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100% Highschool DxD: A New Satan / Chapter 70: Ch. 70 The younger generation

Chapitre 70: Ch. 70 The younger generation

"I can't believe it!" Shirone squealed, causing Kuroka to blush as she possessively clung to my body in her ongoing attempt to add her 'sent' on me.

"Nya~!" Was the only sound which kept coming out of the black kitty as she dazedly rubbed herself on me, making all the young ladies around blush fiercely.

"K-Kuroka-san! You can't do this in the open like this!" Sona stuttered out as she fixed her glasses in her attempt to conceal her embarrassment.

She was at the age where she was really starting to 'see' men and understand relationships in a deeper manner. Even if she had to deal with some annoyances who were trying to court her.

Too bad Kuroka was in no mood to listen.

The blossoming young ladies in her peerage were sharing her blush as they hesitatingly peaked between their fingers at the scene.

Well except for Valerie, she was looking a bit predatorily towards Gasper. The poor boy was doing his best to stand his ground, but was still looking intimidated by his 'friend'.

Poor Rias was a mess as her face seemed to blend into her hair color now. Akeno was panting slightly as she no doubt was feeling the influence of her heritage, meaning her half-openly perverted parents. Young Isaiah was doing his best to be proper as he blushed and looked away, looking very uncomfortable.

But the most interesting reaction was Shirone's as she jumped around excitedly.

"Nii-sama became my real Nii-sama!" The little white kitten happily cried out.

"Nyes!" Kuroka confirmed as her tail wrapped itself around my waist.

"*Chuckle* Indeed. A naughty kitty snuck around last night when we were having a… private get together and she ended up joining us." I supported as I enjoyed the bashful reaction of those who knew the naughtier details of my harem lifestyle.

"No take backs!" Kuroka declared as she possessively hugged me. "You took me in so now you're stuck with me!"

"I wouldn't dream of getting rid of our wayward black cat." I huskily replied in her twitching cat ear, causing her to blush heatedly. "We all enjoyed… petting her after all."

"Nyah~!" The neko couldn't control herself and straddled me with a look of clear desire before aggressively locking lips.

The poor kids were scandalized as most felt far too awkward staying now. Even little Shirone couldn't take the sight of her big sister essentially acting on her lust and was forcibly taken away by a swiftly escaping Rias.

The poor girl is rather innocent when it comes to these types of things, even with her slowly growing exhibitionist streak.

"Looks like my kitty didn't get enough attention." I almost growled, knowing very well the turn-ons for youkai like Kuroka.

She purred in excitement before the two of us vanished from that room for some fun.

-A few days later

"I do believe the boy would benefit quite a lot from your assistance my Lord. And his loyalty would be nearly assured should his mother be treated." Diehauser Belial said to our group of Rating Game monsters.

Together with Roygun Belphegor, Ruval Phenex, Torfinn Belam and Melist Pheles, these five have grown to be the unshakable apex of the Games played in the underworld.

Roygun held the support of many Extra Houses thanks to clever alliances and manipulations. The girl was still a Shotacon and a bit careless at times, but she had grown into a strong and proud leader amongst 'second-class nobles', allowing her to form a political block around herself and her peerage.

With the help of Melist Pheles, the ancient Mephisto's niece and current heir thanks to her achievements in the Games, magical fields and relations with the dragons under the Blaze Meteor Dragon, both women have made a third force in the Underworld's political scene.

Melist shares many traits from her uncle, her hair and eyes both being heterochromatic like him. Her shoulder length hair being a burnt orange which slowly shifts to emerald green and her eyes being of both as well. Uncommonly petite in stature and development, but her cute kuudere face makes her attractive in her own way, especially with her favorite witch outfits.

Mephisto has actually been quite boastful about his niece's abilities and character, feeling rather relieved to seemingly having found a wonderful heir after so long. Being a first generation devil, he has been a strong figure for a long time even if not in the sense of pure power, nobody looks down on the depths of his magical knowledge, so hearing his announcement that he has begun grooming his many times great niece (shortened to niece), well it shocked many people.

Her achievements as one of the top 5 Rating Games combatants, someone rumored to have reached Satan-class and published works, silenced many voices as Mephisto believes her abilities will always prove his choice.

