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23.15% In Danmachi with Plasmids / Chapter 60: The Siege 2

Chapitre 60: The Siege 2

Here we go, my fellows.

I am a bit tired since I had a bad sleep.

So I am going to keep this section brief and probably add some things in the notes section, so make sure to come back to take a look later.

I will eat something now, so I will be back to answer your commentaries in another hour or so.

After that, I will drop this week's chapter for my other Novel.

Only then will I be able to peacefully answer your comments.

In any case, enjoy.

(This chapter is around 4000 words, same thing as the last one)

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And the Discord Server of course






/A few moments Before the explosion.../

'Waiting patiently for his enemy to strike was an Elf with a sword tied to his waist.'

'This wasn't just any Elf, he had a badge on his chest that indicated he was someone important. He was most likely, this section of the Fort Commander.'

"What happened?! What happened to the others?!" Screamed an Elf as he looked at the East section of the fort

That is the area under… Just what the fuck happened?!

"We have a BIG problem!" Screamed someone behind him

"I can't contact the others! We lost our contact Units!" Said a Pallum on his side

'The Elf processed the information for a brief moment before he realized.'

"Shit! It's a fucking ambush!" Said the Elf as he unsheathed his sword

Judging from the location of the explosion, that was the East section supply Warehouse...

Despite me being doubtful of how he infiltrated and managed to set up bombs inside our supply warehouses...

How did he eliminate our method of communication?!

"Luan! Go tell Hyakinthos! We need orders immediately!" Said the Elf as he turned to the Pallum

"Yes, Commander Lissos!" Said Luan as he ran


Just what is happening?!...


"AHHH!" Screamed the Pallum as he fell on the ground

'Suddenly, as Lissos was thinking of his next course of action, another explosion sounded in the fort! This time, it came from the North section!'

"Again?!" He said as he stabilized himself

"Ouch..." Said the Pallum behind him

"LUAN! Stop playing around! GO now!" Screamed Lissos as he worried

I can't be! Did the enemy set up a trap?!


'The Elf looked around the place, trying to see if he could notice anything out of the norm when…'


'Another explosion! This time, from the South section.'

"Shit!" He screamed as he held onto the wall trying to keep himself up

The North, the South, and the East sections!

"This means… NO! EVERYONE WATCH OU…"


'A massive explosion suddenly happened in a warehouse near the Elf, sending wood splinters all around the place.'

'He was sent to the ground as he tried to recover.'

"Arg... Cough! Cough!... Shit, we've been had…" Said the Elf as he spat out dust

'The Elf lifted his head to look around the place… When he saw it.'

'A tall Platinum knight standing in front of him, holding a white spear…'



'Before he could react, the knight pierced his shoulder with the spear, sticking him into the ground.'

"AHHH!" Screamed Lissos

'His screams of pain were enough to awaken some of the dizzy adventurers all around.'

"Commander Lissos?! Somebody go help the Commander!" Screamed someone near them

'Within a few seconds, several people had already circled around Silver.'

'However, Silver had long knocked the Elf unconscious.'

'Although... With a wound that big on his shoulder, it was unknown how long Lissos would remain alive.'

"Damn it! He got the Commander!" Said a guy with wolf ears

"We can't let him proceed! Everyone! In…"


'But his last word did not make any sound.'


What happened?

'But while he was confused, Silver took out a few metallic plates and threw them all around, and at the same time, he ran in his direction!'


'But the Demi-Human smiled.'

Imbecile! Running towards the encirclement!

Even if I can't talk, everyone here is…

'But Everything came apart when lightning started to form on Silver's hand…'


'Suddenly, a thunderbolt hit him and he went unconscious.'




'Soon after, Silver entered the breach in the formation and started to knock everyone out one by one!'

/Swush swush!/

'The sharp metal plates worked like multiple extra pairs of hands, protecting him and attacking the adventurers.'

'But this only worked because they were disorganized, without anyone to command them, against an enemy above their Level that can use all sorts of magic!'

'Fireballs… Ice shards… And their weapons even started to move on their own.'

'Within less than 2 minutes, all of them were eating dirt.'

"Success." Said Silver as he started to run towards the main structure of the fort

The bombs I planted last night were worth it.

In the chaos, I eliminated the last Commander of the Apollo Familia on the outer area of the fort, the last ones being Cassandra and Daphne.

