\Fu Yu Sheng was waiting for the group to enter the restaurant, as soon as they all came inside he took the lead and then guided them to the table that he had picked out.
" Sit, you all must be tired after taking care of my wife right? She can be a handful sometimes. I know as I have lived with her for a long time," as soon as he opened his mouth, Fu Yu Sheng started to berate Song Yan for being too lazy and spending causing Pan Delan and Bai Yin's mouths to drop open even Xue Zhi Ming frowned despite being a man who himself treated women like shoes that he wore on his feet.
Bai Yin couldn't hear Fu Yu Sheng anymore, so she raised her hand and then waved it before saying, " No, Miss Song is really good at acting. We are the one who troubles her most of the time since we are not as good as her."
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