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44.44% POKEMON: DRACONIC / Chapter 5: Penthouse Hustle

Chapitre 5: Penthouse Hustle

In the past week, no one has applied for the lodging that I had offered. It was a conundrum as trainers usually take the opportunity given for temporary lodging in their journey or so I've heard from Joseph. It's clear something is up and the answer came from the Peppy hipster girl who introduced herself as Carol.

"So lets me get this straight, the other trainers thought the poster was a prank?

"Yup they did, I only came here because I was curious enough to ask nurse Joy about it and she told me that a reputable family posted it so I thought why not give it a try as I won't lose anything from coming."

"Why?! I made it look professional and everything, even adding extra incentives just to get some peoples attention"

"That's actually the problem it's too good to the point of being a joke. Besides, can you blame them or even me for that matter? Having the chance to battle an elite four and getting free lodging even if you lose? It's just too good to be true."

"Back it up, you already said that earlier but why did you think you will be battling my mom?"

"Your mom is Drasna?"

"Your ears deaf?"

"No need for the sass kid but that poster of yours clearly says something along the lines of 'owned by Drasna of the Elite four' what would you expect?"


(I Ducklett up so hard! I forgot to mention that I'm the one who will be doing the battling. At least now I understand why no one came in the past week. I really need to understand the plebeian mentality, no no no I mean the everyday trainer's way of thinking ..... I'm starting to develop a young master attitude, better stop with that quick, or else ill be a one-off villain of some main character somewhere.)

"First and foremost I would like to apologize for getting your hopes up"

"So it is a prank?"

"Not really, as you will still be getting all the things offered in the poster but you will not be battling my mom"

"Then who would I be battling? That Butler? the Alakazam is rudely looking at me like some kind of trash since I got here and I really want to beat that face down"

"Don't mind Cofo that's just how he normally looks but the one you will be battling is me"

"You? how old even are you? Let me just inform you that my team is all Ace material of the 6-7th badge level. we only need to beat the regional 8th gym to gain the elite title do you think you can beat us?"

"To be honest I didn't even think of it but if you want the lodging, some battles need to be done in exchange, and maybe give me some training tips along the way"

"Now I get it, so the poster is meant to say babysit a kid to get free space for a while"

(I don't know how she's so condescending and vibrant at the same time but this is my first applicant better make the best of it.)

"So, you will take the offer or not?"

"Sure, I'm in for beating up a kid for free rent ..... that sounded way better in my mind."

"If so then maybe you could also give me some advice as you're an experienced ace trainer and all"

"Tough luck on that kid but I'll be nice as your gonna be hosting me for a few days here's one tip for you, trainers tend to keep their secrets but if there is something you could offer with the same value for the information they might just give you a few"


"Where are we gonna battle anyway? as I'm excited to see what a lakeside penthouse owned by an Elite four looks like"

"Okay, Cofo if you may"


"Bzz bzzz" 'teleports to the lake'

"Bzz bzzz" 'teleports away'

"Where did that Alakazam go?"

"Back to Joseph, our families butler as he is his Pokémon"

"That's nice, Having a powerful Pokémon such as an Alakazam for transportation but it's really a nice lake you have here, clear water, fresh air, and a calming atmosphere. I can't believe we're located at the outskirts of a bustling city such as Lumiose. So where is that penthouse you're so proud about?"

"Behind you"

"Ahhhhhhhhh .... kid you need to get your words straight that's a mansion, not a penthouse"

(Is the estate's penthouse really that big to be considered as a mansion? Well if she's surprised by that makes me curious what she would think after seeing the mansion.)

With that in mind, I pointed towards our house in the distance still visible even with the trees blocking a bit of the view.

"No, that over there is a mansion this is just our rarely used penthouse"

"..... that's a castle-shaped into a manor! Even the stonework seems to be made to look like wood but why???"

"Don't ask me, I'm was only raised here and not the one who had it built. Well forget about that you will be staying at that penthouse"

"You mean mansion"

"Did I stutter?"