The old devil knows about her being part of this group, but lets her do as she wishes and cares little for the matter thanks to his beliefs in letting her find her own course.

On the other side of our group stands the forces within the remaining Pillar Houses, who formed a proper 'moderate' faction under Diehauser, with Ruval and Thorfinn as his support. They are actually even more radical than Sirzechs faction, but smarter and more aggressive about it, fighting to help rebuild past houses through remaining 'impure' descendants, focusing of the ressources available in the Underworld more for development instead of focusing so much on the Human world and other factions, as well as breaking down the 'laws and traditions' which are slowly allowing devils to die off.

This is what I mean by moderate.

Sirzechs focuses too much on 'everyone's' good as well as assimilation of reincarnated devils and half-bloods, but forgets to properly develop the Underworld as he looks to others.

Zekram Bael and his ilk look too much at the Underworld and those they consider 'True Devils', slowly allowing them all to die due to their lack of flexibility and their desperation to hold whatever power they can.

Thorfinn Balam, as the Half-Blood son of the old Balam Lord and a Valkyrie he somehow managed to seduce, became a symbol for half-bloods thanks to his strength and character. He's not the sharpest member of the group, but his valor is unquestionable.

Although not in the line of succession, he is still one of the two strongest in his House along the current Lord Balam, with a good relationship with his half-brother.

His standing in the Rating Games has caused some troubles, but also good. Many half-bloods came to Balam lands or into the Underworld's military thanks to it essentially being run by the House.

Thorfinn actually doesn't look much like a Balam due to his mother. His skin doesn't resemble the stony exterior of his family, but by trading in some durability he gained much strength, speed and dexterity, quickly rising as Master hammer wielder. He is tanned, blue eyed, but bald, with a very muscular body and usually found wearing his preferred Nordic armor.

Ruval on the other hand, he helps bring support from the less decisive nobles who hadn't picked a side between Sirzechs and Zekram.

His flawless pedigree, strength, charm and vast ressources help keep everything connected.

A good number of Houses have found themselves joining this coalition which is starting to truly encompass all devils thanks to him. Finding ideals of recuperation, development and true unity to be appealing beside someone they see as powerful but soft and another who is crippled but ruthless.

And as the sturdiest pillar stands the Champion. Diehauser Belial.

Thanks to Azaroth support and training, he actually surpasses Falbium in terms of power, lacking understanding in things like [Nothing] or [Erasure] to begin taking the next step.

Although modest in lands and wealth, Diehauser's prestige alone holds much sway in the Underworld. His care for all devils alongside his inspirational story allows for a certain type of charisma, but his stoicism and decisiveness build on that to form a leading figure.

And thanks to him and the support of the four others, he leads the third political faction in the Underworld. Arguably the most flexible and productive as well.

With their help, alongside my vassal houses, the Underworld has actually been showing signs of recovery. The rising of the new generation was evidence enough.

So many young devils born in the last two decades alone is quite the pleasant news really. I mean, in over five hundred years House Phenex barely had two sons, but now a son and daughter appeared less than a decade apart. That was quite the news.

So the members of our group thought that with most of the new generation currently building their peerages, it was time to discuss how we would proceed in regards to them.

Many new heirs with great potential, born in times of relative peace, growing recovery, and an increase in inter-pantheon interactions all in the same generation.

Their beliefs will shape the Underworld in the future.

Luckily for me, I have influence among a good number of them.

"Yes, but it essentially sounds like we would be holding his mother hostage. I won't allow such act against the boy." Roygun firmly replied as her tastes were likely influencing things here.

"We won't. The boy is already facing a lot of hardship due to not inheriting the [Power of Destruction], but now he's also losing his pillar. It is our duty to help him, regardless of what that cunt, Zekram, thinks." Thorfinn grunted in distaste at the old devil.

"We would certainly gain much greater loyalty from simply helping those two." Ruval agreed. "But problems remain regarding the aftermath of such an act."

"Can we use House Vapula?" Melist plainly asked.

"They have little care for Misla and she has been reported as far too accepting to bring conflict between the two houses." Diehauser informed with a frown at this behavior.

We all understood a mother not wanting to pass on hatred to her son, but her actions have caused the boy a great deal of harm already.

