The Overlord raised Zach's head by his hair and said, "What will you do if I kill you girls in front of you, huh? Will you let out the monster inside you? Will you become like me? And will you still say we are not the same, huh?
Listen, Zach, let me give you a piece of advice as a mature adult… everything we do… we do for ourselves. And by we, I mean everyone in this world. You want to save your harem, why? Because 'you' don't want to lose them. If you do, 'you' will be sad.
See that, hah? All our actions are nothing but an act of selfishness over others to make us feel good and happy. Why are we like this? I don't even know why I am doing this? Who am I doing this for? For you or for me? But we both are the same, so why?
I don't understand. Why did all this have to happen to me? And why must I go through the same thing again and again? That's right… I am here to make things right. To take revenge. To… to… what? To… do… to have… the…"
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