.... A few minutes later ....

After dropping some of Carol's baggage in one of the vacant rooms in the penthouse, we proceeded to go near the docks where I already prepared 2 floating platforms in the lake a few days prior where it serves as spots for trainers. The platform also has a motor that can be controlled using a joystick in order to give maneuverability to the trainers. The arena was in the middle, where several pillars of wood which Feebas used for tackle practice is stationed to act as stepping stones for those Pokémon that are not aquatic.

"This is the battle arena we will be using, careful with the platform they can get quite fast"

"You really prepared huh, but before we get started tell me what's your name. I introduced myself earlier but you never did"

"Its Albert, Albert Ryuma"

"As I was late to my introduction let me be the one to first introduce my friend, Come out Feebas"


As I released Feebas Carol gave a look as if contemplating what's she's currently seeing even going as for to wipe her eyes as if it was irritated by something.

"What in Kyogre's flipper is that?"

"It's a Feebas"

"You say that like it answers my question"

"Its Feebas the most beautiful water-type Pokémon in the world, ain't that right Feebas"

'Feebas fee Feebas!'

(Still modest as ever)

"Beautiful huh, well to each their own as they say but now let me introduce to you the true owner of that title, go Bruxish"


As Carol called out her Pokémon I was dumbfounded as I can't seem to remember if such Pokémon existed in the past but then I remembered that a character named Goh in the last season I've watched caught one in Alola, It was a truly forgettable Pokémon.

"That's a pretty rare Pokémon you got there, I never thought seeing one outside of Alola"

"Wow! Never thought anyone outside of Alola would know about Bruxish. As I'm a water type trainer that came from Alola, I thought its just right to show my starter which is also our regional fish to the person who will be paying for my meal later"

As I was talking with Carol, I noticed Feebas looking ecstatically at bruxism, at first I thought she is mad that someone tried to claim her title of the most beautiful but then it came to me that Bruxish is a Water and Psychic-type and my little Feebas has never beaten down a psychic type that's also water type like itself.

(Feebas must be trying to think of a way to drown a psychic type that can breathe underwater which I think is a fools errand but who am I to deny her of her goals)

"That's nice of you, but let me warn you my Feebas has its eyes on beating your Bruxish"

'Feebas fee!'

"Enough talk, I'll get us started then. Bruxish use Rain dance"


As Carol signaled the start of the battle with a Raindance, her Bruxish started to do a weird revolving motion as if it's trying to create an infinity sign in the water. After a few seconds, dark clouds started to gather 30 meters above the area and raindrops started to fall. However little do they know it's more help to us than it is to them in this battle.

"Bruxish now use aqua jet!"


"Feebas dodge then show them your speed with tackle!"


'Wham!' impact


Feebas was able to easily dodge the fast aqua jet and counter with a hard tackle. Carol was surprised at the speed Feebas showed because even her Bruxish who she considered as a top ace Pokémon was easily countered. The speed boost was possible due to the rain that allowed for the use of Feebas first ability Swift swim

"How is your Pokémon so fast?"

"As you said trainers tend to keep their secrets right?"

"Fair enough, but sorry for you I already figured it out. Bruxish use ice beam towards the sky"

Not even doubting Carol's command Bruxish fired an Ice beam that shot straight to the clouds instigated by Raindance and turned it into a shower of hail.

(Don't tell me she's trying to... yep she turned rain into hail. how is that allowed?)


"I'm a water type specialist after all, you really didn't think I don't know about the ability Swift swim?"

"Tch, Feebas use scald on Bruxish"


"Not so fast Bruxish dodge that and use Ice Beam!"


'Whosssssh' 'water surface breaking'



Bruxish was able to dodge Feebas' continued scald and fired an ice beam which froze half of Feebas' body. The ice that formed in Feebas' body led to her being unable to move and became an easy target for Bruxish"

"Feebas melt that ice immediately with Scald!"