"That the two have been moved away from castle Bael is an ideal opportunity for us however." Ruval said with a thoughtful look.

"The kid is a fighter." Thorfinn declared with no doubt. "I've seen him train, but he needs guidance to reach further."

"I have been attempting to help him in this." Diehauser calmly revealed.

"The Bael boy lacks talents in magic and the [Power of Destruction], but from my readings holds the Vapula Lion taming traits." Mislet added with little care. "Our Lord should have ideas. Especially since he sees more than us."

The five looked at me expectantly after that.

They already decided that young Sairaorg Bael would be helped, but needed an approach.

"The kid has an uncommon affinity towards Touki, something which would go a long way with his work ethic and drive. As for his innate talent, well there's a very particular lion which could be of tremendous help to him." I said to the group with a knowing smile.

"Touki would be a good weapon for him. Its ability to counter magic, the most common weapon devils use in combat, would be useful." Diahauser acknowledged but then looked at me again. "But what of this Lion? How could it help?"

"Regulus Nemea." I simply answered.

"A Longinus!?" Thorfinn cried out in shock.

"Is that possible?" Melist asked as she began thinking of the possibility.

"Are you certain my Lord? Even though he doesn't hold the [Power of Destruction], Sairaorg is still a purebred devil." Ruval questioned with some worry.

"The kid would be an ideal wielder for the Lion." I assured calmly.

"Then… are we to support him? Young Sona already shows great potential, so does the Grimory heiress even if lazier, this would give us another strong supporter in future and even hamstring the old devils near completely should he truly succeed the Bael name." Diehauser asked with clear desire to act.

"In a subtle manner. If those old fools learn of our support then they may actually decide to harm him directly." I answered, gaining nods of understanding. "Some 'lucky' encounters with him, build up some relations with him and guide him gently. Use your peerage members as well."

"What about you my Lord?" Ruval asked.

"I will go and heal Misla and arrange protections for her and the boy." I answered. "No need for him to suffer through his only true family member's Sleeping Disease."

"Can I come my lord? I really want to cheer him up." Roygun pleased with big eyes.

"If you wish." I casually allowed. "I am sure Misla would appreciate a friend as well, if you aren't too occupied with your desires when there."

"Hehehe~ A new shota." Roygun muttered with some drool escaping her mouth while she immediately imagined various things.

"*Sigh* Please make sure she doesn't traumatize the young man my lord." Ruval said with exasperation.

"No promises." I replied.

"I feel I should create some pervert repelling defenses." Mislet said quietly as she judged her female colleague.

"Hey! I'm not a pervert! I am a protector of Shotas!" Roygun countered passionately with a nosebleed.

""""Pervert."""" The other four mercilessly replied.

"Well, ignoring our resident child molester," I said, receiving a cry of denial from a certain horned female. "anything else?"

"I think we may be able to steal House Agares from Bael's corner." Ruval revealed, causing the other members to look rather shocked.

House Agares has been a powerful supporter of Bael ever since they began the rebellion against the Old Satans. They hold great sway amongst more conservative devils and a significant position under Serafall as skilled negotiators and ambassadors.

The prestige they hold for their role in the hunt and capture of criminals and stray devils should also be mentioned.

"How would you swing that Ruval?" Throfinn asked, looking a mildly disbelieving.

"I have recently received some news regarding a particular hobby the current Lord Agares and his heir have found great interest in." Ruval informed us as it suddenly clicked.

"Hahaha! So that's your angle! I forgot about that particular point." I cheerfully laughed as that particular bit of information was remembered.

"What angle my Lord?" Mislet asked out of pure curiosity regarding how a hobby could help them.

"*Ahem* Both Agares seem to share a great passion towards Mecha anime." The Phenex heir informed everyone.

"Mecha…anime?" Thorfinn questioned.

"Yes." Ruval simply confirmed.

"And I would assume this is relevant because of our Lord's technological advances." Diehauser said with a raised eyebrow.

"Exactly. I have heard of Lord Agares' great passion for the Real Steal league and the new Guardian Knights deployed to protect the Neutral Grounds while accompanying father to various functions." Ruval confirmed with a nod.

"Aren't those the large combat suits?" Roygun asked the group.

