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50% Genshin Impact: The Persona System / Chapter 8: Pyro Regisvine

Chapitre 8: Pyro Regisvine

Based on the comments that I have received by the time I'm writing this little note, most people are not minding me keeping the honorifics, so that's what I'll be doing. Perhaps it's changed to lean more towards not keeping the honorifics by the time this chapter is published, but I am just basing it off what I have seen thus far when writing this.

Also, are there any features you might want to recommend me add to the system in the future? I already have a few in mind that would help him in getting stronger and such, any suggestions you want to make? I'll consider them.

Finally, I'm not the best at writing fight scenes, so yeah.




『System/Persona Speech』


The prices for the rooms at the inn here were more than the Wangshu Inn, though not by an insane amount. He didn't want to end up taking residence at a place that would end up sucking him dry of the money he had, even though he got more through Shuffle Time and such.

Anyway, after having booked himself a room at inn, Ayato was now making his way calmly up the stairs towards the building which he assumed was Bubu Pharmacy. If the information he got from that god before was correct, then this should be the place.

Upon making it to the top, he looked at the relatively large building with interest. He stared at its design for a second before calmly making his way inside, there weren't a lot of people around the area either. Though, he did just pass by someone who was coming down the stairs.

"Hello?" Ayato looked around a bit confused as there didn't seem to be anyone here. "Is anyone here?"

"Welcome to Bubu Pharmacy." Ayato didn't flinch at all at the sudden voice, but he did blink a few times before raising an eyebrow as he looked around. The voice that spoke sounded quite monotone, not much emotion, if any at all within it. "I am Qiqi..."

"Oh, there you are..." Ayato muttered when he saw someone suddenly appear from behind the counter at the back wall. Though, from the looks of it, the person had to climb up on top of some kind of stool or platform to look over. "A little girl...?"

"Once upon a time, Qiqi died."

"...Excuse me?"

"Then, Qiqi was saved by the adepti. Now, Qiqi is a zombie."

"Okay... Seems I've found my person." Ayato muttered under his breath. Xiao did tell him that the girl was called Qiqi, but he wasn't expecting said person to be a little girl. Let alone a damn zombie if what she was saying was true. Though, she doesn't really look like one.

Qiqi looked to be a young girl no older than eight, she had purple hair along with wearing a rather unique set of clothing that he can't really describe. She also had a hat on that held a talisman of sorts that hung over her face, and he also took notice of the blue Vision on the side of the hat. Just like Xiao had, just not in the same place.

Though, this girl's Vision was blue instead of green.

'Is this girl really a zombie?'

『While not like any I've seen before, she is definitely an undead. I can promise you that much』

'Not surprised...' Ayato deadpanned slightly as he did recall Dagda having the powers to resurrect people, which is evident from how he did so to Nanashi. Anyway, Ayato shook his head before looking at the girl. "Qiqi-chan, was it? I was sent by Xiao-kun to check up on you."

"...Who? Sounds like a historical artefact."

"Umm, an adeptus. Though, you ain't wrong. Don't you know him?"

"Qiqi can't remember much... What was your name again?"

"I didn't give you my name..." Ayato couldn't help but sweatdrop. This was by far the strangest conversation he has ever had with someone, and the monotone voice really wasn't helping either. Did zombies have horrible memory? Was that a thing? "Just call me Ayato, nice to meet you, Qiqi-chan."

"Okay, I know now. How can I help you today?"

'Wasn't she talking in third person a second ago...?' Ayato couldn't help but give a small sigh. He didn't expect Qiqi to have such an interesting personality and character. Maybe it was because she was a zombie, maybe? "I don't have business with the pharmacy itself. But, I was asked by Xiao-kun to check up on you."

"Check up on me? What for?"

"Don't worry about it, you look just fine to me." Ayato waved it off with a smile. He wasn't sure if it'd be a good idea to mention about him checking up on her for her adeptal energy levels. From what he understood, the girl probably went berserk at some point. Maybe she forgot, he wasn't sure. "Well, I better get going. I want to explore a bit more before it gets too dark."

"Okay, then I will go too. It's time for Qiqi's stretching time."

Ayato just blinked as the girl jumped down from the elevated platform before walking past him towards the stairs, soon disappearing down as he just stared at her as she did so. Ayato could only shake his head as that was such a weird conversation.