"Bruxish use Aqua jet with Psychic fang!"



Feebas was able to melt the ice but was unable to evade Bruxish Aqua jet powered Psychic Fang which blasted her out of the water. Feebas flipped in the air trying to avoid a series of ice beams from Bruxish.

"Bruxish continue with those Ice beams"


"Feebas intercept with Dragon breath!"



A large explosion occurred upon the two attacks colliding causing water to shoot up and a mist to form in the surrounding which blinded both trainers in the arena.

"Bruxish dive down and find Feebas then use aqua jet followed by ice beam!"


'Plop' 'dives down'

"Feebas evasive maneuver!"



Bruxish easily found Feebas and chased using Aqua jet which Feebas luckily managed to dodge however Bruxish turn around and fired a head-on Ice beam which froze Feebas whole body.

"Looks like it's your loss"

"Not yet Feebas use Rest!"

It was somewhere when I have just entered Trainers school when Feebas was finally able to use the move Rest properly. After learning it we did not stop to practice it every night but we discovered it was not a good move to use against Cofo in battle as when Feebas first used it, Cofo just used Psychic and turned Feebas into a ragdoll.

After using Rest, Feebas fell asleep inside the ice where she started recuperating from her injuries. However not wanting the situation to go in our favor Carol made a ditch effort to stop Feebas from healing.

"Use disable!"


As soon as hearing the command, Bruxish eyes glowed red and a clear energy radiated from Feebas stopping the healing process but still keeping Feebas asleep.

"Now, do you accept your defeat or do you want us to wait for Feebas to never wake up inside that ice"

"Haah, we admit defeat.... Can you please?"

"Sure, Bruxish free Feebas from the ice using Psychic fang"


'Pak! Crack!'

"Feebas return"

"That was a good battle Albert, I never thought someone of your age that has not even started his journey could have a Pokémon at that level of strength. I can confidently say that you and that Feebas of yours can easily put up a fight against any gym leader Pokémon of the 4th to 5th badge level."

"Thanks for the compliment, but it seems that we still have a lot to learn"

"I think you just need to teach that Feebas of yours more utility and coverage moves. As far as I've seen you two are already well on the money in every other department"


.... A few hours later ....

I thought a lot about what Carol said, and I can only agree with her point as we truly need utility moves and coverage moves. The move Rain dance was a testament to that as if we had it in our arsenal at the time we could have just reverted the weather back to rain to maintain Feebas increased speed. Even Ice beam would be a great help in the future against grass types and as a method of immobilizing opponents just like what happened to Feebas. Fortunately, I already have a plan on how to start teaching those moves to Feebas, I only need to get a yes from a certain fashionista with the use of a few stuff I put in the drawer.

"Thanks for the food, Albert! the poster wasn't kidding when it mentioned a five-star meal as it really lived up to its rating"

"Better thank our maid Jess as she is the one who actually done the cooking"

"Then tell her my thanks and compliments as it truly was delicious"

"Anyways, How long will you be staying in Lumiose city?

"About a week or more depends really as I'm on a time out for a bit since my Pokémon has been in a continuous round of gyms battles and I only need one more anyways"

"Any chance I could get some help in teaching Feebas to learn Raindance and Ice beam with your Bruxish?"

"I already told y....."

"I'll make an offer"

".... Ohh? let's hear it. What could you possibly have that's worth giving you my time and knowledge"

"Apicot berry! A jars worth of pickled Apicot berry per move you are able to teach Feebas."

There are some things I learned that made me happy for coming to the trainer's school, for one it's the true value of Apicot berries. In one of my classes, the value of different berries was discussed and I learned that Apicot berry is a very rare commodity so rare in fact that some trainers are willing to give an arm and a leg to get one. This very high demand is due to the permanent improvement in the standard of beauty it gives to a Pokémon and unlike other berries with similar effect, Apicot stands out as the one which gives the highest increase to a degree of it being noticeable at first glance.

