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Ch. 64 A Young Sea Serpent


Sorry about the wait, I've been trying to figure out how to handle everything 'canon' that's supposed to be happening soon while handling a bunch of assignments, so I essentially took a little break during my March Break. I'll try not to do that again.

Anyway, you know the drill by now, if you guys want to support me and are even awesome enough to pass 1$ over, can you please check out either my Patreón or Ko-fi:




Thanks a lot to all those who've already supported me. You guys are great.


The work on Lilith was quite difficult when one wanted to avoid 'resetting' her.

Even with the work of extremely powerful, intelligent and talented beings such as myself, Da Vinci, Medea and my more intellectual peerage members and allies, it was a daunting task to bring her back from a state far worse than simple death.

Death was easy to circumvent as long as the soul hadn't reincarnated yet, even if it messes with things a bit, I can fix that. What Lilith was can only be called the closest possible thing to true death. Nearly gone mind, crumbling body from its very foundations and a severely damaged soul. If any of those gave out, it would simply game over as she would experience the 'end' of all devils a moment later.

Hence why the 'Awakening' project was to be a rather long term one. I wasn't particularly enthusiastic about having one of the original beings of the Christian pantheon around again, so this suited me fine.

It was a rather weird feeling. I knew she was the closest thing to a parent I had in this universe, but we didn't have any sort of relation beyond a karmic one, which I was evening. I just can't help worrying that I'm bringing back some kind of mad bitch who wants to destroy the world, like that doesn't happen enough already in this stupid reality, or that she'll be a completely broken husk of a person who was betrayed, used, manipulated and then thrown aside.

Honestly, I can't even say which one I disliked more nor why this affected me so much.

And as much as I liked having full control of things, I would simply prepare for whatever may happen.

At least I had plenty of other things in my life to keep me focused.

My two lovely youngest daughters were wonderful.

Jack somehow became the equivalent of the 'imaginary friend' on Azarath as she managed to gain near omniscience when it comes to children somehow. This ability of her's allowed my second daughter to 'play' with those in need of a 'friend'. As a result, her worship has started to grow rather well on the planet as she does not discriminate, especially when the children who's births she witnesses result in it and the mother being blessed.

My lovely light, Mariel, has Heaven wrapped around her fingers and doesn't even know, which is always funny.

You think Michael and the other Seraphs are protective of Gabriel? Then try to imagine it being even worse.

Our wonderful daughter is an Angel to all angels, as if the very world protects her due to her kindness and purity. But that's not all, she managed to unconsciously usurp some of God's system and Heaven, giving her the ability to actually pardon fallen angels, something even myself and Gabriel have not figured out how to do even if I've manage to reduce the risks of falling in the first place.

Those she pardoned were basically enlightened and become staunch protectors of Mariel as they believe her to be God's truest successor and purest creation, desiring to ensure her safety, innocence and happiness.

I was genuinely impressed that Mariel was effortlessly conquering Heaven through the power of kindness and friendship, it was great to see. It was a good thing that I made sure she wasn't a ditzy idiot nor useless in a fight even if she mainly employed capturing tactics.

Loving and borderline spoiling aside, I was not a damn fool.

Everyone single one of my children would be able to stomp powerful gods into the ground after their training was over. It just depends on their personalities and talents for the how. Jack retained much of her knife skills and magical abilities, hence a more stealth and agility based fighter, while Mariel was more of a sealing, defensive and gentle combatant as she mastered my forms of Jiujutsu and Aiki for close combat and found many ways to take advantage of her [Light].

Outside my two daughters, my newest wife was enjoying spreading kindness and warmth everywhere she could on Azarath. I was pretty sure Gabriel might end up developing a divinity in medicine and hearth with everything she's been doing to give people proper homes and the building of new hospitals for the poor.

The so-called 'Silver Age' by Azaratheans was going very well too. The name coming because when myself and my chosen last 'walked amongst mortals', it was named the Golden Age, followed by the Age of Mortals after we let them be.

People were mostly happy to have gods walk among them, especially since we did not take control of things or rampaged about, simply roaming the world to spread our knowledge and skills to those we looked upon favorably. Even Milim had her own Arena of Destruction, Moka an order of Assassins named the League of Shadows, Jeanne founded an Inquisitorial Order and Tamamo somehow has something called The Gathering of Jesters to spread a bit of mischief and good cheer. I simply offered some advice to rulers and made sure that nothing was messing with things they shouldn't.

