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Chapter 2: Escape (1)


"So... Disgusting ogre... Answer me and I only want a fucking truth that I would hear in that swollen mouth of yours." (Um... mister, I would like some answer and it would be great if you tell the truth.)

The warden whose face was already unrecognizable looked at me with full of fear, he can't walk as I cut his Achilles tendons, his snot kept flowing and almost touching his lips, black eyes that making him hard to see, trying his self to see the man in front of him. Which is me.

I successfully manage to get out by destroying the shackles in my ankle...

And that's why I'm angry.

"You know it's your God damn fault, right?" I said while being unreasonable... But isn't he the one that made me like that?

"because of you I had to cut my body parts. You bastard who's uglier than a pig, the orc race would feel shame if they accept you as their kind."

After I said that I stab his shin and twist the blade clockwise then pull it out.


"Ah shut the fuck up will ya? It's so irritating should I cover that mouth? Hmm"

I look everywhere hoping to find something that can cover his mouth. After a while I saw something that caught my eyes, it was a small rectangular shape with a 3-inch tube at the top of it, there was a button at the center of that rectangular thingy, there when I look closely, I saw a red gem embedded on it.

When I grab the object, the warden makes a pale face as I saw that he wet on his pants.

Base on his expression this must be a good torturing material.

I walk closely to him and crouch myself and look closely to the warden.

"Answer when I ask a question, if you don't, you will experience something. And you know what might that be right?" I said, I really sincerely said those words.

However why did this uhh what was his name? How the hell did I forgot his name so quickly? I even get the memory of Edmund however his name is now blurry as if it was already unnecessary to remember.

...is it really forgettable?

Anyways, when I said those words, it seems like it sounds threatening to him as It might sound like a voice full of arrogance and ruthlessness, I think.

"sqeeuumkkk!!!" the thing said " ah, ih spwehak!" (Speak! I, I'll speak!)

The warden said, however, I didn't understand due to his mouth is like an apple and he has a broken tooth.

"Ho? Now you bastard speaking a language that no human could understand?"

I said with amusement but then I gave him a cold glare that could make anyone faint.

"... Don't fuck with me you insolent bastard. Speak to the way I could understand... Or else... "

I pointed the rectangular object with a 3-inch tube towards his crotch and then smile evilly at him, which makes him sweat alone and begun to cry.

"... That thing stink, so I should stop its leak, right? "

The warden shook his head desperately while his mouth is trembling, I could even hear his teeth banging each other.

"Heh... Answer me then, I might think twice of killing you..."

And of course, my mind is already set...

I won't let anyone here alive.



I will, and without mercy.

And I will start with this man.

"oi... My mother, she was pretty, right?"

How much grief did Edmund suffered?

What I feel right now is full of hatred and rage.

A madness that wouldn't be able to easily relinquished by his or my own will.

I could feel every pain he suffered, the misery of living here in this goddamn tower.

As if I was the real Edmund.

No matter how I denied it, no matter how I convince myself that I am Kisaragi touya.

I already became Edmund, a literal Edmund jaquess Celestia.

With his memories and experience as if it were originally mine.

Those feelings were something that making me drown, especially to his mother who I met but not actually.

'... I never even experience what is parental love actually are...'

I touch his crotch using the tube of the object.

"so, you won't speak... No matter."

I push the button.




The warden rolled and rolled while touching is private part. Tears could be seen in his eyes as he grows paler and paler.

While I throw the object that produce an orange-is with yellow and red colors combination that produce a gas that could scorched a person.

A fire...

I started to hyperventilate as I remember how I died.

I quickly put myself to my senses and calm.

I take a deep breath as sweat all over my body keeps pouring down.

I felt weak for some unknown reason...


5 years ago

"... Where is she?"

Said by the man whose looks is around 27-30, with his blonde slicked-back hair, sharp eye lashes with deep blue cold eyes, a well-defined masculine body, 185 heights.