Cassandra is not really a combatant and Daphne is more like a reserve Commander, her main strength is being a frontline soldier.

And in any case, she must be protecting the path to the Inner area!

"What is going on…" Said Daphne as she heard the explosions

When did… It got so chaotic?!

'Daphne observed the chaos unfold around her, but she had her orders, she would not move from this path!'

'It's the only path leading to the main tower where the top commanders are.'

'Of course, this was Silver's choice since he had several ways to get to his destination.'

'But since he had to defeat her anyway, why bother changing path?'

"... It started… Oh no…" Said Cassandra as she watched the smoke from the widow

"The silver moon strikes the earth, turning the earth into ashes and outshining the sun…" She mumbled to herself

'She thought for a moment before she ran to her Commander.'

"Commander, please Commander! Listen to me!" She said as she kneeled on the ground

"He is alone Cassandra, and we have three Level 3's he isn't a threat." Said Hyakinthos

'She went up and grabbed his shirt.'

"Please! Listen to me! We need to re-group! You need to run together with the…"


'Hyakinthos slapped Cassandra without a single moment of hesitation.'

"Hehe, it seems your Familia doesn't trust you Hyakinthos." Said a guy on the side

'It was the Level 3 guy Silver used as a punching bag in the bar…'

"You shut up as well!" He said with lingering anger

"Everyone get ready! Once he appears we are going to take him down!"

"But as per Apollo's orders, don't kill him!"

'Everyone nodded as they got into position.'

/Step step step…/

'From the shadow of the fort on the other side of the bridge was a Knight clad in Silver armor.'

'Everywhere on his armor were splats of red, most likely from her companions that were taken out by him...'

'Daphne grasped her sword tightly as she looked at the knight that was slowly walking to her.'

'It was then that she remembered…'


"My condolences." She said

"... Yeah… My condolences." Said the boy as he smiled at her



Did he think of this since then? That isn't possible.

I have greatly underestimated his capabilities… But that's it.

He still has to defeat the 3 Level 3's and all of the Commanders out there!

"Is everyone ready?" She asked her soldiers, a small group consisting of 5 mages and arches, together with 7 frontliners

"Yes ma'am!" They said


/Fwush Fwush Fwush Fwush!/

'Multiple arrows made their way to Silver while the mages channeled their own respective magics.'

"Kind of boring. Try again next time." He said as all of the arrows stopped in the air in front of the knight

"What?!" Said Daphne

"Have them back." Said Silver as he flickered his finger

'The arrows turned around and made their way back.'

'But Daphne didn't cower!'



'Multiple fireballs made their way in the air as they burned all of the arrows to dust.'

"I am getting bored."


'As he said that, Silver disappeared from his location.'

'Reappearing… Right behind Daphne.'



'In a flash, she drew her sword and slashed behind her, but Silver easily parried her away with his spear.'


'He swiped his hand to the side, sending several mages and arches falling down from the stone bridge.'

'Daphne bit her lips and dashed again.'


'The two collided, Sword vs Spear, but it was clear... Daphne didn't have a chance.'

'While she held the sword with her two hands, the Knight blocked her attack while holding his spear with one single hand...'

"You are desperate." Said Silver as he parried her blow again with his spear

"If you don't focus, this is going to be a tad bit humiliating." He said in a low tone

'But Daphne heard him perfectly. She grasped her sword with a fervent gaze.'

'But Suddenly!'

"HAAA!" Screamed a man as he swung his knife at Silver

'From behind Silver, one of the frontline warriors dashed to protect his Commander!'


'Silver waited for the knife to hit him, but instead of the knife passing through his armor, it just broke down…'


'So he kicked the man to the side, the sounds of bone-breaking could be heard…'

"Next time, aim for the weak spots on the armor dumbass…"

If you are a Level 1 attacking a reinforced area then you need to at least aim at its weaknesses…

When you see an Armored monster, you just don't attack its armored parts...


'Daphne didn't accept defeat as she swung her blade yet again.'

'But Silver was way faster than her…'


'Daphne watched in surprise as Silver caught her wrist with his right hand.'

"Accept defeat. Else I will have to use the brute force way." Said Silver as fire started to form on his right hand



'As she felt the heat, she understood that he wouldn't hesitate to do what he said.'

