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33.93% A Nascent Kaleidoscope. / Chapter 189: Chapter 180

Chapitre 189: Chapter 180

POV Caster of Black (Avicebron)

"Master, Master~" My 'Master' gleefully called out, leading in a cartload of materials with the help of golem. "Is this enough?"

"Those are adequate for this next phase, place them at the side." I told the child as he ushered his own creation forth.

Despite the strange situation I found myself in, this 'Master' of mine turned out to be the most idea of 'students'. I usually hate the praise and admiration, but the genuineness that came from this boy was surprisingly welcomed.

Even if I hated humans, this boy was...bearable.

His pure and inquisitive mind towards Golemmancy was a refreshing distraction from the constant prattling of my 'peers' during this Grail War. For my summoning, I had prepared myself for the disgust of working alongside one of these modern Magi, but the situation turned out to be favorable for me.

Speaking of 'peers'. I turned my head towards the door, recognizing the presence coming towards me.

"Caster!" Lancer slammed the door open.

I was mildly surprised at the state Lancer found himself in. He clearly was not in good shape, having just gone through a battle and his face was twisted into a barely held back contortion of rage.

"Lancer." I gave a curt greeting. Despite my dislike towards him, manners were proper for someone of my standing. "I suppose there has been some unforeseen circumstances?"

Lancer growled, but I could tell it was not meant towards me. "You need to be finished by tonight." He declared.

"Impossible, I'm missing too many resources. I would need two to three more days with the restrictions you placed on me." I calmly replied.

Lancer slammed his fist against the wall. "Darnic already gave his order." Lancer stated, his eyes glowing with anger. "The Homunculi, use them."

"Those inferior creatures?" I scoffed at the mere thought of using them as a basis to bring out my Adam.

"All of them." Lancer clarified.

I blinked behind my mask. "All of them?" I muttered at the sheer ridiculousness of the statement. "Why not just give me one of those useless Magi?"

"Any not of note had been evacuated before the start of the war." Lancer replied. "The ones that remain are...important."

"Berserker died. Give me the Servant's previous master. They would make a better core than any of those abominations."

"He still has uses." Lancer denied my request.

"What uses? He failed. Atleast with me he would have use."

"His sister is still the Master of Archer." Lancer shook his head. "And he still possesses his command seals."

Ah, familial relations. How annoyingly understandable.

However, the importance of his Command Seals couldn't be ignored. A wise decision that I could not find fault with then, as much as I wished for a better specimen. I briefly glanced over at my own Master...he would make a good core for my Golem.

"How did we suffer so grievously that I'm being given free rein over all our Mana batteries?" What else were the Homunculi good for.

Lancer's expression twisted into a scowl. "Enough that we are betting everything on tonight." Lancer paused. "Saber of Red's Master is.... begrudgingly impressive. We've been forced to move based on every action he's taken. We are sieging Red Faction's base tonight to retrieve the grail."

I had been kept abreast of the going-ons in the war, but I did not dwell on it. This Master, I had heard in a few reports, some interesting tidbits, but it would be all irrelevant once I finished my work.

I did not truly care for the Grail, so I held my tongue. "I see." Was all I said in response. "His actions had disrupted my work and set me back by a few hours." If nothing else, I would wish to take my 'pound of flesh' as they say. When the Castle was attacked, my workshop suffered some minor damage as well.

Arguing would do my no good, and I wished to get back to my work. "Quantity can become a quality of its own." I muttered. "I am given free rein over all the Homunculi?" I questioned.

"We have enough stores of Magical Energy to support our battle tonight. You are given every single one you need. If more resources are required, Darnic stated that he has reserved other materials you may peruse." The Lancer Servant reiterated.

Surprising. They had managed to finagle a means to use Homunculi as spare batteries through some backward system of Magical draining. It was how the Servants were able to operate at near optimal efficiency regardless of output.

The thought was somewhat amusing. That these things that trespassed upon God's domain, they would become the foundation that brought Eden to the world.

"Very well, tell me the plan so I may prepare properly." My only goal was to bring Adam onto the world and shape it back into the perfect Eden. But I couldn't deny I had the small desire to see it for myself, so I would be open to such dialogue.


The time should be approaching, the other Servants had left long ago to attack the Red Faction.

"Roche." I called out to my Master/student.

"Yes, Master?" He asked me earnestly.

"This will be our final meeting." I still thought to toss him into the pool that held my beloved creation, yet I restrained. It was Ironic, I despised children, despised Magi, and despised humanity…..yet all three in one presented itself here and I was held by my own whimsy.

Maybe in other circumstances, I would have done so without hesitation, but with all the materials I was given, my Adam was operable without a proper Magus as a core. There were surprisingly a few Homunculi of decent quality that could overcome many hurdles in the process of operation.