He, who wore a maroon long sleeve with gold buttons, maroon pants with a steel leather belt, rolled up cuffs, there is a mantle behind his back which connected to his shoulder due to the gold buttons as a support.

His cold eyes lingering around the area looking for something.

"This way, Duke."

Replied of the Warden who has brown hair and fat flat cheeks, he slightly bowed and started to walk.

The duke started walking as he following the warden, not long after, there was a stench of a blood and an unexplained smell, every step he makes at the floor, the stronger the stench. However, nothing changes to his expression as he only coldly looking at his front, his face is like an ice sculpture.

A beautiful face like an ice that could froze anyone due to the coldness.

Not long after, their steps stopped at a place where a body that was covered with quilt face them.

There, he also saw a kid with purple hair, he is too thin and show sign of torture to his whole body.

However, even to his poor appearance, the kid's purple hair shine like a beautiful amethyst gem.

He did not mind the child as if its existence wasn't there, he directly heads towards the body that was covered by the quilt, he pulled the quilt to where it's head, there he saw a dry scattered purple hair of a thin woman, with its dry pale lips and a sign of tears to its cheek.

He then covered it again quickly as if confirming the person then turn around.

"... You... Are you, my father?"

The duke's feet stopped and turn his eye towards the seven-year-old child who was still gripping the quilt.

"... I have no child towards that woman... Your existence proofs her ugliness."

After saying those words towards the child, he continues his walk and leave the place.

However, before he could move away, the Duke stopped and looked at the warden.

"Feed her body to the monster, I hope that not a single thing remains..."

He said Coldly to the warden as his eyes pierce through the warden's heart.

The warden just smiles with his hands in the back, then nodded as a confirmation of the duke's order.

" hmmp. "

The Duke left as the knights, warden and other servants started to move.

They wouldn't know...

A piercing amber eyes is staring at them, remembering each detail of the people in front of him, imprinting it to his brain so he wouldn't forget.

More so, the appearance of the Duke.

he will never forget what happen here.



"... He said after this, it's up to me... But... "

I remember those memory when he was still a seven years old child who doesn't have to experience such tragedy like that.

His words, those cold eyes and his appearance.

His father.

Or now

My father.

I don't know if I should avenge Edmund's mother or my mother.

To Edmunds memory and what I am feeling right now.

There's nothing.

Edmunds feeling towards that man that I should have felt is like a lake without water.

It's dry.

Too dry.

That I'm too scared that if I see the Duke I would lost control of myself.

I'm afraid if I saw the Duke, my feelings will flow with full of outrage, my feelings would be like a flood that will filled that lake.

And my hatred is deadly and poisonous as a Water Hemlock.

"Hey... Why do you think. My mother become a Villainess in this story when she is the legal wife of that bastard Duke?

I finally remember your name... Agriesse Akrinae Montesirei, no wonder I almost forgot your name, it's too hard to remember...

Shouldn't the Duke and his mistress supposed to have a sin here not my mother?

... What am I talking... I am only talking to a dead person which a reply that I hope wouldn't be answer. "

Unfortunately, the warden died. Due to what happen to his crotch, he started to hyperventilate and clutched his chest.


Heart attack.

"... Maybe if you have a next life, you should exercise... "

It's also incredible how I can talk normally, I guess I will only talk like this when I am alone...



Name: Edmund Jacques Celestia (12 years old) Mana: 250

Class: none level: 7 (173/ 400)

Str: 34 End: 69

Int: 44 LUK: 13


Lightning Magic: lvl:3/5

Fast-Regeneration (PASSIVE): lvl:3/15

Novice of weapon: lvl:7/10

Pain Resistance: lvl 2/5



Incarnation of The Angel of Life

Dance with the death

Child of Despair



Notifications: 1


I saw that I have 3 skill points, is it because I killed the warden?

I decided to level up my Novice weapon, for a reason that I don't know what its use.


