Liam shuddered as the horrific process did not stop. He kept getting pushed into one scenario after another without any end in sight.
After the life and death cycle, it was a taste of utter corruption and plague. He was a beast and all the beasts including him were withering away slowly from disease and corruption.
He got a clear and vivid experience of slow and painful death, something that he wouldn't have minded not experiencing in his lifetime.
Without giving him a chance to catch a break, he was again thrown into another scenario.
Liam's consciousness struggled to keep afloat amidst this deluge of nether and fragmented memories, each image and sensation colliding with the next in a chaotic symphony.
It was never-ending. Though at first Liam was able to hold on to his sense of self and somehow make do, he felt himself slipping a little with each scenario.
Mass Release Chapter 3~
Please thank Felaros for sponsoring this mass release!
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