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100% Shokugeki no Akira II 「 Reboot 」 / Chapter 21: 「 Midori no Torikago 」

Chapitre 21: 「 Midori no Torikago 」

The next morning, the 5th day of the Totsuki Summer Training Camp, which was also the last day of the hell camp finally started.

All students already prepared all of the ingredients and recipes for their dish last night, and now the real battle is going to start. The venue of this task is divided into several places.

Akira got a place in Hall E, he had arranged all the dishes that he Made on the table, but every one of them is covered by a lid. While other students tried as hard as possible to get the guests' attention, Akira did the opposite intentionally instead.

After a while, Dojima's voice could be heard from the big LED screen in each hall.

"Each of you had prepared the dish, right? Now I'll explain the requirements that you need to fulfill to pass this task. First, I want to introduce the judges." Dojima said.

Then, the big doors in each hall opened. After that, hundreds or even thousands of people enter the Hall with fascinating faces.

Dojima then continued his speech as he mentioned the passing grade of this task.

"There are two requirements. The idea of ​​your breakfast by the Professionals here and the other thing is, you have to serve more than 200 servings within 2 hours. And the one who fulfills those requirements will be passed this Exam. Dear guests, please enjoy your Breakfast!. "

After Dojima finished his speech, the crowd of guests began to go around and look for dishes that they thought were interesting. That's why the students tried to make their dish as striking as possible.

That's one of the most important factors of this task. It how good the dish look, the more interesting your dish are, the more costumer you get. And speaking of the appearance of the dish, Akira is the master of it.

While other students are busy offering their dishes to the guests, Akira is just chilling on his chair with his arms crossed in front of his chest. He has a different type of look right now, no black headband, he's tying his hair in a man bun instead.

He needs a haircut.

"* YAWN * Ah ~ I woke up too early...," Akira muttered as he yawned.

And suddenly someone stopped in front of his stall, it was a little girl who carries a doll in her hand.

The little girl standing in front of the table where Akira served all of his dishes. With a curious look, she opened her mouth and asked Akira.

"Onii-chan, why are you covering your food with a lid?" The little girl asked with a plain curiosity as she tilted her head.

Akira looked at her, " Where are her parents?" he thought. Before he then pulled his chair closer to the Little Girl.

"That's because the egg inside will hatch if I took off this lid," Akira said while making a serious face as he pointed out his index finger towards his dish.

As soon as that innocent girl heard that, her eyes shone like a bright star.

"The egg will Hatch!? ~, I want to see it!!" She said with enthusiasm while jumping around. Akira who heard that again made a serious face.

"No, no, it's not the time yet, the egg won't hatch if I open it now," Akira said while shaking his head.

However, the girl immediately made a sullen face, she then approached Akira and pulled his shirt, and whined.

"Come on ~, come on ~, Onii-chan, show me the eggs!" The little girl said while pulling Akira's shirt.

"No is no." Akira said, well it doesn't like his dish aren't ready or anything. He just wants to give other students time to get their customers.

As she gets rejected for a second time, the girl suddenly starts crying out loud and whining to Akira.

"Uaaaaa ~, I hate you Onii-chan" As the little girl cried in front of his stall, the people around her immediately turned their gaze towards Akira, because they thought that Akira is the one who made that little girl cry. Well, they're right.

Feeling some death stares, Akira sweating and immediately trying to cheer up the girl.

"Alright, Alright, Onii-chan will let you see the Egg so stop crying, okay?" Akira said, patting her head.

The girl stopped crying before she nodded.

Then, Akira looking at around him. It seems like everyone is busy serving their dish to the guests.

" Well then... "

After that, Akira handed a knife and fork to the little girl and said.

"Eat slowly, it's still hot," Akira said.

The little girl then took the knife and fork from Akira while waiting with anticipation in her eyes.

Akira then took off the lid that covered his dish with a cold face.

"Behold!... Midori no Torikago," Akira said as his dish finally show Its true appearance.

Then instantly, a very arousing, delicate aroma arose from Akira's dish and spread throughout the entire hall.

As those extremely unique and delicate aromas entered their nose, all of the guests, students, and even those men with black suits closed their eyes to enjoy the aroma. And some people starting to pay attention to Akira.