[ Novice Of weapon has reached its max level

Would you like to upgrade this skill?



[ the User chooses yes

Upgrading Novice of Weapon.... Initializing... Loading... Consuming experience points.... Loading... Error....

Loading..... Due to the large amount of experience points needed, it needed to consume 2 levels and 45 experience points...

Consuming... Loading... Error... Error.... Loading... Success!!!

Upgrading Novice of weapons to Apprentice of weapons is success!


Novice of Weapon has successfully upgraded and turn into Apprentice of weapons!]

... Huh?

" What? "

I checked the used of this skill, I seriously think this is supposed to be in title...

[Beware! The most OP Skill in all of the Universe! The Apprentice of weapons!

OH, dear user who have this skill will easily lift, hold, and swing any kind of weapons, as long as the user think that the object is a weapon, it can be deadly! Keep enhancing this skill and you will experience a godlike power; you might as well become the God of Weapons!

the more you level this the stronger you get every time you use a weapon! You are allowed to used any kind of weapon and its knowledge on how to use it will automatically be imprinted in your body as if you are already familiar on them for many years!

Novice of weapon :10% of weapon familiarity

Apprentice of weapon: 25% of weapon Familiarity

????????????????????: ?????????????????

????????????????????: ??????????????????

?????????????????????????: ???????????????????????

Ps:this is not a title.]



"The f*ck?"

It was like an amateur marketing announcement.

What the hell is this, earlier this is not how it explains my skills.

"... Edmund.... Is this what you're doing?"

Of course, he won't answer...

"How about my title Spartacus?"






In short those who have this title is a masochist.

This title is also a name of a Gladiator who join in rebels to stop tyranny to their country.

Effect: Pain of love: The more pain that the user felt, the stronger he will get, the more injured the user get the stats of the user will increase by two, except skills.

Passive effect: Ecstasy: this effect is only working in battle's where the user's situation is bad, it increases all the senses of the user to its limit by two minutes.]

... Wha....



"I'M NOT!"

DA-damn, what kind of title is this!?

If there is a situation where I need to show my stats and they saw this title of mine, I would dig a hole in the ground.

This is so embarrassing!

"C-child of despair...?"

[Child of despair: this title will activate when you experience a threat in front of you, or if you feel hatred towards a person or people.

Effect: Terror: this effect will make the enemy feel terror towards you, all of their body will go numb, this effect is an AOE.

Passive Effect: Nightmare: this passive will work when terror was activated, it's a single target, where the target will lose consciousness and have a nightmare which a dream where they have to face their most traumatic situation for three days. However, it depends on the said person, if the person who got hit by this has a strong mental power this passive effect will be useless.]

"Now why do I feel like this explanation is actually normal?"

This is ridiculous, it's my first time seeing a title that has effect on the person... So, gaining title is also important not just skills.

"Dance with the death"

[Dance with the death: if the person who has this title is in the situation where he/she could die this title will start its effect.

Effect: Dance: increase the person's speed and fighting spirit.

Passive Effect: Grievous wound: when the person is fighting with a strong opponent this passive effect will activate, when the person manages to get a scratch or better large wounds towards his/her opponent, the wound won't heal for ten seconds even if the said opponent has regeneration or Fast-Regeneration.]

"... I think titles is much more op than skills... Holy shit...status"


Name: Edmund Jacques Celestia (12 years old) Mana: 250

Class: none level: 5 (255/ 300)

Str: 34 End: 69

Int: 44 LUK: 13


Lightning Magic: lvl:3/5

Fast-Regeneration (PASSIVE): lvl:3/15

Apprentice of weapon: lvl:0/30

Pain Resistance: lvl 2/5



Incarnation of The Angel of Life

Dance with the death

Child of Despair





"hmm…I lost two levels in exchange of upgrading my Novice to Apprentice…"


a notification popped up in front of my face, it was a message that came to Edmund.