There were some who were anti-gods, believing that the world now belonged to the races who 'rule' it, but that wasn't much of a threat to any of us due to the simple fact that we have genuinely done a good job and do not forcefully keep control of Azarath or its inhabitants.

In fact, the recent ascension of our chosen has made many even start to seek godhood.

The Qunari gained the Draconic God of Battle, Feasts and strength, Hissrath, and the Draconic Goddess of Leadership, Magic and Wisdom, Adaath. Both gained true dragon forms as deities, hence the titles, which Milim and Tiamat now also share.

The Asari now had Samaral, Matriarchal Goddess of Champions, Combat and Justice, with T'Sonal, Matriarchal Goddess of Records, Science and Logic.

And lastly, Weiss, Beastly Goddess of Discipline, Felines and North, and Ruby, the Beastly Goddess of Rebirth, Birds and Cookies. They were called Beastly Goddesses for the simple fact that they also awakened full transformations into godly beasts they shared parts of before ascending, meaning a Byakko and Phoenix. Tamamo and Yasaka were also included as Beastly Goddesses thanks to their own origins as Kyuubi.

These six would go around to help future chosen hopefully gain their own divinities and help make sure no one goes too far in the hunt for it.

Of course, smaller scale things were still happening, in fact I gained my second Bishop.

-Flashback to Azaroth Castle, Lith's Office, Summer of '69.

"Hubby! I want you, Da Vinci-chan and Flo-chan to come with me!" One Serafall shouted as she slammed my office door open with rather serious eyes.

"What's wrong? Did someone get hurt?" I asked with some worry that somehow one of the kids had gotten hurt.

"Yes and no. There's this girl who needs help, but I can't think of anyone else being able to do anything." My wife answered with a displeased pout.

"Is it urgent?" I questioned as stood up to join her.

"Not really," Sera answered slowly, "but I can't stand seeing her like she is now. She should be running around, making friends and finding her own happiness, not… asleep forever."

"Wait, she has the Sleeping Disease?" I asked as I realized that what I had been waiting for should have finally happened.

"Mmhmm." My adorable wife replied with a saddened nod. "It's a pretty sensitive matter because of who the patient is, but yes, some nobles dropped off a girl who's already under the final phase of the Sleeping Disease to the hospital I built in my parents' lands, asking to cure her.

My dad tried telling them that Azaroth would be a better option, but they sneered at him when he said it before they just dumped the poor girl and left.

If I knew who they were I would have frozen their junk off for treating an innocent girl like that!"

"Who is this girl?" I asked as I took out some snacks to help calm my rather fired up wife as she angrily plotted against those who did something so callous towards a girl already suffering.

"Well, she's a Leviathan, a half-blood one anyway. You could tell by the way they reacted to you and how they treated her. Her name is Ingvild from what we were told." Serafall informed me as she confirms my own reports on the matter. "Some old families are helping keep quiet about this, but they also helped those old Satan supporters get in and out which I don't like."

"Then let's go take a look. It's the first time I get to see it first hand, but I'm sure that we can figure something out. As for those borderline traitors, we'll figure something out later. I will be bringing Eresh and Medea along however." I told her as I sent a summon to the ladies who will be assisting me.

"Ere-chan and Med-chan?" Questioned Serafall with a little head tilt.

"I have some theories on the Sleeping disease that I think they can help me confirm." I answered which got me a nod since Sera would obviously be more than on board with more help.

It didn't take long for the magical, medical and spiritual experts of Azaroth to gather and for a little round of explanation to be given before we were all on our way to the Serafall Leviathan Memorial Hospital.

We simply sent a notice about our impending arrival and gave everyone there enough time to properly organize things. We all had to keep up appearances after all.

This was why, when we all teleported over, the Lord and Lady Sitri, alongside some more important members of the hospital, were waiting for us.

Both Lord and Lady Sitri hadn't visibly aged over the centuries like most devils, but they had at least adapted to the times and advances. Both were wearing white labcoats and clothing which allowed for them to easily move while also being stylish and displaying a certain status. The Lord however, had cut his black hair and styled it neatly while having grown a well groomed mustache he is quite proud of, while the Lady has a hairstyle a bit similar to the still unborn Sona but longer.

"Lord Azaroth, it's been some time." My father-in-law stiffly greeted as we shook hands in front of the welcoming staff.