"Master! I'll watch you win with your Golem! Show them how awesome Golemmancy is." He beamed so bright.

How utterly childish.

But, it was an interesting feeling having someone cheer for me.

"Caster." Darnic walked into the basement where our workshop resided. "Are your preparations complete?"

If I did not have this mask, perhaps I would be smiling. How easy I was able to have them play into my hand. They did not know my true purpose, and I briefly wondered if they would care at this point. They seemed very fixated on 'winning' more than the consequences of how much they were applying towards their attempt at victory

"I am prepared." I nodded towards the Lord of this Castle.

Darnic pulled up his sleeve, revealing another set of Command Seals, of which I knew from whom they came from.

Admittedly, Command Seals were elegant pieces of Magecraft. Outside of my specialty and usual care, I could not deny their beautiful creation.

Darnic held his arm up. "By the power of these three Command Seals." He declared as the extra pair were activated and shined bright. "Lancer, become an anchor and open a path in space and time!"

From what I understood of the situation so far, the Fortress that they were fighting in was its own miniature world, created from something originating from the Age of Gods. If the Fortress in question hadn't suffered such damage, I do not know if this plan would have worked even with so many Command Seals being used to support the operation.

"Roche." I called out to my Master. "Begin."

"Yes, Master." He nodded, holding his own arm up. "By the Power of these two Command Seals – Caster, overturn time and space and bring your Golem to Lancer!"

Three Command Seals to create a Bridge, and two more to border True Magic and teleport me with my Noble Phantasm over.

My vision was overcome with a cornucopia of color, the instantaneous movement through the World-line that was the Domain of the Kaleidoscope.

How humorous that the magic we emulated was something controlled by one of the Masters present. I opened my eyes and the world around me changed, the strange phenomenon did not take me off guard as I was told of what to expect.

I felt prideful as I stood on the shoulder of my Golem.

I was not one for theatrics, but this particular case was the exception among exceptions.

"Behold my greatest creation!" I declared for all to see. "Golem Keter Malkuth – Welcome my Adam into the World!"

As if wanting to announce himself, my Adam roared towards all that could hear.

Immediately, just as planned, my Adam shifted.

It grew.

Its fifteen meter body doubled into thirty meters.

"What the hell!?" The voice of the Master, the person everyone had been so cautious of rang out among the others.

"Wonderful!" Lancer laughed with glee at the turn of events. "Caster, destroy them!"

Hmph, dare to order me and my Adam? I guess your usefulness has yet to run its course. Our goals were aligned for now and nothing else.

"Adam!" I waived my hand out, ordering the recreation of the Primordial Human.

Responding to my command, the Golem raised its mighty fist and smashed it towards the Master.

"Boost, Boost, Boost!" The words did not quite register as the Master's presence seemed to skyrocket once again.

Adam's fist swung down and to my utter shock, it was stopped in place. "What…?" I questioned.

"Adam, is that what you called this?" The Master laughed. "This is very ironic and I don't feel like explaining why." Adam's body stiffened as he began to be pushed back, his legs trembled at a shout of effort from the Master and Adam stumbled back in a show of sheer strength.

"Impossible!" I shouted.

My Adam steadied himself, sweeping his massive arm towards the man clad in a red armor.

"Dragon Shot!" His palm opened up, discharging an accumulation of power at the arm coming at him, utterly destroying it.

Adam's hand was disintegrated.

"Hmm, using Draconic Power as the basis instead of that oppai idiot's idea." The Armored Master muttered, but I ignored his ramblings. "Not bad."

"You think you've won!?" I mocked his arrogant attitude. "Behold Adam's greatness." I declared as Adam stood up fully, even with part of his hand missing.

At a visible speed, Its hand was regrown as if it was never destroyed.

"Adam" I cackled, ordering it again.

Its mouth opened and he roared towards the insect below. It's voice more than just a shout of anger, it carried magical properties that vibrated the very air.

The ground was torn apart, the Master dodging like the pathetic creature he is. It didn't matter, Adam turned his head, following along as the landscape was reduced to nothingness.


POV Wilhelm.

I shot in the opposite direction of this things shout, its sonic attack did catch me by surprise. Not to mention the strength behind it. It grew then its aura seemingly multipled at the increased size.

And that regeneration speed was impressive.

I glanced at the ground, each step the golem took, life began springing up. Foliage, flower, and plants of all manner immediately bloomed where it passed by the ground, even in this fake world.

"The hell?" I muttered.

"Caster, Control your Golem!" Lancer shouted in annoyance, having to dodge too, which I held back a chuckle at.

