』 has been granted≫

≪Considering host's wishes before the harvest festival...

Requirements have been met.

Fusing 『Mist Primordial N'yog-Sothep 』 and 『Darkness primordial Magnum Tenebrosum』


succeed. ≫

≪『Void god Azathoth』 has been acquired.

Additionally, spiritual body has been reconstructed into "True Dragon". ≫











My body doesn't change that much though...

So, I decided to see my status...

Actually, I've been in this ID for a very long time now, and I thought I should probably get going...

Maa... let's just go to the same material world as this underworld, maybe I'll get some clues. I'll need to make a material body with Azathoth too.

This time let's make the body that won't bleed or feel pain.

I set my body to be 170 cm and of course, I'll need to make clothes too.

I bought some steel wire and many kinds of threads from the item market and soul consumption on it, 「universal thread」 GET.

Maa~ there are some nerfs, but it's still an OP skill...

I created the same attire as before but without <hydro vision> or <electro delusion> or my Konoha hitai-ate.

As for my mask, I created entirely a new one (Transformed version) with materials in my inventory...

But it won't transform me into a flying armored dude...

Man, feels bad.

I don't have my hidden blade too...

I left my items in Naruko's' world...

I still have anything I left in my inventory but... the ones I equipped are gone.

After I made my body.

I wanted to go to the material world.

I made a portal to the material world and get in.

After a while, I saw the light of the sun.

The air is so yummy.

After all, a week inside the underworld was the worst thing I ever did.

I flew through the sky seeing where I am right now.

Bellow me is a forest, and not too far from me is a town.

Guess I'll go there to get some clues.

When I got there...

There's no one there...

What is this... somehow it looks familiar...

I entered as I see there's actually someone on the streets, more like a crowd actually.

As I approached, the crowd got closer.

I could see what's the crowd is now.

Orcs in the front wearing full shining armor.

Flying on the rear is lizard men with wings.

There's also a green man resembling goblins at the rear.

Two figures came forth, this figure has red hair and 2 horns, he's also wearing red samurai general clothing.

This figure is Benimaru.

The other is a bulky green man called Rigurd.

「Pardon our strong one, what is your intention in here? 」

「Eh? 」

I blurt out before looking around me before pointing myself.

「me? 」




_time skip_




「Hahahaha, sorry you guys. I forgot to mask my aura, I guess it's normal for you to be wary」

I said rubbing my head sheepishly.

Right now, I'm having tea with a kijin named benimaru and a hobgoblin named rigurd.

Who knows that I would've ended up in Tensura.

I use 『observe』and I don't have to worry because their levels are quite below mine.

And when I say "quite" I mean... WAY below me...

Rather, I'm a true demon lord so why would I feel scared.

I found Souei who's hiding in a corner.

Shion and hakurou were also present.

While Shuna is making tea for everyone, she said.

「But seriously, this is quite an impressive town. Who's the ruler? 」

I asked sipping my tea.

「Of course, it is created by our Lord, Rimuru Tempest-sama! 」

Rigurd Exclaimed, as benimaru still gave me a suspicious look.


「From what I see, you guys are evolved monsters.

Not just you, but every monster I saw earlier too.

I am guessing you were given name by your lord, is that right? 」

「yes, rimuru-sama has blessed us with names as we evolve into what we are now. 」

Benimaru said stoic-ly.

「hee~ that's amazing. You guys are quite a large number. 」

I said my hands on my chin. Benimaru flinched at this.

「Then, how can I have an audience with Rimuru-san? 」

「My apologies. Unfortunately, Rimuru-sama is away from the town and she is currently in ingracia teaching her students.」

Rigurd said.

「Hmm~ that's quite unfortunate. Then I guess I'll just go. I don't want to cause more trouble than this. 」

「No, no. It was us who thought of you as a threat first, you don't have to apologize for karma-dono.」 (Rigurd)

「No, even if you say it like that, I did cause the fake alarm of your town. Please take this as compensation」

I said as I snapped my finger and a high-concentrated, chakra ores appeared.

I can see everyone's eyes narrowing their eyes, Except for Shion and Hakurou.

「I don't really know common sense in this world so, These are Chakra ores, some "rare" metals you called them??

I did say I'd love to meet your lord but I just remembered I need to do something.

For example, controlling my aura.

I don't want to visit while causing false alarm again.

Please accept this.

The tea was delicious, thank you very much. 」

I stand up and walk towards the window my hands in my pockets.

「Please wait, karma-dono! 」

Rigurd said but I ignored it and spoke.

「Ah! Before I go...」

I paused as I turn my head on some corner, it's souei.

I point it with my fingers.

