Reviews of One Piece: The Template by Fargouz - Webnovel



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Para que no se puede tirar en el inventario no te sale tirar la plata que te mande en el siglo xvll y sus principales exponentes y obras de la destrucción capítulo de la destrucción capítulo de la destrucción de la tierra en el siglo xvll y sus principales exponentes y

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I don't know why everyone is raving about this fanfic. I've read 10 chapters and it's a very boring cliché fic. I didn't find anything interesting in it, the usual MC, the usual powers, the usual fruit, the usual plot, everything is ordinary. There is no humor at all, as if you are reading about a brick and not a person. Some may say that 10 chapters is not enough and it will get better, but why should I read boring content for the sake of what may or may not be. I once read reviews of a novel where a person didn’t like the novel after 100 chapters, but they wrote to him to wait and that the novel would get better by chapter 500. And about this novel, he pulls a maximum of 4 stars, and even then only because the rating in Webnovel is broken and everything below 3 is already complete trash.

Voir 6 Réponses

Aller j’aime bien, surtout que c’est l’époque où la mer est la plus déchaînée, mais le mc compte trop sur son fruit du demons… C’est shanks, l’homme qui est devenue empereur avec du haki et une épée. Et j’ai aussi l’impression que le mc est un peureux, dit il qu’il ne veut pas se battre contre Roger et xebec pour améliorer son haki, je comprends. Mais il existe d’autre personne, l’entraînement en mode ermite ne donne rien normalement. La preuve est luffy, il est passé de recrue à empereur en 2 ans et demis.

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really surprised that i haven't read this novel till this moment everything were put where it should be a complete wounder🔥🔥🔥🔥 thanks really for this ff author 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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So far, the story is good. It has a lot of Potential if you keep develope it like that. The grammar is pretty good, too. There only a few noticable grammar errors. The only thing that could be improved is the character development of the MC. It lacks depth. He has no real goal, for now it is.

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The updates is top tier and the story background is also top tier. But the Mc isn’t that amazing. He seems like the type of mc to easily get manipulated as he trusts people to easily. Ik I’m not in the 20’s yet but I do hope to see some character development, because who roughs up a pirate for no reason as he can easily get the Information himself.

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I like the story so far, the only problem I'm having is that I don't understand the motivation of the mc, well besides the whole home island extermination thing, I get it that the mc wants revenge, but what comes after. He has no purpose of getting stronger why should he compete with Roger , Whitebeard etc. so far I don't see a reason for him to strive for any of that, the mc doesn't seem motivated either.

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Please stop the sound effects, the breathing is so distracting and all the other ones are just as bad. Shjvssgjhsghjsgjhsgjhsjhsghjsgsjhgsmhvshjvshjvsjhsvmhsvmhsmhssmhvshmvshmvshmsvhmsvhmsvmhsvsmhvsmhvshmvsmhsvmhsvsmhvshmmhgshmsvmhsvmhsmshshmvshmsgmshgsmhsgmshgsmhsgmshgsjhsgjshgsmhsgsmhsgjhs

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LV 1 Badge

He's going to be Shanks' father? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Evaluation: Subpar (Not my cup of tea). WQ: A few unnoticeable gramm errors which can be improved on. A well structured type of writing which is a plus. 4/5 SD: With a slow to average pace of development, It's too long winded wherein the adventure or training arc of MC takes too long. A snail pace of story & MC progression. 3/5 CD: MC is a transmigrator but his foreknowledge & adult mentality are lacking. Lacks utilization of OPverse foreknowledge & his earth/previous life experiences. 3/5 US: Chapters are short, stability of update isn't up to speed. 3/5 WB: There's nothing to discuss here as most MCs encounters are just a repeat of Rocks/Roger history. Lacks exploration and adventuring as the plot progression is too slow. 3/5 Don't be discouraged by the reviews but take it as a challenge to do better. Kudos to author-san and well wishes! xD

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LV 4 Badge

create a bleach fanfic next time😁 btw I love your Novel. ...............................................................................