He still hasn't been exactly pleased with me for 'taking his daughter from him' on top of the harem I currently had. Usually his wife stops him from acting like a frenzied beast, hence why she was keeping a very close eye on him from right behind as we went through all the noble formalities.

"That it has Lord Sitri. I hope you and Lady Sitri are both still in fantastic health." I responded politely as I always did my best to not antagonize the man, but I had to quietly add, "And that all your… efforts are reward soon."

That made the man blush as he began coughing.

"Ara~ ara~ Thank you for your concerns Lord Azaroth. We certainly will continue making a lot of… efforts to achieve our objectives." My mother-in-law replied on the couple's behalf as she liked her lips with a predatory look towards her husband before calming herself and going back to looking as a proper noble lady and doctor.

Many devils working under Sitri and Azaroth have proper doctorates they essentially update every few decades since human medicine began developing properly. It allows everyone to have access to possible treatments we might not have thought of before or give us inspiration while permitting us to work in the Human world while having a proper paper trail. Lord and Lady Sitri were no exceptions.

"Haha! That's good then!" I cheerfully exclaimed as Sera gave her mother a thumbs up.

My wife wants a little sibling to spoil without having to be responsible. She certainly spoiled all of the kids, those from my other harem members included, but she knows how to be responsible since we don't want spoiled princesses and young masters in my household. With a little sibling though, all that is going to be on her parents, so she gets to go wild on the spoiling and doesn't have to be responsible unless it gets too out of hand.

Essentially, she is somehow already prepped to be a sis/bro-con.

"*Cough* * Cough* Ahem! Well then, follow me to the patient." Lord Sitri finally said as he recovered from my little sneak attack.

With a chuckle, my little group followed my in-laws as the other doctors were dismissed. They were only here for the welcoming and the matters of having an old Satan descendant was a sensitive one, so most didn't actually know the details of this new patient. They only knew that it was a personal patient their Lord and Lady, alongside Satan Leviathan, cared for.

As we walked, Florence, who had come a long way after half a century, greeted many doctors and nurses she's worked with in the past.

Her studies had led her to spend a lot of time in many different hospitals as she climbed the ranks and improved her abilities and knowledge at an unsurpassed rate. As a result, she knew people in pretty much every healing center in all realms.

Eresh and Medea were calmly talking with Lady Sitri, while Da Vinci was asking questions from the Lord as Sera and I just walked arm in arm.

"Lord Lith, this patient, what are your thoughts on the treatment?" Florence suddenly asked as we walked.

In her time with us, she has learnt many things, including a great amount of respect for myself and those around me, except maybe Milim whom she sometimes spanks somehow, and knows that I don't jump into situations without at least some plan. So I'm guessing that's why she asks. The Sleeping Disease has been said to be incurable after all, and that is just a challenge to Florence Nightingale. One she wishes to see if I've already overcome.

"You already have a hint present as to my theories on the ailment troubling the patient my dear Nightingale. Show me what you can deduce from this." I challenged her with a confident grin.

Florence is very competitive and that combined with her feeling regarding health and medicine makes this little challenge one she immediately puts her focus on as she inwardly reviews everything which has happened and been said since we all gathered.

It took her less than a minute for her crimson eyes to light up.

"You believe this to be a spiritual issue." Nightingale announced.

"Spiritual issue?" Lady Sitri questioned as the Lord quietly listened.

"This is the only conclusion I can come to from the known cases of the sleeping disease and due to those present today." Florence answered as she looked at me for confirmation.

"That is my current belief." I told her with a nod.

"What does this mean Lord Azaroth?" My mother-in-law curiously asked.

"Florence, show your work please." I answered since I already had someone who should be able to explain adequately.

"Of course. You see, Lord Lith has likely read more documents on medicine than most alive and as a result knows about this rare disease and the efforts to cure it. This means that he knows that no magical or physical approach has ever done more than delay the disease itself. Then one adds observation notes and whatever available data from past patients, one can make many assumptions and create theories to explain why nothing has ever worked.

From all of this, Lord Lith has deduced that since the efforts of healers across millennia have made no headway using medicinal and magical approaches, it means the problem lay's outside of just the body and in realms few practice and understand. Then we combine this with the presence of Lady Ereshkigal and Medea, and we can assume that the prevailing theory would be that the Sleeping Disease is caused by some issues with the soul of a Devil, between it and the body." My most recent pawn explained step by step.