(At first, I felt bad about chucking a jar's worth of the stuff in Feebas every day after knowing of its true value but when I consider that it was all gonna be worth it in the future, I really just stopped thinking about it. However, I'm sure I can use it now as a bargaining chip to possibly get a tutor for Feebas)

"Don't joke around kid, as if ill believe you have that much Apicot berry. No matter how rich your family is Apicot berry is not something one can easily obtain even with money"

As if right on cue I opened a drawer containing a single jar of pickled Apicot berry and showed it to Carol who Immediately took it from me and stared into the Apicot berry inside the jar as if to tell if it really is 'for the lack of a better term' the good stuff.

"It really is Apicot! Such a rare find, where did you even get it?"


"Sorry, forget I asked haha. Just got excited from seeing a real Apicot as I've only seen pictures of it"

"So about the ..."

"No takebacks kid, it's a deal!"

"Thank you! Now I would only need you to sign this nondisclosure agreement and we can begin"


One more thing I learned from trainer school is that dealing with multiple Apicot berries can be a tricky matter so one must always have precautions.

(I don't want anyone following me around when I start my journey looking for where I got my supply as even my father told me to keep it in the down-low as much as possible)

.... The very next day ....

It was early in the morning when I met up with Carol on the banks of the lake where I explained the moves I need help with teaching Feebas. Carol easily accepted teaching Feebas Rain dance in her own words 'The Fish just needs to learn how to dance' but Ice beam was a different matter.

Carol explained that water types are only second to ice types in how fast they are able to learn Ice-types attacks but Ice beam is different as it's literally a beam of concentrated Ice-type energy which can only be performed by a Pokémon which already can control ice type energy to a degree of making it into a beam and not snow or ice.

"So you can't help Feebas to learn Ice beam?"

"I can but you need to up the bounty as the process that I know requires me to first make your Feebas familiar with Ice-type energy and then teach it how to focus it into an Ice beam which will take far too long to teach, unlike Rain dance."

"So in short you want another Jar of Apicot"

"You say it like I'm giving you a bad deal, It's only right as I'm teaching your Feebas a complicated and powerful move such as Ice beam."

"I accept but it will take time to procure another jar of the stuff as you know how rare they are but I'm sure I can get another one by the end of the week."

(Better keep the true amount of Apicot berry I have in stock in secret or she might just ask for more)

"Okay then, first let's start with Rain dance as I'm confident we can get it done by the end of the day."

"That fast?"

"Not technically, you're on your own in terms of mastering the move but summoning rain is easily taught as long as there is another Pokémon giving advice in the process who already knows the move. My Bruxish was able to learn Raindance in a day but it took it a few minutes to make it rain while continuously dancing and that's not a practical move to use in a battle."

"If you say so, Feebas are you ready?"


What followed was a series of dance lessons from Carols Bruxish. In the middle of their routine, I ask Carol why the dance was needed and I was told it's not really about the dance but the movement of energy that is released in the environment with the help of the dance which I still did not understand till the end. She even further explained that a Pokémon has truly mastered the move Rain dance when it loses the need to dance to make it rain.

True to her word by the end of the day Feebas was able to use Rain dance successfully but same with Carol's Bruxish it needed a few minutes of grooving which was quite an awkward sight as there was no music.

"Here's the Jar of pickled Apicot for successfully teaching Feebas Rain dance"

"It's nothing much but what's next will take much longer which I can't even promise to finish by the week's end or the one after that."

"It's okay, so how will we get Feebas familiar with Ice-type energy?"

"Simple, I just need Bruxish to repeatedly hit Feebas with a weak blast of Frost breath. In my journey, I discovered that Frost breath has the special effect of ignoring a Pokémon's normal defenses causing the ice-type energy to permeate the target's body thus allowing greater damage to be done. Thus we're using that to have Feebas get used to Ice-type energy and hopefully learn to control it."