"OI, YOU BASTARD!" Mordred familiar voice reached my ears as her Red Lightning slammed into the things back. "I almost had that Pink Haired ass and you suddenly shoot this shit at me! Die!" Her Lightning burst out in all directions, Clarent pushing into its body.

"Begone, annoyance!" Caster swiped his hand, and the Golem's body distorted, pushing Mordred out.

"Tsk." She clicked her tongue, sliding down next to me, but she managed to stop the Golem's annoying rampage.

It was annoying if nothing else.

She gave me a once over. "Nice armor."

"[Thanks.]" Ddraig said happily.

"…A dragon just thanked me." Mordred muttered. "Shelving that for later."

"Yeah, should probably focus on that Golem." I continued to look at the ground where it stepped until realization dawned on me. "Fucking hell, it's rewriting the Texture of the World."

"What?" Mordred turned to me in confusion.

"So you noticed." Caster seemed proud. "My Adam will turn the entire world back into Eden!" laughed.

"Caster's a loon, I am thoroughly surprised." The sarcasm dripping from her mouth.

"Caster, stop your nonsense." Lancer growled towards his teammate. "Destroy these fools and we will secure the Grail."

"I never cared for the Grail." Caster scoffed. "This was my purpose, my dream. My Adam will finally turn this wretched world into God's Paradise."

"You ungrateful cur!" Lancer hissed, summoning up Stakes and shooting them towards the Golem.

"Pitiful." Caster countered as the Golem opened its mouth again, making Lancer bolt to cover. "Hmph, as expected. Flee, cower, hide in your holes. Those unworthy will face his judgement in the end anyways."

"Alright, that's enough." I summoned my swords around me. Whatever this thing was doing, it needed to be destroyed. If left unchecked, who knew how it would alter the world if taken outside.

"Arrogant child." Caster now turned towards me, his monster also baring down in my direction. "A dragon you may be, but you are nothing compared to my Adam. Destroy his body, destroy me, it does not matter. My Adam will stand back up and continue on regardless."

That's…..annoying actually.

I couldn't help but laugh again. "The irony just keeps piling up. I guess it's something of fate that I'm the one who is going to destroy your Adam." My Sword of Destruction hovered infront of me, my Aura flared, feeding into it as my Power of Destruction erupted all around the blade.

It shot off towards the Golem, impaling it in the chest as the destructive power lashed out in all directions. Like lightning, it crackled, jutting out and lashing at anything it could, taking chunks out of the Golem's chest.

"What…..? No. It doesn't matter." Caster seemed unperturbed. "Your tricks are just that. In the face of Adam's invincibility, your efforts are meaningless." He ordered the creature to attack again, its massive fist slamming into the ground and sundering the earth.

Mordred was forced to retreat a little bit, lest she get caught up. "Hey, bastard, want me to use my Noble Phantasm? Your sword, whatever its doing, isn't really doing much." Mordred called out.

Yeah, this thing was regenerating at a very impressive fate. My Power of Destruction was destroying the parts it was connected it, but more growths just burst out to take its place.

Some kind of conceptual immortality perhaps?

"Just watch." I smiled towards my 'son'. "Boost, Boost, Boost." I pulled on Ddraig's power a few more times, and my legs began to tremble as my body was forced to cope with the absurd increase. I was pushing beyond the limits I could handle, but I wasn't going to truly fight this way.

Being in Balance Breaker, it made using Ddraig's abilities much easier. When in just Gauntlet form, this was magnitudes harder to use.

I held up my hand, aiming at my Power of Destruction that was being discharged from my Sword. "Transfer"

All the boosts I accumulated burst out onto the destructive force. The Golem was suddenly hidden by a tidal wave of my power – my bloodline enveloped the majority of its body.

"AHHHHH." Caster let out a scream as even he was caught in the attack.

The Transfer ability, it isn't only limited to transferring boosts to other 'people'. It can transfer my Boosts to anything, including concepts. While in Balance Breaker, it just made it much – much easier to do with Ddraig's added 'presence' around me.

The Golem began to disintegrate from the chest outward, it's pieces dropping to the ground and dispersing into nothingness.

Even Caster's body began to break down and was devoured by my Power of Destruction.

"W-what is this malevolent power!?" Caster cried out, falling on his knees and watching his supposed greatest work be turned to ash.

I calmly walked up to him, my Sword of Destruction flying into my hand. "You wanted to bring your 'Adam' into the world? I guess it was only natural that a Devil stopped you." I said quietly, just for him to hear before swinging my sword through his neck.

His body collapsed and dissipated back into world.


Caster is down, and MC shows off Ddraig's abilities a bit.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my pat.reon.com/astoryforone

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