"That's about right. Plus I've already looked through many possible treatments using my [Time], but I wanted to give everyone some experience with this 'Disease'. It is a rather infrequent problem and could lead to some inspiration later." I said to everyone, causing the Sitri trio to feel rather relieved and my peerage members to be looking forward to whatever data they can glean from our patient.

A few minutes of walking later, we reached the out of the way and quiet area which housed our patient for the day.

Ingvild had been placed here so that many security measures could be put in place to guarantee the safety of the patient. Many were still very angry towards the Old Satans and an equally large number would very much like to use the girls to breed more Leviathan members even if the girl is essentially comatose and a half-blood, so precautions must be put in place.

The room itself was simple, with a hospital bed surrounded by many life monitoring and supporting devices to make sure nothing changed and the girl's body could receive all the nutrition it needed.

As for Ingvild Leviathan herself, well the 'sleeping' girl was quite the cute one. Younger than I had thought, but then I just realized that instead of halting her aging, the sleeping disease slowed it tremendously, so instead of looking 17 the girl looks 14-15. With her long purple hair resting around her slowly blooming beauty, the eyes I knew were orange hid behind her closed eyelids, her soft and untrained body was covered by the white hospital gown and sheet.

"Oh. So that's what happens to a Devil with Sleeping disease. No wonder none of them ever figured it out." Eresh commented soon after we entered, making most look at her.

The Sitri couple in shock while my remaining ladies turned back to the patient to figure it out on their own.

"Can you fix whatever's wrong with her Ere-chan?" Sera asked with her big blue eyes.

"Of course Sera-chan!" My goddess of the afterlife proudly answered with her nose pointing upwards, chest, that had grown a good amount after giving birth, puffed out and hands on her hips. "But Lith already knows the best way, so just wait until those three are done."

The two doctors were quite relieved, even more so than before since her words confirmed the 'possibility' discussed on the way here.

"That's great." Serafall quietly said with a gentle smile towards the purple haired girl.

"But Lith, you see it too right?" Ereshkigal then asked, drawing the attention the the Sitris.

"See what?" Lord Sitri asked with caution.

Eresh simply looked at me to know if she should answer or not.

"Something to make up for her suffering and the tool which will awaken her." I vaguely answered, causing Eresh to giggle a bit and Sera to pout.

My in-laws were rather curious, but they held it in as they saw no traces of worry on either of us. Plus they knew purposeful vagueness when they heard it.

So while the trio of ladies in front of me analyzed Ingvild, the rest of us decided to catch up and have some talks since we are all technically family, even if the Lord Sitri wasn't thrilled about one of my harem members being in front of him. He's still an overprotective father even though I'm not the one who constantly brings more women into the fold.

"Yo~ Lith~ I'm done." Da Vinci brightly announced as she came to us.

"How was it?" I asked with an amused smile.

"Pretty good. An interesting phenomenon that will help tweak our astral realm gear. Quite the powerful sacred gear she's got too. Goes very well with her bloodline." Da Vinci revealed as she went over the data pad projected in front of her.

"Sacred gear! The girl has one?" A surprised Lord Sitri gasped.

"Yup~! Makes things a lot easier too." The polymath replied with a confident smile.

"Why is that Lady Da Vinci?" The Lady Sitri asked, causing my Bishop to pout a bit, but she was unable to answer due to my other two companions coming forward.

"Because the so-called 'Sleeping Disease' is a misnomer. The girl is not asleep but suffers from her body and soul no longer being properly synchronized." Medea calmly answered with her smooth voice.

"And thanks to Sacred Gears being links between the souls housing them and the wielder's physical body, we can easily form a bridge between the two by properly activating it." Florence finished as she too approached us while giving her 'treatment course'.

"T-that's it?" Lord Sitri asked with wide eyes.

"But how do we awaken her gear while she is comatose? Such a thing usually requires a strong emotional stimulus." The Lady pointed out.

"Lith." Da Vinci simply said as she likely guessed my decision already, causing all eyes to turn to me.

"Simple. I use this." I reply as I took out my Bishop piece which has changed from the deep black and purple veins to looking like the night sky with pulsing veins of green time.

This happened after I allowed others to know I had achieved success in [Time].

"You wish to make her a member of your peerage Lord Azaroth?!" The shocked Lady asked as her husband's expression hardened.