" I understand, but are you sure it will work?"

"Common kid you gotta have more trust in people. I taught all my Pokémon to learn Ice beam with this method, well except for Bruxish which just learned frost breath after spending too much time training with my grandfather's Crabominable if you know what that is."

.... two weeks later ....

It took Feebas a few days to learn to control Ice-type energy as it was the opposite of what she is familiar with considering she prominently uses moves which has a lot of heat such as scald and dragon breath, but she was still able to adapt to the change and use the ice-type energy to blast a few pieces of snow out of her mouth which served as the start for learning Ice beam.

Carol made it clear that the task wasn't gonna be easy and it showed she wasn't joking. For a week and a half Feebas focused on concentrating the Ice-type energy she release in order to stop it from materializing into snow or ice that causes a blockage in her mouth which she will need to use Scald to melt. Just like dragon breath Ice beam seems to be a continuous release of energy but Ice beam is a more refined version where it was concentrated enough to be a beam that could freeze almost anything it touches.

I also showed Carol the mini Scale museum I had in the Penthouse where she immediately recognized the Kammo-o scale in one of the display cases. She was amazed at the number of scales I had and even asked for two of the normal prism scales stating that she could have it made into a fine set of earing which I just agreed to because I still had about 5 more of such prism scale and I thought it can serve as a thank you for tutoring Feebas. However, I did not show the shiny prism scale that was tucked away in a vault under the display case as I fear she might ask for one and even though I have a never-ending supply of it in the future, I don't like anyone else getting it unless they offered a trade with something of the same nature like a shiny Dragon scale if it exists.

We continued to have battles every day while more often leaving me with Feebas while we practice the method she taught us. In our proceeding battles, it became evident that she was going easy on us at our first battle as we discovered that her Bruxish can swim in the air by using psychic and was also able to create a psychic space where a lot of trippy stuff happens. The battles we had with Carol were quite a challenge as we also battled others of her team which as far as I've seen included a Gyarados and Barbaracle. The Barbaracle even challenge Feebas on a physical brawl which for some reason Feebas accepted and not to my surprise lost but it was a good battle overall as Feebas never stopped with her tail exercises especially after finally getting the automated ball launcher a year ago and thus she was able to put up a good fight.

Even with all our training and battles we still continue to take a day's break every two days of continued training where we would just lay down and rest near the banks of the lake. On one of our days off of training, I tried to translate some of the songs from my old world and sing it to Feebas for a pastime and there I discovered that my fish has a gift and what trainer would I be if I do not support that talent. With that every time we have a break I try to teach Feebas some of the songs I've already translated and take our time to just enjoy singing by the Lake.

Unbeknownst to us though, Joseph and Cofo saw one of our performances and immediately got a camera and recorded some of the songs which he then gave to my parents. After seeing the recording, my parents commanded Joseph to start recording us every two days when we're on the lake to possibly get more footage.

Back on the topic of training, learning Ice beam proved to be a truly grueling task but finally, three days ago Feebas was able to perform an attack that can be called an Ice beam. Even though the attack only created a thin layer of ice in the wooden target before dissipating, it's still a legitimate beam of energy. With that, my deal with Carol came to a successful conclusion which she was very happy with as the first jar she got was already gone and the effect of which shown wonders for her Pokémon, and now that she's about to get two jars worth more of the stuff she just can't stop giggling like a Mightyena.

"Thanks for letting me stay for the past two weeks kid, high chance I will visit again if you're still doing this gig in the future"

"If so then you are always welcome as I still have two years before I start my own journey but before that, it will be fun having to battle with you again. So, where are you headed next?"

"I think its time we take a shot on beating Wulfric of the Snowbelle gym for our 8th badge and finally gain the elite status"

"That's quite a hurdle, as from what I know Wulfric's Abomasnow and Avalugg are real tanks that can take a hit and dish out a lot of damage. But I'm sure you will be able to handle it considering that you have a Gyarados that can breathe fire and a disco fish that can float in the air while hurting everyone's eardrums."

