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48.78% Dragonlord (HP × ASOIAF) / Chapter 60: Chapter 60: A storm of swords P2

Chapitre 60: Chapter 60: A storm of swords P2

Stannis discreetly eyed some of his men dispersed among the lickspittles gathered in Storm's End while Robert held court. As usual, his brother was deep in his cups, regaling the court with one of his war stories. This time it was the story of Robert's stay in a whorehouse while the Battle of Bells was about to begin. He wondered why the gods modelled his brother to have not an ounce of shame or tact. Robert was the king of the Seven Kingdoms, yet his brother showed no interest in ruling them. No wonder the lords of Westeros considered his brother a brute and a simpleton. He could see the disrespect in the eyes of these courtiers as they lapped up the war stories of his brother. These lickspittles and flatterers surrounded his brother to enjoy the excesses of his brother's court, which had unfortunately continued unimpeded despite the disaster that befell the capital city.

In some deep corner of his mind, he wondered whether his brother realised the courtiers were only laughing and feigning interest in his war stories out of their self-interest. While he considered his brother a frivolous person, Robert was not an idiot. His brother might lack tact and a sense of duty, but he was no simpleton. Stannis believed his brother understood those surrounding him were not his friends, but it was just that his brother didn't care so long as he could pretend nothing was amiss. His brother lacked the will to rule and reign as a king. In his mind, Robert lives to enjoy the pleasures of life like drinking, feasting, wenching and battles.

Just this morning, before coming to court Stannis was faced with a moral crisis as he knew what he was about to do would break his brother. He was reminded of a young Robert who used to run around this castle as a young child. He fondly remembered the times he desperately tried to gain his older brother's attention and engage in the ridiculous pranks they played inside the castle. There were a lot of fond memories, but nothing could hold back the resentment in his mind. Even to this day, Robert never even inquired about the health of Shireen. To this day, not a word of comfort was offered by his brother and that one act gave Stannis all the conviction he needed to go through with what was coming.

Renly suddenly walked into the court dressed in a fine blue doublet and black breeches. Stannis noted his little brother's obsession with dressing up in sharp, colourful fabrics. Even now, he could make out a wide assortment of colours on Renly's cloak.

'Is that cloak painted in the likeness of a rainbow?' Stannis thought incredulously before shaking his head.

At least, Renly had the presence of mind to make sure Edric Storm was dressed in the colours of House Baratheon, black and gold.

He had better things to do today than think about the idiocies Renly was up to. His attention instead switched to the black-haired boy following closely behind Renly. His wife had often cursed her miscarriages on the actions of Robert, who had sullied his marriage bed with Delena Florent. And yet, he found it ironic that the fruit of that union would pave the way for his ascension to the Iron Throne. He saw Renly look at him with a mischievous smile as if they were about to commit some great prank on Robert.

'In a sense, Renly is not wrong.' Stannis thought amusedly.

"Your grace." Renly fell on a knee and bowed before Robert, sitting on the ancient throne of Storm kings of old.

Edric Storm also followed suit, mimicking his uncle in quick order.

"Renly! Stand. You're not here for this seat, are you?" Robert asked with a guffaw.

"Don't worry, brother. You may keep enjoying the comfort of the throne of our ancestors." Renly smirked. "It'd be remiss of me not to treat my brother and king with the best Storm's End has to offer."

"Ha! Come and join me up here, brother. I was telling Lord Buckler about my time spent near Stoney Sept. Those were good times, you know. I was a hot-headed fool who was smarting from a beating from Randyll Tarly's men at Ashford. I had to run with the tail between my legs after Ashford." Robert took a deep swig from his wine cup before slamming the silver cup on the table and asking for more wine.

"Retreat your grace. It was a retreat from Ashford." Lord Ralph Buckler said tacitly.

"Bah! It was no retreat. It was a rout. Tarly is owed the credit he is owed. He gave us a good fight. Marcher lords are not like the rest of those wusses from the Reach. They are good warriors, and I'll not hear any disrespect to the man in my presence. Tarly might have fought for those sisterfucking mad cunts, but he has honour." Robert growled, "Isn't that right, Ser Barristan?"

"Of course, your grace." Ser Barristan concurred before falling silent with nary a movement.

"I'm sure your war stories are undoubtedly entertaining, brother, but I was hoping we could hold a contest of strength." Renly smoothly cut in, gaining Robert's attention.