"I do, but for now this is simply the easiest solution. If she later decides that she does not desire such a thing then she will be freed." I responded seriously. "Beside, it is for the best that the girl comes under my wing for now. Too many would be interested in her once they learn of a descendent of Leviathan holding a powerful Sacred Gear and her family's power had appeared and was a young girl."

The looks of distaste at the predictable actions of other devils should they learn of Ingvild was all I needed to confirm that they understood my point.

So with a nod, they allowed me to approach the girl.

"Why can't I do it?" Complained Sera suddenly as she pouted.

"Now now Sera-chan. It wouldn't look good if the Satan Leviathan had an actual Leviathan in her peerage." Da Vinci said to her with a friendly hug.

"Imagine the unrest it would cause with all those old geezers." Medea added with disgust.

"How wonderful it would be to exorcise those malignant diseases." Florence wistfully said with a far away look as she made a few shiver.

I couldn't stop my little chuckle at Florence's words while I approached the sleeping girl.

Looking down at her, I couldn't help but think about the ramifications of my actions, but ultimately this was for the best. The girl deserved to awaken sooner and live a good life while Issei can deal with not having his 'Queen'. I was more than strong enough to deal with the coming troubles anyway.

So I placed my Bishop on her slowly rising and falling chest, then let it do its thing.

Keeping a close eye on her soul as the evil piece made its way into it, causing the changes needed to transform her into a full Devil and stimulating both it and her Sacred itself, bridging everything together.

As a result of the ongoing changes, the girl was emitting a decent amount of power, especially for her age and lack of training, likely to mostly be due to her Sacred Gear. It was a good thing Medea and I had already sealed the room to conceal everything.

It took about 10 minutes for the situation to calm down as the girl's body and soul were brought back together thanks to the new links between the the two, causing the devices monitoring her brain activity to pick up considerably.

"I shall wait for the girl to awaken. She deserves an explanation coming directly from me." I declared as I took a seat on a nearby chair.

"I'm staying!" Serafall declared as she quickly took her place on my lap.

"Don't you have some work to do love?" I asked with an amused look as she wrapped her arms around my neck and hummed happily.

"Don't you?" She asked back with a naughty little smile.

"Touché." I answered with a chuckle as I hugged my cute wife and enjoyed some cuddling.

"Lord and Lady Sitri, while I am here I would request permission to see current patients." Nightingale immediately requested.

"Of course Lady Nightingale." Lady Sitri replied as she left with my pawn in one arm and dragging away her husband with her other hand as he glared wrathfully at myself cuddling with Sera.

"Fufu~ I am glad to see their relationship is still so go." Da Vinci commented with a happy smile.

"Me too~!" Serafall cheerfully said. "I can't wait to have a cute little one calling me onee-chan!"

"Then should we have our own little one calling you mommy again?" I lovingly whispered as the atmosphere around us turned pink with love.

"I think Kal has plenty of siblings mister," She answered with an eye-roll before becoming playful, "but I won't say no to some… attempts."

"And with that I'll take my leave." Medea declared, bringing our attention to the household witch as Eresh also left with an amused smile and eyes making me silently promise her own alone time later.

"Fufu~ Bye Med-chan and Ere-chan~. Have fun with those students of yours." Serafall cheerfully said.

Meanwhile I just gave the polymath who had been passionately recording my interactions with my wife a raised eyebrow.

"What? The people want to know about their ruler and love any artwork involving you. I'm just taking inspiration for a piece of my work they shall adore!" Da Vinci proudly explained as I facepalmed myself.

I wasn't going to contradict her statement because I had found out about those damn dildos she had made using the data she had on my own member, and the sales numbers on those things. If that sells then I doubt some race-y paintings won't. Honestly, I'm mildly dreading Da Vinci's discovery of manga and then Hentai and Doujinshi.

"Oooh! Make sure to make a copy for me! And make it extra steamy!" Sera demanded with very serious eyes.

"Haha! Of course la mia padrona." Da Vinci replied with a full smile as she playfully bowed before taking her own leave.

"*Sigh* Don't you have enough of those? You even had a painting made to commemorate every full orgies we have after a new member joins in. Last time you almost made Da Vinci join in." I said to my wife as I thought about that forbidden section of the castle where Sera keeps her… memories.

"Humph! You don't understand art." Was my wife's answer as she turned her head and used one of her twin tails to slap me a bit.