"Thanks that really encourages me for the battle. Also since no one still came to apply after me ill try to contact some of my friends to get the word out about this place."

(I forgot about that, I was too busy training Feebas that I didn't notice that no other applicant went over after Carol, well at least I know the reason. Maybe I'll have Joseph inform Nurse Joy that if their Pokémon center doesn't have a vacancy, feel free to send the trainers our way and also clarify that they won't be battling Drasna of the Elite four but her son.)

"Really, thanks! that will help out a lot."

.... 2 months later ....

After Carol left, the number of trainers that applied for the Penthouse increased exponentially after a few days as it was clear that the Penthouse was now famous. It seems I underestimated either the power of nurse joy's words of approval or the number of friends that Carol has at her disposal. I had to remove the free meal which was offered by my parents as Jess alone couldn't handle cooking for that many people and no way were gonna hire a chef to feed strangers for free.

It even came to the point where I had to limit the number of trainers that can stay in the Penthouse as it was getting too crowded. I made it so that only eight individuals can stay each time and they had to share a room with another person or two different groups of four individuals and each group gets to use two rooms. I also added a rule that they are only allowed to stay for a week and to make it interesting I made it so that new applicants can challenge the current tenants to get their room but they can only be challenged once a day and in addition, I can also challenge any tenant once a day and the same rules apply where if I beat them they will have to vacate the room.

However, those who lost are free to challenge the current tenants once again the very next day for their room and those that do not comply will quickly be escorted outside the estate by Cofo's quick teleport. But even with all this inset more and more applicants came to which I had to limit even those who can apply for a challenge and thus only allowing applications if a current tenant has not yet been challenged for their room in that day.

In the end, I also stopped battling everyone that apply for a space in the Penthouse as Feebas was getting overworked from the series of battles. There was even a time when Feebas had battled four fully evolved Pokémon in a day in which she was able to win two of the four battles.

I continued training Feebas to master both Rain dance and Ice beam to a point of being battle-ready while still training her old moves and we never stopped with the morning routine of going around the lake as well with the few hours of tackle training and a few tail exercises.

In one of our battle where Feebas was against a Greninja, she was forced into close quarters due to the difference in speed which led her unable to keep the distance. In that battle, Feebas used to tackle and a combo of tail slaps at the blue Kermit's face which dealt some damage but the sheer difference in power is still clear as Greninja's point-blank Water shuriken easily bombarded Feebas but to my surprise, Feebas was able to bounce back by learning Iron tail during the battle and using it to deflect the attacks back towards Greninja. Against all odds, Feebas was ultimately able to win in clutch due to paralysis induced by a well-aimed Dragon breath to the face which allowed for an unimpeded tackle and Iron tail combo which finished off the Greninja.

As I only used Feebas in generation 3 and 4 games I have little Idea on the added moves it can learn in the following generations as from what I know Iron tail can only be learned after she evolves into a Milotic but it seems I was wrong as Feebas showed that she can go the distance and do it now which reminded me that my knowledge of the old world may be helpful but it's not always correct or complete. after all, there were eight generations of the games before I arrived here and I've only played till gen 5 which means there must be several changes that I don't know about.

The following month, I continued Feebas training while still battling people that are currently staying in the Penthouse. Feebas was able to continuously improve with the help of the variety of battles we had from ace to elite trainers, but after the second month came around the pace evidently slowed and finally came to a halt as it seems we have reached the final point in Feebas training that limits any further improvements.