"A contest of strength? What do you propose?" Robert asked eagerly.

"We've all heard tales of your Warhammer. You claim only those of your blood can pick up the hammer. Let's put that to the test, shall we?" Renly challenged.

When Robert eagerly agreed and began challenging those present in the court to pick up Godsgrief, Stannis knew the time had come. He slowly walked among the courtiers and found one of his loyal men.

"Inform the Queen that the king demands her presence and that of Prince Joffrey in the court. Should she ask, tell her it pertains to Ser Meryn Trant's actions last day."

"Yes, milord."

Stannis watched the servant scurrying away and waited patiently. His eyes trailed over to Robert and Renly, who were goading many knights and lords of the Stormlands to lift Godsgrief. As usual, the magic in the valyrian steel warhammer refused to budge to anyone other than Robert. Strangely, he found some morbid fascination in watching the lords of Westeros making a fool of themselves in the court. His eyes strayed to the corridor outside the doorway of the throne room, looking for Cersei and her bastard child. As time passed, he worried Cersei would choose not to appear before the court, but to his relief, he saw the Queen and her bastard brat being escorted by the Kingslayer and Trant. He was quick to position himself to Renly's side.

"It's time." he whispered discreetly to his younger brother.

Renly nodded and immediately trotted out front and centre before the whole court.

"Oh! Are you going to attempt to lift the hammer, Renly?" Robert asked eagerly, his eyes alight with humour.

"I would, but I'd like to yield the floor to someone who has a better chance at lifting this hammer." said Renly before gesturing to Edric to come forward.

Stannis watched a flash of understanding pass through Robert's eyes as Edric reached out and grasped the handle of Godsgrief with his tiny hand. He supposed even his brother's wine-addled mind could not ignore the glaring Baratheon traits like blue eyes and black hair, not to mention the pointed ears common among those of Florent descent. Before the eyes of the whole court, Edric Storm easily lifted Godsgrief plunging the entire court into stunned silence. The Warhammer of his brother was an object of great amusement and interest for the court of Storm's End. Many believed the hammer's existence was proof that a new era of Stormland domination in Westeros had come as envisioned by the Storm Kings of old.

So, to see the immovable hammer of his brother getting easily picked up by a child of seven namesdays piqued quite a lot of interest.

"Well, it seems the hammer recognises your blood, your grace." Renly happily said with a flourish. "I give you Edric Storm, your son and my nephew."

Robert laughed heartily and quite loudly acknowledged Edric Storm by climbing down from the throne and clapping the boy on his shoulder merrily. The court also followed suit in congratulating the boy after noticing Robert was quite happy with his bastard son being presented in such a manner.

By this time, Stannis noted the arrival of Cersei and her bastard. He quickly signalled his men scattered among the court before making his move. He walked to the centre of the court and patted his bastard nephew on the head, showing a little bit of affection before the court.

"Who else in this court can challenge Edric's strength." Stannis challenged, knowing full well that strength had little to do with lifting Godsgrief.

"Prince Joffrey!"

At first, the chanting was minimal, but it quickly gained popularity in the court as more and more people took up the chant.

"Prince Joffrey! Prince Joffrey! Prince Joffrey!"

The throne room of Storm's End shook with the cries of men calling forth their Prince's name. The fervour behind the chant only soared when most of the court noticed the presence of Cersei and Joffrey.

"It seems the lords have spoken, your grace. The men want their Prince to lift Godsgrief and display his Baratheon heritage." Stannis said to Robert, who was enjoying the court's reaction.

"Well, what're we waiting for then? Joffrey! Come here, lad." Robert called eagerly, gesturing at the crown prince.

Stannis watched with some healthy amount of amusement as Joffrey ran excitedly over to Robert before Cersei could keep her son away. Edric set Godsgrief on the floor and moved back a pace giving room for Joffrey. He watched Cersei trying desperately to dissuade Joffrey, but the boy eagerly wrapped his fingers around the hammer's handle and pulled. Godsgrief remained on the floor without moving an inch. He watched in elation as Joffrey tried again and again to lift the hammer, but all those attempts failed.

"Wha…? Why is he not able to pick up Godsgrief?" Robert asked, aghast at the sight of his heir unable to budge the hammer while his younger baseborn son had easily lifted the hammer.

The court was no longer filled with excited yells but with confused whispers. He could see Joffrey sweating profusely as the boy continued to face failure in his task, which further inflamed the whispers in the court.