"Can you at least not give tours to the maids then?" I asked with as I gently began caressing her legs.

"But they all work so hard for that. Every week the best maid of each department gets to see the newest work or choose a reward, but not once has none picked it. I can't just stop." She passionately replied even as her lust began igniting under my teasing touches.

This is definitely not the weirdest place we've ever done it and it's not like the girl would ever know anyway.

"Maybe I can persuade you a bit." I heatedly spoke to her ear as I took a firm handful of that lovely and shapely ass.

"I shall not yield to your assaults. Prepare for your defeat!" Sera declared as we then began passing the time by fucking.

Unfortunately we couldn't officially declare a winner since I didn't use my [Time] until we felt Ingvild about to awaken 4 hours into it, and that was just to clean ourselves and become presentable while erasing all evidence.

"…Where?" The young girl quietly asked herself with some difficulty as she opened her orange eyes for the first time in a long time.

"Ingvild-chan? Are you ok?" Serafall softly asked the girl, causing her to be startled and turn towards us from her reclined position.

"W-who are you?" The teenager asked with some nervousness and worry.

"Hi, I am Serafall Leviathan and this is my hubby, Lith Azaroth. It's nice to finally meet you properly." My wife gently introduced us as gave the girl a soothing smile.

"Leviathan?!" Ingvild spoke back but with some fear and hurt evident in her eyes, making the both of us immediately understand that those purist bastards almost certainly harmed her for being a half-blood.

"Kind of. Not like you, I got the name when I became a Satan. I used to be a Sitri. That's actually where you are now, in a Sitri Hospital." Sera explained to the girl as she carefully sat down onto the edge of the bed.

"Does that mean… I'm in the Underworld?" The girl asked out of curiosity.

"Yes. Some of your relatives, or acquaintances of them, dropped you off here. My parents suggested bringing you to my hubby's hospital, but they didn't even want to consider it because he's a half-blood like you." Sera told her with a bit of distaste.

"You're like me?!" The young girl asked with wide eyes as she looked directly into mine.

"Indeed. I'm guessing your relatives didn't like that I was a half-blood, lord, against them in the civil war, married this lovely woman, and keep doing things they probably think are insults to 'proper devils'." I answered her without much care at their dislike of my actions.

The old Satans were a bunch of imbecilic, weak, short sighted and entitled devils who only had sins ruling them. There's nothing with sinning as long as you control the sins and not the other way around. Sins are necessary parts of intelligent life so that there can be a contrast, balance, chaos, enjoyment, whatever you like to believe, but losing yourself in them is simply self-destructive at best and possibly world-ending at worst.

Depends on how strong or intelligent the person is and how far they sink into their sins really.

I found their beliefs and goals utterly moronic and any opinions they had regarding me and mine were essentially farts in the wind.

"Azaroth? Wait, I remember mom talking about that. She said that if I was ever in trouble, and she wasn't with me anymore, I should go to the Einzbern family and ask for Azaroth." Ingvild said aloud as she spoke to herself mostly.

"Well, I guess that makes this next part easier. Do you know what happened to you?" I asked the girl as I pushed to the main topic for today.

"I had the Sleeping Disease. Mom told me about it." She answered with a low voice until she seemed to realize something and looked up. "How am I awake? I thought I was supposed to sleep forever?"

"About that, we awakened your Sacred Gear by stimulating it via my evil piece. By making you my Bishop." I answered carefully. "Of course this is only temporary unless you desire to remain in my peerage, but it was the easiest way to achieve the desired results of waking you. And this allows us to properly protect you from any party who would try to harm or use you."

"You mean, I don't have to go back?" The girl asked hopefully, surprising my wife and I a bit as we shared a look.

"Of course not sweetie. You don't have to go anywhere you don't want to, I promise you." Sera gently said as she took the girl's hands into her own.

"Azaroth handles thousands of Asylum seekers and even houses official descendants of Houses Asmodeus and Beelzebub. We actually have four of them as high ranking members of the Guards. Having a Leviathan join in as my Bishop wouldn't be much of a problem compared to that." I reassured her. "Plus, no one would dare annoy me for this or risk my wrath unless they had either the Dragon God or True Dragon on their side."

"And anyone who thinks they can try to make trouble anyway, they'll hear from me." A fired up Serafall added.