As I continued to contemplate our next plan of action, I thought back to when Feebas had just learned Scald. After learning the move Scald we still continued on trying to learn both Water pulse and Dragon pulse however there is no sign of improvement. I decided to consult my mother about the topic and that's where I learned that attacks such as Dragon pulse and water pulse are usually learned right after a Pokémon evolves as the process of creating a pulse is a hard concept for a Pokémon to understand as it is usually done instinctually by the Pokémon that's why such moves as water pulse and dragon pulse are usually learned after evolution where the Pokémon seems to suddenly gain knowledge of how to use the attacks. With that information, I stopped all training involving the move as my mother Drasna literally said it was a useless endeavor however she also informed us that to make sure a Pokémon has a chance to learn the move it's good to train range attacks of the same type before Feebas' evolution.

With that in mind, I decided that its time for Feebas to evolve as she already learned all the moves that she will possibly need in the future, and mastering them can be done after evolving as learning new moves after evolution may be difficult but mastering old moves is not affected.

Thus I temporarily closed the penthouse and asked the tenants to come back after a few days. I waited for the day to go down in order to avoid attention as I don't want the evolution process of Milotic to be known to others which even includes my parents and I then went to the lake in order to first explain the situation to Feebas.

"Hey Feebas, I think its time to proceed with your evolution"


"Yeah, you can evolve. I only delayed it this long in order to use all the potential you have as a Feebas."

'Feebas fee feebas!'

"I do remember my promise to make you the strongest and most beautiful Feebas. Trust me you already are, as I don't believe any other Feebas has ever defeated a Greninja in close-quarter combat no less."

"Feebas! fee"


After accepting that what I said must be true, Feebas happily jumped out of the water and tackled me. I too truly believe what I said as I consider Feebas to already be stronger than the one shown in the Diamond and Pearl season of the anime that can only spam tackle and do flips and if the Magikarp equivalent of that Feebas can beat ash Pikachu then I don't see why my Feebas can't.

After making sure that no one is around, I took out from my pocket the biggest shiny Prism scale that Feebas has ever shed and with a steady heart, put it on her head. What followed was a blinding light that covered Feebas body which started expanding close to seven meters in length and the change also added other features which started to be familiar to that of its final stage.

When the bright light dimmed down I was faced with a large majestic serpentine creature that was floating a meter off the ground while shimmering in the light of the moon. Half of its body is covered in scales of gilded crimson that change in color depending on the ambiance of the moonlight and the angle at which it is viewed. A pair of blue hair-like fin draped under its head adding to its flare of majesty and eyes of deep blue reminisce that of the deep ocean. After finishing its evolution it gave a mighty roar as if declaring its existence to the world. It was truly a sight to behold.

Happiness filled me when I saw my friend finally evolve into its final form. I was proud of what we had accomplished to reach where we are now. However, even with the enhanced strength and beauty that Milotic got after her evolution, I still felt a bit of disappointment. As it's not the kind of feeling one is supposed to usually gets in this situation, I just quickly removed it from my mind and considered it as a fleeting thought.

"Congrats Feeb... I mean Milotic! You are now stronger and prettier than ever!"

'Milotic! Milo Milotic'

"Even though you evolved you still haven't changed, haha"


"Yeah, you can float in the air now but you can't really go too high though. You know what, let's see what else you can do"


"Just like last time"

As if understanding what I meant Milotic quickly dove down into the middle of the lake and swam up breaking the water surface and doing a quadruple summersault in the air after ending it with a perfect pencil dive.

(It's still truly amazing no matter how many times I see it but I was hoping to see new attack moves though)

After Feebas evolved into a Milotic the Prism scale that was used disappeared but the same type of scale seem to cover Milotic's body which made me wonder what would have happened if I had used the regular prism scale. But aside from that, there's one problem that needs to be addressed.

(How am I gonna explain this to my parents)


Thesilentwooper Thesilentwooper

Chapter focus more in pokemon improvements and housing for some reason. Once again feed back on mistakes and possible improvements are greatly appreciated.

Also, there are some changes done in the past chapters inorder to fill up some plot holes that I've noticed.

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Votez avec Power Stone
Rank NO.-- Classement de puissance
Stone -- Pierre de Pouvoir
signaler du contenu inapproprié
Astuce d’erreur

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