「you did a good job erasing your presence, but you might want to try to control your body heat. 」

I said with a smile, before entering empty ID.

Yes, I can detect body heat.

Since I evolved, I gained more skills than before.

『Universal detect』 is quite handy.

I flew up to the sky as I trained to suck my aura back.

I spend hours In Jura forest's empty ID trying to control my aura.

I also tried to use my skills.

I don't have an attack skill now... well, doesn't matter.

I'll just go and buy weapons and skills. OR GACHA.

I opened the Gacha tab. It's time for 3 times GACHA!



< GGO Kirito set> S 1x

<The Fourth Hokage set> S 1x

<『Rashomon』> B 1x









-Please stand by-




Guess I'll be in the protected space for a while.

<Yondaime's Cloak> B x1

<Fuinjutsu: Hiraishin no Jutsu kunai> S x1

<Storm Nature Release (Ranton)> S x1

<『Rasengan』 skill book> S x1

<GGO Kiritos' armor> B x1

<FN Five-Seven handgun> A x1

<Kagemitsu G4 photon sword> S x1

<『Aincrad style swordsmanship』 skill book> C x1











-please stand by-




I hung the photon sword on the coat belt.

My handgun will be inside my coat.

I made many adjustments to the coat.

I don't think I'll actually use the hiraishin but...

Well, I'll keep training it.

There are no hurts in training.


The Gamer, Demon Genius, Demon sage, True demon lord, World Traveler, Unofficial 5th True dragon, Void Dragon.

Uzumaki Karma

Lv 139

Age - 12

Species - True Dragon, Devil Lord (named)

Disaster - Special S

EP total - 5,000,094

Proceeding evolution path - Human, Demon duke.

Gender - Male

Hp - 1,043,610/ 1,043,610

MP - 2,073,901/2,073,901

CP - 1,882,583/1,882,583

CKRC - 204 (49.2% Chakra is wasted)

STR - null

VIT - null

DEX - null

INT - 52

WIS - 211

LUC - 4989

Points: 80 (10/lv up)


『Whirlpool crest』 (passive)

『Demon crest』 (passive)

(Soul collected: 734/10.000)

『Cursed Heavenly Crest』 (active)


『Gamer's mind』 (passive)

『Gamer's body』 (passive)

『Hydro vision』:

-『F̶o̶u̶l̶ L̶e̶g̶a̶c̶y̶:̶ R̶a̶g̶i̶n̶g̶ T̶i̶d̶e̶』 (Conditions unfulfilled)

『Electro Delusion』:

-『F̶o̶u̶l̶ l̶e̶g̶a̶c̶y̶:̶ D̶e̶v̶o̶u̶r̶i̶n̶g̶ D̶e̶e̶p̶』 (Conditions unfulfilled)

『Perfect Memory EX』 (passive)

『Mana affinity』 (active) lv 50

『Observation』 (active) lv 10

『Calligraphy』 (active) lv 31

『Demon's body』 (passive)

『True Dragon's body』(passive)

『Infinite Regeneration』 (passive)

『Universal Detect』(passive)

『Demon lord's Haki』 (active)

『Enhanced Replication』(active)

『Spatial Motion』(active)

『All language comprehension』(passive)

『Create ID』 (active) lv 40

-empty ID

-zombie ID

-ghost ID

-spirit beast ID (level restriction)

-Fallen knights ID (new) (level restriction)

-necromancer ID (new)

『Escape ID』 (active)

『Seishingan』 (active)

『1st Soul Ring: 1 million years sky dream ice worm』 (active)

『2nd Soul Ring: 100,000 years old purple spirit wolf』 (active)

『3rd Soul Ring: 100,000 years old ice silk worm』 (active)

『Void God azathoth』


-Soul Consumption

-Turn Null

-Imaginary Room

-Space-Time Control

-Multi-Dimensional Barrier

-True Dragon Release

-Dragon Core Transformation

Skills set:

-Suspended World


-Time Warp



-Skill Duplication

-Skill Creation

-Skill Gifting

-Soul manipulation

『Evil Dragon lord Azi Dahaka』


-Thought Acceleration

-Parallel Thought

-Organic Matter Control

-Duplication Mass Produce

-Ability Absorption

-Space Control

-Multidimensional Barrier

-Absolute Domination

『Rashomon』 (active)


-Garments manipulation

『Kenjutsu』 (passive)

- Aincrad style swordsmanship


Natural Element nullification, Ailment nullification, spiritual attack Resistance, holy-demonic attack resistance, Heat Resistance, Pierce Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance, Pain Nullification, Paralysis Resistance, Corrosion Nullification.

Skill points: 33 (1/10 Lv up)




I can only add points to WIS, INT, and LUC now!?