"Umm ~ It smells really good, Onii-chan." The little girl can't help but drown in that aroma while closing her eyes.

"Don't enjoy the aroma for too long, don't you say that you want to see the egg hatch," Akira said.

"Um." Then, as the girl opened her eyes and looked at Akira's dish she widened her eyes simply because of how beautiful that dish looked.

It was like a green bird's nest, with a green-coated soft boiled egg in the middle, and it also doesn't look like your usual soft boiled egg. And some slice of toasted Avocado on the side.

" What is that, Onii-chan!! There is a bird's egg!!!" The little girl yelled.

Akira then took a knife and cut the egg in the middle using a knife, when the egg is cut off, suddenly a very delicate aroma from before is replaced by a strong, and powerful aroma.

The melted egg yolks spread all over the green bird's nest.

"Itadakimasu ~," as the girl took a piece of that egg and put it in her mouth. A very creamy, salty, and rich egg yolks melted in her mouth, and some other complex taste that used as the base of the yolk.

"UMMMM ~" The little girl was speechless, she couldn't explain how it taste properly, well part of it is because she's just a child but that yolk is no ordinary yolk. She then let out a steam from her mouth as she fully digest everything in her mouth.

"Ahhh ~" After that, she again took a piece of egg and put it in her mouth. She couldn't stop eating those creamy, rich egg yolk.

'I feel like my mouth is gonna melt alongside the yolk...' The girl thought.

The other guests who saw it immediately left other students' table and walked towards Akira.

"Okaa-san, what is that dish!? I want to try that too!"

"Um, Its smells amazing, let's take a look on that dish!"

The students who saw their customers leave immediately distorted their faces, they trying to make those customers come back to their place.

"Okyaku-sama, you haven't finished your meal yet," One student said.

"No need, I want to taste that dish." Said the customer, he then went straight to Akira's place.

And as soon as that, almost all of the guests in Hall E is surrounding Akira's table. Alice who is also in Hall E had already completed the 200-servings mission. Though she doesn't look very satisfied because all of her customers are pulled by Akira. She expect more than 217. Even though Ita quite insane that she can pulled that amount of serving in such a short amount of time.

But she just smiled.

'Well, Its Akira that we talking about. I'd ask him to cook me some of that too later...' Alice thought as she stretched herself and said.

"Ah~... for now, let's wrap this thing up,"


Meanwhile, in the Monitor room, there were several people who looking at the Hall E in deep thought, Dojima immediately stood up and widened his eyes.

"Dojima-sama, the situation in hall E is out of control, if this continues, there will be too many students who's going to fail this task, do we need to limit the number of dish that Hyoujou student can serve?" The guy asked, he seems overwhelmed at the moment.

Because as he said, if this continues, there will be too many students who fail, and this chaos is caused by just one student.

Dojima silent for a moment before he looking at the monitor with serious look.

"No, we can't do that. That will cause another problems that we don't want. Just let it be, there is no need to change the rules just because of this, do you understand?" The person just nodded with hesitation.

"... Then, excuse me." After the person left the room, Dojima then having a deep thought as he looking at the monitor in front of him.

'Something like this has never happened before, Hyoujou Akira, huh. If i remember, Sekimori said something about him... This might be interesting. '


There is only a few minutes remaining and Akira has served a lot of dish to the guests as their faces are full of Ecstasy.

That's truly is an remarkable dish.

A purple-haired young man who has long neck opened his mouth as he chewing a crunchy green-colored bird's nest.

"This crunchy green-colored bird's nest is made of Kale, right?" The young man said as his tongue felt a charc, savoury, and crispy flavour from the green nest.

"That's precisely right. I create this bird's nest using a kale, paint it up with some vegetable oil and flakey salt, then toast it a little bit with a torch." Akira said.

"Hmmm ~, not only that. I also feel some of a curry taste inside of the egg, i guess you inject some sort of curry liquid inside of this egg, or any broth with spice. Cause this egg yolk is amazing. "

" You have a good tongue. " Akira nodded as the confirmation.

The young man then realized that there is still something left on Akira's meal. It is the green cream that coated the egg.

"Hmm? And this green cream is?"

"That's a mix of goat milk cream cheese with mashed arugula. It create a very compound salty, and slightly bitter taste on your mouth. Creating a perfect balance with the creamy egg yolk." Akira said.

