"What the hell just happened?" Rey stared at the exit unblinking as if he was scared of Gary popping up in front of their face again.
"Fuck. Whatever that was. Good riddance. I hope we don't see that bastard again." Madan swore.
"That guy is definitely not upto anything good." Lan Deming agreed.
Liam only smiled a little. "Unfortunately… we will see him again. I am willing to bet everything we have on that."
"Ah? Bro? Why are you saying that?" Rey rubbed his temples.
Liam's smile faded as he turned to face his companions. "Because, Rey, characters like Gary don't just appear out of nowhere and make offers like that."
"He's clearly connected and knows things about this place that we don't. Moreover, he has marked us. Ignoring him will probably be useless. He will come after us no matter what."
"Shall we just use the teleportation token then?" Rey suggested with worry.
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