"Bastard. The prince is a bastard!"

Someone in the court loudly shouted, making Stannis smirk. His men scattered around the court shouted from all corners accusing Joffrey of bastardy, and the court took that accusation to heart. Some even openly began accusing Cersei Lannister of cuckolding the king. A bold few even began calling Cersei whore, making Stannis amused. He supposed the fault lay entirely with the Lannister harlot. The stupid woman had been insulting the Stormlords every chance she got ever since coming to Storm's End.

"You! You whore!" Robert thundered.

Stannis became guarded when he saw Jaime Lannister and Meryn Trant unsheathe their swords to defend Cersei Lannister. Stannis followed suit by drawing his sword while keeping a close watch on the Lannister guards and Tywin's creatures in the court. He needn't have bothered as Robert surged forward with a roar taking Godsgrief into his hand while pushing Joffrey aside. What happened next stunned everyone in the court.

Robert swung Godsgrief with a shout while the Kingslayer attempted to deflect the hammer. There was a strange sound that disturbed his ears as the Kingslayer's sword warped under the force of Robert's blow. It was not just the sword that suffered under Robert's strength. The Kingslayer's arm was twisted at an odd angle. Stannis could see the utter surprise written on the Kingslayer's face as the Kingsguard knight gaped at his arm in stunned silence. The false knight's golden sword lay broken on the ground in pieces beyond repair. It took a moment for the Kingslayer to comprehend what happened, and when he did, the false knight screamed in pain, looking with horrified eyes at his mangled limb.

Robert didn't wait a moment to smash the Kingslayer straight on the chest plate with Godsgrief.

The court watched with wide eyes as Jaime Lannister soared through the air and smashed head-first against a pillar before getting knocked out cold. Stannis could see a small stream of blood on the corner of the Kingslayer's mouth. He hoped the false knight was not dead. A dead Jaime Lannister was not exactly conducive to his plans for the future.

Stannis acted fast by catching Meryn Trant's sword with the edge of his sword before pushing it away to the side, leaving the Kingsguard knight wide open. Robert didn't waste a moment smashing the knight's head in with his hammer. A sickening crunch could be heard as Trant's skull caved in, splashing blood and gore on the floor. Some of that blood covered Cersei Lannister from head to toe, turning her golden dress into blood red. The Queen of the seven kingdoms screamed for all to hear as blood and pieces of Tarnt's brain got stuck on her face and hair.

"Shut the fuck up, you whore!' Robert smashed his fist straight into the right cheek of the Queen, rendering her unconscious before she hit the floor.

"I want these Lannister cunts in a cell. I want this whore's and her bastards' heads on spikes. I want them all dead." Robert roared madly, driven by rage.

At one point, Robert looked like he was about to do the deed with his own hands, but Stannis quickly intervened by catching Robert's arm.

"Release me this instant if you don't want your head to cave in, brother." Robert growled. "I'll have her head crushed with my bare hands."

"You are the King of the Seven Kingdoms. If you start killing women and children without a trial, you're no better than the Mad King. We'll interrogate Cersei. We'll find everything we ought to know, and then we'll make her admit to everything before the whole court. Then you can have her head." Stannis growled back, keeping a tight hold on his brother's arm despite seeing the fury burning in his brother's eyes.

They maintained the stare for a few moments until Robert shook his head and backed down.

"Ser Barristan, Ser Moore, Ser Arys. Escort my brother to his chambers. His grace needs some rest." Stannis ordered, and the Kingsguard knights, who were so far useless, snapped into action.

"Bah! I don't need any rest. What I need is her head and her spawn's head."

"You'll get your justice, brother." Stannis assured his kingly brother. "For now, be calm. Let me handle this matter."

"I want their heads Stannis. You hear me. I want their heads and the cock of the bastard who fucked the whore. I'll have their heads!" Robert raged even as the two Kingsguard knights escorted him away.

"What're we supposed to do with them?" Renly asked, looking at the fallen Lannisters and the dead Kingsguard knight.

Stannis gritted his teeth, seeing the blatant ignorance of his younger brother once again proving Renly was not at all suited to become the lord of Storm's End or the Lords Paramount of the Stormlands.

'I'll have to correct this mistake when I become king. It's obvious Maester Jurne and Ser Cortnay Penrose have failed to educate my brother properly.' Stannis thought before shouldering the responsibility as the lord of Storm's End in place of his incompetent brother.


