When the voice stopped talking, everything was silent. No one dared speak, not even a word, in fear that the voice would continue speaking.
Everyone stayed looking at the archway for a while until someone dared to speak.
"Well, I guess it's clear enough. We should be prepared to go on a hunt when Aiden's wounds finally recover," Blunt said with a smile on his face while looking at the crowd before starting to talk with Aiden." And you should go rest immediately. I don't want you to delay this event even further.
"If this is the case, I suppose that our village should use some of our special treatments on him to recover as quickly as possible." Said the Esvert's chosen.
Soon enough, a few people from Esvert village near Aiden helped him return to his tent to treat his wounds with even more medicine.
Suddenly, Aiden found in front of him two strange colored powders: one of them was light green with a few yellow dots, while the other was red. He was told to eat both of them, as one would replenish his energy reserves for a few hours while the other would burn that excess energy to fasten the recovery of his wounds.
After eating them, he felt a sour taste in his whole mouth for a few minutes, and soon after, he began to feel how heat began to emerge from his stomach to be dispersed around his whole body.
"You should be fine by tomorrow, but at the same time, you should rest until then to maximize the effects of the medicine." One of the healers told him.
After hearing this, he decided to follow the instructions that the healer gave him and went to bed again soon after.
The day went by without much happening. Aiden spent his whole day sleeping while the members of each village discussed how the hunting would be conducted.
Finally, it was decided that the chosen would explore a new area not far from there that was discovered by the Guburg a few days ago while they were coming to the archway.
This new location appeared to extend even deeper into the underground, leading everyone to believe that new animals or plants would be encountered there. This may be dangerous, but because the three of them were all considered geniuses in their villages, they would be able to defeat numerous magical animals at once if they worked together.
While Aiden was recovering, the cultivators from each tribe decided to throw a party to get to know each other better and strengthen the bonds between their villages. Thanks to that, they came to understand how the other villages worked, so in the future, they would be able to avoid misunderstandings with each other.
The next day, when Aiden woke up, the first thing he did was touch his wounds. When he did that, he didn't feel even the slightest annoyance.
Aiden thought to himself, "Wow, those medicines are truly amazing."
As he felt that he had already recovered, he got up from bed and quickly left the tent. As he stepped outside, he noticed that tens of people soon began to look at him before he walked to the area of his village.
"How are you feeling?" Galey asked, approaching Aiden with a steaming bowl in his hands.
"I'm as good as new," Aiden replied while taking the bowl that was filled with meat broth. "After I eat, I will be ready for anything."
Galey started smiling and said, "That's great because it has been decided that you will go on a hunt as soon as you are ready." Well, not immediately after you get ready. Since this is your first hunt alone, we want to make a little ceremony that we usually do when someone in our village goes hunting for the first time, so you don't have bad luck out there. So let me know when you finish eating, so we can start with the preparations. "
Aiden couldn't help but smile after hearing this.
"That's great. I'm looking for it," Aiden said as he took a spoon from a table and began eating spoonfuls after spoonfuls.
For some reason that he suspected was the medicine, Aiden felt like he alone could devour a bear, so when he finished the bowl that he was eating, he quickly poured himself another three bowls before he felt he was finally full.
After putting down his now-empty bowl, he patted his belly a few times before looking around to find Galey. Not long after, he neared Galey and told him that he was ready.
"We shall begin the preparations for the ceremony then." He quickly answered.
Soon after, every member of his village that participated in the expedition met in the center of their area. They created a circle while shaking hands with each other and doing some chants while Galey and Aiden were in the middle.
Then he began to chant while holding a spear between his hands: "Me, Galey, hunter and cultivator from the Yuoko village, I pass this spear to you, Aiden. With this, I'm not giving you just a weapon; I'm passing down to you my luck, my fate, my experiences, and the lessons that I learned from my years spent hunting, as well as those from our ancestors that practiced this ceremony, all the way back to Uno's time. May your hunting be safe and bountiful, so one day you can pass down all your experience to a new hunter, as I'm doing today with you. "
Then, he slowly released the spear into Aiden's hands.
"From now on, you are officially a hunter," Galey said, with a smile on his face.
A new Saturday means a new chapter, so here it is for you, my dear readers.
I hope you enjoy it and that you have a nice weekend.