"Urg…" Said Daphne as she felt her own blade tremble in her hand as if wanting to leave her

"I accept defeat…" She said



"DAPHNE! How could you!" Screamed Apollo as he watched everything…

"... HAHAHA! Look at you two! Getting beaten by Silver!" Said Hestia in a happy tone

That's my adventurer!

'The silent and serious Hestia suddenly burst out laughing.'

"It was hard holding in my laugh… Sorry Silver, but I didn't manage to hold it in until the end." She said as she cleaned her eyes from the tears

You can do it… We endured these past 4 days for this, right?

All of this preparation... Everything you did in the Dungeon... Was for this moment right?

'At that moment, Hestia seemed to be shinning more than the Sun God...'


'After hearing Daphne's surrender, Silver turned around and walked inside the tower…'

'The other Apollo Familia adventurers looked at each other and smiled.'

'The wizards started to cast their spells as the archers pulled their strings!'

"What are you all doing?!" Asked Daphne

"Don't be naive! This is a War!" Said one of the archers as he released the arrow

/Fiu fiu Fwsuh…/

"Sigh…" Said Silver as he appeared behind the archer


'The archer looked behind him in horror.'


'Silver simply pulled out his armored arm and clenched his fist.'



'Silver slashed his spear on the man's stomach, sending him flying out of the bridge… It was unknown if he was alive. Most likely not, considering how sharp his spear was.'

'Ignoring the pleads of mercy of the others, Silver used telekinesis and threw all of them out of the bridge... He made sure to use telekinesis once again so that they fell with increased strength.'

'It was more than enough to kill them but the lucky ones would survive with several heavy injuries… Unless they fall with their heads… Or on top of something sharp.'

'Silver gave them a chance, and now he gave them their reward, simple.'

"Excuse me now as I must end this game." Said Silver as he left

'Daphne watched the knight leave as if nothing had happened…'


But this is far from over.

'Silver walked inside the dark corridor of the tower, his aim wasn't to get up.'

'He knew that a trap was most likely laid in there for him, so why should he go there?'

'He stopped inside a spacious dark room, there were many boxes inside the place.'

"Their rations and other things huh…"

Since I eliminated 4 of their supply warehouses... Pretty much all of them if you disregard this one. I could just go away and wait until my last day to strike.

No matter how strong they are, even a High-Level adventurer like Ais would lose most of her strength if she were to starve for over 3 days.

But this isn't my aim…

'Just like in the show, the room where the Level 3's are is just above him.'

I don't have a burst Skill as strong as Bell's Firebolt + Charged Argonaut, but I have something with the same effect…

"And it feels quite sad to destroy a fort that has over 1000 years of history..."

But I can't care about this right now.

'Silver placed his hands on the walls.'

Despite this place not receiving any major repairs for the past 1000 years, it was clear this place was far from collapsing.

But its ancient majesty that once resisted waves of monsters is no more.

The stones are cracking and the cement is greatly weakened.

'From inside the armor, his eyes flashed red.'

"Hum… Alright."

I confirmed their positions…


'He took out a potion that was strapped on his belt and drank it.'

Can I do this?

'Silver smiled.'

Of course, I fucking can!

'Strong green light started to condense in his hands…'


'The walls of the room started to crack and make some very strange sounds…'


"What is happening?!" Screamed Hyakinthos

"The world is about to fall…" Said Cassandra as she closed her eyes


'Faint green light could be seen on the walls…'

"SHIT! EVERYONE! GET OUT OF THE TOWER!" Screamed the Captain of the Tityos Familia, who was silently sitting on the ground until then

'But it was too late!'

'Daphne watched the unbelievable scene…'

'In front of her… The entire upper section of the tower was…'

"Flying?!" She said

'And in the center of it all, was a white knight with his hand up.'

'But it was very hard to see him due to the rising dust.'

What about Cassandra?! She will die if she falls together with the tower!

'For Daphne, Cassandra was much more important than her pride for the Familia.'

'Her old friend that was as close as Family, something she never had.'


'She picked her fallen sword and ran after the knight.'

'Before she ran, quickly chanted something, but after she was done her speed suddenly Exploded as compared to her fight against Silver.'

'But just like the others. It was too late.'

"HAA!" Said the knight as he moved his hands to the side

'And as if time had stopped, the tower started to fall to the side.'