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Ngl this fanfiction is pretty good to read especially when I have read through most of the other one piece fics still I'm waiting for more fight scenes honestly

Voir 2 Réponses

Sangat bagus bro, saya benar-benar ingin meyakinkan author seperti anda agar tidak berhenti menulis karena saya memiliki banyak harapan untuk cerita ini, teruskan dan saya akan selalu mendukung anda. Tolong jangan berhenti menulis secara tiba-tiba seperti yang lainnya karena ini memiliki begitu banyak potensi! Saya benar-benar menyukai cara anda menyajikan sebuah cerita dimana itu tidak terlalu cepat, namun cukup padat, dengan beberapa hal sebagai penambah suasana.

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i like your novel good

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i really liked the story when you stopped posting i thought you were dropping this story,hope you keep posting great chapters ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️

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Nice, nice[img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp]

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I love this it has amazing potential and can be amazing if developed, the MC has a versitile fruit so it's not restricted by lots of things and I really hope it isn't dropped

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More chapter please ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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excellent till now (20 ch) hope author goes on with this amazing logical story without messing this up .............140 words are a huge pain

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This ff has huge potential and promise, I expect it to at least have 100+ chapters in the future with this start. I just hope the author doesn’t make a mistake with the system, power scaling later on and with the canon, bc if the author changed something in the canon that’s detrimental for the story for example, killing an future admiral or conquering/getting things that’s not his like the fruit of Ace and yonko territories(eh)……the mcs fruit is alr since it doesn’t change the plot a lot. Anyways, it’s a 5/5.

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it's good hahahabahabbabababababababbabsbsbsbsbsbababshhshshhahahahahahahahahhahahahahshshhhshshshshshhshshshshshshhhhhhhjhjhjjhhhhjjh higigigiviviviv

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I have always wondered what the limits were to the zushi zushi no mi. So far, I am enjoying this fanfiction. Looking forward to more updates. Thank you for the chapters!

Voir 1 Réponses

Great story hope the authors doesn’t Drop 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍.Great story hope the authors doesn’t Drop 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍.

Voir 0 Réponses

Para que no se puede tirar en el inventario no te sale tirar la plata que te mande en el siglo xvll y sus principales exponentes y obras de la destrucción capítulo de la destrucción capítulo de la destrucción de la tierra en el siglo xvll y sus principales exponentes y

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I don't know why everyone is raving about this fanfic. I've read 10 chapters and it's a very boring cliché fic. I didn't find anything interesting in it, the usual MC, the usual powers, the usual fruit, the usual plot, everything is ordinary. There is no humor at all, as if you are reading about a brick and not a person. Some may say that 10 chapters is not enough and it will get better, but why should I read boring content for the sake of what may or may not be. I once read reviews of a novel where a person didn’t like the novel after 100 chapters, but they wrote to him to wait and that the novel would get better by chapter 500. And about this novel, he pulls a maximum of 4 stars, and even then only because the rating in Webnovel is broken and everything below 3 is already complete trash.

Voir 6 Réponses

Aller j’aime bien, surtout que c’est l’époque où la mer est la plus déchaînée, mais le mc compte trop sur son fruit du demons… C’est shanks, l’homme qui est devenue empereur avec du haki et une épée. Et j’ai aussi l’impression que le mc est un peureux, dit il qu’il ne veut pas se battre contre Roger et xebec pour améliorer son haki, je comprends. Mais il existe d’autre personne, l’entraînement en mode ermite ne donne rien normalement. La preuve est luffy, il est passé de recrue à empereur en 2 ans et demis.

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really surprised that i haven't read this novel till this moment everything were put where it should be a complete wounder🔥🔥🔥🔥 thanks really for this ff author 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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So far, the story is good. It has a lot of Potential if you keep develope it like that. The grammar is pretty good, too. There only a few noticable grammar errors. The only thing that could be improved is the character development of the MC. It lacks depth. He has no real goal, for now it is.

Spoiler de révélation
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The updates is top tier and the story background is also top tier. But the Mc isn’t that amazing. He seems like the type of mc to easily get manipulated as he trusts people to easily. Ik I’m not in the 20’s yet but I do hope to see some character development, because who roughs up a pirate for no reason as he can easily get the Information himself.

