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1.73% In HOTD with The Satou System / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - Training

Chapitre 1: Chapter 1 - Training

My life wasn't that particularly exciting, I worked your standard 9 to 5 job and made a decent living as an IT Guy. I wasn't seeing anyone special nor did I really care at that point in my life, but in the end I wouldn't need to worry about it anyways. One night while I was working late at one of my clients, I accidentally got caught in the middle of a drug bust and ended up shot in the head from the crossfire. I didn't even have a chance to react as it was over in an instant.

"Well that fucking sucks.", I complained looking down at my body, "I just bought Witcher 4, and now I can't ever fucking play it!!"

"Sorry about that.", a voice sighed, "You weren't supposed to die from that bullet."

Turning around an old man stood there looking at my corpse with disappointment.

"What do you mean I wasn't supposed to die!? I got shot in the freaking head!!", I shouted.

"It was only supposed to graze you, but it looks like my assistants missed that part...", he groaned, "This is why I tell me wife I can't take trainees."

"Trainees?", I asked.

"Well...it's more like Lesser Gods in training.", he admitted, "You see Gods only reign for a few thousand years then retire. We are in the transition period, and...well stuff like this happens during those times."

"So it was just my bad luck...great.", I sighed, "So now what happens, do I go to Heaven?"

"You are in luck, young men. People that have this misfortune get to reincarnate in a random world with 4 requests of your choosing.", he told me with a smile, "So what are your requests?"

"Huh..?", I said with confusion, "You aren't going to tell me the world I am going too?"

"Don't worry about that, I will make sure it's a good world.", he chuckled.

The expression he had didn't give me much hope that I would end up in a good place, but he seemed like a decent enough old man.

"...okay...", I stated unconvinced of his honesty, "Well since I don't know where I am going, I got to have go with the safest option. I want the system Satou Pendragon has, that is the best option for my survival."

"That's a good choice, very versatile indeed!", he agreed, "Next?"

"I want to be a High Human, if I have a system like Satou's my body has to be able to handle the various extremes the system has.", I told him.

"Again, a great idea...wouldn't want you killing yourself doing something a human body couldn't handle.", he laughed.

"I want to have a shop that I can buy skills from. I don't know how much time I have before being potentially put into a dangerous situation. Having the flexibility to buy skills would be great.", I told him.

"Okay, last request.", he stated.

"I could use a guide, since I have no clue where I am going having a guide in the HUD would be amazing.", I said, 'I don't want to be led astray by crooked merchants or slimy tax collectors.'

"Perfect, I can organize all of those for you. Just to be clear I can't give you the Meteor Strikes though...that would be overkill, and dangerous.", he informed me.

"That is fine with me.", I chuckled, 'Didn't think I would get that lucky. Having the storage, skill acquisition, and the ability to learn languages quickly is already good enough.'

"Alright then, off you go!", he chuckled, "Enjoy your new life."

Before I could ask where he was sending me everything went black, and I was transported to another room. Finding a rather young guy sitting behind a desk, I sat in the chair placed in front of him. Seeing my paperwork in the tray, I waited for him to grab my papers. When he picked them up, he quickly sifted through the papers nodding his head as he went.

"Your karma is good, and you have no major issues with your past life.", he stated matter of factly, "I have your requests here, let me fuse them to your soul."

A few minutes later a HUD populated with a map, time and date, storage system, and a skill shop like I asked. Viewing my base stats I was impressed where I was starting out at.


Name: Victor

Race: High Human

Occupation: Reincarnated Person

Attack: 20

Defense: 20

Mental Strength: 40

Willpower: 60


Satou System

Skill Shop

Guide Pixie


Noticing that I was missing a magic and magic defense stat, I immediately knew I wasn't going to a world with magic. Taking a deep breath, I was excited to see exactly where I would be going. Maybe I would go to One Piece, and get to be a pirate captain. Being a Soul Reaper wouldn't be bad either, as would being a Shinobi. Better yet maybe I could end up being a bounty hunter like Spike from Cowboy Bebop.