"Yes. I've heard they each show performances in the Ultimate-class. Impressive feats of magi-mechanical engineering." Mislet answered. "My uncle showed quite a bit of interest in such weapons."

"Well, they aren't cheep to make, but we have our own mech nerds in my research departments. They also require quite a bit of training to pilot." I said, earning a nod from the Pheles heir.

"And I'm sure it would be a tremendous boon to allow them to pilot or maybe even own one." Diehauser thoughtfully said.

"That was the idea." Ruval responded with a nod.

"This can't be direct. Zekram is already far too wound up when it comes to anything relating to me, so if anything we can have your family purchase one Guardian. The Phenex have so much money that purchasing some power using it wouldn't be out of line and from there you can work on bringing the Agares to our side." I said to the Phenex Heir.

"I completely understand my Lord." Ruval smoothly replied with a bow.

"Anything else?" Diehauser asked the group.

"I've heard some distasteful rumors regarding the Astaroth and Glasya-Labolas heirs. The prior worst than the latter." Ruval answered with a frown as he remembered some of the information.

"Zephydor is simply a pampered heir with too much self-esteem." Scoffed Thorfinn as he disliked blowhards with nothing to back up their words or work ethic.

"Diodora on the other hand is suspicious. The death of the previous heir and his growing peerage are both points of interest." Melist added.

"Diodora collaborated with some unsavory elements to murder the old heir." I revealed with little care.

They might be related to Ajuka, but my friend never cared much for his family and they've grown rather arrogant due to his position as a Satan.

The revelation did make the group serious.

Although all devils, they respect birthrights and murdering your kin is looked down upon, especially when procreating is already difficult.

"Any proof my lord?" Ruval asked carefully.

"Some, but I am more worried about his nun fetish. Jeanne has been very vocal about her desire to… talk to the boy." I answered with some memories of myself having to distract my lovely ex-Saint. "His actions risk the tenuous peace."

"Nun fetish?" Melist questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"He's repeatedly tried to have possible saintesses and holy women excommunicated through trickery or seduction, then make them his peerage members." I answered as I remembered his only true success. "He is not kind to them, but due to our interference he's had to make due with others."

"What a little shit." Spat out Thorfinn.

"He does sound unsavory." Roygun agreed.

"What do you mean by 'unsavory elements' my lord?" Diehauser asked seriously.

"Some Old Satan members, rogues of various factions, and even groups crying for attention like the one in Japan." I casually told him.

"You mean to say the brat is a traitor on top of everything?" Thorfinn asked as his eyes narrowed.

"Easily controlled bait really. Just like Zekram." I replied with a smirk, something the five mimicked as they knew very well of my manipulations of the 'Great King'.

"But I would still prefer to help those poor girls. I might not be a lover of Loli, but letting him corrupt innocent ones doesn't sit well with me." Roygun said with a frown.

"There's only so much we can do to limit the darker impulses born from our race. Many others do far worst, and it will be addressed in time, but for now the boy is on track to be useful to bait out those who would strive towards destruction and chaos." I tried to reassure the female devil.

Devils are still innately 'sinful' and there's only so much to be done to limit this. The new generation focused their sins into productive desires or largely harmless pursuits like Rias being a Japanophile, Sera's desire for a large number of 'sisters' to sate her lustful nature and Jeanne focusing on taking down bastards to channel her wrath, but sometimes people will choose darker paths.

"Doesn't mean I have to like it." Roygun replied with a scowl. "But at least it'll only take a few more years before all our work starts paying off."

"And by that time, we will be ready to truly help the Underworld flourish." Diehauser finished as he looked steady and proud.

"To help us along this path, I want you all to look for opportunities to get close and help Latia Astaroth and Iryuka Glasya-Labolas. Once those two… less than ideal Heirs lose their positions, these two young women will become the ideal replacements thanks to their potentials and characters. Bringing them to our side will be a great boon." I instructed the group.

"Haha! It looks like the next generation is going to have a lot more girl power!" Roygun cheered.

"I will look into them. Maybe as apprentices." Melist informed everyone.

"No fair Mel~. Let me have one." The Belphegor head complained with a pout.