It was now the next day as Ayato could now be seen once again walking through the streets of Liyue Harbor, his mind currently thinking about what he should do for today. Naturally, he was going to continue training, but what else was there for him to do?

All he could really do was explore and try to find something else to do. This world wasn't like his old one where he could go to some place like the arcade, so options like that were out of the picture. Speaking of though, what did people who lived during times like this do for fun?

"Excuse me."

"Hm?" Ayato stopped walking as a female voice sounded. He looked up and saw a young woman waving towards him from what looked to be a small booth of sorts, it was obvious this was the person that had spoken, towards him more specifically. "Can I help you, miss?"

"Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild, I've had my eye on you ever since you walked passed by here yesterday."

"...What?" Ayato gave the girl a blank stare as he registered the sentence. While he doubted that the woman meant that in a weird way, it still sounded pretty damn creepy. People would think she's a stalker if they didn't have context. Speaking of... "What do you mean exactly?"

"When I look at you, I see one with the potential to rival the greatest adventurers of legends." The woman seemed to announce as Ayato just blinked with a tilt of his head. "My name is Katheryne, it's nice to meet you. It is my job to be on the lookout for great promising adventurers."

"I see. Then I assume I rocked up on your radar or something?"

"Indeed. Becoming a member of our guild holds many benefits, and with little to no drawbacks at all. By completing different commissions we give you, not only will you gain different rewards by completing them, but you will also increase your adventure rank the more you do. Of course, we cannot force you to go through with the commissions, it is up to you."

"Adventure rank? What is that exactly?"

"It's a form of ranking system within our guild. The more experienced the adventurer, the higher their rank and the harder the commissions we recommend to them, and with harder jobs come better rewards. Not only that, each time you increase a rank, you get a reward."

"Interesting..." Ayato muttered as he listened to Katheryne's words. This Adventurer's Guild was basically just any guild you would find in things like RPGs and all that. The guild was a common trope for many things, let it be novels, games, anime and more.

He wasn't entirely sure what commissions this guild would give him if he decided to join, but from what he could assume when considering how the trope usually went, they would be monster hunting jobs and more. It would be nice getting rewarded for defeating things like those Hilichurls.

It would be killing two birds with one stone. He got to train by killing monsters and he would also get rewarded at the same time by helping out the guild. If what she said about there being basically no drawbacks to this, then it was just a plain and simple win-win situation.

On top of that, it was a good way to make money instead of relying on his Shuffle Time. He wasn't going to lie, Shuffle Time had actually been pretty generous with giving him money. He had more now than what he had started with. But, he wouldn't completely rely on it, luck never always lasts.

"If that's the case, then would it be okay if I register myself as an adventurer?"

"Most certainly! Please give me your name, age, and nation."

"Kuragasaki Ayato, sixteen years of age, and for the nation..." Ayato trailed on a bit at the last part as Katheryne tilted her head in confusion. He couldn't just say Japan, he doubted Japan existed here! After some thinking... "...Inazuma."

He did remember yesterday when he spoke with Mao and how the guy did say that his name sounded like it originated from Inazuma, so that was the safest bet. He wasn't sure what kind of place this Inazuma nation was, but he could only hope no one asks him anything about it.

"Ah, of course." Katheryne nodded her head as she wrote down the information. It didn't take long as Katheryne finished up with something as she then looked back up at him. "This here is you guild card, it is proof that you're an adventurer. Please try to keep it safe, replacing them isn't so easy. Not only that, you need it if you want to increase your rank."

"I understand, thank you." Ayato took hold of what looked to be a small plastic card as he looked at it curiously. He turned it around to look at it from different angles. It wasn't anything special, just a simple card with some basic information such as his name, age, nation, and also his current rank which was set as one.

"Also, take this." Katheryne then handed Ayato what looked to be some kind of rather thick pamphlet. "This here is the Adventurer's Handbook. We'll be using it to keep track of your commissions, and this will also provide you on the information regarding what you need to bring back from the commissions as proof of completion."

Ayato simply nodded in response as he flicked through the book, and he wasn't surprised to see that it was empty as of right now. He had yet to accept any commissions, so there would naturally be nothing in this booklet of his.

"With that, I shall properly welcome you to the Adventurer's Guild! With effort, you shall reach the stars and conquer the abyss! Ad astra abyssosque, Adventurer!"

"No idea what that means, but I look forward to working with you."


Just like that, Ayato was already to work as he had quickly received his first commission from Katheryne. From the rather small description he was given regarding the commission, the task was to find a missing adventurer who had been missing for over a week now.