Cersei shivered as a cold wind blew into her cell through the small opening high above her head, carrying a significant amount of rainwater. Lightning split the sky, lighting up her dark cell, and thunder shook the tower where she was held as a prisoner. She could feel her bones rattle as the sky continued to show its fury as the storm raged outside in full force. Two days had passed ever since she got incarcerated in this ungodly tower. Ever since she regained her wits after that day in court, she never managed to sleep, thanks to the storm raging outside the castle. In the night, the storms would keep her awake, while in the mornings, her husband's men would question her. So far, she had managed to hold on to her secrets and her sanity, but the question remained for how long.

She knew the chances of her escaping this unscathed were slim to none. If she was in King's Landing, she could've made some arrangements and facilitated her children's escape at the very least. Here…at the heart of the Stormlands, she was powerless and friendless. Her only allies in Strom's End were the men she brought and two Kingsguard knights. Ser Meryn Trant had already died before her eyes, and Ser Preston Greenfield was thrown into a cell not long after she regained her wits. Her ladies-in-waiting were useless gossip women, and even they were most likely under watch with guards watching their every move.

'My only hope was getting the word out to father.' Cersei pursed her lips at the thought.

What was to become of her? What was to become of her children and Jaime? All of this could've been avoided if that blasted Stark boy hadn't forged that ungodly hammer for her oafish husband. Her little lions would've ascended the Iron Throne in time, as was their right. She cursed that insufferable family of wolves. That accursed family was always there to destroy her dreams and wishes at every corner. First, it was that plain shrew called Lyanna Stark who took Prince Rhaegar's attention when it should've been on her. She had rejoiced when the wolf bitch met her end in some stupid tower in Dorne. Then came her marriage to Robert, and she was the happiest when the crown of Westeros graced her brow. She was the queen of the Seven Kingdoms, and she thought she was the happiest woman in Westeros. But all that happiness shattered like a fallen Myrish glass when her husband called out the name of the dead Stark bitch in their marriage bed. Even in death, the wolf bitch was taking what should've been rightly hers.

Therefore, her fears were not unfounded when the Stark boy gave that insufferable hammer to her husband. She knew it was going to be her undoing long before she even learned of the magic that was in the hammer. The Starks were barbarians, and they were out to get her. She suspected the Starks were the ones to curse her mother somehow and gave birth to the little monster, her valonqar.

Yes! It all made sense now. The Starks must've used their ungodly demonic magic to make her life full of misery. The wolf bitch must've used her vile magic on poor Rhaegar and twisted him just as she destroyed Robert into a lovesick oaf. The Starks were now out to get her children killed. They were out to kill her and her precious Jaime.

She could not let that happen. She could not bear to see golden shrouds covering her babies. Something must be done, and she needed to escape somehow with her poor Joffrey and Myrcella.

"Your grace." A tender whisper reached her ears, making her look around in wonder.

"Your grace. Are you awake?"

The voice came again, and she found the sound came from outside the door of her cell.

"I… I am." She whispered back, hoping against hope that the guard was not some creep hoping to take advantage of her.

"Your grace. I'm about to slowly open the cell door. I'm about to help you escape, but you've got to do exactly as I say lest the guards in the castle find us. Can you do that?"

"I can." Cersei's voice broke as happiness bloomed and hope bloomed in her heart.

"I can." she said more firmly as she gathered herself.

"What about my children? What about Jaime?" she asked desperately.

"Already taken care of your grace. They'll be waiting by the shore. We'll have to hurry if we are to escape the guards' notice."

"Then see me to freedom. Riches beyond your imagination are yours should you help me and my family escape. A Lannister always pays her debts."

The door swung open, and she saw a plain-looking man enter.

"Come, your grace. We need to make haste."

"What is your name?" she asked as the guard helped her to her feet.

"Verin, your grace." said her saviour.

"I'll remember the name." Cersei promised.

As Verin promised, she was led through the castle through several small passages that were left unguarded in most cases. It also helped that their footsteps were covered by the booming sound of thunder and rain. Somehow, they managed to traverse the castle undetected and reach the shore. She found her Myrcella being carried by a man, but there was no one else.

"Where is…?"

"I'm sorry, your grace. We had to split Ser Jaime and the Prince and lead them along another route. This way, we can make sure at least one group reaches Casterly Rock."