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I like the story so far, the only problem I'm having is that I don't understand the motivation of the mc, well besides the whole home island extermination thing, I get it that the mc wants revenge, but what comes after. He has no purpose of getting stronger why should he compete with Roger , Whitebeard etc. so far I don't see a reason for him to strive for any of that, the mc doesn't seem motivated either.

Spoiler de révélation
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Please stop the sound effects, the breathing is so distracting and all the other ones are just as bad. Shjvssgjhsghjsgjhsgjhsjhsghjsgsjhgsmhvshjvshjvsjhsvmhsvmhsmhssmhvshmvshmvshmsvhmsvhmsvmhsvsmhvsmhvshmvsmhsvmhsvsmhvshmmhgshmsvmhsvmhsmshshmvshmsgmshgsmhsgmshgsmhsgmshgsjhsgjshgsmhsgsmhsgjhs

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LV 1 Badge

He's going to be Shanks' father? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Evaluation: Subpar (Not my cup of tea). WQ: A few unnoticeable gramm errors which can be improved on. A well structured type of writing which is a plus. 4/5 SD: With a slow to average pace of development, It's too long winded wherein the adventure or training arc of MC takes too long. A snail pace of story & MC progression. 3/5 CD: MC is a transmigrator but his foreknowledge & adult mentality are lacking. Lacks utilization of OPverse foreknowledge & his earth/previous life experiences. 3/5 US: Chapters are short, stability of update isn't up to speed. 3/5 WB: There's nothing to discuss here as most MCs encounters are just a repeat of Rocks/Roger history. Lacks exploration and adventuring as the plot progression is too slow. 3/5 Don't be discouraged by the reviews but take it as a challenge to do better. Kudos to author-san and well wishes! xD

Voir 3 Réponses
LV 4 Badge

create a bleach fanfic next time😁 btw I love your Novel. ...............................................................................

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Ngl this fanfiction is pretty good to read especially when I have read through most of the other one piece fics still I'm waiting for more fight scenes honestly

Voir 2 Réponses

Sangat bagus bro, saya benar-benar ingin meyakinkan author seperti anda agar tidak berhenti menulis karena saya memiliki banyak harapan untuk cerita ini, teruskan dan saya akan selalu mendukung anda. Tolong jangan berhenti menulis secara tiba-tiba seperti yang lainnya karena ini memiliki begitu banyak potensi! Saya benar-benar menyukai cara anda menyajikan sebuah cerita dimana itu tidak terlalu cepat, namun cukup padat, dengan beberapa hal sebagai penambah suasana.

Voir 2 Réponses

i like your novel good

Voir 0 Réponses

i really liked the story when you stopped posting i thought you were dropping this story,hope you keep posting great chapters ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️

Voir 0 Réponses

Nice, nice[img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp]

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I love this it has amazing potential and can be amazing if developed, the MC has a versitile fruit so it's not restricted by lots of things and I really hope it isn't dropped

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More chapter please ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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excellent till now (20 ch) hope author goes on with this amazing logical story without messing this up .............140 words are a huge pain

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This ff has huge potential and promise, I expect it to at least have 100+ chapters in the future with this start. I just hope the author doesn’t make a mistake with the system, power scaling later on and with the canon, bc if the author changed something in the canon that’s detrimental for the story for example, killing an future admiral or conquering/getting things that’s not his like the fruit of Ace and yonko territories(eh)……the mcs fruit is alr since it doesn’t change the plot a lot. Anyways, it’s a 5/5.

Voir 1 Réponses

it's good hahahabahabbabababababababbabsbsbsbsbsbababshhshshhahahahahahahahahhahahahahshshhhshshshshshhshshshshshshhhhhhhjhjhjjhhhhjjh higigigiviviviv

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I have always wondered what the limits were to the zushi zushi no mi. So far, I am enjoying this fanfiction. Looking forward to more updates. Thank you for the chapters!

Voir 1 Réponses

Great story hope the authors doesn’t Drop 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍.Great story hope the authors doesn’t Drop 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍.

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