According to Katheryne, the adventurer had been sent on a commission that was near an area called Cuijue Slope. Ayato had to ask her for some directions since he had no idea where in the hell that was, and quite pleasantly, the place was relatively close to where Wangshu Inn was.

Ayato knew that Katheryne was hesitant in giving him the job since he was only a new adventurer, and the area there was pretty dangerous so sending someone new like him was risky. After a bit of 'arguing', he had managed to convince her to let him take the task. The stronger the monsters, the better he'd be able to train.

Anyway, he was now nearing the area that Katheryne had given him a small map to. On the way here, he had come across a few enemies, but nothing he couldn't handle. Some of them were stronger than the typical Hilichurls, but nothing too special.

Though, the Hilichurls were useful training for Pixie as the fairy had managed to gain two levels by fighting a few of them. She had also learnt how to cast Patra, which he didn't really know when he'd end up using. The skill seemed to be a combination of a few parts of its descriptions from Persona 3, 4 and 5.

The skill's description was that it cures the feelings of panic, fear, rage, confusion, dizziness, sleep and hunger. That didn't mean it removed hunger or the fact that someone needs to sleep, just that the person wouldn't be able to feel it for an amount of time temporarily.

"Huh? Oi, are you alright?!"

Ayato looked up from his map when he heard a strange groan, and he was rather surprised to see that the sound was coming from a person that seemed to be leaning up against one of the large mountains surrounding the area. The person was male and appeared to be quite injured, evident by the scratches and other minor wounds on their body.

When Ayato ran over towards the person, he also noticed that the person had burn wounds as well. He was confused by this, he didn't run into anything that could attack with fire. Maybe the Hilichurls used their campfires or something, he wasn't too sure. Anyway, the person didn't respond and was just panting heavily.

"Hold on, you'll be better in a second." Ayato assured the person. Not only were there wounds, but Ayato also noticed that the person was rather pale and also appeared to be quite malnourished, evident by their rather unhealthy skinny build. "Pixie!"

Summoning forth his Evoker, Ayato quickly fired it after pressing it against his temple. Pixie soon emerged from the Sea of Souls, taking on the form of a small girl with fairy wings and wearing a body-tight blue attire. She flew next to Ayato after having been summoned.

"Wh-Wha...?" The man seemed to react upon seeing this, having turned his surprised eyes up at Ayato and Pixie. Due to the man's condition as of right now, his lack of reaction was more than understandable. Ayato just looked at Pixie.

『Hello, master!』

"Greetings, Pixie. Can you use Dia on him please?"

『Of course, master! Leave it to me!』

Ayato smiled and nodded as Pixie floated towards the man and held both he hands towards him, a green light then began emitting from her hands as it flowed over the man's body. Dia wasn't at all the most powerful healing skill, it was literally the starting healing skill. But, it should hopefully be more than enough for these man's wounds.

At the very least, it should help the man relieve most of the wounds.

True to that, the minor scratches and other wounds like bruises began healing quickly before completing disappearing as if they didn't exist. The burn marks also began to fade as his skin also began to regain a healthy pigmentation. The only thing that remained was his rather unhealthy weight.

『That's all I can do, master!』

"Thanks, Pixie. That's more than enough." Ayato smiled and nodded in thanks to the small fairy. Said fairy giggling before waving as she disappeared back into the Sea of Souls, to which Ayato quickly switched Dagda back to the forefront. "Are you okay now, sir?"

"Y-Yes, thank you..." The man nodded slightly as Ayato helped him stand up, making sure that he didn't end up collapsing back onto the ground. "It's been over a week since I've seen anyone else, it's truly a blessing you ran into me. To think a commission would lead to such a dilemma..."

"Wait, commission? Your name wouldn't happen to be Hongwu, would it?"

"Hm? Yes, that is indeed me."

"That means you're the person I'm looking for!" Ayato smiled as the man known as Hongwu blinked his eyes in confusion. "I was given a commission to find an adventurer who went missing over a week ago. It seems that you were that person. I'm surprised you survived out here for as long as you have. Here, eat this. You look like you need it."

"Hehe~, it wasn't easy. I would have been dead very soon due to hunger if you hadn't shown up." Hongwu sighed as he took a bite from the fruit that Ayato took out from his inventory. Sighing in pleasure from the pleasant taste. "I had to hide away here due to all the monsters in the area, so I had been cut off from any supply of food..."