"Thank you." Ingvild said as she sobbed. "Thank you."

Sera couldn't resist wrapping the girl up in a hug once she started crying.

To us it was clear that she had likely been abused by her family, either after her parents died or during but were powerless to do anything about it, or maybe even her Devil parent abused her for being a half-breed.

'She did mention her mother saying to go see the Einzbern if anything went wrong. So there's a good chance she at least wasn't an abuser. I'll look into things later.' I thought as my wife took care of the girl.

It seems the girl was quite relieved by the news of her safety and the fact that she already had an 'in' to Azaroth, causing her to fall back to sleep.

Proper sleep mind you. While suffering from the Sleeping Disease she was more akin to being offline, so this will allow for her physical, mental and spiritual states to better synchronize after the changes they had undergone from her time in illness, her physically maturing, becoming a reincarnated Devil from being a half and awakening her Sacred Gear.

-End Flashback

It was only the next day that we were able to properly talk to the girl and go through many things a person awakening after decades of being 'asleep' should know.

First off, Ingvild was from the city of Bergen in Norway. Her mother was a human magician with some Valkyrie blood in her that was assaulted by a male descendant of the Leviathan line, but she kept the child and raised her with love and care. Later, the exiled Leviathans realized Ingvild's existence and began heavily harassing and threatening herself and her mother, as she slowly succumbed to the Sleeping disease, finally slipping into the final phase of the disease a few years before the turn of the century.

From my own investigation into [Time], I discovered how Ingvild came into Sitri hands.

It would seem Ingvild's mother truly cared for her daughter as she spent the next decades taking very good care of her sleeping body in secret, making sure the Leviathans could not harm her, all until her time on this earth came to an end and she begged the father of the child to at least take her to Azaroth for possible treatment due to herself never been being able to due to Leviathan threats. The father refused, but found Ingvild disgusting, her life only spared by Katerea Leviathan in the faint hope of maybe using her to breed more Leviathans of 'proper stock' in the future, so they sent her here through some 'loyal' nobles. It was just a long shot to see if Ingvild could maybe provide some kind of 'use' in the future.

After discovering this, I also found out that although the piece of shit who would soon inhabit my dungeons and a few experimentation tables hadn't even bothered to bury the mother's body, residents of the town found her body and did so.

So once Ingvild was properly cleared, we took the girl to say her goodbyes to the grave of Elin Svordottir.

And with that, Ingvild Leviathan began living in Castle Azaroth as my provisional Bishop.



So, the new gods don't matter much And that was mostly for me. They are a key point for Azarath's development, but the mentioned divinities are just their most major ones, not their only ones. I just say the top three for everyone to save time since many gods have a lot of minor divinities and some conflicting ones with other gods, so I try to keep it easy with my three divinity rule.

Still not too sure how to make Lilith act, so that's for later.

Lith's two newest daughters are having some fun. I used the idea that Jack could essentially be everyone's imaginary friend from a suggestion and had Mariel 'conquer' Heaven mostly because I think it would fit very well.

As for everything about Ingvild, well I did the best I could with what I had.

There's not much information about her, so due to her name, 'foreign' looks and the fact that she said to have lived in a sea-side town, I made her Norwegian and just picked Bergen. I also gave her a bit of a connection to the Norse Pantheon since those Northern European countries are pretty much where they have the most power and I felt like even a Leviathan descendent would have some 'standards'.

Everything else about her background is completely OC since it isn't even said which of her parents was human, so I just decided her mother was using her personality as a basis since girls raised by fathers alone would usually be rougher. I also didn't think she would have been raised by a 'family' due to her half-blood nature making it more likely that the Leviathans would just kill her mother while she was pregnant. So I tried to give some kind of reasoning for how Ingvild ended up in the Underworld beside Leviathan nobles somehow getting into the underworld and delivering the girl to the best hospital they could.

She is also younger looking than in canon because i think she just slowly aged while 'asleep' instead of somehow not aging a day because of it. Devils don't just stop aging at 17, seemingly aging like humans until they reach 'peak' physical maturity and then slowing down immensely.

But overall I think that with Azaroth there, a mother involved in the supernatural would have told her ostracized child about in the hopes of a better life for her and that it would help Lith recruit the young, homeless and emotional teenage girl by offering her warmth, a home and protection. Yeah it's kind of manipulative, but it is going to get her a great life.

Anyway, hope you enjoy.

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

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