And as everyone took a last bite of Akira's dish. They're drowning in pleasure.


Akira then took of his manbun and said.

" Well, that's that. "


The fifth day is over and the 'Decent Breakfast' task has been finished. Akira is the student with the most servings, topping the chart with an enormous amount of 875 dishes served.

And that number is also stopped because Akira doesn't have any ingredients left for his dish. If not, then only god knows how much he's gonna serve.

Although the exact number were not published, but still those who knew it were in shock and disbelief.

After the ended, the guests came out of Hall E with a satisfied face, Akira had also packed up all of his stuff from the table while receiving a lot of murderous stare from every corner of the room. Those were came from the students that failed the task because their customers are "stealed" by Akira.

However, Akira looked unconcerned as he carried his suitcase and walked out of Hall E nonchalantly before he stopped as he saw an unusual group in front of him.

"Yo," Akira said while waving his hand, that caught everyone attention.

The groups is made of some familiar faces, there are Souma, Erina, Alice, and even Kurokiba. As he saw Akira approached him, Souma smiled.

"Oh, Hyoujou, how is your task?" Souma said.

Akira just answered with a smile.

"Well, initially there were no guests who came to my place, but somehow I managed to pulled it off." Akira shrugged.

Alice never heard such a bullshit came from someone's mouth. She want to punch Akira on the face so bad when he said that.

'Nobody came to your place? Said the guy who served Twice amount of God Tongue herself...' Alice thought, then Alice continued her words.

"Anyway, keep my word in your mind. And also... " Alice looking at Akira who made the most annoying " I won. " face she ever seen.

Blue vein popped in Alice's head.

" I won't lose to you the next time, Akira-kun. Then see you later," Alice said before waving her hand and walking away, followed by Kurokiba from behind.

After that, there is a scream suddenly came from behind Akira.

"" Yukihira ! / Souma-kun ""

Then came two people, the first was the girl is Tadakoro Megumi, and Akira doesn't know the other one, a blonde, tanned girl. Akira just smiled before he felt a little disturbed by the stare that came from Erina.

" And also, why are you glaring at me like that, Blonde examiner-san? "

" Humph! "

She just threw away her face, Akira just raised his eyebrows. Woman has such a weird way of thinking.

And suddenly Dojima's voice could be heard came from the speaker which echoed throughout the entire hall.

"Students who passed the task of serving 200 decent breakfast to guests need to be prepared. Because the next task will begin in 4 hours, until then, you are free to rest."

After hearing that, Akira left and prepared for the next task because this training camp was not over yet.

After that, the students who managed to survive returned to their room to prepared for the next task.

And then, the fifth night of the hell camp is arrived.

The students were told to gathered in the Hall. Akira is seen talking to Ryoko and Ibusaki about some fermentation methode. Compared to other Polar Star group members excluding Souma, Akira is seems pretty close to Ryoko and Ibusaki.

They're get along pretty well.

"Everyone has gathered."

It was Dojima's voice. He is seen standing on the stage.

"Then, we are going to start the last program from this Training Camp." Hearing that, the students put on a surprised face, even Akira frowned.

Another task? Isn't it the last day of the hell camp?

But when all of the students ready to accept their fate, suddenly the big red door behind the students opened, and showed all of Totsuki resort's maids and butlers that standing in a row while making a way for the students to enter the room.

"""" WELCOME !!!. """"

Dojima then continued his words.

"The last program is, a simple banquet that will be prepared by the Totsuki Alumni, to celebrate the end of this Training Camp, to 598 students who have survived, Congratulations on completing your Training Camp this time, Please enjoy the Banquet !!!"

Then, the Alumnis started entering the room while carrying dishes in their hands. That was a very welcomed surprise as all of the students smiled brightly, not only they sucessfully finished this hell training camp, they also have a chance to taste these top chef dishes.

It feels like a dream.

Akira is also feel a little bit excited and relaxed. He is seen sitting in the table with Alice and Kurokiba.

Tonight, 598 students who managed to survive enjoyed dozens of the top gourmet dishes prepared directly by the Legendary Totsuki Alumni.

And that's officialy ends the Totsuki Summer Training Camp.

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