"I see, no wonder you were in such a condition..." Ayato could tell the adventurer wasn't too strong. In fact, the person's equipment was barely much. "If you don't mind me asking. What in the world did you get burnt by? Were you attacked by Hilichurls or something?"

"Oh, not at all." Hongwu shook his head in response before shaking a bit, his hands gripping the fruit a bit harder as he seemed to be deep in thought. "I-I was attacked by a regisvine... more specifically, it was a Pyro Regisvine. I stood no chance against it..."

"A regisvine...?" Ayato muttered as he held his chin in thought. He had read a number of books now concerning the different monsters in the world, though nothing completely extensive. He did recall reading something about regisvines. "Do you happen to know where it is?"

"The regisvine? Well, I last saw it near-."

Hongwu was interrupted by a loud screeching sound as he jumped in fright, Ayato just blinked in surprise before looking towards the general direction where the screech came from. Hongwu almost fell back to the ground in fright after hearing the noise, though he quickly grabbed Ayato's arm and began tugging him.

"W-We have to run! That was the regisvine!" Hongwu was in a major panic. He remembered how terrified he was when he encountered the beast, and he didn't want to experience the pain he did before more than once! "If we run now we should be able to get away from here before it finds us!"

"You go ahead, I'm going to check this thing out."

"Wh-What? It's too dangerous!"

"Don't worry about me. Just go." Ayato assured the man who was still shaking in fright. "You just head on back to Liyue, just leave the regisvine to me."

"If you're completely sure... Then, be careful."

Ayato just nodded as the man looked back at him before quickly running off, Ayato watched him run for a second before turning back towards where the screech came from. Without hesitation, Ayato quickly summoned forth Onimaru before dashing off towards the area.

He didn't even need to run far as once he turned the corner around one of the mountains, he was greeted by the sight of a massive plant that looked as if it was composed mainly of fire. It thrashed its petals and 'arms' around wildly as the area around it was covered in fire.

Any other monsters or animals that happened to be around the area quickly retreated as quickly as possible, any unlucky ones had been burnt to a crisp. While he didn't know how painful it was, he could only imagine how painful it would be to be burned alive.

Just by gazing upon this thing's form, Ayato could tell it wouldn't be an easy fight, especially at his current level. He wouldn't at all be surprised if this thing proved to be stronger than that Ruin Guard he and Xiangling fought against prior to him arriving at Liyue Harbor.

"Dagda!" Ayato quickly summoned forth Dagda when he saw the regisvine take notice of him. The plant had sent a blast of fire towards him, but thankfully, Dagda had guarded him against the flames just before it hit him. "Let's go, Dagda!"

『Alright, kid. Be careful, this overgrown flower has more powerful compared to the other thing's you've faced』

"I had a feeling, let's go!" Ayato quickly began running towards the plant with Dagda quickly following behind. He ran across the flames dancing along the ground without a care, the resistance he gained to fire thanks to Dagda made the heat from it negligible to him. The only flames he needed to be wary of were the ones directly sent at him by the plant.

They were the ones that held the most power.

Ayato jumped when the plant attempted to swipe him with one of its arms, which he boosted himself off of before delivering a diagonal slash down at the plant as he landed on the other side of it. The slash didn't do an insane amount of damage, but it did do some damage when he struck its 'face'.

Dagda had quickly appeared next to the plant before delivering his own punch, the punch surprisingly didn't do much, only stunning the plant due to the force as it flailed back. Suddenly, the regisvine spun its main body around in circles, causing Ayato to jump back.

Unfortunately, Dagda wasn't able to retreat in time as the regisvine collided into him. Dagda was sent flying back before shattering in blue shards. If there was one thing about Personas, it was that once they get hit with a powerful enough attack they would get sent back to the Sea of Souls.

"Eiga!" Ayato quickly casted as a dense pillar of Curse energy erupted from beneath the regisvine. The plant cried out in pain, and it flailed around wildly when it was hit. Though, Ayato did manage to notice something. The a strange jewel at the base of the regisvine seemed to be reacting the most to the attack as it flashed constantly.

Narrowing his eyes, Ayato quickly charged back in as the regisvine was still recovering from the attack. When he got to the base of the regisvine, he began slashing away as fast as possible at the jewel. This action made the regisvine flail around more as it slammed the ground around it frantically.