What's up with the "null" thing!?

Well, I did create this body with null energy but...

Ugh... this is kinda broken.

Well, I'm not complaining.

If God will try to nerf me again, I'll Bankai his balls.

Without a Bankai...

I'll ignore the new IDs for now.

I now have the 『Demon Lord Haki』!


I still have my cursed seal? Good...


I ended up being in a protected space for a day.

Well, time to find shelter.

Maybe I should go to tempest?

Yeah, I think I should do that, I can hide my aura now!

I get out of empty ID and head to tempest after masking my aura.

It's very lively.

I stroll around the town trying to find a pawn shop after talking with the guards.

I said that I'm a traveler.

That's NOT a lie!

I found it near the town center.

I came in and greeted the pawnbroker.

I traded some magic ores I created out of thin air and chakra ores, Azi Dahaka sure is handy.

I got some gold, and I ask him about the money system.

Getting out, I searched for an inn.

I rented it for 5 nights and I go out again.

I was strolling the city, buying food, and food, and probably food.

What, there's nothing to do alright!

Ah! Well, you look at that...

I've been found out huh...

I feel the presence of Soueis' subordinates.

One of them is erasing his presence in the bushes.

One of them is hiding on a tree.

And one of them is disguised as a shopkeeper.

And then Souei himself is hiding his presence on the roof.

I stare at them one by one for a second as I used Seishingan.

My eyes glowed blue as I heard their thoughts.

'Is this guy really the one who noticed Souei-sama's presence??'

'He just stared at me! Did he find out??'

Hmm~ can't blame them... let's show them how a real ninja does it.

I throw the skewer stick I finished into the trash can.

I get up and stroll around as they sneaked on me.

I go to a corner of the street and walk to the end corner.

I saw them rushing in my direction before losing me.

『Create ID』




I appeared on some roof.

Souei is staring at the place I disappeared to as his three subordinates apologize beside him.

「We're very sorry, Souei-sama! 」

The dark violet-haired girl exclaimed.

She was mentioned in the anime as souka.

「Apologizing will be meaningless. 」

Souei said coldly not looking at them.

「We have let a potential threat escape, please punish us! 」

The other one I don't know exclaimed.

The other one wanted to say something but I was interrupted by imitating their antics.

「That's right, that's right! We have messed up! 」 I spoke.

The other two nodded before realizing and turns their heads to me.



The other one stood in a defensive pose while the other two jumped shocked. Souei was just staring at me.

「Hey there, the names' karma! You like stalking?? Me too! 」 I said with a fake smile.




「so, your business in this town is...」

「for food」 I said.

「for food? 」 souei repeat.

「for food」 I repeated while nodding.

He stood up from the roof we were sitting on as his subordinates look at him.

「I'll go report this. 」

He said before disappearing.

「Does he do that often? 」

I asked one of his subordinates.

We saw him disappearing before, but I can still sense his thoughts from 『Seishingan』.

Probably making sure I don't do something to his subordinates.

Souka was silent while the other one threw his arms up, indicating that he doesn't know.

「Well, it's good to meet you guys but... I gotta go」I said.

「Ah! Before that... a little bit of advice. Check on your backs」 I said before I teleports to the inn.




Souka's POV

「We're very sorry, souei-sama! 」 I begged.

「Apologizing will be meaningless. 」

Souei-sama said, not looking at us.

「We have let a potential threat escape, please punish us! 」

My teammate exclaimed.

The other teammate of mine wanted to say something but got interrupted.

「That's right, that's right! We have messed up! 」

An unknown voice said.

Then my other teammates nodded before realizing and turns their heads to the voice while I'm already in a defensive position.

「Boo」 the perpetrator said



「Does he do that often? 」 he said.

I was silent while my male teammate throws his arms up, indicating that he doesn't know.

「well, good to meet you guys but... I gotta go」 he said.

「Ah! Before that... a little bit of advice. Check on your backs. 」

He stated before leaving our confused self.

I tried reaching my back with my right hand, there was a paper!

I turn my head to my teammates who got bewildered when the paper is in their hands.

He sticks a paper on our backs?!! We didn't even sense him!

I collect it and read it.

"don't let an enemy gets behind you"

I am bewildered, I tried asking my friends what they got.

"don't use a Ninjato on your back while crouching on the bushes! They make noises!"

"Your disguise was great, but your heartbeat beats too fast! Anyone with the skill will know immediately!"

All the three of us were shocked.

Just how powerful is this individual...




Souei just returned from reporting to benimaru.

He left confused.

why did the Kijin general laugh when he turns around?

At home, he changed his clothes and saw a sheet of paper on the back of his clothes.

"Stop your stalking habits!!"





To be continued.

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

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