"NO! CASSANDRA!" Screamed Daphne

'Despair overwhelmed her.'


'She suddenly heard screams, she closed her eyes as she believed them to be Cassandra saying her last words.'


'The tower crashed into the ground together with the wails of the adventurers inside it.'


I don't care anymore!

'Her skin started to change as she ran.'

'She picked her sword as she cried, running in the mist lifted by the tower.'

'She finally saw a figure in the smoke!'

"DIE, BASTARD!" She screamed in anger

"Daphne?" Said the person in the mist


'Daphne sudently tripped on the ground, rolling until she stopped in front of the person's feet.'

'The two looked at each other in silence.'

"How did you…" She asked as tears formed in her face

"... E-Even I am a bit confused…" Said Cassandra as she looked around her

"But I think the knight saved me?" She said in surprise

/A few seconds ago…/

'Cassandra was now kneeling on the ground as the dream had become reality.'

'She wasn't a combatant, so she couldn't run to the widows as the building was tilting and jumping out.'

'Even the other adventurers were incapable of doing so.'

'So she just sat there and waited for her fate, she is Level 2 at the very least, so there is a smidgen of a possibility that she might survive.'


'Suddenly, she felt a strange force holding on to her, pulling her towards one of the windows…'

"How did I?..."

'When she reopened her eyes, she was now in a broken room…'

'In the sky, Silver watched the fallen tower.'

'He could see some people getting out from the rubble with difficulty, they were all with various degrees of injuries.'


Most are probably dead...

But this is good.

I am not against killing people, I am against killing people live on TV.

There is a big difference between slashing someone's throat while everyone can see me and killing a man by burying him in the rubble.

It's a question of perspective, what does the populace prefer?

I don't really mind how people look at me, but if I can avoid making half of Orario pissed due to my brutal antics, so why not?

Better reputation means a lot, the future me will greatly praise the past me.

People would normally not judge me for killing during a War game, even more, if you consider my circumstances, but society isn't that merciful.

And sparing people works best for me.

Instead of killing, knocking someone out is much riskier and harder to do.

It just goes to prove how overwhelmingly stronger I am compared to them... Or at least that's the objective.


"It's time for the finale…"

'From the sky, Silver finally found his target.'

('And then he opened his hands wide and said:'

"… Shinra… Tensei…")


"Cough! Cough!... Shit… I think I ate some dirt." Said the burly man

'He placed his hand on his waist, finding out that his sword was still there.'

Good, I didn't lose it.

'But then he placed his hand on his pocket…'

Dammit! I lost that item!

'His upset face soon recovered as he got out of the ruble.'

… No matter, I just need to…


'Without any commotion, the knight in the sky graciously descended to the ground, stopping right in front of the man.'

'His arms were crossed while his spear was floating on his side.'

(Level 100 Boss meeting Level 10 scrub?)


'The man quickly got up as he unsheathed his longsword.'

"This time… It will be different!" He said as he looked at Silver

I am wearing my armor, and I also have my prized sword!

'Silver smiled, but it's not like the man could see it...'

"Stop spouting bull and let's dance." Said Silver as he pierced forward with his spear



"WOW! That's it! Get 'em!" Said Tiona as she, once again, got up from her couch as she watched the battle

"Seeing him fight is making my blood boil a little." Said Gareth

"It's really surprising, although I can't seem to understand why he chose to do things this way." Said Tione

"Like he said, he could've just used some other tactics to wear them down, like placing explosives in other areas and poisoning their food and water supply."

"Why go all that way just to create a distraction and rush inside?" She asked

"HM..." Said Tiona as she pondered

'But someone else replied:'

"He wants to make a point." Said Bete


'The others looked at Bete, with the exception of Ais who was still looking at the transmission.'

"He wants to show to everyone that just because he is alone, he is by no means weaker than Familias with multiple members and that people shouldn't try to press him down."

'Bete snickered and said:'

"And he is doing that by taking them all out with his own hands."

'Tiona looked at Tione with a surprised look.'

'Tione shrugged, she was just as surprised as her sister.'

"He is doing well so far." Said Finn as he smiled


'Lefiya looked at it all with a mixed face…'

I can't even compare... I just recently became Level 3...

How long would I last against him?

'Riveria looked at her depressed student before she patted her head with a smile.'