The jewel was surprisingly sturdy as after a few hits, Ayato had managed to completely shatter the jewel. The result was the regisvine swiping at him frantically, which Ayato had to back off as a small explosion also occurred. Ayato watched as the regisvine fired off a fireball towards him before collapsing to the ground.

He had to quickly roll to the side to avoid the massive fireball, quickly recovering as he stopped himself before looking at the regisvine. He could tell it hadn't been defeated just yet, the fact that it was still moving slightly was evident of that.

He was about to rush in again to take advantage of the stunned state of the regisvine, though had to take back that plan as the ground beneath the regisvine erupted into powerful flames as it clumsily began to rise back up once again. When it did, the regisvine screeched at him before firing off countless small fireballs.

Ayato was not expecting the sudden rapid-fire as he began slashing down all of the fireballs, which were thankfully easy to cut down compared to that jewel. He gritted his teeth as even though he cut through them, the resultant small explosions of fire were seriously hot even with his resistance.

Once he found an opening, he quickly dodged out of the way from the rest of the fireballs before dashing to the side and began circling the regisvine. His eyes scanning the regisvine's form as he tried to locate any signs of other jewels that might be present on its body.

From his previous actions, it was obvious that the jewel was a weak point of this thing. He had destroyed that first one, so he wanted to see if there were others.

'There... on the face!'

Another jewel was soon revealed to be present at the centre of the main body of the regisvine. More specifically, on its 'face' where the main corollas were present. Getting to it would be a greater challenge compared to the previous one, this one was located where the regisvine mainly sent out attacks from.

Also taking into account the size of this thing and its constant moving, he'd have to somehow get it to stop moving to safely get up to the jewel. If he could accomplish that, then he'd be able to cast Heat Riser and quickly deal with the jewel due to the boost he'd get.

The only reason he hadn't used it yet was that he wanted to find a weakness before going all out, he couldn't just use a skill like Heat Riser since it took much more SP than his other skills. Moving Pixie to his forefront, he quickly casted. "Dia!"

His body was covered in a faint green light as the minor burn wounds he had been inflicted from the previous attacked vanished. While the Dia skill wasn't as effective as usual due to not summoning Pixie, it was more than enough for the minor burns he had received.

'Oh, shit!' The regisvine fired off another wave of fireballs towards him, causing him to panic slightly as he quickly placed Dagda to the forefront before rushing to the side to avoid them. 'Fucking hell, if I was any later than I would have been a burnt corpse...'

There was a massive risk for him switching Pixie to the forefront, and that was that he didn't get his boost in physical stats he got from Dagda. Pixie did give him a boost, but it wasn't much. Especially when he only got a quarter boost when his personas weren't fully summoned. Pixie was already not that strong, so the boost was already pretty bad.

"Could you relax!" Ayato's face twitched when the regisvine fired more fireballs at him in its anger. He continued running to avoid them, but soon noticed that these fireballs were actually following. 'Of course, fireballs that follow the target... This is completely bullshit.'

He continued running, even using the nearby rocks to try and get away from the fireballs. But, it seemed like the fireballs weren't so easy and still managed to keep track of him. Seeing that he wouldn't be able to lose them. "Dagda!"

Dagda appeared once again next to Ayato as said person skidded to a stop, Dagda swiped his arm violently to the right once the fireballs arrived in front of him. The result was the fireballs exploding into large flames, though the flames were quickly swiped away by Dagda who stood tall in front of Ayato.

『What's the plan, kid?』

"Do you think you can hold that thing still? I can attack that jewel if you can."

『I'll try, just attack as quick as you can!』

"Got it!" With that, Dagda flew towards the regisvine punching away any fireballs that the regisvine sent towards them. Ayato followed close behind Dagda as they quickly approached the regisvine, causing it to go into a panic as it sent a large wave of countless fireballs that would put the previous numbers to shame. "Maeiha!"

Dagda narrowed his eyes before holding his hand forwards while still approaching, the action caused multiple weak pillars of Curse energy to erupt from the ground, protecting them from the fireballs that were blocked to the attack. The pillars soon dispersed as Dagda emerged with Ayato in front.

"Throw me up!"

『Here we go, kid! Don't mess this up!』Dagda gave a small scoff before grabbing Ayato by the arm before throwing him up and above the regisvine. The plant looked up at the male and was about to send another attack, but was quickly stopped by Dagda.『No you don't, you insufferable plant! You're going to pay for 'killing' me before!』

Dagda hugged the plant by its base with all of his strength, said plant struggling to break free as the deity planted his feet down into the rocky ground as his sharp hands kept a firm grip on the regisvine. Dagda nodded at Ayato who had his sword ready above.

