When Wang Yufan's consciousness returned, he was surprised to find that his entire family was hovering over the top of his head like he was some rare creature that they have come to watch and what was more surprising was that his always stern and cold face grandfather had tears in his eyes. This …what happened?
" Grandfather, what——"
He had hardly gotten two words out when his mother who was standing next to his bed threw herself at him and started crying as if he was already dead. She hugged him so tight that Wang Yufan thought he was going to die because of suffocation, he patted his mother's back as his face started to turn purple while choking. " Time out ….Ti...Time out mother."
Master Wang saw that his son's face was turning paler from purple and he hurriedly pulled his wife back as he softly spoke to her, " He is going to die if you keep hugging him like that, give the boy a chance to breathe at least——"
Dedicating todays chapter to Nerd_Next_Door and Pearl_del_luna. Thank you very much for sending me gifts!!i love all of you !! My dear readers can't thank you guys enough!
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