'Yeah!! I could fly around the stars tracking down scumbags, and meeting all sorts of beauties in space!!', I thought with grin, 'Still though, I hope the pixie I get isn't like that annoying one Link had...'

"Alright sir, I have finished your paperwork. You will be going to the High School of the Dead world, you have requested increased difficulty of this world and-", he started to tell me.

"Wow, hold on there!!", I said in a panic, "How is that a good world!? The old man told me that I would be sent too a good world!! How is a zombie, post-apocalyptic world a good world!! I get the girls are good looking, but seriously!! Everything goes to hell, everyone goes mad, and the world literally falls apart!! Also, why the fuck would I want to make it even more difficult!!"

"Sir, you were the one that chose this world.", he replied.

"I didn't, he did!", I retorted.

Looking at the paperwork again, his face twitched with annoyance.

"It would appear he did...", he sighed, "Well nothing I can do about it now, I already loaded you in."

"What else did he write on the sheet!!", I demanded.

"Let's see here...", he said, "Reincarnate soul into the HOTD world, and modify the following parameters. Have undead mutate over time, till world becomes similar to Resident Evil."

"What the fuck!?", I shouted looking at the paper, "Is he fucking insane!? I want to speak with him immediately!! This isn't going to fly, I am going to get my ass killed!!"

"You were his last person to meet, he is retired now.", the man stated, "The retirees sometimes do this to their last soul transfer, I apologize."

"Gosh damn it...", I groaned, "Can you at least add a tracker so I can see how close I am to full blown Resident Evil, and maybe increase my point gathering for my system as the world gets more difficult? Also, add the Triage group into this. If I am going to fight all those fucking monsters, I need people that can be of assistance too me."

"Hmm...I suppose I can make those minor adjustments.", he agreed, "Anything else?"

"Could I maybe designate the childhood I want? If I am I going up against that shit show, I need to be military trained like almost immediately. I am screwed without proper training.", I stated, "I get that I may lose my childhood, but it means shit if once I become a teen I get killed by zombies."

"I already accounted for that, and have set you up accordingly.", he stated, "You will be the son of a former Delta Force soldier turned US Ambassador. All of your childhood has been coordinated up to your graduation from military school. After that I am afraid it is on you to make allies, learn skills, and prepare for the events of the world to unfold."

"Welp...it is what it is, at least I won't be completely fucking screwed. I appreciate the assistance.", I said.

"No problem, from one help desk to another...I wish you the best of luck.", he told me.

"Thanks, I am going to need it.", I sighed with a smile.

A few moments later I faded into nothing, and the next thing I knew I was born into the HOTD world.

---12 Years Later---

Well what can I say...I got my military training alright. When my mother passed away, when I was three, my dad was left to take care of me for two years then immediately put me in military boarding school when I was five. He was worried about finishing his military career as his former comrade, then Vice President, had offered him a position as an ambassador once he got out. If he had to take care of me, he would have had to quit sooner. Admittedly he did talk to me about it before hand, but why you'd consult a five year old about something like that I will never know.

Either way I was put into military boarding school that was operated by one of my dad's military buddies so I got treated decently well. It wasn't like I was given preferential treat, but I did managed to get them to give me military training. Sure I didn't get kill people, however I did get to hone my wilderness survival and urban combat skills. Seeing that I had potential as a soldier, like my father, by my tenth birthday they got me into pre-training for special forces thanks to my father's connections. Again I wasn't given access to anything confidential, but I got the training which was what I wanted.

Getting hands on experience with many varieties of firearms, primitive, and medieval weaponry I wanted all the skills I could get. Resident Evil zombies wouldn't a joke, I would be fighting for my life when shit hit the fan, I had to literally be ready to use anything as a weapon. Fortunately for me I used the somewhat honest statement of 'I want to make my dad proud of me' to grease a lot of wheels so getting the training was easy enough.

What concerned me the most though was the involvement of the Umbrella Corporation in the military. As I got trained I steadily noticed that Umbrella was weaseling their way into nearly aspect of society. It was pretty clear to someone like me that they were the bad guys, but the people up top were getting kick backs so they didn't give a shit about it. Not only that, they started trying to infect people with a dormant virus that would eventually become the source of the Zombie Infection. You might wonder how I knew...well when I ate one of their rations on my eleventh birthday I got a notification that my body had resisted a weakened zombie virus.

