Hello, I hope you are having a good day. I would like to explain to you the cause of the recent issues in the episode release days and the decision I made as a result.
First of all, let me explain why I made such a sparse episode in the last chapters and why the publishing days were so variable.
The reason for this sparseness in my episode release days is because I am preparing for an exam that will soon affect my life. While preparing for this exam, I have to study for almost 12 hours and I have very little time for the rest of the day.
And in this remaining time I have to go to the hospital and the gym for some health reasons so that I'm not a fat bag of fat at the time of writing. This leaves me a few hours in total with the time I will spare for myself.
In a few hours, with dinner and the rest, I hardly have time to write an episode. That's why in the last couple of months my episode frequency has become so sparse and the quality of my episodes has dropped. Also, I probably lost a lot of readers during this two-month period. I don't know the exact number as I don't know how to check, but if I lost even one, I decided to step back to spruce up so I wouldn't lose any more.
So while I'm giving an arc finale, I won't be around for a while. When I find a break where I can breathe and write a chapter, I will continue to write chapters.
So how long will this interval last? I don't know exactly either. There are 7 months until the exam. This interval may last 7 months, may take earlier. I won't give you an exact date, as I've broken too many promises before.
But there is one thing I can tell you, before it starts, I'm going to shoot you a trailer. Of course, this will not be a video, but I will publish a trailer-like episode so that I can rekindle your hopes for the series.
I said I wouldn't give you a promise and that won't be a promise but I can say that I will be returning to this series. I want to finish this series and write a few more. So I hope you give this series a place in your library.
Before I finish my words, I will give you some information about how arc 2 will be. First of all, I am aware of the majority of the mistakes I made in these 160 chapters, or at least I think they are, and I will stay away from them as much as possible.
And don't worry, our new arcta main character will not stay in any world as long as in the MHA World. There will be a maximum of 30 episodes, which is too much. Still, I can tell you that it won't be that much.
There will still be time jumps but not as much. Due to this, the speed of the sections will also increase, but I will keep it to a limit.
And Toga and Lady Nagant, who were not in the last few episodes, are alive and will be back in arc 2.
That's all I'm going to say for now.
Apart from that, I would like to ask you a few questions.
First of all, the series will begin to do justice to its name. And there will be a "Multi-verse". I have a few series in mind where the main character will go. However, I would still like to get your opinion. Which worlds do you think the main character should go to and why. Write down the reasons why you want him to go to that world, I can add those that agree with my ideas to the series. The main character will visit a lot of worlds for a reason you will see in arc 2, so feel free to write down the worlds you want him to go. It might be because of a Waifu, it might be a world you want to put a good ending to, or you might like the power system… it doesn't matter.
Apart from that, I want you to write down the mistakes that I made in this arc and caught your eye. This is very important for increasing the quality of writing. I am aware of my mistakes in the last chapters, so I want you to write down my general mistakes.
That was it. Thanks to everyone who has read my book so far. See you again.
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