Ace had never heard his brother talk like this. He couldn't deny he had wondered the same thing before, especially after questioning the soulmate system more the way he had after meeting Cora. But he had never said anything because Drew and Rosetta were happy together.
"I didn't know you felt that way," he said stupidly.
"Don't get me wrong; it's not like I resent my life now!" Drew said quickly. "I love being with Rosie. But I can't help but wonder how the soulmate system anticipated things happening the way they did.
"It seems perfect and all-knowing in situations like mine but then there's what happened with Cora's parents…What if they just weren't a good match like Rosie and I would have been if I wasn't quadriplegic? How do some people end up slipping through the cracks?"
Ace wished he knew. Janelle and her soulmate had certainly been ill-matched and they couldn't be the only ones.
Cheer up a sick and depressed author by adding her WSA entry Once Upon a Time in New York City! I could really use it because I found out I'm going to be having surgery once a month pretty much for the rest of the year trying to fix my back and neck a few days ago and it really got me down