I'm impress bastard! I'm going to enjoy torturing him here! I already killed him so it won't be a problem if I killed him again, twice.

Ha! Seems that my personality slowly influencing you! You better accept it! Your Identity is me! Edmund Jacquess Celestia! If you bastard is scared of losing your own self.

you don't have to worry, your still you, even though you are my incarnation, you are still different to me, you have your own soul and I have mine.

Hmmp! Now, it's up to you if revenge is the path you would choose.

its your life now and go for it if you want to.

but don't you dare regret it later on you bastard, if you came back in kishgal crawling right in front of me, I will be the one to kick your butt to the life and expiry, trust me, if I said this, I really meant it.

or if you want, f*ck the world! Conquer the world! Become a certain overlord who reincarnate in the game!

this is your life so you should chose better, a no brain like you should at least understand this right?

this is getting too long, I'll give you 2 Skill points for killing this fat-ass!



he said all of this just for a single word of 'thanks.' I feel like he is actually embarrassed on telling this.


I stretch my arms, I feel lighter, is it because I leveled up?

I hopped for how many times until I felt satisfied, I keep clenching my hand.

"there's no problem at all… I'm also starting to hate white color…"

white, everything is white with a bed chair at the center which is also white but it turns red due to blood, my blood.

"now that I think about it, I don't feel anemic at all…"

I should have also died due to the loss of blood but here I am standing, alive.

"is it also concluded to my fast-regeneration?"

[Fast-regeneration: Instantly healing the person for 3 seconds, scratches, wounds, old wounds and blood loss will instantly heal it as if it was new. However, it can't eradicate poisons, paralyzed and fatigue. It is advisable that do not rely on this skill too much, it cannot heal the users mental, yet.]

"…cool but I'll keep it in mind…"

I head towards the brief case which is full of torturing materials, I saw many things such as knife, pliers, dagger, rope, cloth and a bottle of water, there are many things that can be use but I'll take only the rope, knives, and daggers, its incredible how all those things fitted in a brief case like this.

I place the rope in my left shoulder while the five knives and two daggers that I take is behind my back tucked using the cloth as a handmade bag.



it is a bit uncomfortable due to the noise I make, each time I stepped the knives and daggers keeps banging and creating a screeching noise.


I put the cloth bag down the floor and place the knives to my waist line and I use cloth, folded it in half into triangular shape and use it to cover half of my face.

I should also find some clothes because I'm half naked right now.

"Warded, this is Moyde, reporting!"

I heard a manly voice coming from the outside, the door is made of white, heavy and strong metal, but you can still hear someone outside, same case when you're the one outside and hearing the scream of who got torture here.

"Warden? Are you there? May I come in?"

If I remember correctly…

"this is the knight who said to Edmund that his or my mother will go to hell…"




"!? Warden!? No, who are you!?"

"Bastard are you dumb? Who do you think this is? Your father? Wait, his dead."


The knight Moyde is silent for a moment then suddenly slam his fist at the door, he started shouting full of anger.


"Come out here you son of the bitch!"

"HEH… you're really dumb, a no brain like you became a knight? It will be an insult to the other knight who has 'Chivalry', seeing you like this, they might turn their face to the other side feeling ashamed for your damn act! PATHETIC!"


"FUHAHAHA, Dumb! Pretty dumb! I'm locked here how could I go out there! Talk to the warden then and ask him to let you come in here bastard! Your mouth is full of shit! Maybe your hole down there is already tired that's why it now comes to your mouth!"

"YOU!!! AHHH!!!"

"HAHAHAHA, A Knight losing his patience!? Bastard your no more than a pathetic corrupt knight! Tell me how many women did you abuse!"

"-!!! How did you-"

so he really did?

now then it's time to bring judgement and kill a vermin

I unlocked the door




blood and a smell of a burning flesh distracted his nostrils; he couldn't help but to cover his nose using his hand.


it was at this moment that he let his guard down.