Putting two skill points into the resistance was a no brainer for me. Even though I was a human, I wasn't going to rely only on my disease resistance for this shit. With them playing God with the various viruses I wanted some resistance against Zombie Virus via my system as well as my natural disease resistance.

On my twelfth birthday my father took me out of boarding school, and brought me with him to DC where I got to meet the President. Having made a deal to make my dad an Ambassador, the President pushed it through in his final days of office thus began several years of traveling the world with my father. It was actually quite enjoyable if I was honest, I got to Finland, England, Spain, Italy, Russia, China, Australia, and eventually Japan. I made many friends with other diplomat's children as we traveled, a crucial factor for my future survival. Since the author unfortunately passed before finishing the manga for this world, my knowledge was very limited on how far this shit went downhill so having friends everywhere was a good way to roll.

---Japan, Three Years Later---

"Son, I don't think I need to tell you this but I am going to be meeting a friend of your mothers. She studied with your mother in college, and the two of them were like sisters.", my dad told me.

"Mrs. Takagi, right?", I asked playing dumb.

"Yes son, the President has asked that we come here to represent our nation. I hope you will continue to behave as well as you have in other countries.", he stated.

"I don't intend to ruin your career, dad.", I sighed, "I like traveling the world, I just hope we stay here for a while this time. I'd like to make friends that I can continue to see for more than a few months."

"I know son, I promise we are staying here at least 4 years.", he swore, "I have promised that much, and if you want Mrs. Takagi has offered to let you live with them to finish your school here."

'Well isn't that nice...too bad graduation isn't never going to happen.', I thought looking out the window, 'At least I am starting out with the main cast, that's a plus. The population is smaller here than in the US so less zombies for me to fight. Not only that, they still practice archery, spear usage, kendo, and a lot of other means for fighting. Meeting Rei and her friends will be imperative for moving forward. I only have two years before Z-Day.'

"Something wrong son?", my father asked.

"Just thinking about all the different clubs they have.", I replied.

"We agreed you wouldn't partake in any weapon based clubs. Your skills are frightening son, I really don't know where you get your talent from. I may have been Delta Force, but you...even my former commander is surprised by your proficiency in combat.", my father stated.

"I didn't have anything else to do, and it kept kids from harassing me.", I chuckled.

"It also put several children in the ER.", he reminded me.

"The Field Commander saw what happened, they attacked me with knives first.", I said in a calm voice.

"That may be true, but you had enough skill to disarm them easily. You didn't need to cripple them for life.", he sighed, "It's partially my fault for putting my career first."

"It isn't anyone's fault, but their own.", I told him, "They knew the risk, and simply miscalculated their odds...no more complicated than that."

Not wanting to argue further about it, we sat in silence till we arrived at Takagi Manor. Still located on top of a massive hill, I examined the area carefully as this was a place the main cast would come eventually. In my opinion, this place was a death trap. Her father was a moron for not forcing people to contribute to the group as a whole. He wasted manpower keeping utilities running, and food flowing for everyone. Even if the zombies hadn't overwhelmed this place, they weren't going to sustain themselves long enough to survive more than a few months.

'Idiot needs to have people training to fight. He should have adopted the rule of those who don't work, don't eat. I get if they were sick, but a perfectly healthy adult should have been contributing in some fashion to the group.', I thought, 'I am not going to be sheep, and foolishly come here. If I want to protect myself, fighting through hordes to escape is the last option I want to take. It would have been a safer option to reinforce Rika's home, or even move to the school. The elementary school is probably the best bet, it should have an old military bunker under it which is a perfect base of operations.'

Making it look like I was admiring the scenery for a few more moments, I joined my father as he walked towards the front door. Greeting us was Yuriko, my mother's friend from college and one of the women I would eventually pursue. I mean, she is a sexy, badass with a freaking tommy gun...enough said.

"Hello Charles, it's been some time since I last saw you.", Yuriko said with a smile.

