Fu Shu Chang looked at his brothers, he did not blame them for acting hostile to him. Because of his condition he acted selfishly and left his brother who was not even prepared to head into the business world and face those sharks who were waiting for swallowing him whole —— Fu Yu Sheng, was never interested in business.
If not for his sudden move, his brother would have lived carelessly doing what he liked but his selfishness caused his brother to step up and take a spot that he did not want to take from the beginning. As for Fu Yu Shen, he has never been close to him because he hardly stayed with his little brother who did not even know that he had another big brother till he turned ten.
He still remembered that when he came to visit the Fu mansion on a vacation, Fu Yu Shen took him for a stranger and tried to drive him away. It was as adorable as his brother was ——
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