A deadly silence fell between the four of them, for two minutes no one spoke and finally the silence was broken by Shao Li Jun who rubbed his arms as goosebumps and cold shivers broke all over his skin and he somewhat reproachfully said, " Don't say that, this place is scary enough as it is…if you say such things then I will die of fright here and now."
Among the three boys, Shao Li Jun was the timidest of all. The reason he followed his friends to this place was because of the experience in the past, they have been going to haunted places one after another and nothing happened to them, he thought that this tomb was just like the other places but now that he was standing inside this tomb with a bunch of scary Terracotta figures, he couldn't help but shiver in terror.
Till now he was pretending to look cool in front of Shi Caihong and the other girls, and now they were gone...Shao Li Jun couldn't bother himself by pretending to be brave-hearted anymore.
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