"I know...it's been over twelve years now.", he stated with a sad look.

"I am sorry for bringing up those memories, I am glad you were able to be stationed here as the US Ambassador.", she told him, "You must be Victor, you certain have your mother's determined eyes and your father's features."

"Thank you.", I replied with a polite bow, "You are looking well as well, I am happy things have been doing great for you since we last met."

"Meaning?", she inquired.

"I have heard your companies have been doing extremely well.", I answered, "I read the newspapers, and web articles."

"Oh I see, aren't you well educated.", she laughed.

"I want to make sure I don't live in my father's shadow. When people meet me I want to be my own person, not my father's son.", I stated.

"Spoken like a true man.", her husband Souichiro said staring at me.

Looking him dead in the eyes, the two of us sized each other up before he broke eye contact.

"He has your presence.", he told my father.

"I had to leave him in military boarding school while I was off fighting.", he said.

"What branch were you again?", Yuriko asked.

"Marines.", he stated, "Also, once a Marine always a Marine."

The fact was he was a Marine before he was selected for the Delta Force. He wasn't supposed to tell anyone, but he ended up telling me...though I already knew it.

"I see, well that explains a lot.", Souichiro said offering to shake my hand.

Giving him a firm handshake, he nodded his head with satisfaction.

"It's good to see that some youth aren't slacking off in this new age.", he chuckled, "Both of you, please come in we have dinner waiting."

Sitting down for dinner I got my first meeting with Saya. As expected she acted like a brat with me just because she was a 'genius' trying to rub that in, I just simply told her the blunt truth to her.

"I have a 5.0 GPA, and have already completed college level courses. If it weren't for a few hands on courses I would have to attend personally, I would have three college degrees.", I told her.

"...what..?", she asked as I took the wind out of her sail, "Is he joking?"

"No, he placed number 1 in his boarding school all the years he attended.", my father told her, "They let him take college course instead of normal classes. He could be an engineer, a physicist, a mechanic, or even a blacksmith."

"That is very impressive.", Souichiro said looking at his daughter, "It would appear you will have stiff competition Saya."

"We will see, I bet you don't even speak proper-"

"I can speak a total of twelve languages fluently.", I said in Japanese causing her puff her cheeks.

"Humph!!", she huffed, "Fine, I challenge you to a game of chess after dinner. Father, may I use your chess set?"

"Of course, just be careful with it.", he told Saya.

After dinner, Saya and I sat down to play chess. Out of a total of ten games, I won all ten leaving her with a shell shocked look.

"I...I can't believe I lost so easily.", she said.

"Don't take it personally, I am a rare case. I had nothing better to due in boarding school. My entire day was scheduled, and video games weren't something they had for us. It was books, board games, or fighting each other.", I told her.

"Really?", she asked me.

"Yeah, board school is terrible. No dessert, no video games, no real entertainment...just lots of hard work.", I admitted.

"Ugh...I didn't realize it was that bad.", she apologized.

"It's okay, I have been out since I was twelve and my dad has tried to make it up to me.", I told her, "I have gotten to travel around the globe so it is alright."

"Really!?", she said putting the chess board away, "Could you tell me about your trips!!"

"Sure.", I told her.

Spending the rest of our time together talking about my travels, she listened intently to everything I said. As someone who had never left Japan, I didn't blame her for wanting to hear about the wide open world. When it was time to head back to the Embassy, I told Saya that I would see her at school in a few days as I would be joining her in classes.

"Really? I thought you were college educated.", she teased with a smirk.

"I am, but my father wants me around people my age.", I retorted, "Either way, see you in a few days. If you could do me a favor, I could use an introduction to the students. I don't know anyone, but you here."

"I can take care of that, easy.", she replied with a nod.

With that, we left for the evening.


Author Note: Greeting humans, I am back with another Fan Fic. As I stated in my last fic, I will be writing shorter chapters (3-4k) instead of what I used to do (4-5k). This should allow me to write more chapters a week than I used too, probably 4-5 chapters a week with two days off most likely on the weekends. I look forward to having you all join me on this journey through hell and back with me. See you guys on Monday when the series of releases begins.

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