Edmund silently jumped behind at the Knight's back.

he didn't make a sound nor any presence that the knight could felt.

before the knight felt that something was wrong it was already too late.

Edmund embrace the knights body with his thin yet strong legs and strangle the knight using the rope.

"KHUU!!! YOU!"

the knight crushes his back to the wall, hoping that Edmund could let go of him, however, even if the impact is strong, Edmund didn't yell, he just continues to strangle the knight.

Knight Moyde keeps banging and crashing Edmund to the wall without stopping, unfortunately it was useless, the more he crash Edmund at the wall, the more Edmund grips getting stronger and making him quickly losing breath.

Knight Moyde desperately punch Edmund to the face but to no avail, Edmund just tighten his grip more and strangled him stronger.

later on, as his face turning red with sweat trickled down to his cheek, as he open his mouth shouting, knight moyde grew more desperate as he forcefully crash Edmund to the wall.

"KUHAHHAHA! Bastard, its useless, the more you hit me the more I grew stronger! Now hit me more! It will be faster to kill you!"

Knight Moyde wanted to scream at him with vulgar words but couldn't do so, his face turning deep red then later on purple.

his purple face and moist eyes that started to produce a tear, his hand grabs the rope that strangle him.

he fell limp as his body slowly to give up, he couldn't even say a word, what he wanted to say, no one knows but Edmund could see to his face showing of mercy.

"heh…when you go to hell, say Hi to warden for me."


Edmund broke the knights neck as the body fell to the ground, he could see the lifeless eyes of the knight as its tongue was out, its purple face turn into cold lifeless expression.

Edmund get out at the torture room and decided to look at the Warden's office which is not far from the torture room.

Edmund slowly walking as he was crouching and close to the walls. Later on, before he could go to the warden's office, he saw two maids.

he grabs his dagger and wait for the maids get close to his range, before the maids could get close to him, Edmund looks around and saw a door.

he sneakily checked the inside and saw it was a room where it was packed of raw foods, meat, chicken.

cold air quickly touch him, with pig's meat, cow's meat and chicken flesh is hanging at the air, he walks slowly as the floor is slippery as ice covering the floor, Edmund was confused because the entry is only made of wooden door, not a secluded metal door that will not let hot air to come inside.

however it was soon answer as he notices a large bluish like crystal, Edmund is familiar to this as he saw in his memory that the warden uses some small crystal like this to torture him.

a crystal that makes cold air.

he waits inside of the cold storage, instinctively knew that the two maids will go here.

not long after the two maids went inside, he hid at the side covering himself to a large meat, the maids snickered to each other and separately took some raw meat.

Edmund decided to kill the one maid who is close to him who was trying to pick the frozen meat.

Edmund covered the Maid's mouth and slice her throat which she instantly died.

He slowly put the body down so the other maid wouldn't hear.

then he slowly head towards the other maid who finish taking the frozen meat.

"Hey! You done there? Let-"

The maid widen her eyes as she trembled, her mouth keeps opening and closing.

she saw the lifeless body of her coworker in the cold floor with blood in its throat.

she slumped down and let go of the frozen meat.


before she could even scream her world turn dark without ever knowing she died.


Zero: you know… I decided to lessen the words in each chapter… I tried reading the previous chapter and I just fell asleep afterwards… maybe some wouldn't matter but others too matter. also I change the 'Child that bring despair' to 'Child of Despair'

Water Hemlock - is the most violently toxic plant that grows in North America. Only a small amount of the toxic substance in the plant is needed to produce poisoning in livestock or in humans. The toxin cicutoxin, acting directly on the central nervous system, is a violent convulsant. this is also the plant that use to execute Socrates.

Spartacus – is a Thracian gladiator who led a slave revolt with an army numbering in the tens of thousands. He defeated Roman forces over half a dozen times, marching his people up and down the Italian peninsula until he was killed in battle in April 71 B.C.

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