"We shall see what they chose." The Pheles heir coldly replied. "If that is all my Lord, I shall take my leave. I have a few classes to teach."

"Of course. Thank you for coming today." I replied politely before she signed off.

"Mou~. Cold Mel." Pouted Roygun. "Oh well. I'll go check on the kids I already have. Hehe~ So many shotas."

"*Sigh* That woman." Diehauser murmured.

"You're the one who likes her." Thorfinn grunted with a little smirk.

"Speaking of which, when shall we hear the good news?" Ruval joined in the teasing.

"Only after our work is done." Diehauser answered with a look of determination.

"Hope it goes well." I encouraged the man. "But you do know that you might have to be…flexible due to her tastes right?"

"I am well aware." He firmly answered.

"Then I await the day." Ruval said before doing a quick bow. "Gentlemen. My Lord."

"I'll go too. Wanna see how that Bael kid could hold up." Thorfinn followed up as they both signed off.

"Until next time." I casually told them.

"Good day my Lord. Cleria and Claire await my arrival for dinner." Diehauser said as everyone left.

'Only a few more years before the new generation brings changes that shall rattle the world.' I thought as I looked out through [Space/Time]. 'I can't wait.'

With everything underway in the Underworld, I began paying a bit more attention to the situation in Japan.

It was more a situation for Azazel due to having him take the kids who awakened their Sacred Gears under his wing, but with it being Japan and hence Yasaka's territory as the biggest on-site faction (suck it Principal Clans), I made sure to keep a close eye.

Said close eye was Kuroka.

Her departure was slightly delayed due to having to… work through her heat, but she was going to be my presence there. As the one who governs Nagasaki and Yasaka's mate, it's the least I could do, plus it serves as a good way for her to gain experience and make some friends closer to her age.

My peerage and harem are very welcoming, but the age gaps can make things a bit difficult when it comes to understanding or connecting.

And there's the fact that she loves to tease Vali.

The only minor issues so far were my latest lover's desire to be with or near me at all times and that Canis Lykaon, or Jin, is shaped like a small dog and doesn't exactly get along with my cat girl.

Beyond that, the Utsusemi Agency thing is being handled with relative ease.

The fact that all those weaklings think they could actually get away with any of this was just humorous. I'll need to go subjugate the self-important idiots calling themselves Wizards of Oz later though.

If they think being in the Dimensional Gap means they can just fuck with things and get away with it, then they are sorely mistaken.

But at least the Khaos Brigade is slowly forming in the background.

I've been waiting far too long for them not to. Moving pieces and assuring distasteful elements gather behind a strong 'leader'.

Ophis finds them really boring and stupid, but she's still doing rather well in her role as a double agent figure head. The loli doesn't need her 'silence' unless she wants to sleep, but I already give her that, and instead learnt to enjoy the 'music' which life presents for everyone who can hear it. As such, she doesn't have much of a desire to go back 'home', especially when sweets are here and so are her 'worshippers/friends', only carrying some lingering need to payback Great Red for kicking her out.

So with her, the Old Satans, some plants Mislet managed with 'rogue' magicians, vampires who 'escaped' Evangeline and Moka's hostile take over, and a few others, I will be aware of quite a few movements from the future terrorists.

Meanwhile I can make sure the growing generation prepares to meet this turning point.

I can't hog all the fun after all.



So, it's been a while.

I've kind of been feeling my Mass Effect Fanfic more lately, making harder to come up for things here. The length of my usual chapters also was kind of daunting, so they might've shorter to make me feel like it's less draining.

Beyond my little struggles on that, I've been kind of busy in real life too, exams, work, life and all that.

That leads to this little chapter.

A small bit of reaction from the younger ladies of DxD and Lith's actions for the Underworld itself.

Just because he's powerful and has his own planet, doesn't mean he'll just forget about the Underworld and isn't laying plans down for it.

The new generation: Riser, Ravel, Rias, Sona, Sairaorg, Seekvaira, Vali, and many others are individuals with great potential, are all important to basically have people who follow his ideologies later take over the Underworld from their predecessors. That way no one really thinks about Lith due to all of them.

Imma try to get closer to DxD canon itself soon. Slash/dog stuff is just way below Lith at this point and it was more to have him involved more.

Anyway, enjoy.

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

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