"Heat Riser! Heat Riser! Heat Riser!" Ayato had full intentions to finish the battle right now. He casted Heat Riser a total of three times, which he barely had regenerated enough SP to do. He'd probably only do this if he had to, otherwise he'd leave himself drained of any SP. He wasn't even sure what the limit to how many he could stack was, maybe there wasn't even a limit.

All he knew right now was that he could feel incredible power now rushing through his body, along with a massive damn headache. He noticed easily that his psyche was suffering more and more the lower his SP was, which was why he could feel his head banging right now like a hammer.

It was known that the more a Persona user used his or her abilities, the more the toll it had on the person's psyche. If said toll was great enough, then the user would be unable to even summon forth their Persona. Which meant that if this failed, then he'd be defenceless and wouldn't be able to Dagda or Pixie.

Narrowing his eyes down at the regisvine and ignoring the major headache he was having, he swung down towards the jewel on the regisvine's face. When his blade made contact, there was a bit of resistance between both parties, though Ayato quickly began slashing again.

After only three slashes, the jewel had a massive crack appear before Ayato delivered one final downwards slash. When said attack landed, it sliced right through the jewel and had almost cut through the regisvine's 'face'.

The body of the regisvine flailed weakly in Dagda's arms for a second before becoming completely motionless as any flames that were on its body constantly died out. Seeing this, Dagda tossed the body down onto the ground as Ayato safely landed on the ground next to the regisvine.

『Hmph, serves it right』Dagda scoffed as he looked at the pathetic form of the regisvine. Looking down towards Ayato, he saw that the male was now on his knees panting as Onimaru returned to the inventory.『Nice job, kid. Though, you should probably avoid using all your SP like that at once in the future, you would have been defenceless if that went downhill』

"I know, it was dumb on my part. My head's killing me..."

『At least it's over now』Dagda shrugged.『Get some rest before you head back. Otherwise you'll collapse while walking』

"Yeah, yeah..." Ayato smiled slightly as he heard that. Dagda then disappeared back into the Sea of Souls as Ayato rolled down onto his back as he looked up at the sky. He didn't even mind the body of the stupid plant beside him as he just panted. He wasn't too hurt physically, but his head was really killing him. "..."

『Level Up』

『Kuragasaki Ayato felt a surge of energy inside』

『Your Hit Points and Skill Points have increased』

『You are now able to create Personas up to level 12』

『You are now able to create Personas up to level 13』

『Dagda has levelled up』

『Your Strength has increased by 1』

『Your Magic has increased by 1』

『Your Luck has increased by 1』

『Dagda has levelled up』

『Your Strength has increased by 1』

『Your Endurance has increased by 1』

Ayato really couldn't care about those notification right now as he just continued lying on the ground with his eyes closed. His head still felt like the nail a massive hammer was banging against, and all he wanted right now was for it to go away. He really regretted using all his SP like that...

He'd just take this as a lesson, never use all your SP at once, or you will face the damn consequences. He was on the ground now with a painful headache bad enough that he couldn't even stand properly, so if that attack didn't kill that regisvine. Well, game over.

He wouldn't have even been able to summon forth Pixie to use Patra to help with the headache either since his psyche would be far too strained. He could try summoning her now to help with the headache, but there was really no point. He was already relatively safe since this thing was dead, and also that the headache would just come back after the effects of Patra wears off.

'I'm... gonna take a small nap.' Ayato thought to himself as he glanced over at the dead regisvine. Thinking for a bit, he forced himself to crawl over to it before hiding himself within its petals. Even if this thing was dead, it's appearance should at least keep most things away while he rested. '...fuck me.'

『Shuffle Time』

『3 Oracles』

『The chosen card as the Persona: Jack Frost』

『You have welcomed Jack Frost into your heart』

Ayato didn't even clock the notifications as he was already unconscious and now sleeping underneath the petals of the dead regisvine, his soft snores barely being audible through the area. His snores could MAYBE trick others into thinking the regisvine was still alive, just maybe.

Anyway, as he was sleeping, a voice tried to call out to him.

『I have arrived at long last, ho!』


『How do you do? Ho!』


『Ho? Are you there?』


『Guess not... Hee-ho!』

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