'Silver clashed with the burly man, but even after 3 minutes, and clashing dozens of times, the man was only losing ground.'




'The man's sword was parried by Silver's spearmanship, receiving a kick in the stomach that sent him flying into the ruble.'


Why… WHY!

Shit! How can a Level 2 be so strong?

Even if he leveled up with top stats, it still wouldn't be enough to make me retreat this much!

I can accept being less proficient than him, but I can't accept being weaker!



'Silver only gave the man a few seconds to recover as he soon charged and pierced his head once more.'

'The man barely evaded, hearing the air being cut by the spear next to his ears…'



Every attack is always parried, every strategy is being countered!

This isn't a Level 2!

'It was then that he remembered. The knight in front of him supposedly has magic… But he didn't use a single one in their fight.'

"... You… Are you looking down on me?!" He said as he blocked a horizontal strike

"Yes, I am." Said Silver as he threw his spear at the man


"Then pay for the consequences!" He said as he slashed his longsword after parrying the spear

'But Silver flicked his finger…'



'And the flying spear came back, piercing the man's back…'

"This…" Said the man as he watched the bloody tip of the spear piercing through his guts

'Silver did not wait for him to surrender, he wasn't going to commit the same mistake.'

'He lifted his hand and aimed at his head.'



'However, the guy blocked it!'

'His veins started to get green as they popped out of his skin.'


"HAAA!" He said as he pulled the spear out of his stomach.

"Huff… Huff…"

'His wound started healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.'

"You fucker…" Said Silver

That Pill he ate there…

These symptoms… They are exactly the same as the ones caused by the berserk blood medicine used by those assassins…

What is their connection?

"Time for round two!" He said as he charged!


'Silver took out his spear with telekinesis and got ready.'


"That is…" Said Loki as she looked at the man, eating the strange medicine

'She opened her eyes wide as anger started to overwhelm her.'

'Her eyes fell upon Tityos, who was now proudly smiling… This made her even angrier.'


'Hephaestus, who was sitting on her side, seemed to notice that something was off.'

'But the one with the sharpest look was no other than Hermes.'

'He looked at Dionysus with his peripheral vision, but he didn't seem to be showing any apparent reaction.'

Things got really complicated now.


"...! That is…" Said Tiona as she looked at the man in the projection

"Yes… It's the same medicine." Replied Riveria

"Wouldn't that mean he is the one we are looking for?!" Said Lefiya

'But Finn shook his head.'

"We can't confirm it, and also, I don't find it hard for such medicine to be sold in the black market, we did find similar things in our investigations."

"Although this doesn't mean we will just ignore this… The problem is, I don't know if the Tityos Familia will last after this…" Said Finn

'Gareth looked at Finn.'

"Are you thinking the same as me?" Asked Gareth

'He nodded.'

"It's too suspicious. This is just too easy. We looked after them for who knows how long, but the traitor would reveal himself in a War game?" Said Finn

"Even if it was a mistake, if the traitor had such dumb children, then we would've found them long ago." Commented Riveria

"It must be a ruse, a distraction…" Said Bete as he snickered

'The members of the Loki Familia turned their head back to the display, the situation just got even more interesting…'






Jump N1 for the small questions in case you are interested.


I don't remember if Cassandra and Daphne had families before joining Apollo, but I do know they were forcibly scouted around the same time.

So I decided to go with the Orphan route for the two of them, of course, I can change it easily if someone proves that I was wrong and that they have a perfectly set past.

Daphne Magic is called Raumure: Protection magic that raises Daphne's endurance and largely raises her agility. Its effectiveness depends on her magic stat. And she doesn't usually use's it since it reminds her of Apollo.

She also has a Skill Laurus Wreath: Heavily increases Daphne's endurance if she's exhausted or dying. She is able to select where to activate it and it modifies her skin.


Now, for the thing I really wanted to ask.

Its completely unrelated to this novel, but I wanted to know what sort of tastes and desires the readers have.

I have many novel ideas, but I would like to know, just what sort of story would you like to see here on Webnovel?

A Fanfic from a specific show?

If that's the case, which shows?

Or would you like an Original one?

But from what genre?

Martial arts? System? Fantasy? Scy fi?

In any case, next chapter I will be here with a few of my particular ideas.

And also, I hope you are all ready to give me your Aliases since when this event is over, we are going to choose it!

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