"No! I must see my Joffrey. Bring him to me." Cersei demanded.

Before she could say anything else, she was put in a chokehold and forced to drink some liquid. Slowly her vision started to blur, and her legs felt heavy. She fell on the sandy floor as darkness claimed her.


"Good work Ser Davos. The men you sent are highly competent." Stannis praised, eyeing the small rowboat that was being pushed into the sea by his men.

"They were old pirate colleagues of mine. They'll get the job done quietly, and they'll most likely get rewarded by Lord Tywin." said Davos.

"Do they know who hired them?" Stannis asked.

"Not at all. I made sure to use a false name, my lord."

"Good. You've done well, Ser Davos." Stannis patted the loyal knight on his shoulder.

"I hope his grace won't be mad at you, my lord." Davos said tentatively.

"He won't. He gave the security of the castle to Renly in a bid to slight me as I didn't allow him to just kill the Lannister whore and her bastards." Stannis scoffed. "My brother's thick head has served me well these days."

There was a comfortable silence between the two, except for the sound of crashing tides and thunder shaking the sky.

"There will be war, my lord. Lord Tywin would no doubt begin to prepare his army once he learns what happened." Davos warned.

"The man would've chosen to perhaps delay the war by involving Jon Arryn somehow. That's why I decided to release the whore and her bastard daughter. She'll be enough to rile up the Old Lion to come outside of his precious Rock. We still hold the Kingslayer and the bastard Joffrey Waters." Stannis smirked as he enjoyed the feeling of success he was enjoying right now.

"The lords of the Narrow Sea sworn to Dragonstone have gathered in the castle as you ordered." Davos reported.

"Good. We'll leave on the morrow. I shall meet the lords in King's Landing and explain everything personally." said Stannis. "Ravens have already flown to our allies in the Stormlands and Crownlands. Soon, we'll have ravens sent to the Riverlands, the Vale of Arryn and the North. There will be a war Ser Davos, and for once, the gods are on my side."

"My lord, what about the King?" Davos asked, a touch perturbed at seeing a cruel glint in Stannis' eyes.

Stannis shrugged as he knew nothing of what was going on inside his brother's head.

He doubted even the gods knew what was going through the wine-addled mind of his brother. He supposed it'd be like the Ironborn rebellion all over again. Robert would come at the last moment to hog all the glory while he meticulously planned and coordinated with their allies to beat back the Ironborn. This time he didn't particularly mind if that was the case. He was not seeking glory or recognition.

Only one image remained in his mind…the Iron Throne. Only one chant reverberated in his ears…

King Stannis! King Stannis! King Stannis!


Eddard gulped worriedly as he read the raven from Storm's End. At first, he had hoped Robert was merely japing. But the royal seal and the seriousness of the message in the parchment made him confront the truth that the Seven Kingdoms were once more about to see war inside its shores. This time there were no mad dragons, nor were there any reaving Ironborn threatening the hard-earned peace.

Instead, it was the greedy lions of the west who were threatening the stability of the Seven Kingdoms.

Eddard shook his head and cursed the House of Lannister for plunging the realm into bloodshed. He'd have preferred not to interfere in the matters of the south, but he could see there was no other choice. His son's magic played some part in the downfall of the former Queen. If the raven from Storm's End was to be believed, then his friend, the King, was calling all the banners to put the heads of the absconding former Queen on a spike.

There was some good news. The Kingslayer and Cersei's bastard son remained imprisoned in Storm's End.

'Without Joffrey, the Old Lion will not be able to garner much support outside the Westerlands.' Eddard thought.

Eddard let out a tired sigh before handing back the parchment to Maester Luwin.

"My lord?" Maester Luwin looked at him expectantly.

"Call the banners. But before anything else, I want to have a word with Harrion. I've to make sure his magic remains true, and there is no chance of some misunderstanding with Robert's hammer."

"As you will, my lord. I shall send a raven to Avalon right now." Maester Luwin bowed.

Eddard leaned back into his chair and watched Maester Luwin rush away in a hurry.

War, he realised, was not going to leave him be. Once again, he'd have to take the field and traverse a rocky path between life and death. Only at the end of the path would he know whether the path leads him to the safety of his home or ruin.

"Old gods help me. Help us all." Eddard whispered, closing his eyes, already dreading the depravity and cruelty that awaited him in the battles yet to be fought.

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